<div class="article__content-inner twelve-col-grid"> <div class="page-header grid-item align-center grid-item span-8-tablet push-2-tablet span-6-small-desktop push-3-small-desktop"> <h1>Release Notes</h1> <p></p> </div> <div class="article__text-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div> <p>With Season Six underway, the team have been working on new Adventures, new Voyages and additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these features in today’s release, update</p> <p>For a refresher on all the new content that arrived at the start of Season Six, check out the launch <a href="https://www.seaofthieves.com/release-notes/2.5.0">release notes</a>!</p> </div></div> <div class="feature-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div class="container twelve-col-grid"> <div class="feature-block__column grid-item span-10-desktop push-1-desktop"><div class="feature-block__content"> <h2 class="feature-block__title transform-uppercase word-break">Adventures</h2> <div class="feature-block__image video-poster"><div class="scalable-masked-image"><svg width="100%" height="100%" preserveaspectratio="none" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 981.68 410"><rect width="100%" height="100%" class="placeholder" clip-path="url(#feature-block)"></rect><g class="cliped-image"><image preserveaspectratio="none" width="100%" height="100%" clip-path="url(#feature-block)"></image></g></svg></div></div> <div class="content-block"><p>It’s time for <em>Sea of Thieves’</em> third time-limited Adventure, driving <a href="https://www.seaofthieves.com/news/the-shrouded-deep">the grand story</a> of its people and pirates ever onward into a confrontation with a beast from the deepest legends! Play your part from April 21st...</p></div> </div></div> <hr class="component-furniture grid-item span-10-desktop push-1-desktop" role="presentation"> </div></div> <section id="" class="faqs article__block grid-item span-10 push-1" aria-label=""><div class="faqs-items"><div class="faq__item"> <button type="button" class="transparent-button" id="7f64a8c5-0015-4955-96f5-4d4adcba7feb" aria-controls="section_7f64a8c5-0015-4955-96f5-4d4adcba7feb" aria-expanded="false">ADVENTURES - RELEASE NOTES</button><section class="faq__item-panel" aria-expanded="false" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="7f64a8c5-0015-4955-96f5-4d4adcba7feb" id="section_7f64a8c5-0015-4955-96f5-4d4adcba7feb"><div class="faq__item-content"> <p><strong>‘The Shrouded Deep’ (April 21st – May 12th)</strong></p> <br> <ul> <li> <p>Following the revelation that Flameheart is seeking the Veil of the Ancients – kept safe within the belly of the fabled Shrouded Ghost – Belle has joined forces with Merrick, the hunter whose shanty once woke Megalodons across the Sea of Thieves. Now they need the help of other pirates too...</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>Larinna knows where Belle and Merrick were last seen. Speak to Larinna to begin ‘The Shrouded Deep’, then set sail to learn more about an Adventure involving Megalodon hunts, rituals, shanties and summons, where working alongside other crews will help you even the odds!</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>Crews who defeat the most elusive of beasts during this time-limited Adventure can expect some high-value treasure, and even the chance of a Chest of Legends surfacing from the deep. Pirates who fully complete the Adventure will also earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest!</p> </li> </ul> </div></section> </div></div></section><div class="feature-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div class="container twelve-col-grid"> <div class="feature-block__column grid-item span-10-desktop push-1-desktop"><div class="feature-block__content"> <h2 class="feature-block__title transform-uppercase word-break">Legend of the Veil</h2> <div class="feature-block__image video-poster"><div class="scalable-masked-image"><svg width="100%" height="100%" preserveaspectratio="none" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 981.68 410"><rect width="100%" height="100%" class="placeholder" clip-path="url(#feature-block)"></rect><g class="cliped-image"><image preserveaspectratio="none" width="100%" height="100%" clip-path="url(#feature-block)"></image></g></svg></div></div> <div class="content-block"><p>Following the events of ‘The Shrouded Deep’, this new multi-stage Voyage summons the Sea of Thieves’ hard-bitten Pirate Legends to help Belle and the Pirate Lord restore the lost Veil Stones to the Veil of the Ancients!</p></div> </div></div> <hr class="component-furniture grid-item span-10-desktop push-1-desktop" role="presentation"> </div></div> <section id="" class="faqs article__block grid-item span-10 push-1" aria-label=""><div class="faqs-items"><div class="faq__item"> <button type="button" class="transparent-button" id="e0f539ab-7cef-4a8a-8ac9-f03780285e1f" aria-controls="section_e0f539ab-7cef-4a8a-8ac9-f03780285e1f" aria-expanded="false">LEGEND OF THE VEIL - RELEASE NOTES</button><section class="faq__item-panel" aria-expanded="false" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="e0f539ab-7cef-4a8a-8ac9-f03780285e1f" id="section_e0f539ab-7cef-4a8a-8ac9-f03780285e1f"><div class="faq__item-content"> <p><strong>Legend of the Veil Voyage</strong></p> <br> <ul> <li> <p>Legend of the Veil is a new Voyage designed for Pirate Legends, combining the lore and cinematic flourishes of Tall Tales with the variety of other Voyages to create a highly replayable experience. Purchase this Voyage from the Pirate Lord in the Pirate Legend Hideout before voting on the Captain’s Table to begin.</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>The Pirate Lord calls upon the support of Legends to retrieve the Veil Stones and keep them from nefarious hands. He will offer players guidance and make an appearance when each Veil Stone is retrieved, placing it into the Veil of the Ancients.</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>Each Voyage will play out differently, providing crews with a mixture of experiences, orders and locations. Players will encounter clues penned by Sudds, Belle and even the Servant of the Flame, before the Voyage eventually culminates in the dramatic siege of a Ghost Garrison.</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>Items of Athena’s Treasure can also be claimed as players progress through the Voyage and uncover the mysteries of the Veil.</p> </li> </ul> <br> <p><strong>Legend of the Veil Commendations and Rewards</strong></p> <br> <ul> <li> <p>Within the Athena’s Fortune Reputation tab, new Commendations have been added for players who help the Pirate Lord safeguard the secrets of the Ancients.</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>The vendors in the Pirate Legend Hideout now offer a range of new cosmetic rewards unlocked by the Legend of the Veil. Players can earn the Pirate Lord Pegleg, Servant of the Flame Hat and Cutlass, and the Veil of the Ancients Pistol, Blunderbuss, Eye of Reach and Cutlass.</p> </li> </ul> <br> <p><strong>Expanded Athena’s Fortune Ranks and Rewards</strong></p> <br> <ul> <li> <p>Pirate Legends can now continue progressing through the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company up to rank 30. As players climb the ranks, they can unlock access to ancient rewards from the Legendary Shipwright: the Veil of the Ancients Flag, Hull, Sail, Cannons, Capstan, Wheel and Figurehead.</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>Reaching the prestigious rank 30 with Athena’s Fortune will unlock access to the Veil of the Ancients Costume.</p> <br> </li> <li> <p>With the original Legendary Weapons becoming exclusive following the closure of The Arena, a new set of weapons fit for Pirate Legends has now been made available. The new Legendary Fortune Pistol, Blunderbuss, Eye of Reach and Cutlass are now available from vendors in the Pirate Legend Hideout, unlocked by progressing through ranks 20-30 in Athena’s Fortune.</p> </li> </ul> <br> </div></section> </div></div></section><div id="outpost-cosmetics" class="article__section-title article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><h2 class="variant-small-caps align-center">Outpost Cosmetics</h2></div> <div class="article__text-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div> <p><strong>Shrouded Ghost Figurehead</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Pirates who have previously defeated the elusive Shrouded Ghost in the wild will soon be granted access to a special figurehead in the Shipwright’s Chest to celebrate this chance encounter.</p> </li> <li> <p>After ‘The Shrouded Deep’ Adventure ends on May 12th, any player who meets and defeats the Shrouded Ghost in the wild will also unlock access to this exclusive figurehead.</p> </li> </ul> </div></div> <div id="fixed-issues" class="article__section-title article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><h2 class="variant-small-caps align-center">Fixed Issues </h2></div> <div class="article__text-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div> <p><strong>Gameplay</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Larinna now offers new Letters of Recommendation for purchase.</p> </li> <li> <p>Players who have enabled Virtual Keyboard while playing on console will now find that text chat continues to function as expected when switching to Steam.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Pirate Emporium</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Purchases of the Demolition Delights Bundle from the Microsoft Store will now provide access to the Misfire Makeup in addition to the previous content: Barrel Bombardier Costume, Weapon Bundle and Tankard, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Visual and Audio</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>When attacking a Megalodon with a cannonball, the appropriate hit audio effect can now be heard.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Performance and Stability</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Improved server performance when groups of Phantoms arrive during an encounter.</p> </li> </ul> </div></div> <div id="known-issues" class="article__section-title article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><h2 class="variant-small-caps align-center">Known Issues</h2></div> <div class="article__text-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div> <p><strong>‘The Shrouded Deep’ Defeated Megalodon Rewards</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Following the defeat of the Shrouded Ghost or another summoned Megalodon, rewards may remain beneath the surface, requiring players to swim down and retrieve them.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Reduced Server Performance</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.</p> </li> </ul> <p>To learn more about known issues in <em>Sea of Thieves</em> currently being tracked and their status, head over to our <a href="https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/en-gb/sections/360000063027-Known-Issues">Known Issues support site article</a>.</p> </div></div> <div id="download-and-installation" class="article__section-title article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><h2 class="variant-small-caps align-center">Download and Installation</h2></div> <div class="article__text-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div> <p><strong>Download size:</strong> </p> <p>Xbox Series X: 5.37 GB <br>Xbox Series S: 3.56 GB <br>Xbox One X: 5.37 GB <br>Xbox One: 3.56 GB <br>Microsoft Store: 5.2 GB <br>Steam: 4.77 GB</p> <p>XBOX INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND <a href="https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000697147-Sea-of-Thieves-Xbox-Install-Instructions" target="_blank"><strong>HERE</strong></a>.</p> <p>PC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND <a href="https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000707348-Sea-of-Thieves-PC-Install-Instructions" target="_blank"><strong>HERE</strong></a>.</p> </div></div> <div id="forum-discussion" class="article__section-title article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><h2 class="variant-small-caps align-center">Forum Discussion</h2></div> <div class="article__text-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div> <p>You can discuss these release notes in the Forums <a href="https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/category/60/release-notes-discussion" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> <p>You can leave your feedback on the game in general <a href="https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/category/67/feedback-suggestions" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> </div></div> <div id="looking-for-crew" class="article__section-title article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><h2 class="variant-small-caps align-center">Looking For Crew?</h2></div> <div class="article__text-block article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div> <p>Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official <em>Sea of Thieves</em> hangouts:</p> <ul> <li> <a href="https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/category/51/find-a-crew" target="_blank"><strong>Forums</strong></a> </li> <li> <a href="https://account.xbox.com/clubs/profile?clubid=3379897206652801" target="_blank"><strong>Xbox Club</strong></a> </li> <li> <a href="https://discord.gg/seaofthieves" target="_blank"><strong>Verified Discord</strong></a> </li> </ul> </div></div> <div class="article__social pseudo-both rule grey-rule article__block grid-item span-10 push-1"><div class="social-block"> <h2 class="social-block__title variant-small-caps">Connect With Us:</h2> <ul class="social-block__channels"> <li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/SeaOfThievesGame/" title="Facebook" class="social-channel social-channel--facebook" aria-label="Facebook"><i class="icon icon--facebook"></i></a></li> <li><a href="https://www.twitch.tv/seaofthieves" title="Twitch" class="social-channel social-channel--twitch" aria-label="Twitch"><i class="icon icon--twitch"></i></a></li> <li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/seaofthieves" title="Youtube" class="social-channel social-channel--youtube" aria-label="Youtube"><i class="icon icon--youtube"></i></a></li> <li><a href="https://discord.gg/SeaOfThieves" title="Discord" class="social-channel social-channel--discord" aria-label="Discord"><i class="icon icon--discord"></i></a></li> <li><a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@seaofthieves_game" title="TikTok" class="social-channel social-channel--tiktok" aria-label="TikTok"><i class="icon icon--tiktok"></i></a></li> <li><a href="https://bsky.app/profile/seaofthieves.com" title="Bluesky" class="social-channel social-channel--bluesky" aria-label="Bluesky"><i class="icon icon--bluesky"></i></a></li> </ul> </div></div> </div>
With Season Six underway, the team have been working on new Adventures, new Voyages and additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these features in today’s release, update
For a refresher on all the new content that arrived at the start of Season Six, check out the launch release notes!
It’s time for Sea of Thieves’ third time-limited Adventure, driving the grand story of its people and pirates ever onward into a confrontation with a beast from the deepest legends! Play your part from April 21st...
‘The Shrouded Deep’ (April 21st – May 12th)
Following the events of ‘The Shrouded Deep’, this new multi-stage Voyage summons the Sea of Thieves’ hard-bitten Pirate Legends to help Belle and the Pirate Lord restore the lost Veil Stones to the Veil of the Ancients!
Legend of the Veil Voyage
Legend of the Veil Commendations and Rewards
Expanded Athena’s Fortune Ranks and Rewards
Shrouded Ghost Figurehead
Pirate Emporium
Visual and Audio
Performance and Stability
‘The Shrouded Deep’ Defeated Megalodon Rewards
Reduced Server Performance
Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues
Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection
To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.
Download size:
Xbox Series X: 5.37 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.56 GB
Xbox One X: 5.37 GB
Xbox One: 3.56 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.2 GB
Steam: 4.77 GB
You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.
You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.
Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: