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3.2.3 Mimic Darts finally id: 158 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.2.3

Sea of Thieves Season 14: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:45)

Pirates of Mischief

Mimic Dart

  • The Mimic Dart has been added as a new dart type for the blowpipe. This dart lets players temporarily transform their appearance into that of other players or skeletons, allowing them to blend in and cause even more mischief!
  • Mimicking a target will transform a player for two minutes, and during that time they are free to interact with the world while both dealing and taking damage. The mimic effect can be removed by firing another Mimic Dart at a solid surface.
  • When observing a player who is mimicking, no change will be visible to the mimicking player’s name as shown in their gamertag, although it will change colour to match the affiliation of their target until engaged in combat.
  • Pirates can also mimic the mimic, chaining the same appearance onto multiple pirates for ultimate hijinks. Simply shoot a player already under the mimic effect to copy their look.
  • While mimicking a target, players wishing to emote will be shown a simple set of emotes that can be performed as that character. Once the mimic effect is ended, players will regain access to their full set of owned emotes.
  • The Pirates of Mischief section in the Reputation tab now holds a range of Commendations challenging players to use mimicry to baffle other players, with the Lucky Hand Blowpipe as a reward.

Grapple Gun Improvements

  • Players missing a shot with the Grapple Gun will now find the arrowhead returns during the recoil. It will still need to be reloaded, but no longer consumes ammo for missed shots.


Performance Improvements

  • Performance improvements have been made to the setup and loading of Trinkets on Captained ships. This work should improve client performance on Trinket-laden ships, and reduce the performance impact when approaching those ships at sea.
  • Network improvements have been made in scenarios where large amounts of data are being sent from the server to a client. In these scenarios, the movement of the player and their ship will now be prioritised to ensure a smoother experience. This work should reduce the performance impact seen when a fully dressed ship comes into range, and when a player fully equipped with cosmetics returns from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • Ammo Pouches left behind in the world will now only last for 10 minutes before being removed.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Emporium Items – Now in Stock!

  • Cardinal Lodestar Ship Collection
  • Cardinal Lodestar Costume Set
  • Cardinal Lodestar Weapon Bundle
  • Cardinal Lodestar Ship’s Crest
  • Cardinal Lodestar Spyglass
  • Cardinal Lodestar Cat and Parrot
  • Collector’s Lunar Festival Snake Sails and Figurehead
  • Well, Obviously Emote (free!)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost stores now stock equipment from the Lucky Hand set, with the Compass, Spyglass, Pocket Watch, Speaking Trumpet, Tankard, Bucket and Lantern available for purchase with gold.

Fixed Issues


  • Players will now remain able to switch weapons after being knocked back while interacting with the Armoury.
  • Traps loaded with a blunderbomb will now deal consistent damage to players who spring the trap based on their proximity when triggered. Running through a blunderbomb-loaded trap will no longer deal enough damage to outright kill a player at full health.
  • In addition to water, Black Powder Darts can now be extinguished using boiling water and vomit.
  • The damage dealt by an Ashen Lord’s explosion now dynamically scales based on the crew size in the encounter.
  • The aim on the Dreamers’ Dust Pistol has been improved, ensuring shots now align with the tip of the barrel.
  • The Merchant Alliance Tutorial Voyage now concludes correctly when handing in the Chicken Coop.
  • Skeleton Lords now take the correct damage when shot in the upper body.
  • Players with Pocket Pet Emotes will now find they once again perform a range of animations when used.
  • ‘The Fate of the Morningstar’ – Dinger’s key now appears near the correct position on the island instead of in the open sea.

Pirates of Mischief

  • The Dance Off Danger Commendation will now progress when triggering groups of enemies (either pirates or skeletons) to dance with a Jigball-loaded trap. Improvements have also been made to ensure this Commendation now triggers more consistently when meeting the required criteria.
  • The Pied Pirate Piper Commendation criteria have now been changed so that it can be achieved during solo play./p>
  • The Comfortable Sneaker Commendation can now be progressed while on a Skeleton Ship.
  • The Hidden in Plain Sight Commendation will now progress when using disguises on the Burning Blade.


  • When the Dart Radial input keybind is shared with another action, the Dart Radial input will take priority and not leave players unable to use either action. Players will still need to rebind the other action to be able to use it.
  • Players rapidly switching the blowpipe’s various dart types should no longer find they become unable to do so.
  • Players using Toggle Radial Menus will now consistently be able to close the Blowpipe Dart Radial.
  • The Dart Ammo Radial now closes consistently when the blowpipe is stowed or swapped.
  • Players will no longer fire two shots faster than intended when attempting to fire a blowpipe soon after sprinting or crouching.
  • Firing a dart and then quickly stowing the weapon will now consistently fire the dart as intended.

Crouching and Stealth

  • Players exiting crouch while holding Aim Down Sights will no longer appear in an idle stance to others, and will consistently appear aiming their equipped weapon.
  • Switching weapons just before interacting with a hanging point no longer causes players to lose access to their weapons.
  • Players crouching before grabbing onto a ladder will now return to a crouch when letting go.
  • Players will no longer hear water splash effects when using crouch to cancel the action to throw from a bucket.


  • Players are no longer able to hide treasure in an underwater crevasse near The Reaper’s Hideout.
  • Improvements have been made at the Lagoon of Whispers and Picaroon Palms to prevent players from becoming stuck in the environment.
  • Players are now prevented from reaching outside the environment at Blind Man’s Lagoon.  
  • The prompt to climb ladders at Shipwreck Bay now appears in a reachable location.
  • ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ – Players can no longer become stuck behind rocks near the town entrance.  
  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – The Grapple Gun will no longer allow players to access restricted areas of the map.
  • ‘Heart of Fire’ – The Grapple Gun will no longer allow players to access restricted areas.  

Visual and Audio

  • Players bailing water in quick succession should now consistently hear the audio effects for scooping and throwing.
  • Players will no longer experience pitched audio effects across the game during the Ashen Lord’s smoke screen.
  • Players afflicted by a Jigball prior to entering the Tunnels of the Damned will now animate correctly when moving.
  • The Shadow Skeleton Captain’s hat now appears at the correct size when shifting into shadow form.
  • The rats found below deck on the Burning Blade now scurry along the floor.
  • Ponytail Hair now appears correctly when equipped.
  • The Emissary Note will now only glow once the Emissary status is active.
  • The flame effects on the Obsidian Captain’s Chandelier are now aligned correctly.
  • Pirates of all sizes using the King’s Chest disguise will no longer see their legs poking through.
  • The Magpie’s Glory Pocket Watch face has been made darker and now consistently shows the correct time.
  • The Stormfish Chaser Blunderbuss now sits correctly in the middle of the screen when aiming down sights.
  • The Merchant Alliance Shirt now displays correctly across a range of pirate body sizes.
  • Petting dogs and foxes will no longer cause the animal to slide out of position.
  • The Dreamers’ Dust Cannons, Dreamers’ Dust Wheel, Sea of Sands Capstan, Spring Blossom Cannons and Shadow Tide Cannons no longer appear at low visual quality when viewed at close range.
  • Players pairing certain long hairstyles with tall jackets will no longer find part of the hairstyle disappears.
  • The Lure Dart now sits correctly within all blowpipe cosmetics.

Text and Localisation

  • Localisation quality improvements have been made for Spanish (MX), Simplified Chinese, Turkish, Portuguese (BR) and Thai languages.
  • Players using Game Narration will now find that buttons on the DualSense® Wireless Controller are narrated correctly.
  • The prompt to disarm a trap now shows the correct text when the player has a full throwable inventory.
  • The Polish translation for the Hung Out to Dry Commendation now correctly defines the unlock criteria.
  • The German and Russian translations for the Regal Fortune Cutlass now correctly define its unlock criteria.
  • Placeholder text no longer appears in the notifications when progressing the Skull of Siren Song Voyage.

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 3.1 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.4 GB
Xbox One X: 3.1 GB
Xbox One: 2.4 GB
Microsoft Store: 2.9 GB
Steam: 2.4 GB
PlayStation®5: 1.7 GB




3.2.2 GrappleGun buff / SS rewards id: 157 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.2.2

Sea of Thieves Season 14: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:45)

Pirates of Mischief

Grapple Gun Improvements

  • The maximum range of the Grapple Gun has been increased to match the ship’s harpoon, providing players with greater scope for traversal and various sneaky plays.
  • The speed of a fired arrowhead is now much quicker, reducing the need for players to lead their shots and also reducing the time after a failed shot before it can be fired again.
  • Acceleration is now increased when grappling to a solid surface, with players moving faster the further they travel.

Blowpipe Improvements

  • Players can now quickly cycle through available dart types via a new keybind, Dart Radial Input. This same key can also be held to summon the full Dart Radial. By default, this is bound to ‘H’ on keyboard and Right on D-pad when using a controller – players already using these keys for other actions will need to rebind their controls to prevent issues from occurring.
  • Players now have a choice on how the blowpipe acts when running out of a specific dart type. By default it will switch to the next type, but by using Auto Switch Dart Type in the Input Settings, players can prevent this automatic switch.

Merfruit Improvements

  • Enchanted Merfruit will no longer be selected when using the food keybind to switch and cycle through food within a player’s inventory to prevent accidental eating. Uncooked Merfruit will continue to be selected when cycling through food.
  • Enchanted Merfruit can now be placed inside Fruit Crates for safekeeping.

Mimic Dart – Delayed

  • As shared in our recent State of Play, while this new ammo type for the blowpipe was announced in previous updates, it has not yet reached the quality bar where the team would be happy to release it. This feature will continue to be worked on for release in a future update.
  • While this feature is disabled, a range of Pirates of Mischief Commendations are visible but unable to be progressed and the Lucky Hand Blowpipe, Real Dead Ringer Trinkets and Part of the Hive Title remain locked.

Gameplay Improvements

Safer Seas Rewards and Reputation

  • Players choosing to sail on Safer Seas will now find it a more rewarding experience during their early stages of progression with the Trading Companies. Gold and reputation will now be earned at 100% (up from 30%), equivalent to their value on High Seas.
  • To balance this, progression with each Trading Company is now capped at rank 25 (down from 40). To continue earning reputation and progress past rank 25 with a Trading Company, players will need to venture onto High Seas.
  • While players who choose to remain on Safer Seas will be unable to climb all the way to Pirate Legend, they are still free to take on the Voyages to which they already have access and will continue to earn the same gold rewards as on High Seas.


Detection Improvements for Ban Evasion

  • Starting with December’s update, detection improvements will begin rolling out behind the scenes targeting players who evade game bans to regain access to Sea of Thieves. These improvements will be deployed in phases over the coming months to systematically crack down on banned players and prevent them from returning to the seas.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Emporium Items – Now in Stock!

  • Dreamers’ Dust Ship Collection
  • Dreamers’ Dust Weapon Bundle
  • Dreamers’ Dust Ship’s Crest
  • Dreamers’ Dust Lantern
  • Dreamers’ Dust Costume Set
  • New Glacial Curse Pets: Fox, Owl, Parakeet and Alsatian
  • Motley Mariner Cannon Flare 
  • Menacing Weapon Pose Emote
  • Ice Sculpture Emote (free!)

Returning Emporium Items

  • Bonechiller Weapon Bundle, now with additional weapons (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Bonechiller Ship Collection and Ship’s Crest (time-limited, will return next year) 
  • Bonechiller Costume Set (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Festival of Giving Weapons (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Festival of Giving Pet Outfits (time-limited, will return next year)

Pirate Emporium Homepage Improvements

  • The Pirate Emporium homepage now features a carousel to better highlight new items arriving in the store.
  • Beneath the carousel are three dedicated tiles for themed content, showcasing items from Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life and Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island. With these dedicated spaces now accessible from the homepage, they have been removed from the top navigation to ease browsing.

Pirate Emporium Plunder Pass Improvements

  • Selecting the Plunder Pass within the Emporium now allows players to see all items that can be earned by progressing through the 100 levels of Renown for the active Season before making their purchase.

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths now stock the Bone Crusher and Sea Dog Heavy Swords and Rapiers.
  • The Outpost clothing shops now offer Stately Shirts in four fetching colours for all pirates to purchase.

Fixed Issues


  • Pigs will no longer flee from players holding Merfruit.
  • The aim on the Seasoned Sailor Pistol has been improved, ensuring shots now align with the tip of the barrel.

Performance and Stability

  • Performance improvements have been made to the game client, providing a small overall improvement to framerates.
  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Pirates of Mischief

  • Players completing the necessary criteria to progress the Pirates of Mischief Commendations will now find they are able to purchase disguises once the Commendations are fully unlocked. Some players with prior progress may remain temporarily blocked as the team works behind the scenes to sync their progress.
  • Pirates extinguishing Black Powder Darts attached to them should now consistently progress the Wash Out Commendation.
  • Attacking enemy Bone Caller Skeletons with Poison Darts should now progress the Poisonous Pirate Commendation.


  • Using a disguise while under the effect of sickness will now pause the symptoms and prevent a bout of vomiting from breaking a player’s disguise.
  • The Chest of the Damned disguise visual effects now appear correctly when on a moving ship.
  • Players in disguises will no longer make loud footsteps while moving around the deck of a ship.

Blowpipe and Darts

  • Picking up an ammo pouch will now consistently restock all blowpipe darts.  
  • Kill markers now appear when defeating enemies with blowpipe darts.  
  • Controller vibration has been improved while using the blowpipe, addressing incorrect feedback when aiming and reloading.
  • Darts are now damaged by explosives, and those embedded in a target can also be damaged consistently by gunshots.
  • Shooting a Gunpowder Barrel with a Poison Dart should no longer trigger the fuse visual effects.
  • Black Powder Darts embedded in players should now be consistently extinguished when doused with water.
  • The glint of a Lure Dart now appears in the same colour for all players in the session.

Crouching and Stealth

  • Players hanging from the side of a ship while it dives to a Voyage or Hourglass of Fate battle will no longer find themselves stuck in a drowning state.
  • Exiting a hanging point while crouching will no longer cause a player to equip their weapon.
  • Players will now find it easier to hide when out of sight of common enemies and Skeleton Captains.
  • When multiple players interact with the same hanging point simultaneously, they will now retain the ability to crouch afterwards.
  • Cancelling the action to bail water by using crouch no longer causes the resulting splash audio effect to be heard incorrectly.
  • Players will no longer exit crouch when picking up a Trident of Dark Tides.
  • Exiting crouch with a stashed item will no longer result in the item appearing to intersect with the player.
  • Players can no longer crouch while holding the fishing rod fully drawn back before casting.  
  • Players switching quickly to a lantern after crouching will no longer see the light emitted below them as if they were still crouching.
  • Players crouching while holding items are no longer able to interact with areas of the ship such as the capstan, maintaining consistency with held items.
  • Players crouching with an open chest will now correctly display the contents to nearby players and items can be added and retrieved.


  • When disarming a loaded trap with limited inventory space, players will retrieve the trap first before any loaded items.
  • When attempting to deploy a trap in a restricted location, players will now have the trap returned to their inventory.
  • Players who temporarily disconnect from a session with deployed traps will now find the traps stay active for a short grace period for the player to rejoin the session before they are removed.
  • Traps are now triggered instantly by gunshots or melee attacks, but when this sets off a chain reaction of deployed traps there will be a short delay between triggers.
  • Players standing stationary near a trap now take the same damage as players moving when it is triggered.
  • Traps loaded with a Jigball or Wearyball should now consistently affect the pirate triggering the trap.
  • While below deck on a ship, players can no longer set traps through the ceiling on the floor above.
  • Traps buried in the same spot by multiple players will no longer disappear.


  • Grapple Guns no longer allow players to move beneath surfaces or reach outside the map at various Skeleton Camps.  
  • Kraken’s Fall no longer has part of the environment sticking out from the geometry.
  • Players are now prevented from moving through the ceiling or interacting with objects on the floors above while navigating Sea Forts.
  • The coconuts inside crates at Port Merrick now appear correctly.
  • Players can now pick up the Mysterious Journal from all potential locations on Crescent Isle.
  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – Players can no longer reach past the boundaries of the map by using the Grapple Gun.

User Interface

  • Large Guilds with 30 ships pledged should now load consistently when selected.
  • Captains should find that when meeting the criteria for a Ship Milestone, that Milestone and associated reward are now unlocked.
  • Players choosing to block communication through Xbox Family Settings should no longer find the UI becomes unresponsive after attempting to send messages using text chat.
  • When equipping the Radiant Comet Capstan, the prompt to use the capstan is now placed in the correct location.
  • ‘Maiden Voyage’ – The correct prompt is now shown when handing the Old Sailor’s Chest to the Pirate Lord.

Visual and Audio

  • Items used in various emotes such as flowers and buckets should now consistently appear at their intended size.
  • Equipping the Shadow Tide Wheel no longer hides the ship’s compass when sailing on a Brigantine or Sloop.
  • The sight on the Lodestar Blowpipe is now correctly aligned.
  • Obsidian Bone Crusher and Inner Sanctum Hulls equipped to a Brigantine now display correctly.  
  • Characters’ faces no longer appear to be missing parts when wearing a mask combined with the Forest’s Blessing Costume or Barrel Bombardier Costume.
  • Ponytail hairstyles now display correctly from all angles.
  • When equipping the Wheel of Noble Captaincy, it will now be displayed with the correct shadows.
  • The Iron Turtle and Lucky Hand Grapple Guns no longer intersect with the player camera when fired.
  • The speaking trumpet’s shadow now appears properly across all graphic settings.

Text and Localisation

  • Localisation quality improvements have been made to a range of items within the Pirate Emporium across multiple languages.

Known Issues

Blowpipe Keybinding

  • Players who already have actions bound to ‘H’ on keyboard or Right on D-pad when using a controller may find they are unable to perform these actions following this update. This can be resolved by rebinding the actions from the Game Settings.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.84 GB
Xbox Series S: 4.08 GB
Xbox One X: 4.84 GB
Xbox One: 4.08 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.32 GB
Steam: 3.47 GB
PlayStation®5: 1.73 GB



PS5® INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. Duping fixed id: 156 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Fixed Issues


  • Players are no longer able to retrieve additional resources when disarming an item-loaded trap.
  • Traps deployed should now remain in place and not disappear unexpectedly during gameplay. Once deployed, a trap should now last for hours if left undisturbed and only be removed when triggered, replaced by a new trap when players reach their limit of two or when players leave the server.
  • Players are consistently limited to deploying two traps and can no longer place additional traps by disconnecting and rejoining a session.
  • Traps deployed by other crews will now consistently be removed when they dive to a new server, scuttle to new seas or migrate naturally to another server.

Voyage of Luck

  • Crews diving for the Voyage of Luck should no longer experience an extended wait while underwater.

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 1.73 GB
Xbox Series S: 1.78 GB
Xbox One X: 1.73 GB
Xbox One: 1.78 GB
Microsoft Store: 2 GB
Steam: 1.32 GB
PlayStation®5: 0.58 GB




3.2.1 Finally S14? id: 155 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.2.1

Sea of Thieves Season 14: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:45)

Pirates of Mischief

Our November game update sees Season 14’s stealthy feature set finally unleashed in force, providing players with plentiful tools to wreak mischief upon one another. For an overview of this Season’s furtive features, head to our dedicated Season 14 page.


  • While crouched, players can access the stealth menu to put on a disguise and blend into the environment as a barrel or treasure chest. Unlike hide emotes, disguises allow players to sneak around the world, albeit at a much slower pace.
  • New disguises can be unlocked through a range of new Commendations added in Season 14. After unlocking one, head to the Vanity Chest and the new Disguises category to equip it.

Hanging from Ledges

  • While crouched, players will find various locations around the ship where they can vault over the edge and hang from the outside in order to hide from those on board. They can vault back onto the deck or let go at any time, but if discovered and attacked they’ll be knocked into the sea below!
  • Pirate explorers may also find a few locations out in the world where they can hang from certain ledges away from their ship. We’ll leave players to discover these locations for themselves...


  • Players can now find deployable traps in various storage containers throughout the world which can be used to damage unsuspecting enemies. These are considered a throwable item, and while players can hold up to five in their inventory, only two can be deployed at any time, destroying those previously placed.
  • A deployed trap will become armed, and then can be triggered by any careless foot, dealing damage and briefly inflicting a limp. Sneaky players can disarm a trap by crouching, and recover the trap for later use.
  • A deployed trap can be enhanced with additional items by crouching close to it and using the menu to select an object. The item’s effect is triggered when the trap snaps shut.
  • Traps can be partially buried beneath softer surfaces for a more effectively concealed surprise, and even placed together to trigger a sequence of catastrophic events!

Blowpipe Balancing

  • The blowpipe’s quickfire has been tuned to ensure that it still provides a quick but accurate shot at close range, without overshadowing the benefits of a more considered charged shot.
  • Even a brief charge will now deliver a strong mid-range shot, while fully charged shot travels the maximum shot range.

Commendations and Rewards

  • With a suite of mischief-making tools now re-enabled, the previously blocked Commendations, rewards, achievements and Trophies are available for players to make progress towards unlocking.

Expanded Monthly Updates

First Week Bonus

  • Eager players who jump in during the first week following a Sea of Thieves game update will now receive an early login bonus of gold and Doubloons.

Voyage of Luck

  • Players can now embark on a Voyage of Luck each month, offering a quest for a range of high-value treasure. When starting the Voyage, some players will be blessed with a rare Golden Map leading to a jackpot of one of the highest-value treasures out there!
  • Pirate Legends will get their very own Legendary Voyage of Luck – a Voyage for Athena’s Fortune with treasure befitting a Legend and the same chance of a rare Golden Map!

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Ancestral Ship Set (returning from time-limited promotion)
  • Ancestral Collector’s Figurehead and Sails
  • Motley Mariner Blowpipe
  • Gorgon Weapon Bundle
  • Gorgon Ship Collection (returning from Season 12 Plunder Pass)
  • Gorgon Mixed Bundle – Gorgon Headband, Creeping Stone Curse and Solid Stone Curse (returning from Season 12 Plunder Pass)
  • Iron Turtle Cannon Flare (players who previously purchased the Iron Turtle Ship Bundle will now find the Cannon Flare in their Ship Customisation Chest)
  • Festival of Plenty Instruments (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Festival of Plenty Pet Outfits (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Banana Banter Emote Bundle
  • No Thoughts Emote (free!)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths now stock Ironwood Carpenter's weaponry, with the cutlass, pistol, blunderbuss and Eye of Reach all available to buy.
  • The Outpost clothing shops now offer Cinched Shirts in four colours for all pirates to purchase.
  • The Pirate Legend Hideout has been stocked with the Ghost Heavy Sword and Rapier, locked behind progression with the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company.

Gameplay Improvements

Quick Switching Using Crouch

  • Players attempting to crouch while switching weapons will now consistently have to wield the second weapon before being able to fire the follow-up shot, preventing weapons from being fired faster than intended.


Performance on PlayStation®5 Pro

  • Sea of Thieves utilises the enhanced hardware of the PlayStation®5 Pro to offer performance improvements during gameplay, providing a more stable 60FPS in 4K resolution. Players utilising Performance Mode on supported TVs will also experience a more stable 120Hz refresh rate at 1080p resolution.

DualSense® Wireless Controller Support

  • Players are now able to play Sea of Thieves on PC with a connected PlayStation®5 DualSense® wireless controller. The DualSense® wireless controller is supported on both Windows Store and Steam platforms.
  • Players using a DualSense® wireless controller on PC or PS5® can now further customise the level of haptic feedback within the game settings.

Fixed Issues


  • The Guild Reputation multiplier and gold bonuses now consistently apply correctly when selling treasure to the Sovereigns.
  • Players are now prompted to drop the chicken during the Merchant Alliance Tutorial Voyage, aligning it with the Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls Tutorials.

Pirates of Mischief

  • The Commendations entitled Dance Off Danger, Pied Pirate Piper and Trap Ease Artist now progress for the whole crew when meeting the criteria.
  • The Commendation entitled A Venomous Attack can now be completed while standing nearby.

Grapple Gun

  • Players finding themselves underneath the Fort of the Damned are now prevented from retrieving treasure from the Fort’s Vault.
  • Players shooting the Grapple Gun into a solid surface while aiming and walking will no longer have their view pulled to the side.
  • Attempting to fire a grapple line into a placed dart will no longer cause the Grapple Gun to become stuck reeling in from a distant location.
  • Players can no longer gain access to the Burning Blade interior by grappling into the front of the ship.


  • Allied Obsidian Skeletons will no longer attack players or each other when hit with a Lure Dart.
  • Blowpipe darts can no longer be stacked on each other when fired at the same spot.
  • Lure Darts stuck on a player will now be fully removed if the player leaves the game. Players migrating across servers will also now find their darts left behind are quickly removed.
  • Players are now always restricted to four Lure Darts in their ammo supply.
  • Players firing a dart at friendly Merfolk will find they now disappear and do not remain attached.
  • Players hit with a Black Powder Dart who then dive underwater will now see the fuse doused instantly.
  • Switching between darts when not charging a shot should no longer cause a brief controller rumble.


  • Players using ‘Reduce Hold to Interact’ accessibility settings should no longer be able to continue interacting with a barrel’s inventory after moving out of range.
  • Players can no longer cancel out of a heavy strike with a cutlass by crouching. 
  • Attempting to aim down sights immediately after exiting crouching no longer causes a player’s movement to briefly stutter.
  • Holding aim down sights while entering crouch will no longer cause the player to exit crouch upon releasing their aim.
  • Crouching can no longer be used to reel in the Grapple Gun early.
  • Players attempting to crouch after falling from a great height will now be able to crouch much more quickly, but will continue to suffer from the hindrances of fall damage while crouched.
  • Rapid crouching while jumping no longer results in players losing the ability to crouch.
  • Players are now shown the prompt to sit at a location while crouching.


  • A suite of fixes to disguises have been made to address visual issues with the experience. Players should no longer find themselves appearing incorrectly when using a disguise and should also appear correctly when observed by others.
  • Turning left or right while disguised will now look and feel smoother.
  • Players are now prevented from using disguises while flying through the air.
  • Players wearing the Burning Eyepatch of the Ashen Dragon will now find the visual effects are correctly hidden when using a disguise.
  • Darts attached to a player will now be hidden when they put on a disguise.
  • Getting into disguise while on a floating Rowboat now has smoother camera movement.
  • Players walking through disguised players will not feel any resistance.
  • Players can now use auto-move from the game settings while in disguise.


  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – The exit staircase from the Gold Hoarder’s lair no longer has a blocking wall preventing players from leaving.
  • Pulleys on Sea Fort resource barrels containing food now respond correctly to player input.
  • Improvements have been made to a number of island locations to prevent players from using the Grapple Gun to get outside the world.
  • At Imperial Crown Fortress and Old Brinestone Fortress, players are no longer able to push themselves through the roof and reach higher areas.
  • Windows within the Sunken Kingdom can now still be opened when shot with a dart.
  • Various objects found decorating the Sea Forts are now solid and players are unable to walk through them.
  • Objects at the end of the bridge at The Reaper’s Hideout now cast shadows correctly.

User Interface

  • The Captain’s Logbook now includes new sketches when crews progress through the newly introduced Season 14 Milestones.
  • The banner shown during the Gold Hoarders Tutorial Voyage now correctly displays the player's name.

Visual and Audio

  • Characters’ faces no longer appear to be missing parts when wearing a mask combined with a range of costumes. This addresses issues reported with the Shadow Tide Fox Mask, Thieving Mask of Mischief and Monstrous Mask of Mayhem.
  • The Pirate Lord no longer becomes transparent when players walk away and return during his speech.
  • The Rusted Skulls Braced Jacket no longer drifts or distorts when viewed from the third-person perspective.
  • The Watermelon Wheel has been visually improved and now casts appropriate shadows, is correctly held by players when interacted with and has improved quality when viewed at close range.
  • The Shadow Tide Capstan no longer has a noticeable change in graphical quality at short distances.
  • Various Grapple Guns now display the rope tether correctly at the end of the gun.
  • Music volume on the game’s front end has been adjusted to its intended level.
  • ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ – Murray is now visible near the gate leading to the Governor's Mansion when starting from the third checkpoint.

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.23 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.89 GB
Xbox One X: 4.23 GB
Xbox One: 3.89 GB
Microsoft Store: 3.8 GB
Steam: 2.37 GB
PlayStation®5: 1.24 GB



PS5® INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. Hotfix: reenables crouching id: 154 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Pirates of Mischief

As shared in our recent Season 14 update, the team disabled a number of features in order to protect players from high-impact issues and for the team to work on improving the quality bar. With this hotfix, crouching is once again available. The Known Issues section identifies issues that will be addressed in future updates.

Crouching and Stealth

  • Players will once again be able to switch their stance from standing to a low crouch, slowing their movement, hiding them from some nearby enemy threats, concealing their player name and generally making them stealthier for the purposes of sneaking around.
  • Crouched players will be harder to hit as they can duck shots in combat and will be braced against knockback, reducing its effect.

Fixed Issues


  • Players will once again be prevented from walking directly through enemy threats.
  • Players are now prevented from shooting others through solid surfaces on the ship such as the deck.
  • Rowboats discovered washed up on islands or those which become beached are now much easier to push back into the sea, and should no longer become stuck and unusable.
  • All players will now have access to the Burning Blade’s Armoury once the ship is controlled by a crew.

Pirates of Mischief

  • Unlockable disguises will no longer be granted when completing part of the unlock criteria, and will now require the full set of conditions to be met.
  • Players must now complete the Found You Commendation before being awarded the Shadow Tide Tattoo.
  • The Enticing Explosion Commendation now progresses when attaching a Lure Dart to a barrel-wielding Skeleton or directly to the held barrel itself.

Grapple Gun

  • Players attempting to grapple an item while climbing into a cannon will now find the item is placed back on the ground. Players fired out of a cannon, however, are not prevented from grappling a nearby item if they can do so quickly enough. The team will continue to monitor this technique from a game balance perspective and address it in the future if necessary.
  • Players attempting to grapple each other at the same time should no longer find they are flung across the sea.


  • Players attempting to crouch after being fired from a cannon will no longer be able to modify their trajectory while in the air.
  • Players attempting to crouch prior to climbing into a cannon will now continue to be damageable when leaving the cannon.
  • Players attempting to crouch after falling from a great height will now be able to crouch much more quickly, but will continue to suffer the hindering effects of fall damage while crouched.

Pirate Emporium

  • The Witch’s Stitches Bundle now grants players the Coral Coven Cat once purchased.

Blowpipe and Darts

  • Firing Lure Darts into a ship prior to migrating across servers will now result in those darts being removed upon arrival at the new location.

Visual and Audio

  • Players equipping the Lodestar Costume will now find it displays correctly on their pirate and will also appear in the Pirate Emporium and Clothing Chest when previewed.

Text and Localisation

  • Improvements have been made to localisation across a range of languages for newly introduced items in Season 14.

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session. 

Known Issues

Stealth Features Temporarily Disabled

  • Some of the new additions to the sandbox announced in the recent Season 14 Content Update Video have been temporarily disabled following the discovery of issues with potentially high player impact. These include disguises, traps and hanging from ledges.

Quick Switching

  • Players can currently use crouching to switch between ranged weapons and fire two shots in quick succession faster than intended. Enforcement is not currently being taken on players using this technique, but it will be removed in a future update.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 0.89 GB
Xbox Series S: 0.88 GB
Xbox One X: 0.89 GB
Xbox One: 0.88 GB
Microsoft Store: 0.98 GB
Steam: 1.51 GB
PlayStation®5: 1.37 GB




3.2.0 Season 14 / Stealth & Mischief id: 153 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.2.0

Sea of Thieves Season 14: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:45)

Pirates of Mischief

Ready to get stealthy? Season 14 delivers tools, weapons, tricks and abilities that open up ingenious new ways to achieve your aims on the Sea of Thieves! For an overview of this Season’s furtive new features, head to our dedicated Season 14 page.

Grapple Gun

  • The Armoury now stocks the Grapple Gun which players can choose for one of their two loadout slots, replacing a combat-focused weapon with a new traversal tool. This tool comes with five arrowheads and can be reloaded at any Ammo Crate.
  • Players can grapple items or other players and pull their target towards them, deal damage to emergent enemy threats or grapple onto solid surfaces to be propelled quickly to that location.
  • While this tool can be used during naval combat in inventive ways, there are some restrictions when it comes to ship boarding. Players will be unable to grapple directly to the Sloop or Brigantine from the sea, but sneaky routes onto the Galleon are possible. A player fired from a cannon will also find they are unable to grapple directly onto a ship and their line will break.


  • This sneakily versatile new weapon can be equipped from the Armoury along with a selection of darts, each with its own unique characteristics, and can be reloaded at an Ammo Crate.
  • Darts can be fired with a quick breath for a less accurate shot, or charged with a full breath for a longer-range and more accurate shot.
  • Darts will stick into any surface they hit, including enemies and players!

Black Powder Dart

  • This explosive dart can be fired into a surface, enemy or player. Once embedded, its fuse will light and after a short time it will detonate, knocking players back and even setting them on fire. Swift-thinking players can defuse the dart by dousing it with water, although any damage will detonate it.
  • The explosion will not damage crewmates or the player who fired the dart, and the explosion is small enough to leave ship components undamaged. Chained explosions can be achieved with multiple darts and even Gunpowder Barrels for maximum effect!

Poison Dart

  • This venomous dart deals a small amount of damage to its target on contact, followed by lingering damage over time. Darts can be damaged to remove them, halting further poisonous effects.

Lure Dart

  • This distracting dart can be fired at a location to entice players with the subtle glint of nearby treasure, ready for a well-planned ambush. Nearby enemy threats will also be drawn to the location and will ferociously attack a target hit with a Lure Dart, even if it’s one of their own comrades!

Crouching and Stealth

  • Players will now be able to switch their stance from standing to a low crouch, slowing their movement, hiding them from some nearby enemy threats, concealing their player name and generally making them more stealthy for the purposes of sneaking around.
  • Crouched players will be harder to hit as they can duck shots in combat and will be braced against knockback, reducing its effect.
  • While crouched, pirates will have access to a themed radial menu providing access to new techniques such as disguising and other stealth-based tricks.


  • From the stealth menu, players can put on a disguise and blend into the environment as a barrel or treasure chest. Unlike hide emotes, disguises allow players to sneak around the world, albeit at a much slower pace.
  • New disguises can be unlocked through a range of new Commendations added in Season 14. After unlocking one, head to the Vanity Chest and the new Disguises category to equip it.


  • Players can now acquire Merfruit, a rare food item found in storage containers. While this fruit can be eaten like any other food to recover health, when cooked it is imbued with special properties.
  • A Merfruit cooked to perfection will become enchanted, glowingly brightly and stored in a separate inventory to prevent accidental eating. When eaten, Enchanted Merfruit will suppress the aid of friendly Merfolk for a few minutes as shown on-screen. As the effects wear off, players can consume additional Merfruit to reset the duration and extend the effects as required.

Commendations and Rewards

  • With new tools for unbridled hijinks now at players’ disposal, a range of new Commendations have been added within the Reputation tab. Explore the challenges under Pirates of Mischief to unlock new cosmetic rewards.
  • Players can become masters of disguise by unlocking new types of chest to hide within, from the simple Treasure Chest all the way up to rarer and more coveted looks.
  • Using the suite of tools within Season 14 to pull off sneaky plays will unlock new cosmetics for the Grapple Gun, blowpipe and throwing knives, along with the stealthy Shadow Tide ship set.

Traps and Hanging from Ledges – Temporarily Disabled

  • These new additions to the sandbox announced in the recent Season 14 Content Update Video have been temporarily disabled, due to high player impact issues discovered in the final stages of testing before launch. These features will make their return during Season 14, so keep an eye on our social channels for updates.
  • While these features are disabled, a range of Pirates of Mischief Commendations are unable to be progressed and some rewards are prevented from being unlocked. The Red Alert Raider and Hung Out to Dry Xbox and Steam achievements along with the associated Trophies on PlayStation®5 are also temporarily unobtainable. Please see the Traps and Hanging from Ledges Support site articles for full details.

Mimic Dart – Coming Soon

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths have begun teasing an elusive new dart for the blowpipe that will allow players to hide in plain sight and confuse their enemies. While this new dart type is not yet ready to be stocked by the weaponsmiths, a delivery is expected to arrive later in the Season.

Gameplay Improvements

Locked Crew Armoury

  • The Armoury found on board player ships will now only be accessible to that ship’s crew, and rival players from other crews will be denied access. Armouries found on Skeleton Ships or even the Burning Blade will continue to be available to all players even when the ship has been seized.

Selling Storage Crates

  • Crews can now cash in a Storage Crate with The Reaper’s Bones or Merchant Alliance representatives in return for gold. These Storage Crates can be sold either empty or with items inside.

Skeleton Awareness

  • Skeletons have somehow become a little less perceptive and will no longer uncover players using a hide emote or the new disguises to hide in plain sight. Players being chased by skeletons will now be able to hide if they can escape the line of sight and complete their sneaky manoeuvre before being found.

Season 14

Another Season means 100 new levels to climb by raising your Renown, with racks full of rewards to snag along the way – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more. Emissaries aren't forgotten about either, with new rewards for those who perform well for their Guilds!

Season 14 Rewards and Plunder Pass

  • Progressing through the 100 levels of Renown in Season 14 will reward players with the Shadow Tide clothing set and unique Season 14 rewards, alongside time-limited Shadow of the Fox collectibles. Head to the Seasons profile page to browse the new rewards and check your pirate’s progress!
  • Pick up the latest Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of additional unlockable cosmetics from the Inner Sanctum set, including a ship set with Collector’s items and a selection of themed clothing, all available to earn by raising your Renown. Purchase a Pass in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, or via the Pirate Emporium webpage, Microsoft Store, PlayStation™Store or Steam Item Store.

Season 14 Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • This Season, the Guild Emissary Ledgers offer the ‘A Study in Sunset Piratical Patience’ Painting, ‘Death by Star’ Ornament and Guild of Mischievous Mates Title to Guilds who represent them well and perform proudly in the Ledgers.

Chest of Fortune

  • For the duration of Season 14, the Chest of Fortune has been locked away in the Vault of the Fort of the Damned, and can only be obtained by triumphing over this formidable encounter.
  • Crews who retrieve Chests of Fortune can now earn the next Grade of the Fortune’s Favour Commendation, unlocking access to the Regal Fortune Figurehead, Hull and Sails.

Reaper’s Chests

  • Crews chasing down the telltale beacon of the Reaper’s Chest or Reaper’s Bounty can earn the next grade of the Reaper’s Riches Commendation, and start unlocking access to the Regal Fortune Pistol, Cutlass and Double Barrel Pistol.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Coral Coven Ship Collection
  • Coral Coven Weapon Bundle
  • Coral Coven Clothing Bundle
  • Skeleton Owl and Skeleton Fox
  • Skeleton Pets return (time-limited for Halloween, will return next year)
  • Graveyard Grim Pets return (time-limited for Halloween, will return next year)
  • Grapple Gun designs including Lodestar, Motley Mariner, Dark Warsmith, Crimson Crypt, King’s Ransom, Deadlock Jailer and Iron Turtle
  • Blowpipe designs including Lodestar, Dark Warsmith and Crimson Crypt
  • Crystal Ball Emote
  • Sting Tide Blunderbuss (free!)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost shops now stock new items from the distinctive Lucky Hand set. Visit the shipwright and weaponsmith to pick up these ship parts and weapons in exchange for Doubloons.
  • The clothing shops have also refreshed their stock, and now offer salvage-themed Rusted Skulls clothing and new wrap-style shirts to all players with gold to spare.

Season Seven Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season Seven have arrived in Outpost shops and can now be yours in exchange for Doubloons!
  • Players can now purchase the Courage of Captaincy clothing set, along with a range of unique one-off items first available during this Season. Pirate Legends can also pick up Merrick’s Jacket and Cutlass.
  • The time-limited Perilous Seas items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season Seven.


Text Chat Monitoring

  • Messages sent to players through text chat will now pass through an improved profanity filtering system that can be updated outside Sea of Thieves’ regular updates, for a faster response to inappropriate language being reported by players.
  • As part of this update, this system will be running behind the scenes and not directly filtering any text chat seen by players, but will allow the team to begin monitoring the filter rules and begin configuring the strictness of the system using real chat data. This will help ensure a safe but fair chat experience when it is fully enabled in the live game at a later date.
  • In addition to the ability to protect players through profanity filtering, our Player Support team will now have access to reports that flag players who exhibit high levels of inappropriate language for direct enforcement to take place.

Disrupting Stream Sniping

  • Improvements have been made behind the scenes to further protect our players, including creators, well-known community members and anyone who is vulnerable, by disrupting techniques used by people with malicious intent to search for specific players on the seas.

Pirate Emporium Browsing

  • There is now a ‘Browse All’ button at the bottom of the screen when landing in the Pirate Emporium, allowing players to navigate directly to this menu. This new shortcut is in addition to the tab found in the top menu.
  • When browsing costumes, players will now find that some show an improved 3D representation of the pirate. Costumes that are sold as part of a bundle will not use this new view.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews diving to an Hourglass of Fate battle or Voyage should no longer experience a scenario where they remain underwater and are unable to surface.
  • Equipping a weapon from the Armoury no longer closes the menu on selection.

The Burning Blade

  • After disconnecting and rejoining a session near a defeated Burning Blade, players will no longer automatically find themselves pledged to the Blade and in control.
  • After harpooning barrels from the Burning Blade, the release of a barrel no longer causes players to be pushed backwards.
  • The Cannoneer of Mast Mayhem Commendation now progresses when shooting at a player-controlled Burning Blade.
  • Crews participating in the Skull of Siren Song Voyage will no longer be returned close to a player-controlled Burning Blade when defeated, and will now be placed further away.

User Interface

  • Players repeatedly opening Game Options and text chat in quick succession should no longer find that the Game Options menu sometimes becomes stuck on screen.
  • The loading icon on all loading screens is now correctly aligned across all screen resolutions.


  • A hole appearing in the wall of the Fetcher's Rest Vault has been closed.
  • The beacon platform at The Devil's Thirst is now completely solid.
  • ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ – Leaves found scattered on Mêlée Island no longer flicker when approached.

Visual and Audio

  • The Ancient Temple star chart will now rotate more smoothly when moving and changing direction.
  • Players swimming with the Root Beer Bottle will now appear correctly.
  • The Wailing Barnacle Heavy Sword now sits correctly in players’ hands when performing the Quick Draw Weapon Pose Emote.
  • The Thriving Wild Rose Jacket will now sit cleanly when worn with trousers on female pirates.
  • Players’ fingers now correctly grasp the map when performing the Completely Lost Emote.
  • The belt on the Lunar Festival Costume will now appear correctly when previewed.
  • The Roaring Grog Whistle and Fire Breath Emotes now display correctly on pirates of all sizes when previewed in the Vanity Chest.
  • Players sitting down will no longer have transparent soles on the underside of their feet.
  • ‘The Cursed Rogue’ – The final cutscene in this Tall Tale now plays as intended when handing in Briggsy's skull.
  • ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ – Murray’s voice lines during Insult Sword Fighting now play audio as expected.

Text and Localisation

  • Sybil at the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern no longer references Captain’s Voyages in their dialogue.
  • The Order of Souls Titles for promotions at 55 and 100 are now correct when playing in the Portuguese language.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements have been made to voice chat to better support players across all platforms, resolving issues that prevented communication in cross-play encounters. Voice chat support returns on Steam Deck.
  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

Blowpipe Aim Balancing

  • In the launch implementation, the difference between the quickfire and charged shot from a blowpipe is too minor, resulting in an overpowered quickfire experience. The team are iterating on the experience and will be reducing the effectiveness of quickfire.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.42 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.49 GB
Xbox One X: 4.42 GB
Xbox One: 3.49 GB
Microsoft Store: 3.6 GB
Steam: 3.7 GB
PlayStation®5: 2.13 GB



PS5® INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. knife fix id: 152 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Fixed Issues

Throwing Knives

  • Knives thrown at a crewmate will now pass through them rather than becoming stuck to the player.
  • Knives will no longer become stuck in a capstan or other ship interaction point when thrown.

The Burning Blade

  • For crews pledged to the Burning Blade, there is now a short grace period after the Captain leaves the game before the ship begins to sink, to protect from temporary disconnections.
  • When a crew in control of the Burning Blade purposefully leaves the game, the ship will now sink naturally and will not appear to others to have been handed in at The Reaper’s Hideout.
  • Crews pledged to the Burning Blade who use a Mermaid or Statue to return to their ship will no longer find their Obsidian Skeleton crew missing.

Player Communication

  • Text chat now protects players from anyone attempting to send repeated messages in quick succession.
  • Text chat now contains improved profanity filtering, covering a range of new words and phrases.

User Interface

  • Browsing Guilds from the front-end menu now shows the correct Guild level.
  • The Tourist Emote Bundle now shows the correct name when browsing the Pirate Emporium.

Fishing Rod

  • Players can no longer use the fishing rod lure to interact with others in the world. (Released previously as part of an interim hotfix.)
  • Players will no longer find themselves moved around when casting a fishing rod into the surrounding environment. (Released previously as part of an interim hotfix.)

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 0.75 GB
Xbox Series S: 0.76 GB
Xbox One X: 0.75 GB
Xbox One: 0.76 GB
Microsoft Store: 0.82 GB
Steam: 1.29 GB
PlayStation®5: 0.58 GB




3.1.2 everything is broken id: 150 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.1.2

Sea of Thieves Season 13: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:18)

Gameplay Improvements

Sprinting with One-Handed Items

  • Players are now able to sprint while carrying one-handed treasure items and discovered weapons. During sprinting, the item will now be stowed on a player’s belt, fully visible to other players.
  • The majority of held weapons discoverable around the world can now also be stowed while sprinting, such as the Trident of Dark Tides and Ashen Winds Skull. The Skull of Siren Song is the exception, and players will not be able to sprint while wielding it.

Blunderbuss Balancing

  • With the new identity of the Blunderbuss now settling into live play, the team have been fine-tuning the weapon’s power. The focus here remains in defensive play styles, with these changes further swaying the knockback power in favour of the defending player.
  • Blunderbuss knockback has now been tuned with a reduction to its overall knockback power. The knockback trigger range has been reduced, requiring the target to be much closer, and the horizontal distance players are blasted back has also been reduced.
  • Alongside the closer trigger range, the knockback will now trigger when a player is hit with a single pellet, increasing the consistency of knocking back a player when caught in range.
  • Players using a ship interaction point such as the ship’s wheel will now be braced from the knockback effects and will not be propelled the full knockback distance.

Throwing Knife Balancing

  • The time taken to bring a knife into an aimed state has been reduced, and the thrown knife speed has been increased, allowing players to throw more quickly.
  • The controller rumble when using throwing knives has been improved, giving it a softer feel.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Iron Turtle Ship Collection – This collection will also include a Cannon Flare, delivered in a later update. Players purchasing the Iron Turtle Ship Bundle now will automatically be granted access to the Iron Turtle Cannon Flare once it releases in November.
  • Iron Turtle Weapon Bundle
  • Iron Turtle Clothing Bundle
  • Sunken Sorrow Curse Mau and Whippet
  • Tourist Emote Bundle
  • Well-Travelled Trader Ship Collection (returning from Season 11 Plunder Pass)
  • Well-Travelled Trader Clothing Bundle (returning from Season 11 Plunder Pass)
  • Conductor Emote (free!)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Piscine Courtly Jacket and a range of new Corset Shirts are all available from the Outpost clothing shops for those with enough gold to spare.
  • Outpost shops also now stock the Flaming Jackal Blunderbuss, Pistol and Fishing Rod.


Player Reporting Improvements

  • The in-game Report a Player tool now supports a range of additional reasons that can be used when reporting other players, including Hate Speech and Profanity. As with all reports, these are sent directly to the Sea of Thieves Support team for investigation and follow-up action.
  • All reports sent through the in-game Report a Player tool will now show an acknowledgement of the report, clearly defining the players, the reported reason and a reference code.
  • After an in-game report is filed and an action taken by the Sea of Thieves Support team, the player will now receive an update to their report when logging into the game. This update will confirm that an action has been taken or that further information is required.
  • Supporting information can often aid with the player report, so if further information is requested, please gather evidence and raise a new support request, quoting the reference number of the in-game report (in the event of a missing reference number, don’t worry as our Support team can still locate your report). For further information on providing supporting evidence, please see this article on Required Supporting Evidence at the Sea of Thieves Support site.

Fixed Issues


  • Players attempting to use a fishing rod after being fired from a cannon will no longer be able to modify their trajectory while in the air.
  • Players attempting to utilise external tools to teleport to other ships will now be detected and issued with enforcement.
  • Crews are no longer able to cause emergent Skeleton Captains to reappear on islands once defeated.
  • Crews purchasing Supply Crates from the Merchant Alliance should now consistently be able to retrieve a crate after purchase.
  • All pistols within the Armoury have been reviewed and their aiming improved to ensure shots now align with the tip of the barrel, or the iron sights for those that have them.
  • Crews taking on a Treasure Vault Voyage for the Gold Hoarders should no longer be led to the open sea at K-11 by the Wayfinder Compass.
  • If a crew begins a vote without reaching a majority decision, when crew members leave and the result becomes a majority decision the vote will now automatically pass without requiring the crew to vote again.
  • Scoping a crewed Burning Blade from a distance will no longer display the Captain’s Ship Banner if the crew were sailing a Captained ship prior to the Burning Blade.
  • Pets being held while travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned will no longer appear to be drowning.
  • Due to various issues involving Megalodon encounters with a crewed Burning Blade, Megalodons will not appear for a Burning Blade crew in this update, and any encountered in the world will ignore the crew.
  • Enemies within Skeleton Camps now continue to appear even when a crew has an active Bounty or Merchant Contract quest at the same island.
  • The Fates of Fortune Gloves are now locked behind the appropriate grade of the Fortune’s Favour Commendation.
  • Players purchasing the Premium Edition of Sea of Thieves will now correctly receive both variants of the Dark Warsmith Costume. Players who were missing this item will now find it in their cosmetic chests.

Visual and Audio

  • Throwing knives no longer pop into the ground when they are thrown into vertical surfaces.
  • While wearing the Obsidian Bones, the player’s teeth are no longer stuck together.
  • Pirates of all body types will now consistently hold a sword neatly when blocking.
  • In the Captaincy tutorial, the Pirate Lord no longer reacts to fire.
  • The Omen Wheel should no longer intersect with the player’s hands.
  • Clearing all map markers while on the Burning Blade now uses the correct audio effect.
  • Visual effects on the Graveyard Grim Whippet are now consistent with other pets.
  • The Mad Monkey Cannons should no longer twitch when a player is inside them.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – The Lockpick now appears at the correct size when held in the player’s hand.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – The Dead Man’s Chest Key now remains the same size when dropped on the ground. 
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – The Gold Hoarder’s Coin now remains the same size when dropped on the ground.
  • ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ – A missing voice line in Guybrush's dialogue during the Mansion animated cutscene has been added.


  • Treasure items deposited near the Armoury on the Burning Blade will now continue to be interactable.
  • The Burning Blade should no longer pass through the top of the arch at Marauder’s Arch.
  • Players can no longer walk through parts of the environment within the Skeleton Camp at the Lagoon of Whispers.
  • The skeletons at Barnacle Cay’s Skeleton Camp will now be able to climb the staircases within the Temple.
  • Improvements have been made to terrain at the Fort of the Damned, Lost Gold Fort and Crow’s Nest Fortress to reduce scenarios where items and enemies could become stuck.
  • The Shrine of the Coral Tomb no longer has a missing wall texture in one of the chambers.
  • Obsidian Skeletons should no longer appear on islands near Skeleton Camps.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Players should no longer get stuck in trees on the Shores of Gold.

User Interface

  • Opening bundles in the ‘Browse All’ tab no longer changes the starting page of other tabs when browsing.
  • After purchasing an item from within the ‘Browse All’ tab, the Emporium refreshes and further items are shown with no delay.
  • The Deadlock Jailer Figurehead preview icon now matches the in-game model.
  • The Stormfish Chaser Collector’s Sails now have the correct preview image.
  • The Soaring Oracle Flag preview icon no longer has a low-resolution texture.
  • The Motley Mariner Figurehead preview icon no longer has a low-resolution texture.
  • The Guardian Ghost Cannon and Flag icon and preview are now correct when viewed at the shipwright.


  • For players who have been affected by an Ashbeard error, a new error has been added. Elarabeard indicates players attempting to use a Microsoft Account from a country that is currently not supported. For those affected, please raise a new support request for assistance.

Text and Localisation

  • Improved the accuracy of Polish translations for the Merchant Alliance delivery guidelines.
  • Corrected inconsistencies in Motley Mariner items across a range of languages.
  • Improved clarity between Bone Caller and Bone Caller Skeletons across a range of languages.
  • Corrected inconsistencies in player Titles across a range of languages.

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 7.62 GB
Xbox Series S: 7.09 GB
Xbox One X: 7.62 GB
Xbox One: 7.09 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.88 GB
Steam: 5.21 GB
PlayStation®5: 3.25 GB




3.1.1 Rip Blunderbuss / Hello Horns id: 148 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.1.1

Sea of Thieves Season 13: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:18)

The Flame Rises

Returning the Burning Blade in Battle

  • Crews in command of the Burning Blade are now prevented from returning the ship to The Reaper’s Hideout while still in combat. Rival ships in close proximity to the Burning Blade will prevent it from being returned.
  • A majority vote from the crew will now be required when pledging to become the crew of the Burning Blade, or when returning the ship to The Reaper’s Hideout.
  • Any crew votes to return the Burning Blade to The Reaper’s Hideout will now be cleared if the ship is sailed away from the island, and the vote will need to be retaken upon returning to the vicinity.

Gameplay Improvements

Blunderbuss Rework

  • The blunderbuss knockback effects have now been strengthened, with close-range shots now consistently propelling players forcefully backwards and applying more vertical height to repel boarders over ledges and obstacles.
  • The spread pattern of the blunderbuss has been widened, both when firing from the hip and aiming down sights, maximising the knockback potential at close range.
  • Players propelled backwards by a blunderbuss shot no longer have movement control while in the air, ensuring they are forced in the direction determined by the blast.
  • New visual effects have been added to the blunderbuss, with white-hot debris, smoke and distortion effects identifying the effective range of its new knockback strength.
  • The damage dealt by each pellet fired from the blunderbuss has been slightly reduced, reducing the total output of the weapon to 90 damage. As a result, the blunderbuss will no longer be able to perform a one-hit kill on a player with full health.
  • Pellets fired from the blunderbuss now fizzle out at long range, reducing the overall range of the blunderbuss and cementing its role as a close-range tactical choice.

Horn of Fair Winds Availability

  • The Horn of Fair Winds is now more easily discovered within the world. These items are guaranteed to be found within Siren Treasury Vaults, and now have an increased chance of being salvaged from shipwrecks. In addition to these specific locations, there is a small chance of finding a Horn of Fair Winds washed up on islands across the Sea of Thieves.
  • To balance out this increased availability, the gold awarded when cashing in a Horn of Fair Winds has now been reduced. As a reminder, the gold amount earned is not linked to the power remaining within the Horn, so blast away!

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Motley Mariner Ship Collection
  • Motley Mariner Weapon Bundle
  • Motley Mariner Costume Set
  • Motley Mariner Ship’s Crest
  • Motley Mariner Trinket
  • Motley Mariner Drum
  • Ashen Curse Owl
  • King’s Ransom Weapon Bundle
  • King’s Ransom Ship’s Crest
  • Idle Conversationalist Emote Bundle
  • Omen Ship Bundle
  • Red Card Emote (free!)

Pirate Emporium Browsing Improvements

  • The Pirate Emporium store experience has been improved with an expanded ‘Browse All’ section added to the top bar, allowing players to more easily scour the wealth of items available to purchase.
  • Within this new menu, players can filter items by category such as weapons, ships and equipment, then dive deeper to find specific types such as cannons, pistols and banjos.
  • Players can also sort these filtered items by name or by price to help them find exactly what they are looking for.

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost clothing shops have received a fresh shipment of items and now offer the Simian Courtly Jacket and several colourful new halter tops, all available for gold.
  • The Outpost weaponsmiths now stock a selection of weapons from the new Stonebark Carpenter’s weapon set.

Fixed Issues


  • When attacking players with throwing knives, a missed throw will no longer incorrectly cause them to take damage.
  • Attacking Gunpowder Skeletons with throwing knives and directly hitting the keg should now consistently detonate it.
  • Crews diving to the submerged wreck as part of a Lost Shipment Voyage should no longer find an empty Captain’s cabin on arrival.
  • Players are now targeted correctly by enemy Bone Caller Skeletons after migrating across servers.
  • Crews can once again discover Chests of Ancient Tributes in the following Sunken Kingdom locations: Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune, Shrine of Ancient Tears and Shrine of Tribute.
  • Ship Milestones for Voyage Quests Completed now increment properly depending on the crew’s size.
  • Attempting to deliver Athena’s Fortune treasure to an Outpost will now guide players to the correct location.
  • The Logbook of a Captained ship will no longer continue to gain progress while the crew is pledged to the Burning Blade.

Blade of Souls

  • Players can no longer bypass the stun when missing a heavy strike with the Blade of Souls by dropping the sword.
  • The Blade of Souls is now correctly positioned in a player’s hands view while running or swimming.
  • The Blade of Souls is now correctly stashed on a player’s back while climbing ladders.
  • The correct icon will now show on the Map Table when a player is holding the Blade of Souls.

The Burning Blade

  • Crews pledged to the Burning Blade should no longer be open to invasion by rival crews as part of an Hourglass battle.
  • The Burning Blade will no longer be able to enter the Tunnels of the Damned as part of a Tall Tale.
  • Crews burying items while pledged to the Burning Blade will now find that Map Bundles appear in the Captain’s cabin.
  • Players will now see the Burning Blade announcement banners only once upon approaching and not repeatedly when engaging or returning from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • The banner for pledging to take control of the Burning Blade now correctly displays the name of the crew that accomplished it.
  • If a Burning Blade crew leaves the game, nearby crews will no longer see the ‘Defeated’ notification.
  • The crew of the Burning Blade can no longer access the Ship Customisation Chest at Outposts.
  • The Ashen Roar will no longer get stuck and become unusable if the Burning Blade moves servers while it is heating up.
  • Storage merfolk will now recognise the Burning Blade when the pledged crew has stored treasure in the depths of the Sunken Kingdom.
  • Treasure from the Burning Blade’s hold will now be released and rise to the surface consistently when the ship is sunk.
  • The allied skeleton crew on the Burning Blade will no longer react when hit by the pledged crew.
  • The Burning Blade’s middle mast repair location has been moved to avoid the location of the bell.
  • Losing the Burning Blade within the Devil’s Shroud no longer repeats defeat notifications for the crew and rival players nearby.
  • Joining a session in progress on the Burning Blade no longer starts battle music if the ship is not in combat.
  • Battle music for the Burning Blade crew now consistently starts when a ship comes into battle range and ceases when the last ship leaves.
  • The Burning Blade will no longer fire the Ashen Roar when it is considered downed or flipped.
  • Players can no longer become stuck in the ship’s barrels and be ejected from the ship.
  • A notification has been added to indicate that The Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag can’t be lowered when in control of the Burning Blade.
  • The Burning Blade is no longer able to migrate to a location where another Burning Blade is already present.
  • Completing Rituals at a Skeleton Camp now requires the Burning Blade to be closer to the island.
  • Captains defeating the Burning Blade should now consistently be rewarded with the Blade of Souls.
  • Bone Caller Skeletons will now appear on the Burning Blade when summoned.
  • Players using Controller Aim Assist will no longer find that allied skeletons on the Burning Blade trigger the assist effects.
  • The Blade of Souls will only be shown next to Captain Flameheart while the Burning Blade is not roaming the seas.
  • Improvements have been made to the visual quality of the carpet in the Captain’s cabin on the Burning Blade.
  • While sailing the Burning Blade, the border of the Devil’s Shroud now appears in the correct locations around the world map.

Skeleton Camps

  • Improvements have been made to the Skeleton Camp and Ancient Temple environments to enhance navigation and visual quality.
  • Constellations will now be correctly highlighted on the pillars after a failed attempt.


  • The feet of Barbary and Capuchin pets will now align properly when perched on the bar at taverns.
  • Barrels at Blind Man’s Lagoon will now be solid and will not allow players to walk through them.
  • Pet perch spots in the Pirate Legend Hideout have been updated, allowing players to place dogs in various locations.
  • Pets in the Pirate Legend Hideout no longer partially float in the air when placed on a certain stool.
  • The floating Wild Rose journal at the Lagoon of Whispers has been placed correctly so that it appears to sit on the surface below.
  • Gold in the coffers at Picaroon Palms can now be collected by players.
  • Players should no longer experience stuttering when going down the stairs at Sea Forts.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players can now sit on benches at Isla Tesoro without sitting on other players.

Visual and Audio

  • Players of all body types using the Mayhem Capstan will now see their hands holding on to it correctly.
  • Fireworks can now be heard while inside caves.
  • The buttons on the Eclipse Jacket now display correctly if a player views it from further away.
  • The Pirate Lord’s speech will no longer be cut off when players sail away at the end of the Captaincy tutorial.
  • The audio effect for collecting a chicken in the Merchant Alliance Tutorial Voyage now matches other animal capture Voyages.
  • Enemy skeleton music will no longer be heard when allied skeletons are nearby.
  • Rolling Dice Emotes now also display a notification showing the dice roll result.
  • Pocket Watches now consistently have visible glass faces after being equipped.
  • Flameheart’s animations have been improved to be smoother when the Burning Blade is returned to The Reaper’s Hideout.
  • The underside of a player’s foot is now visible when performing emotes or sitting on ledges.


  • Players browsing the Pirate Emporium should no longer experience client instability when attempting to purchase Ancient Coins.

Text and Localisation

  • Approved Xbox terminology is now used across a range of menu items in non-English languages.
  • ‘Revenge of the Morningstar’ – Incorrect translation in Tyler’s dialogue has been addressed, which previously blocked players using non-English languages.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements have been made to server stability to avoid instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 3.67 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.32 GB
Xbox One X: 3.67 GB
Xbox One: 3.32 GB
Microsoft Store: 2.73 GB
Steam: 1.76 GB
PlayStation®5: 2.68 GB



PS5® INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. Mainly hotfix id: 147 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Fixed Issues


  • Captain Briggsy’s note will once again appear on the ship’s mast when the Skull of Siren Song Voyage is ready to begin.
  • Players speaking to Umbra while wearing specific cosmetics intended to unlock Commendations will find that they can once again do so with the desired outcome.

Skeleton Camps

  • Multiple crew members entering a Skeleton Camp and attempting to complete a single Ritual at the same time will no longer be awarded additional Rituals. (Released previously as part of an interim hotfix.)
  • Players interfering with their network connection while completing Rituals will no longer gain additional Rituals. (Released previously as part of an interim hotfix.)

The Burning Blade

  • Crews pledging allegiance to Flameheart will no longer be able to form an Alliance with other crews while in control of the Burning Blade.
  • The treasure held within the Burning Blade will no longer be multiplied when the ship migrates across servers.
  • Players using Bone Callers on the deck of the Burning Blade will now find that skeleton allies are summoned to their aid as intended.

The Flame Rises

  • Crews pledged to the Burning Blade who hand in a stolen Orb of Secrets at The Reaper’s Hideout will now progress the Ritual Recovery Commendation.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements have been made to game stability on PlayStation®5 when attempting to purchase Ancient Coins from the in-game Pirate Emporium.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 1.69 GB
Xbox Series S: 1.74 GB
Xbox One X: 1.69 GB
Xbox One: 1.74 GB
Microsoft Store: 1.96 GB
Steam: 1.64 GB
PlayStation®5: 0.58 GB




3.1.0 Season 13 / Flameheart returns id: 146 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.1.0

Sea of Thieves Season 13: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:18)

The Flame Rises

Captain Flameheart has returned, but the real star of Season 13 is his fiery flagship, awaiting crews who have what it takes to claim it for themselves! For an overview of this new Season’s headline features, head to our dedicated Season 13 page.

The Burning Blade

  • Ready your crew and take on the Burning Blade World Event! Easily spotted from afar with its telltale burning braziers and skyward beacon, this infernal ten-cannon warship will take a seasoned crew to take it on.
  • Players who subdue the ship’s Obsidian Skeleton crew can choose to pledge service to the notorious Captain Flameheart and take control of the Burning Blade for themselves. Once in control, the crew will be assisted by Flameheart’s skeletal followers and have access to its weaponry, including Obsidian Ashen Winds Skulls to help repel boarders and the devastating Ashen Roar fired from the bow of the ship.
  • Loyal Guardians can instead choose to completely sink the Burning Blade and claim its sizeable bounty from the wreckage. This includes the Blade of Souls, a fiery new melee weapon capable of setting foes ablaze!

Skeleton Camps

  • Flameheart’s forces have constructed Skeleton Camps across the Sea of Thieves, built over the Ancient Temples hidden below the surface. Crews can discover these camps naturally on islands or dive straight to them from the Quest Table.
  • Descending into an Ancient Temple, players must unravel the mysteries of the constellations by solving puzzles to unlock access to the Crypt Vault. There, those who oppose Flameheart can put a stop to the Ritual, snatch the Orb of Secrets and deliver it to the Trading Companies for a reward.
  • Crews who have pledged service to Captain Flameheart and taken command of the Burning Blade, however, should complete the Rituals within the Ancient Temples to gather the lost knowledge that Flameheart seeks.
  • As crews complete Rituals, Flameheart’s power grows, rewarding pledged pirates accordingly when they return the Burning Blade to him at The Reaper’s Hideout. Crews who instead destroy the Burning Blade and retrieve the Blade of Souls can sell it for a value depending on the Rituals performed before the ship was defeated!

Commendations and Rewards

  • Crews choosing to side with the Pirate Lord and sink the Burning Blade will unlock access to items from the Obsidian Bone Crusher set, with ship parts, clothing items and weapons all available to earn.
  • Those instead choosing to pledge to Flameheart and sail the devastating Burning Blade can unlock the Burning Blade Reborn ship set, and Servants of the Flame who have already drunk from Flameheart’s chalice can unlock new skeleton cosmetics and bone colours when crewing the Burning Blade as skeletons.
  • Players taking the Orbs from the Temples can unlock the Cracked Orb Lantern, and those seeking to steal the Orbs from unsuspecting crews can earn the Reaper’s Bones Shattered Mask.
  • Descending deep into the Ancient Temples below the Skeleton Camps to unravel their mysteries will unlock access to new tattoos for your troubles.

Season 13

Another Season means 100 new levels to climb by raising your Renown, with racks full of rewards to snag along the way – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more. Emissaries aren't forgotten either, with the latest Company-themed cosmetics for qualifying Ledger performances!

Season 13 Rewards and Plunder Pass

  • Progressing through the 100 levels of Renown in Season 13 will reward players with Bloodstone Dragon cosmetics alongside other time-limited Seasonal specials. Head to the Seasons profile page to browse the new rewards and check your pirate’s progress!

  • Pick up the latest Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of additional unlockable cosmetics from the Eclipse set, including a full ship set plus the Jacket, Hat and Gloves, all available to earn by raising your Renown. Purchase a Pass in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, or via the Pirate Emporium webpage, Microsoft Store, PlayStation™Store or Steam Item Store.

Season 13 Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • This Season, the Guild Emissary Ledgers offer the ‘Secrets of the Ancient Flame’ Painting, Dark Hand of Fate Ornament and Guild of Fiery Spirits Title to Guilds who represent them well and perform proudly in the Ledgers.

  • The Trading Company Emissary Ledgers have been refreshed this month with the previously lost Pocket Watches. Players can therefore now earn the Tribute Peak, Relic of Darkness, Merchant Ambassador, Masked Renegade and Magpie’s Glory Pocket Watches when reaching the top tier of the Ledgers. Players who have previously unlocked all rewards within the Ledgers will find these new Pocket Watches already in their Equipment Chests!

Chest of Fortune

  • The Chest of Fortune has now been locked away in the belly of the Burning Blade, challenging crews to sink this formidable ship to claim its prize.

  • Crews who retrieve Chests of Fortune can now earn the next Grade of the Fortune’s Favour Commendation, unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune Fishing Rod, Shovel, Pocket Watch, Tankard and Speaking Trumpet.

  • An additional reward has been retroactively added to Grade II of the Fortune’s Favour Commendation, which now contains the Fates of Fortune Gloves. Players who already earned Grade II prior to this update will be able to purchase the gloves from the Outpost clothing shops straight away.

Reaper’s Chests

  • Crews chasing down the telltale beacon of the Reaper’s Chest or Reaper’s Bounty can earn the next Grade of the Reaper’s Riches Commendation, and start unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune Hurdy-Gurdy, Concertina and Scar.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Radiant Comet Ship Collection
  • Radiant Comet Weapon Bundle
  • Radiant Comet Lantern
  • Cloudburst, Treetop, Brightbill, Seaspray and Sugarspun Toucan pets
  • Runway Emote Bundle
  • Mayhem Ship Bundle
  • Sting Tide Cutlass (free!)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • Outpost clothing shops have received a shipment of brand new items and now offer the Proud Plume clothing set, available for gold.
  • The Cephalopod Courtly Jacket, Whalebone Tattoo and Tentacled Terror Tattoo are all available from the Outpost clothing shops for those with enough gold to spare.
  • Outpost weapon shops now carry a range of armaments from the hand-carved Carpenter’s weapon set.
  • Outpost weapon shops also stock a selection of heavy swords and rapiers from the Kraken, Inky Kraken and Venomous Kraken sets, locked behind their associated Commendations.

New Throwing Knives

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths now stock a choice of new throwing knives, all locked behind lofty accomplishments.
  • The Cartographer Throwing Knives are unlocked upon completion of the Triple Threat Thrower Commendation, the Guardians of Fortune Throwing Knives unlock at Allegiance level 50 with the Guardians of Fortune, and the Servants of the Flame Throwing Knives unlock at Allegiance level 50 with the Servants of the Flame.

Season Six Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season Six have arrived in Outpost shops and can now be yours in exchange for Doubloons!
  • Players can now purchase the Naval Commander clothing set, along with a range of unique one-off items that were available during this Season. Pirate Legends can also pick up Belle’s Hat and Stranger’s Cutlass.
  • The time-limited Dark Relics items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season Six.

Gameplay Improvements

Post-Defeat Ship Sinking

  • Once a ship is destroyed, the time taken for it to sink and release its cargo has been reduced, allowing the sunk crew to interact with the mermaid and head to their new location more quickly.
  • While each ship previously had a unique sinking time, this update brings them to consistently shorter post-defeat sinking times.

Bone Caller Skeleton Improvements

  • Summoned Bone Caller Skeletons will no longer uncover players using a hide emote to hide in plain sight.
  • Players being chased by Bone Caller Skeletons will now be able to hide if they are able to lose line of sight and complete the hide emote before being found.
  • Players can now lure Bone Caller Skeletons to a location by firing a weapon and hiding again, causing the skeletons to patrol the location of the sound.


PlayStation®5 Activities

  • Before starting a Sea of Thieves session on PlayStation®5, players will now have access to two new Activities allowing them to make a headstart on their session. Players can select High Seas or Safer Seas from the control centre and be taken straight to Ship Selection in the front end.
  • Players engaging in a Faction Battle via the Hourglass of Fate will now also have their battle status shown in the control centre, and shared on their Friend profile for others to see.

View Profile on PlayStation®5

  • Players on PlayStation®5 will now have the ability to view another player’s Network profile by selecting View Profile from within the Crew Management and Guild Menus.

Fixed Issues


  • When boarding a ship from the sea, players can no longer silence the boarding audio effects by grabbing the ladder while repeatedly holding out items, ensuring nearby players will always hear the signs that someone is boarding from the water.
  • Players can once again summon text chat after rebinding it to either the C key on the keyboard or R3 button on PlayStation®5.
  • Crews diving for an Hourglass battle as a Grade 1 Emissary, and earning enough following a win to skip straight to Grade 3, will now correctly progress Commendations that required Grade 2 status to unlock.
  • Crews are no longer able to vote down an Emissary Flag in the short window after the sinking death knell is heard and before the ship is destroyed.
  • The Gold Hoarders Boots can now be found in the correct shop at Outposts.
  • Players using a mermaid to leave a stormy area and return to their ship should no longer find themselves sometimes unfortunately struck by lightning when arriving back on their ship.
  • Snakes caught inside crates will now attack players when held and stationary.

Performance and Stability

  • Players should no longer experience scenarios where the sea becomes frozen or reduced to moving slowly, significantly affecting gameplay.
  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.

The War Chest

  • The Twin Shot Target Commendation is now visible in the War Chest when progress has not yet been made.
  • Bone Caller Skeletons roaming a ship now offer a short grace period before attacking players returning from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • Throwing a knife at a blocking player will now display the correct visual effects.
  • Players can now retrieve Deadlock Jailer Throwing Knives embedded in the environment without having throwing knives in their loadout.
  • When a charged shot is fired from a Double Barrel Pistol, the animation no longer shows the hammer being primed before reloading, allowing the weapon to now reload more quickly.


  • When browsing Guild members on PS5®, players should no longer see other Guild members as anonymous.
  • Guild members playing on PS5® should now consistently display their PlayStation™Network Icon alongside their gamertag.
  • During a Faction Battle, crews on PS5® sailing out of bounds will now find their view desaturates as they leave the area, clearly indicating the danger.

Visual and Audio

  • When a player boards a ship, the audio cue is now only heard around the vicinity of the ladder and not from further away.
  • Battle music during Faction Battles will now continue to be heard after a player has died and returned from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • Several wheels have been improved to prevent players’ hands from intersecting with the handles when turning.
  • Pigs caught in a Pig Crate will now appear at the correct size.
  • Transitioning from a Sleep or Sit Emote to any other emote now updates the camera zoom point correctly.
  • When wielding a pocket watch, players will now flick the watch open.
  • Improvements have been made to the blade textures of the Gold Leaf Cutlass.
  • Performing the Scrappy Weapon Pose Emote no longer causes players' hands to intersect with throwing knives.
  • When a player is observed using a spyglass, the item should no longer intersect with their head when looking towards the ground.
  • The grog inside the Evening Tide Tankard now appears correctly.
  • The Legendary Spirit Pistol should now fire in line with the pistol’s centre point when aiming.
  • Larger pirates wearing the Paradise Garden Costume should now fit snugly without visible seams.
  • The colour of the Frozen Horizon Frigid Hair tips is now maintained when a headband is equipped. 
  • Placing the Scrivener’s Writing Set on a ship now results in it sitting neatly in place.
  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – The skull that Guybrush finds in the catacombs now sits in his hands while animating.
  • ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ – When unlocking the Summon the Beast shanty, the notification now shows the correct iconography.


  • A visible hole in the Vault wall at Fetcher’s Rest has been filled.
  • Improvements have been made to the shorelines at Plunder Valley and Sailors’ Bounty to ensure the waves crash smoothly onto the beaches.
  • Treasure dropped near the Vault doors on Sailor’s Knot Stronghold will no longer fall beneath ground level.
  • Pets will no longer be automatically removed from hangout spots within the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • Floating items in the Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune have been removed.
  • Players can now smoothly pass through a gap under one of the platforms on the eastern side of Skull Keep without getting stuck.
  • ‘The Legend of Monkey Island’ – Portrait Trinkets now only fit on certain hanging spots around the ships to prevent them from intersecting with other items.

User Interface

  • When attempting to invite players to a Guild, the invite menu should now consistently show all available friends.
  • After navigating from the Discover tab on the Quest Table, returning to the Discover tab will retain focus on the previously selected option.
  • Players diving to an encounter and receiving an extended wait in the Tunnels of the Damned will once again be shown notifications that the search is still in progress.


  • Players on PC using the ‘Toggle Radial Menus’ accessibility setting will no longer find that pressing the Q and E keys together causes the Game Options menu to become stuck on screen.

Text and Localisation

  • Players using French localisation will now find that the Seaposts have reverted to their English names as used previously.
  • ‘The Fate of the Morningstar’ – Improvements have been made to the Tall Tale Quest Books to resolve a range of text issues when playing in Japanese.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 7.57 GB
Xbox Series S: 6.26 GB
Xbox One X: 7.57 GB
Xbox One: 6.26 GB
Microsoft Store: 6.87 GB
Steam: 6.74 GB
PlayStation®5: 4.6 GB




3.0.2 Ship Speed Rebalancing id: 145 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.0.2

Sea of Thieves Season 12: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:15)

Gameplay Improvements

Ship Speed Rebalancing

  • The Sloop, Brigantine and Galleon have all received a set of speed changes, balancing each ship type and placing more emphasis on ship direction and sail management during naval encounters.
  • In a straight tailwind scenario, the Galleon with its three sails angled to the wind will now gain the advantage, followed by the Brigantine, then Sloop.
  • In a straight headwind, the Sloop will have less wind resistance from its single sail and will be at an advantage over the Brigantine, and then the slower Galleon.
  • Sidewind and crosswind scenarios will also now favour the Galleon when all sails are catching the maximum amount of wind. However, Galleon crews who mismanage the wind will suffer the largest penalty.

Sailing into a Headwind

  • Ships heading into a direct headwind will now be required to angle the sails to reduce the wind resistance and maintain their speed over longer distances. Sailing with sails flat into the wind will no longer be optimal.

Double Barrel Pistol Balancing

  • The damage of standard and charged shots from the Double Barrel Pistol has been increased.
  • A charged shot now takes less time to charge, allowing players to prepare this heavy-damage attack more quickly.
  • Hip firing the Double Barrel Pistol is now slightly more accurate.
  • Reload time has been reduced, allowing players to reload more quickly and get back into the action.

War Chest Commendation Balancing

  • Following the launch of Season 12, the team has adjusted a number of Commendations from the War Chest, reducing the criteria needed to unlock the various Grades. Players with progress already above the newly rebalanced levels will be required to perform one more action to refresh the Commendation progress.
  • When using the Double Barrel Pistol to defeat enemy threats, the Blown-Away Bones, Blam of the Damned and Double Deep Trouble Commendations will now progress more quickly.
  • Utilising throwing knives to attack Gunpowder Skeletons will now progress the Keg Knife Kaboom Commendation more quickly.
  • Players using scattershot against enemy threats will find the Holey Wood Holes, Scatter Bones, Spooky Spread and Peppered Meg Commendations have been made easier to obtain.
  • Using the Bone Caller to attack Skeleton Ships will now progress the Skeleton Squared Commendation more quickly.
  • Crews cashing in the Horn of Fair Winds will now find the amount needed for the Storm Sale Commendation has been reduced.
  • Players using harpoon tightropes to transfer treasure to their ship will now progress the Carry On Lootin’ Commendation much more quickly.
  • The Rib Roast and Title Fight Commendations requiring players to best Skeleton Lords in combat have now been switched to provide progress to the whole crew when defeated, rather than only rewarding a single player.

Hit Registration Improvements

  • Recent improvements to hit registration for player encounters have now been brought to threats encountered within the world, providing an improved ranged combat experience against skeletons, Phantoms and Ocean Crawlers.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Pet Protector Ship Collection
  • Dire Dark Warsmith Ship Collection
  • Dire Dark Warsmith Ship’s Crest
  • Dire Dark Warsmith Weapon Bundle
  • Dire Dark Warsmith Costume Set
  • Paradise Garden Costume Set
  • Paradise Garden Weapon Bundle
  • Painted Cat Collector’s Pet
  • Storm Strike Curse
  • Stormfish Chaser Clothing Bundle (returning from Season Ten Plunder Pass) 
  • Baleful Bloom Costume Set (returning from Season Seven Plunder Pass)
  • Tiny Tree Emote (free!)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost weapon shops now stock a further range of Heavy Swords and Rapiers from the Ocean Crawler, Deep Ocean Crawler and Azure Ocean Crawler sets, locked behind their associated Commendations.
  • The Crustacean Courtly Jacket is also available from the Outpost clothing shops for those with enough gold to spare.
  • Players who have reached reputation level 65 with the Gold Hoarders will now unlock access to the Gold Hoarders Boots, currently found in the Outpost clothing shops but moving to the Gold Hoarders representatives in a future update.


Front End Pirate Log Access

  • The Pirate Log is now conveniently accessible from the front end menu when launching Sea of Thieves! Players can now more easily check their Season and reputation progress before joining a session on the seas.

Player Reporting Improvements

  • A QR code has been added to the Report a Player menu to provide easier access for console players wishing to submit a report via a mobile device.

PlayStation®5 Voice Chat Notifications

  • In-game voice chat notifications for speaking players will now be shown with the appropriate colour for a crew member or Alliance member.

Fixed Issues


  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – Players will no longer become stuck after the LeChuck fight or the wedding ceremony and can now once again consistently complete the Tall Tale.
  • Crews purchasing Captain’s Supplies from the shipwright should now consistently find their supplies are delivered to their ship’s barrels.
  • Players can no longer achieve full billow with the Horn of Fair Winds without it losing its charge when used.
  • Players should no longer find themselves joining a session in an empty grey scene when attempting to rejoin a previous session.
  • Attacking a Chest of Rage with a range of weapon types will now consistently enrage the chest.
  • Players are no longer able to swap between platforms in rapid succession and gain access to exclusive cosmetics in their session.
  • Selling Ashen Chests recovered from Ancient Vaults will now progress the correct Ship and Pirate Milestones.
  • Players using inverted mouse controls will no longer find their input switched when diving or surfacing for a Faction battle.
  • Food items will no longer appear in Cannonball Barrels at Skeleton Forts.
  • When starting an Ashen Emissary Voyage as an Athena’s Fortune Emissary, the island chosen for the map will no longer be situated outside The Devil’s Roar.
  • The Ashen Chest found inside the Vault at emergent Skeleton Fort encounters will now be unlocked by default.
  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – Players will no longer be able to defeat LeChuck while inside the church before he has a chance to retaliate.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Diving to a Tall Tale checkpoint should no longer return the crew to a nearby Outpost.

Emporium Extravaganza Event

  • The Ancient Coin Trinket erroneously granted to some players during this Event has now been removed from those inventories. Players who legitimately obtained the Trinket are unaffected and will retain their reward (please raise a ticket with our Support team if you encounter any issues with this).

Throwing Knives

  • Players will now be able to jump freely if they stow their throwing knife while charging a heavy strike.
  • Players will now be able to run if they stow their throwing knife while aiming.
  • Throwing knives embedded in ships’ ladders will no longer prevent players from grabbing on to the ladders.
  • Throwing knives at a Gunpowder Barrel held by a player will now consistently cause the keg to explode on impact.
  • Players fighting the Ghost of Graymarrow with throwing knives will now deal the intended amount of damage.
  • Players engaging in Raid Voyages with throwing knives will now deal the intended amount of damage to enemy threats.

Double Barrel Pistol

  • Players holding aim and fire while reloading will now consistently see the weapon switch to an aimed state and begin to charge.
  • Players holding aim and fire then releasing while reloading should no longer see the weapon briefly switch to an aimed state before returning to idle.
  • Players are no longer able to skip the animation for pulling back the second hammer when firing.
  • Players fighting the Ghost of Graymarrow with a Double Barrel Pistol will now deal the intended amount of damage.
  • Players engaging in Raid Voyages with a Double Barrel Pistol will now deal the intended amount of damage to enemy threats.


  • The cannons on the north side of Kraken Watchtower are now visible when they shoot at vessels.
  • Crews diving to a Raid Voyage within the Treasury of the Secret Wilds will no longer discover gold piles which cannot be claimed.
  • Players will now consistently be able to pick up and take items from Collector’s Chests inside the Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune.
  • Removed a number of areas where players could fall out of the environment within the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • The Glorious Sea Dog Tavern no longer features invisible objects around the island.
  • ‘The Legend of Monkey Island’ – A Vanity Chest has been added to the circus stage, enabling players to remove the Skeleton Curse if they have one equipped in order to put on the circus costume.

Visual and Audio

  • Crews defeated in a Faction battle will now experience a smooth transition into and out of the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Players using the Skull of Siren Song will now animate smoothly between wielding and using the weapon.
  • Sprinting onto a harpoon tightrope with a weapon equipped will no longer cause the weapon to be wielded, letting players move smoothly along the rope.
  • Lesedi’s Spyglass will no longer change into another spyglass when the player dies or rejoins their session with the item equipped.
  • The Barrel Bombardier and Checkmate Cannons now display correctly when viewed at all distances.
  • The Deadlock Jailer Costume now better fits pirates of all body types.
  • The Flaming Jackal Pocket Watch now displays the correct date.
  • PC players using AMD GPUs and DirectX12 should now consistently see visual effects from fireworks when fired.
  • ‘The Legend of Monkey Island’ – Items will now appear at the correct size when held by players during the Tall Tales.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – When voting on the Tall Tale, one dagger will now appear on the Tall Tale book to show the player selection.

User Interface

  • Players should now be able to purchase the relevant promotions once they have reached the required Company reputation level.
  • After purchasing a Ship Renaming Deed from the Emporium in the front end, players should be able to rename their ship without needing to restart the game.
  • When purchasing a ship, having a ship name rejected will no longer temporarily cause the ship price to appear as free.
  • All barrels around the Sea of Thieves will now have category item counters, as intended.
  • Players will now see an infinity symbol on replayable Voyages in the Quest Table menu.
  • Switching quickly through the What’s New articles should no longer display the incorrect imagery alongside a piece of news.
  • When playing on Xbox Series X, viewing a ship from the ‘Select a Ship’ flow in the front end will now correctly display the ship’s sails without visual issues.
  • The Guild Motto displayed in the Guild Branding screen now consistently matches the one that was selected during Guild creation.
  • The pickup interaction for placed pets will now always be visible above the ground.
  • Dismantling a ship no longer warns players of losing Captain’s Voyages.
  • Playing in windowed mode on PC will now correctly display the front end session setup screen.

Text and Localisation

  • The description of the Quite the Collection Commendation has been updated to include the requirement to be representing the Guardians of Fortune when handing in Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flags.
  • Improvements made to Tall Tale Quest Books to resolve a range of text issues for those playing in Japanese.
  • Improvements made to text sizes within Tall Tale Quest Books to resolve overlapping text across a range of non-English languages.
  • ‘The Legend of Monkey Island’ – The localisation of the Sword Master has been updated to follow the correct terminology in the Korean language translation.


  • Players on PlayStation®5 choosing to disable crossplay will now be able to consistently join Open Crew sessions with other players from their platform.

Performance and Stability

  • Players leaving a crew during a session should no longer cause other crew members to be disconnected from the game and experience a Longbeard error.
  • Further improvements made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.
  • Improvements made to memory management to reduce scenarios where players may experience a sudden disconnection on lower-performance PC and console hardware.
  • Sea of Thieves on Steam will no longer unexpectedly close if the game is started on an HDR screen then dragged to an SDR screen during startup.
  • Improvements made to texture streaming on the front end for lower-performance PC hardware, reducing scenarios where players may experience textures failing to load and leaving them shown at poor quality.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.83 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.35 GB
Xbox One X: 4.83 GB
Xbox One: 3.35 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.16 GB
Steam: 3.89 GB
PlayStation®5: 1.81 GB




3.0.1 rip crud id: 144 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.0.1

Sea of Thieves Season 12: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:15)

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Deadlock Jailer Ship Collection
  • Deadlock Jailer Costume
  • Deadlock Jailer Weapon Bundle
  • Deadlock Jailer Double Barrel Pistol and Throwing Knives
  • Deadlock Jailer Trinket
  • Crimson Crypt, Lodestar and Dark Warsmith Double Barrel Pistols
  • Shark’s Bane Ship’s Crest
  • Captain’s Head Ship’s Crest
  • Stormfish Chaser Weapon Bundle
  • Stormfish Chaser Ship Collection (returning from Season Ten Plunder Pass)
  • Forest’s Blessing Costume Set (returning from Season Six Plunder Pass)
  • Creeping Cold Costume Set (returning from Season Five Plunder Pass)
  • Presentation Emote Bundle
  • In for the Kill Emote (free!)

Emporium Post-Purchase Recommendations

  • Players purchasing items from the Pirate Emporium will now be shown a recommendation, suggesting similar items they may enjoy and allowing them to fast-track to the suggested offer.

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost weapon shops now stock a further range of Heavy Swords and Rapiers from the Seared Forsaken Ashes, Scorched Forsaken Ashes, Parrot, Sunshine Parrot and Nightshine Parrot sets, locked behind their associated Commendations.
  • The Avian Courtly Jacket is also available from the Outpost clothing shops for gold.

Fixed Issues


  • Players joining a crew in progress near a World Event will no longer find themselves appearing on the Ferry of the Damned, and should now arrive as intended at their crew’s ship.
  • Players are no longer able to use a fishing rod while travelling through the air to modify their trajectory.
  • Crews retrieving treasure from on board Skeleton Ships within a Fleet encounter will no longer find those items reappear when a ship resurfaces.
  • Crews clearing out a Siren Shrine or Treasury will now find the rewards are randomised when the location refreshes, preventing players from farming specific items.
  • Players rolling a 20 with the Roll a D20 Emote will now unlock the Critical Roll Commendation.
  • Burying a depleted Ashen Winds Skull will no longer replenish its power when uncovered.
  • Crews defeated in an Hourglass battle will no longer see a low-quality scene before being sent to the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Captains should no longer be able to place multiple Scourge of the Sea Trinkets aboard their ship.
  • The Captain's Logbook will now consistently appear in the wreckage of a ship defeated in an Hourglass battle.
  • Crews raiding the Treasury Vault of an emergent Sea Fort will no longer find a suite of Order of Souls treasure, and will instead find a more balanced mix. 
  • The Eye of Reach now deals the intended amount of damage to Ocean Crawlers in vulnerable or shielded states.
  • Players who have purchased the Parakeet Sea Dog Outfit for their parrot will now see it present in the Pet Chest.
  • ‘The Legend of Monkey Island’ – Time spent playing the Monkey Island Shanty will now be counted in Milestone statistics.


  • Players are now able to progress the When You’re a Professional Pirate Trophy by completing Commendations through play on PlayStation®5. Players with prior progress will not unlock this Trophy automatically, and will be required to earn additional Commendations in order to unlock it. Players who believe they may be stuck and unable to progress can raise a support request.
  • Players using game narration will find the account linking flow is now fully narrated.

The War Chest

  • Crew members will now unlock progress towards the Title Fight Commendation when a Skeleton Lord is defeated by another member of the crew.
  • Crew members will now unlock progress towards the Rib Roast Commendation when an Ashen Lord is defeated by another member of the crew.

Throwing Knives

  • Throwing knives hitting a capstan, Ammo Box or Armoury will now disappear and not block player interaction with the object.
  • After throwing a knife, players should now consistently be able to sprint freely without being impeded.
  • Players aiming a throwing knife should no longer feel a stutter when moving.
  • Players will no longer be able to perform a heavy attack and then throw a knife in quick succession when using the throwing knives.
  • Players stowing their throwing knives while charging a heavy attack will no longer retain the charged state when equipping the weapon again.
  • Throwing knives now deal the intended amount of damage to Kraken tentacles.
  • Throwing knives will now behave correctly when dropped off a ship into the water.
  • Throwing a knife and quickly switching weapons should no longer display a knife attached to the player’s hand.
  • Throwing a knife into water now displays the full splash visual effect.
  • Throwing knives lodged in the environment will now glint smoothly when observed while moving around.
  • Throwing knives stuck in the environment will now fade out smoothly when they expire.

Bone Caller

  • Bone Caller Skeletons will no longer appear on a sinking ship, and as a ship sinks any remaining skeletons will be destroyed.
  • During a Kraken encounter, Bone Caller Skeletons will now wait patiently for a threat they can reach.
  • While inside a Siren Treasury, any skeletons remaining when the water level rises will now be destroyed.
  • Bone Caller Skeletons can no longer be summoned in the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • Bone Caller Skeletons summoned in the Sunken Kingdom will now attack threats on sight and will not wait to be attacked first.

Double Barrel Pistol

  • Players are now able to queue up a charged shot while reloading, so that once the reload is finished the shot begins charging.
  • Players can now consistently reload from Ammo Crates/Pouches after using the Double Barrel Pistol.
  • The Aim Down Sights camera speed is no longer retained after firing a charged shot.
  • Players who are killed while charging a shot will no longer fire the shot upon death.
  • Switching equipment after firing an aimed shot with the Double Barrel Pistol will no longer cause the item to appear in its secondary use state.
  • The Double Barrel Pistol now deals the intended amount of damage to Kraken tentacles and Gold Hoarder Skeletons.
  • The Double Barrel Pistol now deals the intended amount of damage to Ocean Crawlers in vulnerable or shielded states. 
  • Firing a charged shot while inside a ship will now play the full firing visual effect.

Horn of Fair Winds

  • The Horn of Fair Winds can now be sold to all Trading Companies for the correct price even when fully depleted.
  • Players standing at the front of a Rowboat can now be pushed back by the Horn of Fair Winds.
  • Burying a depleted Horn of Fair Winds will no longer replenish its power when uncovered.
  • Crews should no longer be able to obtain additional Horns of Fair Winds from the same Sunken Kingdom location in short periods of time.

Pirate Emporium

  • The Toe Reach Emote has now had its price corrected from 249 to 149 Ancient Coins. Players who purchased the emote at the incorrect price will be reimbursed 100 Ancient Coins.
  • The Cutler Beckett Costume Set has now had its price corrected from 599 to 999 Ancient Coins.


  • Players should no longer be able to see into the environment within The Reaper’s Lair.
  • Volcano eruptions on Devil’s Roar islands should no longer create visual effect issues on the ground.
  • Skeletons will no longer become trapped under the stairs at Keel Haul Fort.
  • Coral Skeletons will no longer become trapped in the scenery in the Shrine of Ancient Tears.
  • Players should no longer find pockets of water missing within the Shrine of the Coral Tomb.

User Interface

  • After transitioning a Guild to a new owner, the Guild leader will now be able to begin making changes and not be required to restart the game.
  • Renown level notifications now display the appropriate Season 12 iconography.
  • The summary details shown in the Reputation tab for each Trading Company now correctly display the number of Titles unlocked.
  • Navigating the Report a Player menus with a mouse and keyboard or controller is now a consistent experience.
  • Tall Tale rewards now correctly fit within their frames when browsing the Quest Table.
  • ‘The Legend of Monkey Island’ – Dialogue options shown during Insult Sword Fighting are now much more responsive.
  • Map markers for completed Tall Tales will now correctly display as unlocked on the ship’s map once completed.

Visual and Audio

  • Players swimming down into the Sunken Kingdom after diving for a Voyage or Hourglass battle will now see the correct atmospheric conditions on their descent.
  • Shooting a ship’s harpoon no longer displays a white hit marker.
  • Looking up at a nearby ship while underwater no longer displays a moving shadow effect on the water’s surface.
  • Several keys have been reduced in size to be consistent and fit properly in players’ hands.
  • When wielding the Stormfish Chaser Blunderbuss, players’ hands will now rest correctly on the weapon.
  • Players should no longer experience visual corruption when sailing through the Maiden Voyage on Xbox One.

Text and Localisation

  • Small increase made to text sizes to improve accessibility within the My Ships flow on the front end.
  • Improvements to text sizes within the Tall Tales section of the Quest Table to resolve overlapping text in non-English languages.
  • The Infinite Depths Weapon Pose Emote now fits neatly within the Emote Radial.

Performance and Stability

  • PC players adjusting resolution scaling will now see a warning that game performance will be affected.
  • Reduced scenarios where players may receive a Hazelnutbeard error following migration to a new server.
  • Further improvements made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game or become disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 12.89 GB
Xbox Series S: 8.02 GB
Xbox One X: 12.89 GB
Xbox One: 8.02 GB
Microsoft Store: 12.21 GB
Steam: 4.4 GB
PlayStation®5: 3.16 GB



PS5® INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. megs are back id: 143 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Fixed Issues


  • Crews engaging a Megalodon should no longer find that it suddenly becomes passive and leaves the encounter. Be prepared to fight!
  • Players are no longer able to get into a state where they can rapidly throw many throwing knives faster than intended.
  • Shooting a ranged weapon at a player holding a Gunpowder Barrel should now consistently hit and detonate the barrel first, rather than sometimes hitting the player behind it.

The War Chest

  • Players firing a Bone Caller at Skeleton Ships should now progress the Skeleton Squared Commendation.

Pirate Emporium

  • The Blow Bubbles Emote has now had its price corrected from 249 to 149 Ancient Coins. Players who purchased the emote at the incorrect price will be reimbursed 100 Ancient Coins.
  • New players who have yet to purchase any Ancient Coins are no longer shown an error when attempting to acquire items marked as free in the Pirate Emporium.

Performance and Stability

  • Players on Xbox attempting to play Sea of Thieves before the full game package has been installed should no longer experience instability during play.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 2.3 GB
Xbox Series S: 1.88 GB
Xbox One X: 2.3 GB
Xbox One: 1.88 GB
Microsoft Store: 2.4 GB
Steam: 1.25 GB
PlayStation®5: 0.56 GB




3.0.0 Season 12 / PS launch id: 141 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 3.0.0

Sea of Thieves Season 12: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:15)

Launch on PlayStation®5

A new era begins! Read through this recap from the previous release notes of how to get set up, get into a crew and get the best performance from Sea of Thieves on PlayStation®5, or scroll on to find out what’s new for all players with the arrival of Season 12...

Microsoft Account Linking

  • All players will need to sign in with a Microsoft account to play Sea of Thieves. When launching the game, players will be guided through the account linking process.
  • Be warned, account linking is a permanent decision, as players are only able to associate a single Microsoft account with a single account for PlayStation™Network. Only use the Microsoft account on which you intend to carry over your progress to launch!
  • Experienced players from other platforms who joined during the PlayStation®5 Closed Beta will have their pirate and all associated progress seamlessly transferred and accessible for play. Be sure to use the correct Microsoft account, as the two accounts chosen to be associated cannot be changed later.

Player Names and Online IDs

  • Once a Microsoft account is linked for Sea of Thieves play, all players will be displayed using their Microsoft account gamertag.
  • Players on PlayStation®5 can utilise the Recent Players List feature, located within the Game Options menu, to view the Microsoft account and linked online IDs of players on PlayStation™Network they encounter, as well as directly viewing their profile.

Inviting Friends into a Crew

  • When setting up a crew, players can use the PlayStation®5 Game Base to invite existing PlayStation friends using ‘Invite to Game’.
  • Players are also able to use the new in-game friends list, which consolidates friends from the linked Microsoft account and the account for PlayStation™Network into a single location for seamless crew management.

Cross-Platform Play

  • Cross-platform play is enabled by default, ensuring that all new players joining High Seas will find their home on the waves with other players from all walks of life. Players on PlayStation®5, however, can choose to disable crossplay from Matchmaking Settings and only matchmake with others on PlayStation™Network.

Performance on PlayStation®5

  • Sea of Thieves on PlayStation®5 is optimised to run at 60 FPS in 4K resolution, ensuring complete parity with Xbox Series X players.
  • Players can access an additional Performance Mode from the game settings for supported TVs, allowing for 120Hz refresh rates at 1080p resolution.

HDR Setup on PlayStation®5

  • New players on PlayStation®5 using a HDR-supported screen should perform HDR calibration when playing for the first time. Navigate to ‘HDR Calibration’ in Game Settings to configure your experience.

DualSense™ Wireless Controller Support

  • Hungry for haptic feedback? The DualSense™ wireless controller enhances the experience of movement and interactions with the world.
  • Adaptive triggers leveraging unique qualities of the controller heighten the gunplay experience, allowing players to feel every bullet they fire.
  • When a headset isn’t connected, the controller’s built-in microphone will serve as the default device for communication, granting all players access to in-game voice chat.

Voice Chat Notifications

  • When using in-game voice chat with crewmates or other players you meet in the world, the name of the broadcasting players will be shown within the HUD in a new indicator.

Player Moderation

  • Players now have access to the Player Blocking tool in the game’s settings. This allows a player to be blocked, resulting in them being restricted from communicating with you using in-game voice chat.
  • The Player Blocking tool also allows for easy management of your Blocked Players list.

The War Chest

New weapons waiting to be mastered and tools to take your tactics to the next level! Try your luck with fresh loadouts and feel the rush while riding the ziplines. To learn more about this new Season’s headline features, head over to our dedicated Season 12 page.

Throwing Knives

  • These new weapons in the pirate armoury come as a set of five, which are wielded one at a time when equipped and can be restocked from any Ammo Chest.
  • Wielding a throwing knife allows players to stab enemies with a quick melee attack or charge for a devastating downward strike.
  • Throwing a knife allows for a high-damage ranged attack. If a thrown knife misses its target, it becomes lodged in the environment and can be recovered to replenish stock. But be aware that another player can also retrieve your knife and use it against you!

Double Barrel Pistol

  • This new fast-firing weapon holds six bullets and can be fired twice before needing to be reloaded, or both barrels can be fired together by charging the shot.
  • Shots fired from the Double Barrel Pistol have reduced range and damage compared to the standard pistol, but compensate with a faster firing speed.


  • This new type of cannonball can be found in storage barrels across the seas, providing players with an effective short-range option for devastating enemy ships in combat.
  • Scattershot breaks apart when fired, sending four smaller projectiles in an outward spread. These have a lower trajectory than standard cannonballs, making scattershot a shorter-range option.
  • Each projectile deals light damage to the impact area, increasing if existing damage areas are hit repeatedly. Ship interaction points such as the wheel, mast and capstan can also be damaged by the blast, and players caught in the spread will receive light damage without knockback.

Bone Caller

  • This mystical throwable item possesses the power to summon a loyal skeleton crew who will attack nearby enemies. After a time, these skeletons will expire in a cloud of bones.
  • Bone Callers can also be fired from a cannon, giving players the ability to send a targeted package of disruption to rival ships at sea.
  • Bone Callers can be recovered from crates left behind by defeated Skeleton Fleets, or found in barrels at Skeleton Forts.

Horn of Fair Winds

  • This Siren shell is a treasure artefact that harnesses the power of the wind, and is discoverable in shipwrecks and other locations throughout the Sunken Kingdom.
  • Crews can use it to get ahead by filling their sails to full billow, giving a boost to a Rowboat or propelling themselves through the water.
  • Players can also harness the Horn’s powerful effects to knock back enemies, cushion a potentially fatal fall or even extinguish a blazing ship.

Harpoon Tightropes

  • Players firing a harpoon line into a rock, beach, tree or even another ship can now climb onto the line and perform a tightrope walk, maintaining their balance as they go.
  • Stepping onto a steeply descending harpoon line will allow players to slide effortlessly, even with treasure on their back!

Island Ziplines

  • Navigation has been further improved with the addition of ziplines to a range of islands across the Sea of Thieves. Seek out these permanent new structures to experiment with speedier traversal!

Updated Weapon Pose Emotes

  • With the introduction of the Double Barrel Pistol and throwing knives, previously released Weapon Pose Emotes have been updated to support the new weapon types.

Season 12

Another Season means 100 new Renown levels to climb and rewards to snag – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more! Read on for more on this plus details of other improvements landing with this Season’s launch, on top of those already applied in last week’s update...

Season 12 Rewards and Plunder Pass

  • Progressing through the 100 levels of Renown in Season 12 will reward players with Famous Pirate and Famed Buccaneer cosmetics alongside other time-limited Seasonal specials. Head to the Seasons profile page to browse the new rewards and check your pirate’s progress!
  • Pick up the latest Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of additional unlockable cosmetics from the Gorgon set, including a full ship set and two-stage Stone Curse, all available to earn by raising Renown. Purchase a Pass in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, or via the Pirate Emporium webpage, Microsoft Store, PlayStation™Store or Steam Item Store.

Season 12 Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • This Season, the Guild Emissary Ledgers offer the Ocean of Siren Song Painting, Mysterious Siren Carving Ornament and Guild of Fearsome Depths Title to Guilds who represent them well and perform proudly in the Ledgers.
  • While Emissary Ledgers will continue to refresh each month and celebrate our most prolific pirates, the delivery of fresh cosmetics into the Ledgers’ topmost tiers is paused from this Season onwards. For the vast majority of players though, the Ledgers still hold a treasure trove of locked rewards ready to earn by competing against other Emissaries. Log in and track your performance on the Emissary Ledgers page!

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Checkmate Ship Collection
  • Checkmate Weapon Bundle
  • Checkmate Clothing Bundle
  • Checkmate Ship’s Crest
  • Crimson Crypt, Lodestar and Dark Warsmith Throwing Knives
  • Great Grey, Tawny, Snowy, Barn and Black Banded Owl pets
  • Scrappy Weapon Pose Emote
  • Sting Tide Ship Collection (returning from Season Nine Plunder Pass)
  • Sting Tide Costume Set (returning from Season Nine Plunder Pass)
  • Sting Tide Lantern
  • Paradise Garden Pistol (free!)

Additions to the Classics Range

  • The Classics range has been expanded to include a range of costumes, weapons and equipment from older sets, now permanently reduced in price.
  • Cosmetic sets such as Shining Pegasus, Ruby Splashtail and Sea of Sands are among those that now have more than just ship liveries represented in the Classics range.


PlayStation®5 Launch Celebration

  • To celebrate the official launch of Sea of Thieves on PlayStation®5, all pirates who log in during Season 12 on any platform will receive a commemorative gift in the form of the New Dawn Sails.

Fixed Issues


  • Open Crew matchmaking has been re-enabled as an option when starting a Sea of Thieves session, allowing players to form a crew with other random players from all platforms.
  • Players are no longer able to use a Quest Map while travelling through the air to modify their trajectory.

User Interface

  • After a lobby is filled with players from different platforms, the platform icons shown next to players upon setting sail should no longer display a default image.

Known Issues

Full Guild Access Temporarily Disabled

  • Due to a recently discovered issue, Guild Members are not currently presented with the full suite of ships pledged to their active Guilds. Guild Members will be shown any ships they have pledged, but no other ships or active sessions from others within the Guild.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 2.49 GB
Xbox Series S: 29.2 GB
Xbox One X: 2.49 GB
Xbox One: 29.2 GB
Microsoft Store: 2.4 GB
Steam: 1.09 GB
PlayStation®5: 76.97 GB (update only: 0.5 GB)




2.10.3 PS preorder live id: 140 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.10.3

Sea of Thieves Season 11: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:17)

Early Access on PlayStation®5

A warm welcome to our pirates on this new platform, those returning from the Closed Beta and maiden voyagers alike! Enjoy finding your sea legs in these final days of Season 11, before April 30th ushers in our next Season and all its new features...

Microsoft Account Linking

  • All players will need to sign in with a Microsoft account to play Sea of Thieves. When launching the game, players will be guided through the account linking process.
  • Be warned, account linking is a permanent decision, as players are only able to associate a single Microsoft account with a single account for PlayStation™Network. Only use the Microsoft account on which you intend to carry over your progress to launch!
  • Experienced players from other platforms who joined during the PlayStation®5 Closed Beta will have their pirate and all associated progress seamlessly transferred and accessible for play. Be sure to use the correct Microsoft account, as the two accounts chosen to be associated cannot be changed later.

Player Names and Online IDs

  • Once a Microsoft account is linked for Sea of Thieves play, all players will be displayed using their Microsoft account gamertag.
  • Players on PlayStation®5 can utilise the Recent Players List feature, located within the Game Options menu, to view the Microsoft account and linked online IDs of players on PlayStation™Network they encounter, as well as directly viewing their profile.

Inviting Friends into a Crew

  • When setting up a crew, players can use the PlayStation®5 Game Base to invite existing PlayStation friends using ‘Invite to Game’.
  • Players are also able to use the new in-game friends list, which consolidates friends from the linked Microsoft account and the account for PlayStation™Network into a single location for seamless crew management.

Cross-Platform Play

  • Cross-platform play is enabled by default, ensuring that all new players joining High Seas will find their home on the waves with other players from all walks of life. Players on PlayStation®5, however, can choose to disable crossplay from Matchmaking Settings and only matchmake with others on PlayStation™Network.

Performance on PlayStation®5

  • Sea of Thieves on PlayStation®5 is optimised to run at 60 FPS in 4K resolution, ensuring complete parity with Xbox Series X players.
  • Players can access an additional Performance Mode from the game settings for supported TVs, allowing for 120Hz refresh rates at 1080p resolution.

HDR Setup on PlayStation®5

  • New players on PlayStation®5 using a HDR-supported screen should perform HDR calibration when playing for the first time. Navigate to ‘HDR Calibration’ in Game Settings to configure your experience.

DualSense™ Wireless Controller Support

  • Hungry for haptic feedback? The DualSense™ wireless controller enhances the experience of movement and interactions with the world.
  • Adaptive triggers leveraging unique qualities of the controller heighten the gunplay experience, allowing players to feel every bullet they fire.
  • When a headset isn’t connected, the controller’s built-in microphone will serve as the default device for communication, granting all players access to in-game voice chat.

Voice Chat Notifications

  • When using in-game voice chat with crewmates or other players you meet in the world, the name of the broadcasting players will be shown within the HUD in a new indicator.

Player Moderation

  • Players now have access to the Player Blocking tool in the game’s settings. This allows a player to be blocked, resulting in them being restricted from communicating with you using in-game voice chat.
  • The Player Blocking tool also allows for easy management of your Blocked Players list.

Fates of Fortune

Chest of Fortune

  • The Chest of Fortune has been returned to the locked Vault of the formidable Fort of Fortune. Keep a keen eye on the horizon for the ominous red skull cloud in the sky when it becomes active.
  • Crews who retrieve Chests of Fortune can now earn the next Grade of the Fortune’s Favour Commendation, unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune Lantern, Spyglass, Compass and Bucket.

Reaper’s Chests

  • Crews chasing down the tell-tale beacon of the Reaper’s Chest or Reaper’s Bounty can earn the next Grade of the Reaper’s Riches Commendation, and start unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune Banjo and Drum.

Gameplay Improvements

Hit Registration Improvements

  • Further improvements have been made to calculate the location of player shots more accurately across the client and server, providing a sizeable improvement to hit registration for ranged weapons across a range of combat scenarios.

Skeleton Ship and Megalodon Encounters

  • The frequency of emergent Skeleton Ship and Megalodon encounters has been reduced to match the frequency of encounters prior to Season 11.

Animation Quality Settings

  • Players now have improved control over the character animation quality within the Graphics Settings. This will provide a smoother experience; however, higher settings may impact CPU performance.

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost shops have received a new shipment of items from the Seared Forsaken Ashes set, with the ship set and clothing now available to purchase with gold after unlocking the Warsmith of the Flame Commendation.
  • The Outpost weapon shops now have the Forsaken Ashes Heavy Sword and Rapier available for Doubloons after unlocking the Devil’s Cartographer Commendation.

Legacy Event Cosmetics

  • Previous rewards from the Wish You Were Here Event have now been added to the Outpost shops. The Cartographer Tattoo and the Refined Gold Cutlass, Spyglass and Speaking Trumpet are now available for Doubloons.

Season Five Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season Five have arrived in Outpost shops and can now be yours in exchange for Doubloons!
  • Players can purchase the Bell Brigade clothing set, along with a range of unique one-off items that were available during this Season. Pirate Legends can also pick up Merrick’s Tankard and Grimm’s Jacket.
  • The time-limited Ancient Gold items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season Five.


Report a Player

  • The in-game Report a Player tool has now been extended, providing the ability to report players for Movement Exploits, Aiming Exploits and Toxic Behaviour.
  • As with all player reports, these will be referred to the Sea of Thieves Support team for investigation and follow-up action.

Pirate Emporium Quick Menu

  • The Pirate Emporium can now be accessed via the Quick Menu, allowing pirates to browse the Emporium at any time!

Pirate Emporium Local Currency Purchasing

  • With shopping improvements in the works for the Pirate Emporium, this update removes a lesser-used feature that provided players with the ability to make purchases within the Pirate Emporium directly using their local currency.

Port Merrick Front End Menu

  • The tavern location for the front end is now using the recently constructed Port Merrick tavern.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews diving to an experience or Faction battle and surfacing alongside another ship should no longer encounter issues where items on board their ship become non-interactable.
  • The frequency of sharks appearing when players set foot in the water has returned to normal levels.
  • Resolved an issue experienced during high network traffic where players bailing from a ship would find that water would only be visually thrown from a bucket, and could then be thrown a second time.
  • Console players can once again use a mouse and keyboard with full compatibility.
  • Skeletons have been reminded that they need to repair damage to their ships during battle.
  • Shipwrights should now consistently deliver purchased supplies to Captains.
  • Players losing treasure during the Merchant Alliance or Order of Souls Tutorial Voyages will now find the Voyage cancelled.
  • Players can no longer use a cannon to generate additional throwables.
  • All Gold Hoarders Vault Voyages have been updated to prevent crews from predicting the location of the treasure.
  • Players will no longer find treasure from a Siren Shrine reappears after leaving and returning to a cleared area.
  • Selling Gold Hoarders artefacts at The Reaper's Hideout should no longer progress Gold Hoarders Commendations.
  • Captains leaving a ship damaged at the end of a session should now consistently find the ship seaworthy in their next session, but will still need to restore it to fully repair it.
  • The following Commendations will now progress when completing the required criteria: Righteous Victory, Athena’s Shield, Order of Ghouls, Hunt Them Down, Is That All You’ve Got?, Bones, Not Bonds.
  • Crews failing to find an Hourglass battle after diving will no longer be unable to catch fire when returning to their original server.
  • Resource Crates placed on a docked Rowboat should now still be visible and accessible after leaving the Tunnels of the Damned.

Performance and Stability

  • Players should now find in-game voice chat works consistently when playing across platforms and regions.
  • Resolved a prevalent client crash affecting Xbox consoles following the upgrade to GDK.
  • Improvements made to shop purchasing when under heavy load, reducing scenarios where players may become stuck ‘Counting Coins’.
  • Players should no longer become stuck waiting while attempting to purchase a Trading Company promotion.
  • Players returning through the Tunnels of the Damned following a Tall Tale should no longer experience a Hazelnutbeard error.
  • Further improvements made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game or become disconnected from their session.


  • Players on Steam should no longer encounter the error that Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed when installing from the Steam Store.
  • Improvements made to Anti-Cheat detection, reducing the frequency of players encountering a Hazelnutbeard error.
  • Improvements made to Anti-Cheat detection to further protect from external access.

User Interface

  • Players can now successfully send Guild Invites to players not on their Xbox friends list.
  • Players on PC will now find their graphics settings are consistently saved across sessions.
  • Crewmates attacked by an enemy will now show the appropriate Crew Status Tag on their nameplate.
  • The Ruby Stinger Cutlass shown in the Armoury preview now more closely matches the wielded weapon.
  • The Flourishing Wild Rose items now display the correct iconography in the cosmetic chests.
  • Viewing the Lantern Dance Emote within the Vanity Chest now displays the correct flame colour.
  • The Noble Spartan Sails now display the correct iconography in the Ship Customisation Chest.
  • Players attempting to close the virtual keyboard while typing in text chat will now find the menu is closed.

Visual and Audio

  • Players should now consistently see their ship name adorning the Ship’s Crest when joining a session.
  • While navigating around islands, players should no longer see leaves sometimes pop in and out.
  • While observing shadows cast on board the ship, players should no longer see the shadows of ropes sometimes pop in and out while moving.
  • Picking up a Captain's Key while on a Lost Shipment Voyage should now show it sitting correctly in the player’s hand.
  • While on the Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage, picking up the Gold Hoarders Medallion should no longer cause it to visually shrink in the player’s hand.
  • Players traversing the world should no longer see large shadows pop in and out across islands or while out at sea.
  • Players picking up the Vestige of Power or Ashes of Ruin will now find they use the correct animation when held.
  • Players dodging repeatedly with a sword should continue to see their sword sway when returning to blocking.
  • During cutlass battles with skeletons and Phantoms, striking and blocking animations are now more accurately synchronised for both players and enemies.
  • Players swimming quickly underwater will now see the correct bubble effects from both hands.
  • ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ – The Clock Tower Key should now sit correctly in the player’s hand.
  • ‘The Shroudbreaker’ – The Mysterious Stranger now animates smoothly during the initial cutscene.


  • Crews exploring a sunken shipwreck should once again be able to easily retrieve Bounty Skulls from within the Captain’s quarters.
  • Crews unlocking the Vault beneath the Fort of the Damned will now find the treasure placed neatly on the surfaces.


  • Players on Xbox using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will find the virtual keyboard is now narrated.

Text and Localisation

  • Improvements made to Quest Books across The Legend of Monkey Island Tall Tales to reduce overlapping text in a range of languages.
  • The Unbroken Bonds Sails now have an appropriate name when viewed in the Ship Customisation Chest.
  • Tasha at Ancient Spire Outpost no longer has duplicated words in her dialogue.
  • Ship names using the maximum character length will no longer overflow within the Captain’s Logbook.
  • Text shown on the loading screen will now be displayed correctly when using an Ultrawide monitor.
  • ‘A Pirate's Life’ – The Cursed Captain’s name should always be shown alongside the relevant subtitles in all languages.

Known Issues

Open Crew Matchmaking Temporarily Disabled

  • Due to an issue discovered in this update, players will not currently have the option to select and join an Open Crew session from the front end menu. The team are working to resolve this issue and restore Open Crew matchmaking as part of our full Season 12 update on April 30th.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 7.44 GB
Xbox Series S: 23.2 GB
Xbox One X: 7.44 GB
Xbox One: 23.2 GB
Microsoft Store: 6.1 GB
Steam: 8.3 GB
PlayStation®5: 76.97 GB



2.10.2 EAC id: 138 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.10.2

Sea of Thieves Season 11: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:17)

Game Improvements

Easy Anti-Cheat

  • Sea of Thieves is now protected by Easy Anti-Cheat, the industry-leading anti-cheat solution designed by Epic Games to identify and address instances of hacking and cheating in multiplayer games.
  • This anti-cheat solution will be updated outside of Sea of Thieves’ regular update schedule to keep in sync with cheat developers.


Safer Seas Solo Play

  • Players who own a copy of Sea of Thieves are now able to experience Safer Seas solo without needing an Xbox Game Pass Core or Ultimate subscription.
  • While this addition introduces a truly single-player experience without a subscription for the first time in Sea of Thieves, this is not an offline experience and is still connected to servers hosted in the cloud.

Virtual Keyboard Support

  • Players summoning the Virtual Keyboard inside the game will now find that a range of new languages are supported: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean and Russian.

Message of the Day

  • Players will now experience a Message of the Day when arriving in the front end menu, highlighting current Season features, upcoming content and other exciting news within the world of Sea of Thieves.

Adventures Tab

  • The Adventures tab has been hidden from the Quick Menu for a more streamlined navigation experience.

Report a Player

  • The in-game Report a Player tool has now been extended, providing players with easy access to a web-based route for making a more detailed report through the Sea of Thieves Support site.

GDK Integration

  • While players on console and the Microsoft Store will experience another large download this month, regular game updates moving forwards will now be considerably smaller.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Stone Islehopper Outlaw Ship Collection
  • Stone Islehopper Outlaw Weapon Bundle
  • Stone Islehopper Outlaw Costume
  • Stone Islehopper Outlaw Banjo
  • Roaring Grog Emote Bundle
  • Gold Curse Whippet
  • Spartan Ship Collection (returning from time-limited promotion)
  • Ravenwood Costume Set (returning from Season Eight Plunder Pass) 
  • Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life Big Bundles
  • Blow Bubbles Emote (free!)

Introducing the Classics Range

  • A range of older ship collections are moving into a Classics range within the Emporium, and will be permanently reduced in price. Further sets will be added to the range in future after being available in the game for a number of years.
  • The Classics range currently includes 15 fan-favourite ship sets including the Cutthroat, Sea of Sands and Bear & Bird collections.

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost shipwrights have received a new shipment of items from the Maestro set. Players are now able to purchase Maestro ship parts after unlocking The Artistic Souls Commendation.
  • The Outpost shops now offer items from the Flourishing Wild Rose set, with ship parts along with the Heavy Sword and Rapier available after unlocking the Always Yours Commendation.
  • For those wishing to collect further items from the Wild Rose and Thriving Wild Rose sets, the Heavy Swords and Rapiers are now available after unlocking the Always Yours Commendation.
  • The Outpost clothing shops also offer a range of new beards and hairstyles, with the Wild Rose Waxed Hair, Floral Hair and Beard along with the windswept Sweeping Hair.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews diving to an experience or Faction battle and surfacing alongside another ship should no longer encounter issues where items on board their ship become non-interactable.
  • After losing a battle with an emergent Skeleton Ship or Megalodon, players will now receive a longer rest period before being attacked again.
  • The frequency of sharks appearing when players set foot in the water has now returned to normal levels.
  • Improved directional stick input detection on controllers and returned dead zone and response curve controls.
  • Console players can once again use a mouse and keyboard with full compatibility.
  • Sailor’s Knot Stronghold becoming a Skeleton Fort or Fort of Fortune encounter will now consistently be defended by skeletons.
  • Buried treasure will no longer migrate with the crew across servers.
  • Players will no longer find treasure from a Sea Fort or Siren Shrine reappears after leaving and returning to a cleared area.
  • Diving to an Athena’s Fortune Ashen Lord encounter will now consistently reward players with Athena’s Fortune treasure.
  • The correct treasure will now be dropped from ships on Skeleton Fleet Voyages and after defeating an Athena’s Fortune Ashen Lord.
  • Players can no longer use a Storage Crate to generate additional resources from their ship barrels.
  • Players should now consistently have access to their earned Guild cosmetics.
  • The Gold Hoarders Vault Voyage has been updated to prevent players from predicting the location of the treasure.
  • All Raid Voyage Commendations now unlock consistently for the relevant Trading Companies on completion.
  • The Pirate Lord will now be present at the end of the Order of Souls Trading Company tutorial.
  • The first session tutorial will now show for all new players, but will be stopped once a player has interacted with the Quest Table or proposed a Voyage.
  • Players are now able to interact with the shipwright when docked at the Sovereigns’ tent on Sanctuary Outpost.
  • Quest notes will now be removed from a player’s inventory at the correct time after completing a Coral Message in a Bottle Voyage.
  • Ammo Pouches left on board a sinking Skeleton Ship will now sink with the ship.
  • Selling Dark Relics will now progress the Treasures Sold to the Order of Souls Captaincy Milestone.
  • The Shrouded Ghost Figurehead will now be unlocked consistently when players have completed the Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost Commendation.
  • Phantoms should now be able to hit stationary players with their lunging attack.
  • Using the harpoon to bring treasure aboard during the Gold Hoarders tutorial will now continue to progress the Voyage.
  • Two players performing the Make Friends Emote together will now summon the Add Friends menu as intended.


  • Players will no longer find themselves being transported back to their ship when navigating around The Reaper’s Lair.
  • Players will no longer find themselves becoming stuck in the rocks beneath the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern.
  • Players will no longer find themselves falling through the environment when swimming near the pier at the Fort of the Damned.
  • Environment textures are now displayed correctly at Devil’s Ridge.
  • Players will no longer be able to swim in areas that do not contain water inside the Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players will now consistently reappear in the correct place aboard the Silver Blade after returning from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Tree foliage is no longer visible in the sky within the bayou.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Plants will no longer appear distorted when viewed from a distance.

User Interface

  • The notification for a ship taking damage will no longer remain on screen after players have repaired the ship.
  • A new tutorial notification has been added, prompting players to go to their Quest Table to access newly unlocked Voyages after claiming a relevant Trading Company promotion.
  • Players are now consistently able to rename their ship without seeing an error message.
  • When players unlock The Mysteries of the Sunken Kingdom Commendation, the notification now shows the correct place to purchase the quest from in future.
  • Completing the Merchant Alliance tutorial no longer displays a banner about a lost Chicken Coop.
  • Players can now left-click on the Discover panel to access the corresponding menu location.
  • Promotion certificates have received a visual upgrade, fixing some text size and overlap issues and including glowing animations.
  • All Commendation notification backgrounds are now themed to the appropriate Trading Company.
  • When a Tall Tale is proposed on the Quest Table, the info card has been given an improved layout and now shows checkpoint status. This UI is also shown when interacting with a Tall Tale Quest Book in the world.
  • Players diving to a Siren Shrine on behalf of the Order of Souls or Merchant Alliance will no longer see Gold Hoarder-themed imagery when taking gold from Collector’s Chests.
  • When playing on Xbox Series X with a 120Hz Screen that either does not support HDR or HDR has been disabled, the Game Settings menu no longer shows HDR Brightness and Contrast settings.
  • The Quest Table will now update to show Liked Voyages after being liked.
  • The prompt to use the Quest Table is no longer visible when a Voyage is active.

Visual and Audio

  • Players should now consistently see their ship name adorning their Ship’s Crest when joining a session.
  • Lost Shipments Voyage maps will no longer appear with black squares over island icons.
  • Phantoms performing their teleport attack will now be visible as they prepare to attack.
  • Phantoms performing their lunge attack will now appear to travel smoothly towards the player.
  • Skeletons should always flinch when successfully hit by a sword.
  • Continuously heavy striking a Skeleton Captain will now cause it to visually stumble backwards each time without sliding.
  • Players who have migrated across servers should no longer appear on fire to other players on occasion.
  • Flags on Sea Forts have now returned to their original colours.
  • The lighting effect for objects viewed underwater will now appear correctly when these objects are positioned between the player and the shimmering effect of a Shrine.
  • The Quest Table on rival ships will now appear correctly during an Hourglass battle.
  • The Pirate Lord will now appear correctly when walking in on the outro cutscenes in Trading Company tutorials. 
  • Players of all different sizes will now sit comfortably on the back of a Sloop without floating.
  • Pirates’ fingers will no longer appear to merge into the strings of the Reaper’s Heart Banjo.
  • Repeatedly aiming down sights on certain Eye of Reach models will no longer cause the top of the screen to flicker.
  • The Reaper’s Heart Tankard contents will no longer appear to drain before players have finished drinking.
  • Skulls, Vault Keys and Collector’s Chests buried in the caves of Smugglers’ Bay will now be correctly marked on treasure maps.
  • The art on the splash screens has now been updated to the Season 11 artwork.
  • The Ragamuffin Outfit of the Wailing Barnacle no longer causes the cat’s chin to merge into its body when held by a player.
  • Pirates with larger body types will no longer appear to merge into the environment when using outdoor sitting spots.
  • The flag used to show a Fort is active will now be displayed at a greater distance.
  • The Crab Ocean Crawler now turns at the correct speed and animates more smoothly as a result.
  • Messages in a Bottle now appear with the correct glint effect when viewed from a distance.
  • The Capsize Charters tent is now present on buried treasure maps.
  • The Maestro Banjo icon has been resized so that the item is no longer cut off at the top.
  • Chest keys will no longer appear to sink into players’ hands.
  • The Reaper’s Heart Equipment Bundle now appears with the correct artwork.
  • Jumping while holding a fishing rod will no longer cause the player to appear incorrectly when viewed by others.

Text and Localisation

  • Notifications shown when attempting to sell an item to the wrong character will now always direct them to the right character.
  • Larinna’s dialogue no longer refers to buying Voyages from Trading Company representatives.
  • Merchant Crates all now have consistent naming.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – The Cursed Captain’s name is now shown in the subtitles when speaking during chess game interactions.
  • ‘Wild Rose’ – Madame Olive’s subtitles are now showing fully during the Tale.
  • ‘The Legendary Storyteller’ – Instances of overlapping text in the Tall Tale Quest Book have been addressed in non-English languages.
  • ‘The Legendary Storyteller’ – German localisation within the Quest Book is now shown correctly.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game or become disconnected from their session.
  • Xbox Series S players losing an Hourglass battle will no longer experience an extended black screen when migrating to their new server.
  • Ongoing improvements made to client and server performance, reducing the frequency of high ping spikes, desync and rubberbanding while playing.
  • Improved Steam client stability when playing on Custom Servers.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 45.47 GB
Xbox Series S: 35.25 GB
Xbox One X: 45.47 GB
Xbox One: 35.25 GB
Microsoft Store: 100.1 GB
Steam: 3.86 GB



2.10.1 GDK id: 137 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.10.1

Sea of Thieves Season 11: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:17)

Game Improvements

GDK Integration

  • Sea of Thieves now operates on the latest Xbox GDK (Game Development Kit). Players on PC are encouraged to update to the latest graphics drivers to ensure the best compatibility and performance.
  • Sea of Thieves now supports DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 where supported by the hardware. While the title will now auto-detect and optimise the experience, players can also choose within the game settings.
  • General client performance improvements should be seen throughout the experience, with PC players seeing the largest improvements.
  • While players on console and the Microsoft Store will experience a large initial download, regular game updates moving forwards will now be considerably smaller.
  • The Microsoft Store experience on PC is now improved, with the client signalling the need for an update and the ability for players to set the install location when using the Xbox app.
  • Players on PC using the Windows Store may be required to take further steps to initiate the download. Please head to the official Sea of Thieves Support site if any assistance is needed.


Improved Athena’s Fortune Voyages

  • The Voyage of Legends and Ashen Voyage of Legends have now been refreshed, providing a shorter session experience and consistently delivering rewards for the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company.

Improved Raid Voyage Rewards

  • While diving to a Raid Voyage will continue to reward crews with a concentrated number of high-value items, making the spoils easier to carry than numerous lower-value items, the total quantity and value of items awarded and their visual impact have now been slightly increased following player feedback.
  • Crews completing Raid Voyages for the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company will now find that only Athena’s Fortune treasure is awarded.

Skull of Siren Song Guild Reputation

  • Guild Reputation will now be earned by taking part in the Skull of Siren Song Voyage when this is active on the server. 
  • Crews can earn a modest amount of Guild Reputation when selling an empty Chest of Siren Song, and a significant boost to Guild Reputation when handing in the Skull of Siren Song to Briggsy. The existing gold and Renown earned from these rewards remains unchanged.

Emissary Voyage Improvements

  • Players starting an Athena’s Fortune Emissary Voyage in The Devil’s Roar will now be further rewarded with an Ashen Chest of Legends upon completion.

Ashen Winds Skull Value

  • The Ashen Winds Skull no longer loses value by being used. Fire away, pirates!

Access to Tall Tales

  • All Tall Tales across the Shores of Gold arc, Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life and the recently released Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island are now unlocked and can be played freely in any order.

Water Visual Improvements

  • Could the water look any better? When viewed from a distance, the surface of the water now appears smoother, improving its appearance.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Reaper's Heart Fox
  • Reaper’s Heart Instrument Bundle 
  • Reaper’s Heart Lantern Bundle
  • Reaper’s Heart Equipment Bundle
  • Islehopper Outlaw Big Bundle
  • Infinite Depths Big Bundle
  • Wailing Barnacle Pet Outfits
  • Toe Reach Emote (free!)
  • Reaper’s Reserve Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost equipment shops have received a new shipment of instruments from the Maestro set!
  • Players can also pick up the fetching Low Bun Hair from the clothing shops.


Season 11 Community Weekend

  • From Saturday, February 24th to Monday, February 26th (11am UTC), all pirates are welcome to set sail and join in our latest Community Weekend with free gifts to snap up, Twitch Drops to claim, player stories to share and more glorious Pop-Up Plunder!
  • As always, raising the Community Emissary Grade (by tuning in to streamers within the Sea of Thieves category on Twitch) will unlock gold, reputation, Seasonal Renown, Allegiance and Guild Reputation boosts for all players.
  • Find out everything you need to know in our Season 11 Community Weekend news article.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews purchasing Supply Crates from the Merchant Alliance should find that if a player is unable to retrieve a crate, a crate is now provided on the next attempt.
  • Pirate Legends speaking to the Pirate Lord should now consistently be able to access the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company shop.
  • Crews diving to a Voyage should no longer find other crews already taking part in the encounter on arrival.
  • Crews diving to a Raid Voyage and then cancelling the Voyage will no longer gain rewards in addition to those the Voyage would usually offer.
  • The Legendary Herald Costume now unlocks at the intended level, Athena’s Fortune 100.
  • Players completing the Trading Company Tutorial Voyages will now earn the intended reputation for the Company.
  • Tridents will no longer grant Emissary Grade progression when brought on board a ship.
  • Players speaking to the Servant of the Flame after reaching Allegiance level 100 will no longer incorrectly unlock the Become Pirate Legend achievement.
  • Completing Medley Voyages will now increase the relevant Captaincy Milestones.
  • Treasure sold from within a Collector’s Chest will now consistently progress associated Commendations.
  • Grade 5 Emissary Voyages from The Devil’s Roar will now consistently provide locations within The Devil’s Roar.
  • Players will once again discover Gold Pouches and the elusive Store Room Key within Sea Forts prior to defeating the Captain.
  • Diving to a Sea Fort on behalf of a Trading Company will now award the correct number of treasure items within the Treasury and Store Room.
  • The correct treasure types will now appear in Skeleton Fleet and Athena’s Fortune Sea Fort Raid Voyages.
  • The Golden Voyager Commendation will now progress when finishing the Gold Hoarders Tutorial Voyage.
  • Players taking on the Trading Company Tutorial Voyages with other players will now find that tutorial notifications progress for all crew members.
  • The Commendations for earning a Company Distinction will now be earned at the correct level.
  • Skeletons inhabiting Siren Shrines will now take the correct number of hits to defeat.
  • The Ashen Mariner of Guilds Commendation now increases when completing Ashen Voyages and meeting the required criteria.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Crews who do not take the Gold Hoarder’s Coin from the Compass Vault will no longer become stuck when the door eventually closes, and are able to interact with the medallions and reopen the door.
  • ‘The Cursed Rogue’ – It is no longer possible to sell the Skeleton Key to the Gold Hoarders.
  • ‘Heart of Fire’ – Emergent encounters with enemies will continue to occur after starting the Tall Tale.


  • The Shrine of the Coral Tomb should no longer have pockets of water missing.
  • Skeletons defending Shark Fin Camp should no longer become stuck on platforms.
  • Players can now manoeuvre a Cannon Rowboat underneath the gate at Shark Fin Camp.
  • Players will no longer intersect with the coffins near the Bonesmith in The Reaper’s Lair.
  • Players will no longer be able to pass through the environment within the Shrine of the Coral Tomb.
  • Skeletons will no longer be seen floating at Molten Sands Fortress.
  • Sloops will no longer collide unnaturally with the Sovereigns’ jetty at Dagger Tooth Outpost.
  • Players should no longer find themselves returned to their ship when attempting to use the lift in The Reaper’s Lair.
  • Players will no longer become stuck within the environment in areas of the Shrine of Hungering.
  • Players will no longer find themselves getting stuck on the trees near the fish statue at Shark Bait Cove.
  • The Vault door at Kraken's Fall now descends all the way into the ground.
  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – Players will no longer intersect with the statues on Monkey Island.
  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – Players will no longer find themselves launched into the air when walking near the rock ladders by the stockade on Monkey Island.

User Interface

  • Crew members taking damage will now show the correct Crew Status icon in their nameplate.
  • The Sunken Kingdom Voyage now correctly displays the appropriate icons to indicate the Voyage length.
  • Visual improvements have been made to Company-specific notifications when diving below the waves to take on a Trading Company Voyage.
  • Improved background imagery is now used when a Trading Company promotion is available.
  • Approaching a Sea Fort will now display the appropriate banners.
  • When progressing from level 100 to Distinction 1 within a Trading Company, the UI animation will now appear correctly.
  • References to Old Boot Fort have been removed from maps within the Emissary Tutorial.

Visual and Audio

  • The correct battle music will now be heard during the battle while on the Order of Souls Tutorial voyage.
  • Players should no longer see their hands moving inside the Paradise Garden Eye of Reach while reloading.
  • The Sailor Figurehead should now change colour to match the selected hull.
  • The Swashbuckling Story Emote should no longer cause larger players’ arms to bend unnaturally when performed.
  • During Trading Company Tutorial Voyages, the Voyage completion music should no longer overlap with the outro music.
  • The Boarhunter Cannons should no longer pop backwards when fired.
  • Players of all sizes should now see their thumb correctly gripping the handle of the Boarhunter Blunderbuss.
  • The Scrolls of Charted Waters should no longer intersect when placed on the ground.
  • The Scrolls of Shrouded Waters should no longer intersect with a Collector’s Chest when placed inside.
  • Crews uncovering the treasure during an Order of Souls Siren Treasury Raid Voyage will now find the skulls arranged in the correct direction.
  • Players interacting with the map in the Chronicler’s room of the Pirate Legend Hideout should now stand on the ground correctly.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Captain Jack Sparrow will now be facing the correct direction when players talk to him.
  • Monkeys wearing the Outfit of Plenty will no longer experience issues where the outfit intersects with parts of the body.
  • When aiming the Cronch Pistol, shots fired now more accurately line up with the barrel.
  • Players should no longer see their hands moving inside the Sawbones Blunderbuss.
  • The Graveyard Grim Whippet no longer has a noticeable seam around its neck.
  • The Hoarder Reliquary will no longer intersect with the player’s hand when held.
  • The Golden Sailor Blunderbuss will no longer push into the camera when fired.
  • The Piranha Poodle now has the correct eyes and amended tongue animation.
  • If players place down more than one proposal on the Quest Table, the second proposal no longer overlaps with the Hourglass of Fate.

Text and Localisation

  • A sweep across all non-English languages has been completed to address inconsistencies with terminology used across a range of items, locations and characters. Some incorrectly localised location names and types have now been returned to English for consistency.
  • Instances of overlapping and truncated text have been addressed in Quest Books across a range of Tall Tales and Bounty Maps issued by the Order of Souls in non-English languages.
  • The Saviour of Siren Song Commendation no longer displays placeholder text within the Pirate Log.
  • The Captain's Voyage Storage section has now been removed from Info & Tips.
  • The description for the Lord of Gold Commendation should now display the correct unlock requirements.
  • The Merchant Alliance Company shop should now display correctly in non-English languages.
  • The Crate of Elegant Cloth no longer appears with placeholder text in the name.
  • Crates of Luxurious Cloth are now correctly labelled.
  • Rag & Bone Crates no longer appear with care instructions.
  • The description for The Legendary Guardian Title now states the correct Pirate Alignment.
  • The description for the My Booming Bones Commendation now appears correctly after unlocking it.

Performance and Stability

  • Crews leaving the game while diving to an experience should no longer cause server instability.
  • Improved game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game.
  • Improved server stability to avoid instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 88.36 GB
Xbox Series S: 90.15 GB
Xbox One X: 88.36 GB
Xbox One: 90.15 GB
Microsoft Store: 102 GB
Steam: 10.49 GB



2.10.0 Season 11 / OnDemand id: 135 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.10.0

Sea of Thieves Season 11: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:17)

Sea of Thieves On Demand

Access all the adventure you crave more quickly than ever before with Season 11’s overhaul of Voyages and encounters! Explore a redesigned Quest system, major expansions to most Trading Companies and new rewards and Distinctions to earn as you progress.

On Demand

  • With a Quest Table on board each ship now providing the ability to choose from all available outings and dive directly to the scene of a Voyage, Tall Tale or new Raid Voyage, players have unprecedented freedom to explore everything the seas can offer. The refreshed Discover Tab is also on hand with tailored suggestions!
  • Raid Voyages are new Trading Company-themed versions of World Events with unique treasure types on offer, unlocked from the Quest Table as players climb the Company ranks.
  • For the first time, some reputation is now earned at the point of Voyage completion, but treasure must still be handed in for maximum profit as anything on board is lost if a player chooses to dive again.
  • The majority of Trading Companies have raised their level cap to 100. Reaching Company reputation level 100 now unlocks a Distinction, providing a reward and resetting a player’s level with that Company to allow progress towards the next Distinction.
  • To improve the onboarding experience, new Tutorial Voyages led by the Pirate Lord are in place for new players, covering the Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance and Order of Souls. These can be revisited from the Quest Table.
  • To learn more about this new Season’s headline features, head over to our dedicated Season 11 page.

Season 11

Another Season means 100 new levels to climb by raising your Renown, with racks full of rewards to snag along the way – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more! Read on for more on all this plus details of the quality of life improvements landing with this Season’s launch...

Season 11 Rewards and Plunder Pass

  • Progressing through Season 11 will reward players with the Cunning Serpent clothing set and unique Season 11 specials alongside time-limited Swift-Winged Wayfarer collectibles. Head to the Seasons profile page to browse the new rewards and check your pirate’s progress!
  • Purchase the Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of unlockable, never-before-seen rewards from the Well-Travelled Trader set, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression. Purchase in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, or via the Pirate Emporium webpage, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season 11 Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • This Season, the Trading Companies each offer a themed Speaking Trumpet and Lantern to Emissaries who represent them well and perform proudly in the Ledgers. Log in and track your performance on the Emissary Ledgers page!

Chest of Fortune

  • For the duration of Season 11, the Chest of Fortune will surface following the defeat of an emergent Fleet of Fortune. These special Skeleton Fleet encounters are signified by a glowing red cloud in the sky when active.
  • Crews who retrieve Chests of Fortune can now earn the next Grade of the Fortune’s Favour Commendation, unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune Cannon, Flag, Capstan and Wheel.

Reaper’s Chests

  • In Season 11, crews coveting the precious Reaper’s Chest or Reaper’s Bounty can earn the next Grade of the Reaper’s Riches Commendation and start unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach.

Gameplay Improvements

Improved Hit Markers

  • Players now have further control over the hit markers shown when striking targets with a projectile weapon. The game settings now enable switching from the existing client-predicted markers to server-confirmed markers, which only display hits confirmed directly by the server for improved accuracy.

Bounty Voyage Improvements

  • A new Order of Souls Bounty Voyage has been added which tasks crews with hunting a Skeleton Lord that drops Dark Relics.
  • A new Ghost Ship Voyage within The Devil’s Roar is now available from the Order of Souls.
  • Bounty contracts now provide the landmark location of the target along with the island to help guide players to the correct location.
  • The difficulty of all Bounty Voyages has been rebalanced to make them more satisfying to play.

Emissary Voyage Improvements

  • Emissary Voyages have been improved for each Trading Company with a focus on reduced sailing times and smaller quantities of higher-value treasure to transport, refreshing the gameplay and delivering improved rewards for participation.
  • Upon reaching Emissary Grade V for a Trading Company, crews can now head to Morrow’s Peak Outpost and speak to their Company representative for an Emissary Voyage in The Devil’s Roar that will yield Ashen-themed rewards.
  • Emissary Voyages are now lost if the ship sinks or the Emissary Flag is lowered at the Outpost.

Merchant Cargo Run Improvements

  • Delivery notes on cargo now provide care instructions which help players to protect their valuable goods.
  • Cargo Run Quests now remind players how many items need to be collected and where to collect them, ensuring they pack all necessary items before setting sail. Supporting information is also now shown on the delivery note.
  • Cloth Crates being held while swimming on the surface will no longer become drenched.

Merchant Contract Improvements

  • Contracts to recover specific animals now show players which island they need to head to in order to fulfil the contract.
  • Crews now recover the required Animal Crates from the beaches on the contracted island.
  • All requested animals are now guaranteed to be found on the contracted island, including the various rarities.
  • Crews will no longer trigger emergent skeleton encounters on their contracted island, to reduce scenarios where animals are caught in the crossfire.
  • Contracts now complete when the crew returns them to the Outpost, rather than upon catching the animals on the island.

Treasure Vault Improvements

  • Treasure Vaults now scale the available raiding time to the size of the crew – the smaller the crew, the more time to collect the treasure.
  • Treasure Vault Quests now send crews to the nearest possible Vault once the Totem is recovered.
  • The braziers surrounding the Vault’s altar are now extinguished over time as an indicator of how long the crew has left before the door slams shut.

Skeleton Encounter Balancing

  • Skeleton encounters across the emergent world and on Voyages have been rebalanced, providing a more fun encounter with these bony fiends.
  • Ambush skeleton groups now dynamically scale based on the size of the crew – the bigger the crew, the more ambush skeletons to fight!

Emergent Phantom Encounters

  • Players leaving the ship to explore islands will now only encounter Phantoms at night.

Message in a Bottle Rewards

  • Quests from a Message in a Bottle are now significantly more rewarding and likely more valuable than the Voyage already underway – so be sure to go exploring, you’ll be handsomely rewarded for your time!
  • These Quests also have been refreshed with a focus on reduced sailing times and smaller quantities of higher-value treasure to transport, improving the overall experience.

Skeleton Captain Rewards

  • Defeating a Skeleton Captain now yields increased rewards and ammunition, with the potential to recover Reaper’s Chests and Reaper’s Bounty, Gunpowder Barrels and ammunition-stocked Resource Crates. These new rewards are also recoverable from the same island as the encounter!

Shipwreck Rewards

  • The rewards found within a sunken shipwreck have now been improved.

Ashen Guardian Rewards

  • Crews defeating an Ashen Guardian will now be rewarded with a map to an Ashen Chest on the same island along with a Key to unlock it, no longer requiring them to seek out a Key Master.

Captain’s Bookshelf

  • Captains can now adorn the Bookshelf where their Voyages were once stored with Trinkets instead!

Tutorial Notifications

  • Tutorial notifications have been added to a range of experiences to assist new players’ onboarding. Quest archetypes, Tall Tales, Cargo Crates and even encounters with different skeleton forms now provide contextual tutorials.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Boarhunter Ship Collection
  • Boarhunter Weapon Bundle
  • Boarhunter Clothing Bundle
  • Boarhunter Trinket
  • Collector’s Lunar Festival Dragon Sails and Figurehead
  • Exercise Emote Bundle
  • Paradise Garden Eye of Reach (free!)
  • Boars and Bounty Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost clothing shops have received a new shipment of items from the Maestro set. Players are now able to purchase the Maestro clothing after unlocking The Artistic Souls Commendation.

Season Four Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season Four have arrived in Outpost shops and can now be yours in exchange for Doubloons!
  • Players can purchase the Wicked Web clothing set, along with a range of unique one-off items that were available during this Season. Pirate Legends can also purchase the Cursed Adventurer Cutlass and Wanda’s Spyglass.
  • The time-limited Siren’s Wrath items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season Four.


Skull of Siren Song Rewards

  • Cosmetic rewards earned by completing the various Commendations associated with the Skull of Siren Song Voyage can now be found in the respective Outpost shops along with their unlock criteria.
  • With this change, upon unlocking the relevant Commendation, players will now be required to purchase the reward from the Outpost shop rather than having it automatically awarded.

Maiden Voyage Visual Improvements

  • The parting sequence and passage through the Devil’s Shroud during the Maiden Voyage have received a suite of improvements to visual fidelity, enhancing the visuals of the Shroud itself and clarity of direction for players.

Sea Rock Visuals

  • Sea rocks have received a polish pass, with weathering and water marks now added to the bases of larger rocks to improve their blending into the sea.

Emergent Voyage Changes

  • Crews will no longer find emergent Voyage parchments in barrels across the Sea of Thieves and will now find that barrels only contain resources.
  • Crews will now lose emergent Voyages such as a Message in a Bottle if they dive to a new experience. Emissary Voyages will continue to be retained through diving.

Retired Commendations and Adjusted Rewards

With the introduction of On Demand Voyages in Season 11, several legacy Commendations have been retired, and their associated rewards are now unlocked via different means.

  • The Seeker of Lost Maps Title will now unlock via the Seeker of Pirate Plunder Commendation for the Bilge Rats.
  • The Seeker of Lost Souls Title and ability to purchase the Order of Souls Cutlass, Pistol, Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach from a Company representative will now unlock via the Worthy Emissary of Souls Commendation for the Order of Souls.
  • The Merchant Adventurer Title will now unlock via the Taker of Stolen Stock Commendation for the Merchant Alliance.
  • The Seeker of Athena’s Fortune Title will now unlock via the Worthy Emissary of Athena Commendation for Athena’s Fortune.
  • The Legend of Thieves’ Haven Title will now unlock via the Retreat to the Thrones’ Haven Commendation for the Bilge Rats.
  • The ability to purchase the Legendary Treasure Seeker costume from the Pirate Legend Hideout will now unlock via the Legendary Treasure Hunter Commendation for Athena’s Fortune.

Additionally, several related achievements have had their completion criteria updated. Players who were working towards completing these achievements will start afresh on a new task, while those who have already unlocked the achievement will retain it.

  • Seeker of Lost Maps: Dig up 250 chests whilst on Gold Hoarders X Marks the Spot Voyages.
  • Merchant Adventurer: Fill 250 Animal Crates while on Merchant Alliance Cargo Run Voyages.
  • Seeker of Lost Souls: Defeat 500 skeletons while on Order of Souls Bounty Voyages.
  • A Veteran Voyager: Complete 30 Voyages while sailing aboard a Captained ship.

Fixed Issues


  • Players who attempt to rapidly switch weapons after migrating across servers should no longer find themselves unable to wield the weapon and hear a repeated audio effect when attempting it.
  • Players should no longer experience scenarios where their equipped items are reset after returning from the Ferry of the Damned or recovering from being stuck.
  • The Fortress Storage Key and expected quantity of gold pouches should now consistently appear at Sea Forts.
  • After migrating across servers, players are now able to access the shops at Seaposts.
  • Samuel will no longer purchase Ashen Keys within the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • ‘The Legendary Storyteller’ – All journals for this Tall Tale can now be read as intended.
  • Unlocked Ship Milestone rewards such as Banners are now once again available for players to equip.

Skull of Siren Song Voyage

  • Players placing the Skull of Siren Song in a Harpoon Rowboat dragged behind their ship will continue to be affected by its curse.
  • Crews who harpoon the open chest with the Skull of Siren Song still inside will now bring the curse’s effects onto their ship along with the Chest and Skull.
  • Players are no longer able to opt in to the Skull of Siren Song Voyage after the Skull has been revealed.


  • Crews in a Guild session without the Captain present will now see Ship Milestone progress within the Guild Chronicles.
  • Earned Guild clothing can now be equipped in any session and is no longer locked to sailing for the Guild that unlocked access to it.
  • Using a spyglass to observe a Guild ship at range should now consistently display the appropriate Guild name on the Banner.
  • The correct Guild name should now show consistently on the Guild Emissary Table, Logbook, Guild Plaque and Guild Invite Emote.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Players can now head up to the Mansion as soon as the guard leaves his post, and are no longer blocked by parts of the environment. 
  • When players have constructed a body for Murray, any players joining the session after the initial sequence will now be able to see Murray’s body.
  • Players will no longer see a silhouette of Walt the violin-playing skeleton through the church window.
  • Fog seen in the Mansion now behaves correctly throughout the location.

‘The Quest for Guybrush’

  • Players should no longer see a patch of mist on the stairs near the Lookout Point after the fog has cleared from the mountaintop.  

‘The Lair of LeChuck’

  • A Quest Book is now present during the ship chase sequence, giving players the option of leaving the Tall Tale during this section.
  • Herman’s Supply Crate will no longer appear to move around while the player is viewing it.
  • The front-facing cannons on the Headless Monkey now have more restricted movement to prevent issues with aiming.
  • The Head of the Navigator can now be taken from another player when offered.
  • Liquids in the cooking pot now appear to drain correctly when collecting Banana Grease.
  • The Banana Grease Jar will now appear correctly after it has been used.
  • The notification shown to players when the Chilled Banana Soup has been discovered or lost now references the correct item.
  • Players can no longer become stuck on the palm tree within Herman's camp.


  • Players should now find a new sea rock near K11, a common location for mysteriously wrecked ships.
  • The Rowboat dock underneath the tavern on Port Merrick is now fully functional.
  • Players can no longer become stuck on the palm tree near the Order of Souls tent at Morrow’s Peak Outpost.
  • Players can no longer fall through certain areas of the environment around the Treasury of Sunken Shores.
  • Chests placed near the doorway of the Vault at Kraken Watchtower will no longer disappear through the floor.
  • Players’ legs will no longer appear to merge into the tower structure when using the sitting spots at Skeleton Forts.
  • If a player safe teleports while inside the Treasury of Sunken Shores, they will now be placed in a suitable location.
  • Placing treasure in various Sea Fort windows will no longer cause the item to fall into the environment.
  • Rain no longer passes through tunnels located at Shark Bait Cove.
  • Dagger Tooth Outpost’s pier no longer contains invisible obstacles.
  • The barrel at the shipwright’s shop in Port Merrick no longer appears to merge into the hanging platform.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Players will no longer be able to walk through parts of the environment inside the various caves.

Visual and Audio

  • The visual effects on the Down the Hatch Emote now play as intended.
  • Players wearing the Soaring Oracle Costume should no longer see equipped jackets showing through the costume.
  • Visual improvements have been made to the constellations on the Lodestar weapons.
  • Visual improvements have been made to the Layered Shirt of the Ashen Dragon.
  • Players with the Order of Souls Hook equipped will now find that they grip the ship’s wheel correctly.
  • The Snapping Shark Emote and Shark Dance Emote now appear with different icons to avoid confusion.
  • The Ashen Key now sits in the lock of the Ashen Chest correctly when used.
  • The Sovereign Ship’s Crest will now attach correctly when equipped on a Brigantine.
  • The light given off by the Magpie’s Glory Lantern now shines in the correct location.
  • The Eastern Winds Ruby Bucket will no longer show water inside when empty.
  • Fog will now appear as intended when entering the Vault at Molten Sands Fortress.
  • The Sweet Treat Capstan will now display correctly in fog.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Pirates in the bayou now hold the candles correctly.

Text and Localisation

  • The Stand to Attention Emote no longer has a placeholder title and description in the Vanity Chest.
  • When speaking to Zharick at Brian’s Bazaar, the dialogue will no longer refer to Golden Sands.
  • The Legendary Storyteller’ – The 'Fish Friends' puzzle in the Quest Book no longer refers to Golden Sands.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Captain Jack Sparrow’s name is now present within his subtitles when escaping from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • ‘Fate of the Morningstar’ – The Ferryman's intended subtitles now appear while he is speaking.

Performance and Stability

  • Ongoing improvements made to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.
  • Improved game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.09 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.62 GB
Xbox One X: 8.09 GB
Xbox One: 5.62 GB
Microsoft Store: 7.92 GB
Steam: 7.34 GB


PC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. hotpatch id: 134 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Fixed Issues


  • Lost Shipments and Prized Merchant Alliance Commission Voyages are once again available for purchase.
  • Crews taking on a Lost Shipments Voyage should now encounter the correct number of Merchant Crates when unlocking the Captain’s Cabin.


  • Players who are part of a Guild that has unlocked Guild clothing rewards are once again free to wear the rewards when sailing as part of any other Guild, or outside a Guild session.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server stability to avoid instances of players being disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.22 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.35 GB
Xbox One X: 5.22 GB
Xbox One: 3.35 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.97 GB
Steam: 5.35 GB



2.9.2 Safer Seas id: 133 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.9.2

Sea of Thieves Season Ten Overview Trailer (Duration 1:12)

Safer Seas

Following Guilds and the Skull of Siren Song Voyage comes Season Ten's third major feature update: Safer Seas, a new mode that offers a way to find your sea legs, immerse yourself in adventure and explore the world as you like with no other player crews present. Available now!

Welcome to Safer Seas

  • Whenever you play, you can now choose to play on either Safer Seas, which gives you a private world in which to sail solo or with your own crew, or on High Seas, the traditional Sea of Thieves experience with other roaming player crews added to the mix.
  • Safer Seas mode allows access to the vast majority of content in the game, including all our story-driven Tall Tales. Notable exceptions are PvP-focused elements such as The Reaper’s Bones and Faction battles.
  • To balance the reduction in risk from the absence of other players, gold and reputation are earned more slowly on Safer Seas, and Trading Company rank is capped at 40. Pirate Legends are only forged on High Seas!
  • To learn more about Safer Seas, head to our dedicated Season Ten page or check out the official Safer Seas Explained video.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Bonechiller Ship Collection
  • Bonechiller Ship’s Crest
  • Bonechiller Weapon Bundle
  • Bonechiller Costume Returns!
  • Ransacking Emote
  • Festival of Giving Weapons (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Festival of Giving Pet Outfits (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Stand to Attention Emote (free!)
  • Festive Fright Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)


Sail Visibility Changes

  • A range of sails have been identified that provide an unintended visibility advantage over other sail designs. These sails have now been brought to a visibility level consistent with our other designs, ensuring players have a vast set of customisation options for their ship and aren’t encouraged to use specific sails in order to gain an advantage.
  • The following sails have been updated: Dark Adventurers, Lunar Festival (and Collector’s), Kraken, Venomous Kraken, Ghost, Guardian Ghost, Magpie’s Glory, Nightshine Parrot, Ghost Captain, Blighted (and Collector’s), Shrouded Ghost Hunter (and Collector’s), Thriving Wild Rose, Sea of Champions, Collector’s Dark Warsmith.

Skull of Siren Song Voyage Frequency

  • To ensure the Skull of Siren Song remains a coveted trophy for crews to contest, this Voyage will now become rarer on the seas. Keep a keen eye out for Briggsy’s note and get in the fight!


Aiming Accessibility Improvements

  • Players using the Aim Assist audio accessibility option will now find that the audio cues when aiming at a target are much clearer, with different audio effects for horizontal and vertical positioning to help improve accuracy when aiming at targets.

Fixed Issues


  • The Captain’s Skull of the Damned and Skull of the Damned now award the player with the correct amount of reputation when handed in to The Reaper’s Bones.

Skull of Siren Song Voyage

  • When the Voyage is active on a server, but a crew has not opted in, losing their ship no longer places them near other crews.
  • Crews who have opted in to the Voyage and attempt to scuttle from the Crew Settings menu will now be moved out of harm’s way, away from other crews, not towards Voyage objectives.
  • The Skull’s curse now continues to affect sailing ships even when placed on a docked Rowboat.
  • Players can no longer stash Voyage items in unreachable locations on Port Merrick.


  • If a player is unable to join a Guild, a notification will now appear and inform them why they were unable to join.
  • The Guild Invite Emote will now reflect players’ ‘Hide Guild Names from Me’ settings.
  • Moving away from the Guild Invite Emote will now automatically close the invite.
  • Improvements made to Guild Chronicles, ensuring that a single entry is consistently created per ship and entries display correctly following server migration.
  • Players will now be able to apply cosmetics to ships they don’t own, even if the player who owns the ship does not have those cosmetics in their inventory.
  • Players will now correctly receive the correct amount of Guild Reputation when delivering cargo.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Mêlée Island has received a polish pass, with environmental improvements across the map.
  • Players joining a crew or dying during the Tale will now appear closer to locations of importance.
  • Items carried by players into the fog will no longer reappear instantly.
  • The Storekeeper now has improved animations and greetings when approached.
  • Red Herrings will now be the only fish you can catch on Mêlée Island.
  • Barrels found around town will now contain food.
  • The Skeleton Arm in the Clock Tower will now appear in the correct location for all players on a crew when one player has removed it.
  • During Guybrush’s introduction, the player’s Meet ‘n’ Greet Ticket is now removed without a notification.
  • Doors to various areas will now remain open once the Tale has been completed.
  • Unlocking a Tale checkpoint will now be clearly signalled to players.

‘The Quest for Guybrush’

  • Mêlée Island has received a polish pass, with environmental improvements across the map.
  • Players joining a crew or dying during the Tale will now appear closer to locations of importance.
  • Players are now able to board the Headless Monkey ship in the second and third Legend of Monkey Island Tall Tales.
  • Insult Sword Fighting now dynamically scales to different crew sizes, ensuring that smaller crews only need to strike a few times after a successful insult compared to larger crews.
  • Improvements made to Insult Sword Fighting, ensuring players cannot skip past retorts and will hear the appropriate audio cues, smoothing out the experience.
  • Murray’s dialogue during Insult Sword Fights will now be played correctly.
  • Players can no longer collide with LeChuck in the Tunnels of the Damned cutscene during the Tall Tale.
  • Crews entering the Tunnels of the Damned on a Brigantine will now see LeChuck’s crew in the correct locations.
  • When starting the Tall Tale from a checkpoint after the Trial of the Sword, the Legendary Machine should now be present in Captain Smirk’s house.
  • Stan’s dialogue asking the player to go and see Meathook will now repeat until the player has spoken to Meathook.

‘The Lair of LeChuck’

  • Monkey Island has received a polish pass, with environmental improvements across the map.
  • The battle against LeChuck’s ship has received a visual effects polish pass.
  • Players joining a crew or dying during the Tale will now appear closer to locations of importance.
  • Barrels found around Monkey Island will now contain food.
  • The number of Insult Sword Fighting rounds needed to win against LeChuck at the end of the Tall Tale has been reduced.
  • Players will now find that their sword blows land with more accuracy during the final battle with LeChuck.
  • Players are now able to use the front chaser cannons on the Headless Monkey.
  • Players can now offer the Head of the Navigator to other players without needing to drop it first.
  • Players will now focus on LeChuck’s face when entering into an Insult Sword Fight.
  • Captain Kate Capsize’s voice now correctly matches the subtitles.
  • Improvements made to the Quest Book for players choosing Thai as their language.
  • The log on Herman’s trap will now behave correctly, both before and after the trap has been activated.
  • Players are no longer able to lose the Head of the Navigator after dying. The item will reappear in an easy-to-reach location.
  • The time between destroying LeChuck’s ghost ship and the subsequent cutscene has been reduced to improve the flow of the Tale.
  • Players will now be able to hear LeChuck’s voice lines during their fight with him in the final act, even if they are standing further away.
  • Players can now re-enter the church to fight LeChuck if they rejoin the session during the wedding sequence.
  • Controller rumble will now be felt during LeChuck’s final defeat.
  • Guybrush will no longer call the crew to gather if the whole crew is already near him in the Catacombs.
  • Pirates with larger body types will now appear to hold the Monkey Head Idols correctly.
  • Memoir spots have been restored around Mêlée Island.
  • The Glad to Be Dead Commendation now unlocks consistently when defeating LeChuck’s ship.


  • Pondies can no longer be caught on the outskirts of Port Merrick, because it’s not a pond.
  • Further improvements have been made to remove areas where pirates can push through the environment into the sea within the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • Vault doors on Mermaid’s Hideaway, Ashen Reaches, Crescent Isle and Kraken’s Fall should now sink all the way into the ground.
  • The lift at Thieves’ Haven has now been added to the Ship and Quest Maps for this island.
  • Skeletons at Skeleton Forts have undergone training and should no longer become stuck on fences or platforms around the Forts.
  • Objects placed on the ground will no longer seem to disappear at Tribute Peak.
  • The plank on the end of the jetty at Galleon’s Grave Outpost no longer appears to be floating in mid-air.
  • There is no longer a gap visible through the stone structure at Traitor’s Fate Fortress.
  • Players will no longer become stuck on a palm tree near the Order of Souls tent on Morrow’s Peak Outpost.
  • Players can no longer become stuck in a palm tree located on Ancient Spire Outpost.

Visual and Audio

  • Ashen Tomes now fit snugly inside Collector’s Chests.
  • The Gold Leaf Hook now holds wooden planks correctly.
  • The Courage of Captaincy Gloves no longer appear locked in position when holding equipment.

Text and Localisation

  • Improvements made to text placement on notes discovered during the Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage.
  • Placeholder text is no longer visible in the daily section of the Captain’s Logbook.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server stability to avoid instances of players being disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.37 GB
Xbox Series S: 4.79 GB
Xbox One X: 8.37 GB
Xbox One: 4.79 GB
Microsoft Store: 8.81 GB
Steam: 7.9 GB


PC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. hotpatch id: 132 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –


Skull of Siren Song Curse Balancing

  • While all ships continue to be afflicted by a curse once the Skull of Siren Song is on board, Galleons and Brigantines will now be further slowed by its effects.

Fixed Issues

Skull of Siren Song Voyage

  • The Chest and Key recovered during the Voyage can now consistently be used together to unlock the Skull.
  • Crews returning the Skull of Siren Song to Captain Briggsy should now consistently find that she is able to take the Skull and complete the Voyage.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Players are now prevented from taking Skull of Siren Song Voyage items into the Siren Spire during this Tall Tale.
  • Crews who have engaged in an Hourglass battle will now be able to participate in the Skull of Siren Song Voyage, but will experience a grace period after their battle before the note is delivered.
  • Players in larger crews should no longer receive multiple ‘Quest Received’ notifications when starting the Skull of Siren Song Voyage.
  • Players are now prevented from burying Voyage items that had only been partially uncovered.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.52 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.59 GB
Xbox One X: 5.52 GB
Xbox One: 3.59 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.45 GB
Steam: 5.71 GB



2.9.1 Skull of Siren Song Voyage id: 131 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.9.1

Sea of Thieves Season Ten Overview Trailer (Duration 1:12)

Skull of Siren Song Voyage

Following on from Guilds in October, the second of Season Ten’s major features is this brand new competitive Voyage – delivered as a shared emergent World Event that can be joined by any or all crews on a server, triggering a dynamic race for the prize. Available now!

Seeking the Skull of Siren Song

  • When a ghostly note appears pinned to the ship’s mast, accepting this Voyage will see Captain Briggsy bestow the crew with maps to the Key and Chest of Siren Song.
  • With other crews in competition for the same Key and Chest, players must get their hands on both items by whatever means necessary to release the powerful Skull within – but possession of each item shows the crew’s location to other players!
  • The Skull of Siren Song is a formidable short-range weapon, but also carries a curse that slows down the ship and summons Coral Skeletons to its aid on land.
  • The crew with the Skull must head for Briggsy’s beacon and hand it over to claim rewards and make progress towards unlocking unique themed cosmetics!
  • To learn more about the Skull of Siren Song Voyage, head to our dedicated Season Ten page or check out the official Skull of Siren Song Explained video.


Since the launch of Season Ten, the team have been assessing the progress made by Guilds across a range of different play styles. November’s update brings some balance changes to ensure that various play styles allow for Guild progress at similar rates.

Guild Reputation Balancing

  • Crews cashing in treasure across all Trading Companies will now earn significantly more Guild Reputation for their efforts, allowing these Guilds to progress much more quickly.
  • Guild Reputation earned by crews through the Hourglass in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves will now be slightly reduced.

Combat Improvements

Gunplay in Motion

  • The removal of quick switching in October’s update created an unwanted wield delay during regular gunplay, preventing players from firing quickly after moving.
  • While preserving the original quick switching fix, this update now readdresses the change to ensure that when firing a weapon and switching, players who move a short distance are no longer forced to use the full wield delay and can fire much more quickly.

Improved Hit and Kill Markers

  • The hit markers shown when striking targets with a projectile weapon have been redesigned with a more distinct style. Shots that kill the target now also show a red kill marker, confirming the kill directly from the server for improved accuracy.
  • The Graphics Settings menu also offers the option for a High-Contrast Kill Marker to improve visibility for those who need it.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Ravenwood Ship Collection (returning from Season Eight Plunder Pass)
  • Ravenwood Weapon Bundle
  • Ravenwood Spyglass
  • Festival of Plenty Instruments (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Festival of Plenty Pet Outfits (time-limited, will return next year)
  • Angry Scribe Emote (free!)
  • Wind and Weapon Pose Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost clothing shops have received their latest shipment from the Gold Leaf set. Players are now able to purchase Gold Leaf clothing items, all available for gold.

New The Legend of Monkey Island Cosmetics

  • New cosmetic rewards are now available for completing the Tall Tales that make up The Legend of Monkey Island. Players with prior progress will need to complete each Tale once more in order to earn these rewards.
  • Players can unlock the Tavern Chef’s Uniform from ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’, the Circus Superstar Costume from ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ and The Legend of Monkey Island Cutlass from ‘The Lair of LeChuck’.


Weapon Accessibility Improvements

  • Players will now hear a subtle audio cue after firing their last bullet, letting them (and other players) know they are out of ammo.


Season Ten Community Weekend

  • From Saturday, December 2nd to Monday, December 4th (11am UTC), all pirates are welcome to set sail and join in our latest Community Weekend with free gifts to snap up, Twitch Drops to claim, player stories to share and the return of Pop-Up Plunder!
  • As always, raising the Community Emissary Grade (by tuning in to streamers within the Sea of Thieves category on Twitch) will unlock gold, reputation, Renown and Allegiance boosts for all players.
  • Find out everything you need to know in our Season Ten Community Weekend news article.

Fixed Issues


  • Rowboats that have been saved to Captained ships no longer pass through the environment on contact.
  • Selling Athena’s Fortune Emissary Flags will now progress the Pathetic Tokens Commendation.
  • Players should no longer experience server migration during playing the Maiden Voyage.
  • Crews are now correctly notified when discovering all the map pieces during a Wayfinder Voyage.
  • Players can once again begin Lost Shipments Voyages in The Devil’s Roar and progress the Get Wrecked achievement.
  • When a Captain’s ship leaves the session, the Captain’s Logbook left behind will continue to be readable by other crews.


  • Players attempting to join an active Guild session at the same time as the crew leaves should no longer experience server instability.
  • Guild names now consistently display correctly on the Guild Emissary Table, Logbook, Plaque and Guild Invite Emote.
  • Players joining a Guild will now see the correct Guild level when browsing the Guild menus.
  • The Guild name and logo will now appear clearly to pirates viewing their Guild Plaque on console.
  • Pirates will now see the Guild Invite Emote is locked if they do not have permission to invite others to the Guild, or if the Guild is full.
  • Players now gain the intended amount of Guild Reputation and Emissary Value from Hourglass battles when no one on the crew owns either the Athena’s Fortune or Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flags.
  • Guild Members should now earn the intended Doubloons while selling items as a Guild Emissary.
  • Players performing the Guild Invite Emote while on the Ferry of the Damned can now invite others to their Guild.
  • The notification received when a player is removed from a Guild now shows the Guild name even if the player is not currently sailing for that Guild.
  • Information on the Guild Invite Emote now actively updates in-game.
  • Players who receive a permanent ban from Sea of Thieves will now be automatically removed from any Guilds they belonged to. 
  • After a Captain and their ship are removed from a Guild, the Logbook and Plaque will now update accordingly. 
  • Guild names can now be created using Thai characters.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Characters across all three Tall Tales in The Legend of Monkey Island now feature mouth animation that more closely matches their voice lines.
  • Crews returning to this Tall Tale from a checkpoint or rejoining a session will now see characters in the correct locations and the correct notifications as they continue to play through the Tale.
  • Players are now returned to the Sea of Thieves when finishing the Tale, even if their ship has been sunk.
  • Attaching multiple skeleton parts to Walt’s remains after attaching Murray’s skull will no longer cause Murray to remain on the floor.
  • Murray’s head can no longer be attached to the skeleton body during dialogue.
  • Players can only catch Red Herrings around Mêlée Island.
  • Murray’s dialogue when entering the General Store can no longer be started when jumping over the building from the Clock Tower.
  • The coins on the table no longer disappear when the player steals the Clock Tower Key.
  • The Root Beer Bottles now float naturally if dropped into water.
  • The 'History of Mêlée Island' book now behaves correctly if dropped into water.
  • The final battle now continues even if players move away from the area.
  • Pirate Phrases are now correct when holding the 'History of Mêlée Island' book.
  • If a player is killed while inside the mansion, they will now return inside the mansion.
  • Players now appear to hold the Gunpowder Gummies correctly when viewed by others.
  • The member of LeChuck’s crew playing violin in the alley will no longer disappear when players get too close to him.
  • Subtitles for the Storekeeper’s dialogue will now be visible at a greater distance from the character.
  • The slicing visual effects now play during all interactions with the ingredients.
  • Captain Coco will now consistently face in the correct direction.
  • The ingredients needed for the stew can no longer be seen sinking into the stove below the pot.
  • The femur bone needed for Murray’s body will now appear to be correctly held in the player’s hand.
  • Players will no longer be able to take the Red Herring with them after finishing the Tale.

'The Quest for Guybrush’

  • Crews returning to this Tall Tale from a checkpoint or rejoining a session will now see characters in the correct locations and the correct notifications as they continue to play through the Tale.
  • Players leaving the area after completing the Trial of the Sword will now still be able to collect the Medallion.
  • Crews who experience issues migrating back to the Sea of Thieves after completing the Tale will no longer become stuck and can pass back through the portal again.
  • The Sword Master and Captain Smirk now remain in the correct positions after defeating Ribbsy.
  • Players will now only be able to pour the Mojo Potion of New Horizons into the campfire from the correct spot.
  • The player is no longer able to leave the area while holding the Golden Chest of Treasure Huntery.
  • Knocking on the door of Stan’s wardrobe after having already pushed it at least once no longer causes it to lose any further interactions.
  • Ribbsy will now begin his fight against players at full health as intended.
  • Players are no longer able to walk through the barrel behind the Mêlée Storekeeper.
  • Stan’s Sales Ledger now has the correct label when discovered by a player.
  • Players are no longer able to use The Beast’s cage lever after The Beast’s cage is locked.
  • The Grog Bottle no longer appears full if placed down after a player has drunk some grog from it.
  • Meathook’s sign will no longer appear to flicker when players are using the zipline that takes them to his house.
  • There is no longer a delay before the player’s health bar depletes when losing an Insult Sword Fight.
  • The ‘Take The Beast’ prompt will no longer be present before the player is able to take it from another player.
  • Guybrush is no longer returned to his chair if the player leaves the room before handing him the potion during the ending sequence.
  • The memoir spot located in Captain Smirk’s hut will remain accessible throughout the Tall Tale once the location has been accessed.
  • The music remains playing consistently after clearing the fog.
  • Murray now speaks at the correct times when players are engaged in Insult Sword Fights.
  • When the player is taking part in the circus event, Alfredo will now be seen holding a stopwatch.
  • Insult Sword Fighting opponents will now drop their swords smoothly when losing a battle.
  • Players are no longer able to reach Stan’s area before the intended time.
  • The Beast now faces in the correct direction when placed down by the player.
  • The Ghost Ship’s compass now points in the correct direction.
  • Other characters’ animations now appear correctly when talking to the Men of Low Moral Fiber at the end of the Tall Tale. 
  • The death audio effects play in a timely fashion when the Sword Master and Captain Smirk defeat their opponents.
  • Players can no longer talk to the Men of Low Moral Fiber during their final cutscene.
  • Guybrush’s audio now plays in sync with his animations when you speak to him at the end of the Tale.
  • The levers used to fix The Beast’s cage now animate correctly after being put into position by the player.

‘The Lair of LeChuck’

  • Crews who experience issues migrating back to the Sea of Thieves after completing the Tale will no longer become stuck and can pass back through the portal again.
  • Following the defeat of LeChuck and after exiting the lava tunnels, players will now gracefully find themselves sailing back to Mêlée Island for the final scene.
  • The audio effect that plays when searching inside the cereal boxes will now only play when necessary and will stop at the correct time.
  • The player is now able to board the Headless Monkey at the docks on Mêlée Island.
  • The glint from the sun will no longer block the player's view when using a spyglass.
  • Trees at the edge of the island near the Monkey Head will now appear with the intended level of detail.
  • Cannonballs from LeChuck’s ship now use the correct audio effects depending on the surface they strike.
  • Guybrush’s necklace no longer disappears after he puts it on.
  • Herman's Rowboat instructions are now properly labelled as ‘Instructions’ rather than a ‘Map’.
  • Players are now able to walk around the left side of the table on the Headless Monkey.
  • Players are no longer able to get stuck in the front section of the sunken ship.
  • All parts of the destroyed mast now have the correct collision.
  • Players are no longer able to walk through Herman when he is hanging in his trap.
  • Herman’s Chest Key will no longer disappear briefly after being dropped.
  • The prompt to shake Herman when he’s caught in the trap now appears at the correct height within the player’s eyeline.
  • The empty jar found in the stockade now has a Banana Grease label on the outside.
  • Herman’s trap peg will now reset to its original position if players let go of the button during the interaction.
  • Herman’s Banana Soup will now show a notification when players collect it from his cache, and also when the item is lost and returned to its original location.
  • The broken mast trap is now centred in the player’s view when looking through the stockade spyglass.
  • The Black Pearl’s sails no longer disconnect from the ropes when viewed in the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • When locked in the wardrobe, Stan’s voice lines can now be heard while the player is underwater.
  • Falling rocks in the Catacombs will now show visual effects when they hit the lava.
  • Players now hear the appropriate audio effect when raising the Head of the Navigator.
  • Wind will now be behind players’ sails after exiting the Tunnels of the Damned towards Monkey Island.
  • LeChuck’s ship will no longer be destroyed in the first two phases of the fight and will instead fade out.
  • Water thrown from buckets during this Tall Tale will now animate as expected.
  • Guybrush will no longer get stuck while invisible in the Catacombs if players misplace the Head of the Navigator.
  • The Root Beer Bottles found in the crate during the final fight now appear full and ready for battle as intended.
  • LeChuck will no longer appear to fade out when players approach him during the final fight at the church.
  • Guybrush will stop waiting for longer than intended after players have caught up with him in the Catacombs.


  • Items placed on the pier at Galleon's Grave and Sanctuary Outposts are no longer floating.
  • Players should no longer be able to get stuck on palm trees at Keel Haul Fort.

Visual and Audio

  • The Ship’s Map now shows the starting location for The Legend of Monkey Island Tall Tales.
  • The loading spinner is now clearly visible on the new-style loading screens.

Text and Localisation

  • The Quest Book for The Legend of Monkey Island Tall Tales no longer displays overlapping text issues when viewed in Russian, Japanese or Polish.
  • The Silken Gloves of the Ashen Dragon now have the correct name and description. 
  • The Hardy Ruffian Sea Dog Belt now has the correct description.
  • When browsing the Pet Chest, Spiffy the Dog is now correctly seen holding a bone in his icon.

Performance and Stability

  • Players who completed the necessary criteria to unlock an achievement during a recent outage will now find their historic progress has been updated and achievements will unlock on next login.
  • Ongoing improvements made to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.98 GB
Xbox Series S: 6.9 GB
Xbox One X: 9.98 GB
Xbox One: 6.9 GB
Microsoft Store: 10.38 GB
Steam: 9.56 GB


PC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. hotpatch id: 130 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –


Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage

  • The Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyages are once again available for purchase and have been returned to their original prices. Players can purchase a single Voyage from the Pirate Lord or shipwrights for 100 Doubloons, or the Voyage Bundle from shipwrights for 500 Doubloons.

Fixed Issues

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements made to server performance, resolving an issue that caused scenarios of high ping spikes, desync and rubberbanding, impacting the core experience.
  • Resolved a vulnerability that allowed some players to affect the stability of a server and cause others to be disconnected from their session.


  • Voting on the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage should no longer cause it to automatically complete.
  • Players attempting to fire themselves out of a cannon while their ship is travelling at high speed should no longer find themselves dropped into the sea.
  • Players who had made progress towards the Reaper’s Riches and Fortune’s Favour Commendations prior to Season Ten will now find their Commendations correctly reflect their progress. Players who now appear to have 59/60 will need to hand in a further item to complete the Grade.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players can once again dig up Poor Dougie at Sailor’s Grave.


  • Guilds reaching a Distinction will now be able to raise a Guild Emissary Flag straight away and not be required to wait until they reach Guild Reputation level 15 again.
  • Guilds that reach the limit of 42 pledged ships can now continue to access the Guilds tab and browse their progress.
  • Players attempting to join a Guild session after the player who created that session has left will no longer become disconnected from the session.
  • Improved stability for players receiving Guild Invites, reducing instances where they disconnect from their session.

Text and Localisation

  • Crews approaching an Ashen Lord encounter should no longer see placeholder text within the approach banners.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.85 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.58 GB
Xbox One X: 5.85 GB
Xbox One: 3.58 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.37 GB
Steam: 5.85 GB



2.9.0 Season 10 / Guilds id: 129 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.9.0

Sea of Thieves Season Ten Overview Trailer (Duration 1:12)


The first of Season Ten’s major features to arrive, Guilds builds on Sea of Thieves’ previous Captaincy update and allows players to expand their bonds with friends, enjoy asynchronous progression and work together under a shared banner to earn exclusive rewards. Available now!

Introducing Guilds

  • A new feature that encourages groups of up to 24 like-minded players to band together under a Guild with its own name, motto and branding, and a shared approach to sailing the Sea of Thieves.
  • Any player can create a Guild and invite other players to join, and all Guild Members can contribute to the collective Guild Reputation, unlocking fantastic new rewards. Those who choose to sail as Guild Emissaries can claim even more prizes from the Guild Ledger.
  • Captains who pledge ships to the Guild can choose whether other Guild Members are able to sail those ships in their absence, progressing Ship Milestones on their behalf!
  • To learn more about all that Guilds has to offer, head to our dedicated Season Ten page or check out the official Guilds Explained video.

Season Ten

Another Season means 100 new levels to climb by raising your Renown, with racks full of rewards to snag along the way – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more! Read on for more on all this plus details of the quality of life improvements landing with this Season’s launch...

Season Ten Rewards and Plunder Pass

  • Progressing through Season Ten will reward pirates with the Intrepid Explorer clothing set and unique Season Ten specials alongside time-limited Gilded Sovereign collectibles.
  • Purchase the Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of unlockable, never-before-seen rewards from the Stormfish Chaser set, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression. Purchase in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, or via the Pirate Emporium webpage, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Ten Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • This Season, the Trading Companies each offer a themed Compass and Shovel to Emissaries who represent them well and perform proudly in the Ledgers. Log in and track your performance on the Emissary Ledgers page!

*Chest of Fortune *

  • For the duration of Season Ten, the Chest of Fortune has been locked away in the Vault of the Fort of the Damned and can only be obtained by triumphing over this formidable encounter.
  • Crews who retrieve the Chest of Fortune can now earn the next grade of the Fortune’s Favour Commendation, unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune clothing.

Reaper’s Chests

  • In Season Ten, crews coveting the precious Reaper’s Chest or Reaper’s Bounty can now earn the next grade of the Reaper’s Riches Commendation and start unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune vanity items.

Combat Improvements

Hit Detection Improvements

  • Season Ten brings together a suite of improvements to hit detection that provide accuracy improvements across a range of combat scenarios, including island and ship encounters.
  • While this provides an overall improvement to the accuracy of hit detection, we are aware of scenarios where it can still underperform. A focused team continues to work on optimising this experience further in future updates.

Sword Combat Flow

  • Improvements have been made to the flow of sword combat when two opponents are duelling, ensuring that the player to land the first strike retains the upper hand in the encounter.
  • An attacker landing the first strike now consistently retains the upper hand and can land the second and third hits of their combo. The defending player is now interrupted from counterattacking and encouraged to switch to defence, using the block or moving to avoid strikes.

Sword Block

  • To improve the reliability of blocking with a sword, improvements have been made to the angle and range of a defender’s block. Players should now find that blocking is a much more consistent experience and caters to a wide range of defensive scenarios.

Sword Hit Detection and Feedback

  • Improvements to hit detection should now provide consistent visual and audio feedback that a strike has landed and damaged an opponent, when attacking players with a sword at the maximum strike range.
  • Players attacking with a heavy strike will now only be penalised with a stun effect when missing an opponent. Players connecting with an opponent at any point during the heavy strike will no longer find themselves confusingly stunned. 

Quick Switching Removal

  • Players equipping two ranged weapons are no longer able to perform a technique to cancel the weapon wield animation and fire two shots in quick succession. While players may still find they can cancel the wield animation in some scenarios, there is no longer a competitive advantage to doing so and it may even extend the time between firing shots compared to a regular weapon switch.

Controller Aim Assist

  • Controller players on console and PC will now have access to aiming assistance, improving balance between controller and mouse/keyboard inputs. Aim Assist is only active for ranged combat encounters against other players and enemy threats, and will not expose players hiding in the environment.
  • Players using Aim Assist have access to a range of settings to refine the sensitivity of both Hip Fire and Aim Down Sights independently, and can also choose whether this applies to members of an Alliance to better configure the experience to their liking.

Gameplay Improvements

Colourful Rowboats

  • Players will now find a range of different coloured Rowboats washed up on shores. Seek them out in the Azure Scout, Flaming Jackal, Golden Chaser, Lucky Rover, Regal Hound and rare Good Boy liveries.

Saving Rowboats

  • Captains who discover and dock a Rowboat to their ship during a game session will now find their Rowboat is saved, ready for them to set sail next time. Losing the ship, however, will also mean losing that precious Rowboat…

Repairing Rowboats

  • Players can now repair a damaged Rowboat! With a plank in hand, the sizeable crack in the floor of the boat can now be patched, rescuing it from a murky fate.
  • Rowboats docked to a Captained ship can now be repaired by the shipwright for free. Leaving a game session with a damaged Rowboat docked will also repair it ready for the next session.

Retaining Supplies Following Disconnection

  • Players who are offered the chance to rejoin a session after being disconnected from the game due to a sudden exit, game crash or network issue will now find that the supplies in their inventory are retained, allowing them to pick up exactly where they left off.

Mermaids During Hourglass of Fate Battles

  • Players who find themselves in the sea during an Hourglass of Fate Battle will now find that the mermaids appear much sooner and closer, helping them return to their ship more quickly.

Collector’s Chest Improvements

  • Players holding a Collector’s Chest can now scoop up small treasures directly from the ground, allowing them to store items more quickly.

Clear All Map Markers

  • Players can now quickly clear all map markers placed by their crew. Simply hover over a placed marker and select ‘Clear All Map Markers’.

Cashing In Recovered Resource Crates

  • Crews who ‘recover’ stolen Resource Crates are now able to sell them back to the Merchant Alliance or Sovereigns at any Outpost. Crews who purchase the crates are still prevented from selling them back directly!

Extra Cooking Stoves

  • Each ship now offers two stoves for players to cook up a hearty meal for their crew.

Fruit Crate Contents

  • Fruit Crates purchased from the Merchant Alliance will now contain a variety of fruits, instead of just bananas.

Bait Keybinding

  • Keen anglers can now assign a keybind to their bait, allowing them to cycle through the different bait types and be ready to cast more quickly.


Reputation Menu Improvements

  • The Reputation pane within the Pirate’s Log has now been redesigned, providing an improved overview of the various Trading Companies and player progression.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Silver Sepulchre Ship Collection
  • Silver Sepulchre Weapon Bundle
  • Silver Sepulchre Clothing Bundle
  • Silver Sepulchre Lantern
  • Crimson Crypt Ship’s Crest
  • Friend or Fright Emote
  • Graveyard Grim Pets (time-limited for Halloween, will return next year)
  • Skeleton Pets Return (time-limited for Halloween, will return next year) 
  • Paradise Garden Blunderbuss (free!)
  • Crypts and Creatures Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock!

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths and shipwrights have received a shipment of items from the brand new Gold Leaf set. Players are able to purchase the Gold Leaf ship set and weapons, all available for gold.

Season Three Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season Three have now arrived in Outpost shops and can be yours in exchange for Doubloons!
  • Pirates can purchase the Daring Deceiver clothing set, along with a range of unique one-off items that were available during this Season. Pirate Legends can also purchase Sudds’ Jacket and the Ferry of the Damned Figurehead.
  • The time-limited Blue Horizon items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season Three.

Fixed Issues


  • The Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage is once again available from the Pirate Lord and shipwrights!
  • Players who complete all Commendations across the three Legend of Monkey Island Tall Tales will now obtain the Legend of Monkey Island Commendation and gain access to the Monkey Island Shanty.
  • Crews who sneak aboard a rival ship and place a Gunpowder Barrel will no longer cause a ‘Treasure Donated’ notification to be shown to the rival crew. Consider a more thoughtful ‘donation’ next time!

‘The Quest for Guybrush’

  • Pickpocketing Guybrush should now have an appropriate animation and show updated iconography.
  • The rings of fire in the circus will continue to appear lit when viewed from above.
  • Players can no longer see through the environment near the top of the waterfall next to the troll’s bridge.

‘The Lair of LeChuck’

  • Crews returning to this Tall Tale from a checkpoint will now see characters in the correct locations and the correct notifications as they play through it.
  • A range of visual, audio and animation improvements have been made across the Tale to improve the level of polish.
  • If the Mad Monkey ship sinks during the fight, the Root Beer Cannonballs will no longer revert to regular cannonballs.
  • Guybrush will now stay closer to players when moving through the catacombs.
  • Guybrush and Elaine now fire Root Beer Cannonballs instead of regular cannonballs.
  • Players can now use the three-hit sword combo when fighting LeChuck in the church.
  • Passing through a lava waterfall during the ship chase will now cause players to take damage as intended. 
  • Admiral Coco can now be interacted with after the Golden Monkey Idol retrieved from the Mast Trap has been placed.
  • Players are now able to push the cannon after greasing it with the Banana Grease.
  • Players can still use the Primitive Art after placing all the Golden Monkey Idols.
  • Players can no longer climb into the front-facing cannons aboard the Headless Monkey while other characters are using them.
  • The notification when finding the Stockade Key now appears properly for all players. 
  • Text improvements have been made across the tale to improve localisation, ensure dialogue and subtitles are correct and any placeholder text has been removed.


  • Environment improvements have been made to prevent players becoming stuck or launched into the air while navigating The Reaper’s Lair, Wanderers Refuge, Molten Sands Fortress, Shark Bait Cove, The North Star Seapost, Dagger Tooth Outpost and the path to the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • Sea Fort keys dropped by defeated Captains should no longer become stuck in the environment.
  • During a Skeleton Fort at Skull Keep or Lost Gold Fort, the Skeleton Lord should no longer become stuck within rocks on the island shore.
  • Players can no longer get under the environment when shooting themselves out of a cannon at certain points around The Reaper’s Hideout. 
  • Players who shoot themselves from cannons into stone archways at sea will no longer find themselves stuck in the rocks. 
  • There will no longer be a dark space visible when the passage is open at the Shrine of the Coral Tomb.
  • Fire effects will no longer appear on parts of wooden and metal tavern structures at Morrow’s Peak Outpost. 
  • The wooden platform at the shipwright’s shop on Ancient Spire Outpost is now fully connected to the ceiling surface.
  • Items placed on the edges of the lift to the Reaper’s Lair will no longer have a chance of slipping through the cracks and falling below.
  • Players are no longer able to swim under the environment in the Shrine of Ancient Tears.
  • Player can no longer walk on the ocean floor east of the Shrine of the Coral Tomb.
  • There is no longer an invisible wall blocking the path when exploring Old Sailor Isle during the Maiden Voyage. 
  • Players visiting Thieves’ Haven will no longer find that rain is falling into caves and affecting combat with Skeleton forms. 
  • Players can no longer move through the scenery in multiple areas of the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • Players can no longer walk through the table in the Sovereigns’ tents. 
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players can now consistently pick up the Cursed Captain’s skull after placing it at Poor Dougie’s grave.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players should no longer be able to become stuck behind the shipwreck hull after opening the first gate.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players are no longer able to see through the wall of the Fort in the second chapter.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – The lanterns on the Wicked Wench now display correctly.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Players can no longer walk through the pipe organ in the Chamber of Sorrow.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Players will now be able to retrieve the Gold Hoarder’s skull if placed down by the Vault entrance.


  • Within the front end, the ‘Select a Ship Type’ screen is now narrated for players who enable ‘Let Games Read to Me’.

Visual and Audio

  • Crews completing a Sea Fort or Skeleton Fort should no longer hear the music for the encounter continue.
  • The Merchant Alliance Pistol has been polished and now shows the correct texture on its metal parts.
  • Pendragon’s Pocket Watch no longer runs three minutes slow.
  • Paintings placed within a Brigantine’s interior should no longer show a nail protruding through the frame.
  • The Burning Blade Sails no longer show a floating piece of material.
  • Crews equipping the Fearless Servant Figurehead will now see the correct item on their ship.
  • The impact hole from a fired cannonball will now appear consistently.
  • Textures now appear correctly on the Flaming Jackal Eye of Reach.
  • After swigging a tankard of grog, a pirate’s hands will no longer intersect with their bodies when wiping their mouth.
  • The Mountain of Crockery Trinket is now seated correctly when placed on shelves.
  • Performing the Evildoer Dance Emote now displays the correct animation.
  • Performing the Touch Grass Emote will no longer rain down an endless shower of pebbles. 
  • Players equipping the Gold Curse alongside the Sovereign Jacket will now find the Curse displays correctly on the arms.
  • The Ashen Dragon and Shackled Phantom Hulls now glow at a consistent brightness. 

Performance and Stability

  • Players coming from the Microsoft Store should now consistently be able to begin a session in Open Crew without receiving a Greybeard error.
  • Ongoing improvements made to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.36 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.14 GB
Xbox One X: 8.36 GB
Xbox One: 5.14 GB
Microsoft Store: 8.7 GB
Steam: 8.06 GB



2.8.6 Monkey Island 3 id: 128 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.8.6

The Legend of Monkey Island

Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales, and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. All three instalments are available now!

‘The Lair of LeChuck’

  • The time has come to journey with Guybrush to the scenic, secretive Monkey Island, where a final showdown with LeChuck awaits you in a pirate lair deep underground. But first, there’s the little matter of getting inside… Unravel the mysteries of Monkey Island with Guybrush at your side in the final chapter of this Tall Tale trilogy!
  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ Tall Tale.
  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on The Legend of Monkey Island.

‘The Lair of LeChuck’ Launch Trailer (Duration 1:31)

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to find out more about the latest arrivals.

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Legend of Monkey Island Sails and Figurehead
  • Stan Costume Set
  • Kate Capsize Costume Set
  • Herman Costume Set
  • Rubber Chicken Fishing Rod
  • Pocket Serpent Emote
  • Lucky Deal Emote (free!)
  • Fossil Frenzy Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores Only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock

  • The Outpost clothing stores now stock a range of new bandana colours – all available for gold!


Season Nine Community Weekend

  • From September 30th to October 2nd (10am UTC), all pirates are welcome to set sail and join in our latest Community Weekend with free gifts to snap up, Twitch Drops to claim and the introduction of Pop-Up Plunder!
  • As always, raising the Community Emissary Grade (this time by tuning in to streamers in the Sea of Thieves category on Twitch) will unlock gold, reputation, Renown and Allegiance boosts for all players.
  • Find out everything you need to know in our Season Nine Community Weekend news article.

Fixed Issues


  • The Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flags may no longer be sold to the Sovereigns.
  • Migrating across servers with a damaged mast will no longer cause pirates to stutter when moving around the deck of the ship.
  • If a pirate harpoons treasure onto the ship during a Lost Shipments Voyage but does not move it, the treasure will no longer disappear when the Voyage ends.
  • Burying and recovering treasure that has already been on your ship will no longer show an additional “Treasure aboard ship” notification.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Players returning to this Tall Tale from a checkpoint will now see the correct prompts and notifications as they play through it.

Visual and Audio

  • Snakes that have been charmed will no longer appear to turn away from the player.
  • Pirates should now appear correctly when observed drinking from a tankard.
  • When voting at the Hourglass of Fate, the correct Faction daggers should now consistently be shown.
  • The scope on the Flaming Jackal Eye of Reach is now correctly opaque.
  • Pirates aiming the Paradise Garden Pistol will now find shots more consistently align with the tip of the barrel.
  • The Mad Monkey Cannons will now remain static on the deck when a pirate is inside.
  • Larger pirates with the Elaine Costume equipped will no longer see the necktie when jumping and running.
  • The Mad Monkey Ship’s Crest will now display the correct background when equipped with the Lodestar Hull.
  • Pirates’ hands no longer intersect with the Duke Wheel when equipped.
  • The Flaming Jackal Compass is now the correct orientation when viewed in the Equipment Chest.
  • Pirates wearing the Silken Gloves of the Ashen Dragon should no longer see stretching around the hands.
  • The LeChuck Costume Set now fits all sizes of pirate appropriately.
  • After equipping a fishing rod in the Tunnels of the Damned, the fishing float and line no longer disappear.
  • Pirates drinking from the Mysterious Stranger Tankard will no longer be drinking invisible grog.


  • Pirates should no longer become stuck in trees at Flintlock Peninsula.

Performance and Stability

  • Ongoing improvements made to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.14 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.08 GB
Xbox One X: 8.14 GB
Xbox One: 5.08 GB
Microsoft Store: 8.12 GB
Steam: 7.8 GB


PC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. Shark patch id: 127 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Fixed Issues


  • Pirates entering the water or setting foot on islands should no longer find themselves set upon by emergent threats so quickly. Lingering in the water and sauntering around islands will still result in an ambush sooner or later, but not at the same frequency as before.

‘The Quest for Guybrush’

  • After returning from the Sea of the Damned, pirates who drop treasure overboard will no longer find the items returned to their ship.

Visual and Audio

  • The Flaming Jackal Compass now points pirates in the correct direction!

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.72 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.99 GB
Xbox One X: 9.72 GB
Xbox One: 5.99 GB
Microsoft Store: 9.75 GB
Steam: 5.7 GB



2.8.5 Monkey Island 2 id: 126 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.8.5

The Legend of Monkey Island

Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales, and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. The first two instalments are available now!

‘The Quest for Guybrush’

  • Guybrush has been imprisoned in a dream-world by his old nemesis, LeChuck, and now believes himself to be the mightiest pirate who ever cruised the Caribbean. The only way for crews to convince him otherwise is to undertake three Legendary Trials spread far and wide across Mêlée Island. If you don’t succeed, Guybrush may never be freed...
  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ Tall Tale.
  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on The Legend of Monkey Island.

‘The Quest for Guybrush’ Launch Trailer (Duration 1:24)

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to find out more about the latest arrivals.

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Mad Monkey Ship Collection
  • Mad Monkey Ship’s Crest
  • Mad Monkey Weapon Bundle
  • Mad Monkey Concertina
  • Guybrush Costume Set
  • Elaine Costume Set
  • Carla Costume Set
  • Spiffy Pet
  • Paradise Garden Cutlass (free!)
  • Sea of Sands Sailor Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths and clothing shops have received a shipment of new items in the Ashen Dragon set. An expanded range of clothing items can now be purchased along with the Heavy Sword and Rapier, all available for gold.
  • Pirates can also pick up the fetching Ponytail Hair and Silver Beaded Moustache from the clothing shops.
  • Plucky pirates can also purchase the Lucky Hand Wheel, Pistol, Shovel and Fishing Rod from the appropriate shops!
  • The ferocious Flaming Jackal set has also been expanded, with equipment and weapons now available from Outpost shops.

Season Two Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season Two have now arrived in Outpost shops and can be yours in exchange for Doubloons!
  • Pirates can purchase the Lucky Hand clothing set, along with a range of unique one-off items that were available during this Season. Pirate Legends can also purchase the Athena’s Might Cutlass and Shackled Phantom Hull.
  • The time-limited Ocean Deep items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season Two.

Refreshed Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Emissary Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Spyglass and Bucket.
  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Spyglass and Bucket.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Spyglass and Bucket.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Spyglass and Bucket.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Spyglass and Bucket to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.


Aiming Accessibility Improvements

  • Within the Audio settings, players now have access to a new setting to aid them in combat with subtle audio cues. This setting is off by default, but when enabled, players aiming their weapon at an opposing crew member or enemy threat will hear an audio cue to help guide their shots.

Zipline Accessibility

  • Following the introduction of ziplines to help pirates navigate Mêlée Island, a new accessibility setting has been added to reduce camera sway while riding.

Fixed Issues


  • Pirates jumping and grabbing a ladder at the top will now smoothly climb the last step and ascend more quickly.
  • Players who join the game on a crew actively taking part in a Skeleton Fleet encounter may now find they initially appear on the Ferry of the Damned before arriving on their ship.
  • The Legend of the Veil Quest Book can now be stashed within the Quest Radial.
  • Pondies can no longer be caught around Port Merrick.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Pirates are prevented from accessing off-limits areas of Mêlée Island while progressing through this Tall Tale.
  • Pirates are prevented from inspecting the Citizen’s wares while handing in items to prevent overlapping dialogue.
  • The Clock Tower is now set to the correct time when starting the Tale from a checkpoint.
  • When the objects blocking the mansion door are removed, they will now be visually removed for all crew members.
  • Pirates will no longer become stuck in the ground at Lookout Point when attempting to jump into the mist.
  • Pirates’ movement will no longer feel buffered when walking over rocks near the mansion.
  • The liquid in Corina’s pot now moves as intended.
  • The History Book has now been repositioned on its stand.

Captains of Adventure

  • Placing a Storage Crate in front of a shipwright will no longer allow Captains to bypass the limit on how many provisions can be purchased.
  • Pirates being harpooned away during a transaction with the shipwright will no longer enable the provision purchase limit to be bypassed.

Visual and Audio

  • Players will no longer hear their own text chat messages audibly spoken by other players who are using Text to Speech.
  • Players with the Prehistoric Plunderer ship items equipped will no longer experience visual issues when playing on Xbox Series X and Series S with a HDR screen.
  • Hendrick’s appearance is now consistently correct during a Lost Shipments Voyage.
  • When a fishing rod is equipped in the Tunnels of the Damned, the float and line no longer disappear.
  • Snakes will no longer appear to turn away from the player when being charmed.


  • Players can now easily speak to the Pirate Lord in the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • Further improvements have been made to remove areas where pirates can push through the environment into the sea within the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • Pirates can no longer intersect with palm trees at Port Merrick.
  • Pirates should no longer encounter an invisible wall when walking around Ancient Spire Outpost.
  • Pirates are no longer able to push themselves under the environment by swimming into rocks at Plunder Outpost.
  • Pirates are no longer able to walk through a stone wall in the closed Rowboat dock at Mercy’s End Fortress.
  • Ship Trinkets on the souvenir wall in the Pirate Legend Hideout no longer have the same sail pattern.

Text and Localisation

  • Article Two of the Pirate Code hanging at the Outposts now consistently shows as “The Sea Unites Us as One Community” in all locations.
  • Coral Artefacts now show the correct names on notifications when handed in to The Reaper’s Bones.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements made to initial loading times when launching the game.
  • Ongoing improvements made to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.82 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.73 GB
Xbox One X: 8.82 GB
Xbox One: 5.73 GB
Microsoft Store: 8.7 GB
Steam: 7.93 GB


PC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE. hotpatch id: 125 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – Hotfix –

Fixed Issues

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Players will no longer receive Emissary Grade progression when placing Red Herrings on board their ship.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Players will now see their previously earned Allegiance at the correct level. This issue was purely visual, and no Allegiance earned has been lost.

Text and Localisation

  • Improvements have been made to localisation for those playing through Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island in languages other than English.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved client stability for lower-spec hardware across general gameplay to reduce scenarios where players may exit the game unexpectedly.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.51 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.67 GB
Xbox One X: 5.51 GB
Xbox One: 3.67 GB
Microsoft Store: 5 GB
Steam: 5.19 GB



2.8.4 Monkey Island id: 124 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.8.4

The Legend of Monkey Island

Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales, and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. The first of these Tall Tales is available to play now!

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • An ambitious new arrival at the Outposts is seeking help to hunt down Guybrush Threepwood, who disappeared while sailing to the Sea of Thieves. Via the Sea of the Damned, you’ll journey to the fabled Mêlée Island, where Guybrush is now revered as a legendary pirate of unparalleled talents. Clearly, something is very wrong…
  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ Tall Tale.
  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on The Legend of Monkey Island.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ Launch Trailer (Duration 1:45)

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to find out more about the latest arrivals.

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • LeChuck’s Legacy Ship Collection
  • LeChuck’s Legacy Ship’s Crest
  • LeChuck’s Legacy Weapon Bundle
  • LeChuck Costume Set
  • Piranha Poodle Pet
  • Mêlée Island Painting Bundle
  • Pocket Seagull Emote
  • Close Call Weapon Pose Emote
  • Spin and Shoot Emote (free!)
  • Brooding Buccaneer Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Weaponsmith Stock

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths now stock a range of new swords. Pirates can pick up the Wailing Barnacle Heavy Sword, Wailing Barnacle Rapier, Silent Barnacle Heavy Sword and Silent Barnacle Rapier, all available to purchase with gold.


Narration Playback Speed

  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ now have additional control within the Settings menu to adjust the playback speed of the narration to whatever is most convenient and comfortable for them.

Riddle Map Narration

  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will find that when raising a Riddle Map, the text found on the parchment will now be narrated.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews sinking a rival ship will now find that any resource barrels and treasure items left floating in the water are brought along with them after migrating servers.
  • Pirates are once again able to place recovered Captain’s Logbooks into a Collector’s Chest.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Crews are now consistently able to purchase Resource Crates and Captain’s Supplies upon arrival at the Outpost after losing a battle.
  • The ship’s wheel will no longer be affected by storm conditions when diving below the waves or resurfacing for a battle.

Captains of Adventure

  • Players who were eligible to receive the Gilded Sovereign Captain’s Table by reaching Class 50 in any Pirate Milestone prior to Captain’s Week will now find the item has been distributed to their accounts.
  • Trinkets that are knocked out of place prior to migrating servers can once again be interacted with upon arrival.

Visual and Audio

  • Pirates’ hands no longer intersect with the stock of the Beachcomber's Bounty Eye of Reach or Blunderbuss.
  • The lanterns on the Dark Warsmith Ship’s Crest are now attached correctly and move with the ship.
  • Equipping any regular pirate cosmetics while wearing the Skeleton Curse will no longer cause those items to be displayed together.
  • Taking to a water slide should now show the correct visual splashes while descending.
  • The Party Boat Cutlass now displays visual trails when swung.
  • Watching a video from the What’s New section should no longer overlay button images on the video.

Text and Localisation

  • Clues recovered during a Lost Shipment Voyage are no longer cut off at the edge of the parchment.  

Performance and Stability

  • Improved video performance when playing videos in the front end on Xbox Series X and Series S consoles.
  • Players will no longer experience instability when switching between video content in the What’s New section of the front end.
  • Players on Steam Deck will no longer experience instability when attempting to play the intro video or browse the What’s New section on the front end.
  • Ongoing improvements to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 15.17 GB
Xbox Series S: 8.74 GB
Xbox One X: 15.17 GB
Xbox One: 8.74 GB
Microsoft Store: 15.79 GB
Steam: 14.64 GB



2.8.3 Captaincy Week id: 123 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.8.3

Season Nine soldiers on and brings action aplenty over the weeks ahead! The Captain’s Week Event rolls out the recently promised Captaincy changes, and hot on its heels comes the latest time-limited trip through another story-driven Adventure. It’s also a particularly fine month for Pirate Emporium variety, and a fresh collection of fixes and balances rounds out June’s offerings!

Sea of Thieves Season Nine: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:19)

Last month’s release notes are still available for recent content reference, or going further back to the start of Season Nine, the release notes from launch and the trailer above will get you up to speed on all its primary features. Right now though, the itemised breakdown of a brand new monthly update awaits. Ready... and away!


While the Sea of Thieves’ most curious crews have recently been chasing down Mystery clues, we’re now firmly back in story-driven territory for our next outing. A familiar face seeks assistance to recover a missing artefact as this twelfth time-limited Adventure begins!

Adventure 12 (June 22nd – July 6th)

  • To start the Adventure, talk to Larinna to hear of a prominent figure in the affairs of pirates seeking help to hunt down a stolen treasure.
  • Follow Larinna’s directions to the meeting point, find out what’s at stake and pledge to help recover the artefact before its power ends up in the wrong hands.
  • This Adventure will take you through twists and tricky decisions, and you’re encouraged to stay on your guard for signs of the treachery that its name suggests...
  • Pirates who fully complete this Adventure will earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest.

Pirate Emporium

Something for pirates of all persuasions this month! Brand new Ship’s Banners and a brooding Ship’s Crest, sweet pets for the treat lovers and Brawler Emotes for the bruisers, Big Bundles weighing down the shelves and the Beachcomber’s Bounty ship set back with weapons to match.

Season Nine Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Nine rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Nine can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Sting Tide Ship Collection and evolving Sting Tide Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Chocolatier’s Companion Pets

  • Two strange new beasts have arrived on the Sea of Thieves for pet-loving pirates to adopt. Choose between a Parakeet or Alsatian and try to avoid leaving them out in the sun for too long!

Beachcomber’s Bounty Weapons

  • A rugged survivalist managed to cobble together these four weapons in a cave, with nothing but the scraps of their smashed-up ship.

Beachcomber’s Bounty Ship Collection

  • Previously featured in the Season Seven Plunder Pass, all parts of the Beachcomber Bounty Ship Collection are now available to purchase from the Pirate Emporium.

Ship’s Banners

  • The Emporium now offers a selection of exclusive Ship’s Banners for Captains. Choose from the Royal Coronet, Reaver and Forgotten Temple designs to help your ship stand out when spied from afar!

Dark Warsmith Ship’s Crest

  • Any ship’s name that evokes dread in all who read it is worthy of a Ship’s Crest to match.

Brawler Emote Bundle

  • Even without a weapon at hand, a pirate should always be ready for some fisticuffs to defend their loot.

Lodestar Big Bundle

  • Wreath yourself in skies and stars with this expansive Lodestar bundle. Includes the full ship collection, costume, weapons and spyglass, plus cat and parrot pets.

Dark Warsmith Big Bundle

  • Join some of the Sea of Thieves’ most fearsome pirates with this heavy-duty Dark Warsmith bundle. Includes the full ship collection, costume and weapons.

Freebie Pail Percussion Emote

  • Even when you have an actual drum tucked away, sometimes you just like to use what’s at hand.

Solid Gold Bundle (Store Only)

  • Want to dazzle in any company? A pirate of true opulence should hoard this Solid Gold Bundle, which contains two Collector’s Pets: the Gold Curse Wildcat and Gold Curse Parakeet. Also includes 1000 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free bonus of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Gameplay Improvements

Reduced Cannonball Knockback

  • Players sailing a Galleon or Brigantine will find that the knockback from cannonball splash damage no longer propels them so far into the air, preventing them from being so easily sent overboard. However, they will still be knocked back and disorientated by the blast. This change makes the knockback experience consistent across all ship sizes.

Captains of Adventure Balancing

  • A large number of Pirate and Ship Milestones have been rebalanced to make gaining Classes easier, and any progress already made will automatically be converted, potentially boosting players to higher Classes.
  • The number of Classes required to buy the four tiers of Trinkets has been significantly reduced.
  • The cost for saving cosmetics to a Captained ship has been removed, and this function is now free.
  • The gold cost for purchasing ship decorations and Trinkets has been significantly reduced.
  • Any Captain’s Beds that unlock through Milestones will now unlock at Class 2 instead of Class 5.


Video Support

  • Players logging in to Sea of Thieves will find that the front end menu now has the ability to display video content. This will serve the latest trailers and content directly in-game, and once watched or skipped will return to the beloved Map Table animation.
  • Players will now also find video content within the What’s New section of the front end menu, which can be browsed and rewatched on demand.

Outpost Cosmetics

Aristocrat Hairstyles

  • The urge to style yourself exquisitely needn’t stop when you reach the top of your head, as these additional hairstyles become available from Outpost shops.


Captain’s Week (June 15th – June 22nd)

  • To encourage pirates to test the waters of Captaincy and explore the permanent improvements introduced this month, the Captain’s Week Event comes with a whole package of perks!
  • Enjoy heavy discounts on ship purchases, boosted rewards when sailing on a Captained ship, new weapons to earn by using the Sovereigns’ services and a Pirate Emporium sale full of bargains for keen Captains.
  • Visit the Captain’s Week Event page for more, and discover details on the permanent Captaincy changes in the dedicated news article.

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock cosmetics throughout Season Nine with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn a selection of items from the Eastern Winds Sapphire set.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Fixed Issues


  • Seagulls above barrels no longer prevent Megalodons from appearing across the seas, bringing the frequency of Megalodon encounters back to intended levels.
  • Letters of Recommendation and Ritual Skull Voyages from Larinna have now been refreshed, and players can purchase twice the usual amount to cover those missed last month.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • The Hourglass is no longer interactable after a ship has been sunk, or scuttled by the crew.
  • Crews losing a battle should now consistently be sent to the sinking wreck sequence and moved to a new location.

Captains of Adventure

  • Rowboats that become damaged while docked to a ship will now visually show the damage prior to being undocked.
  • The Pirate Milestone for Rowboats Docked will now increase when a Rowboat is docked to your ship by any player.

Pirate Emporium

  • The icon for the Night Wulf Eye of Reach is now centered.
  • The Crab Dab Emote and Monkey Dance Emote are no longer showing their sale prices.
  • The Cutler Beckett Costume Set has now been updated to show the correct description of the item.

Visual and Audio

  • When fishing, the names of fish that surface will now be shown consistently.
  • The Flag of the Bristling Barnacle can now be equipped on a Brigantine.
  • Pirates’ hands no longer intersect with the Order of Souls and Merchant Alliance Shovels.
  • When approaching the location of an active Bounty Quest, the music will now consistently switch to the appropriate theme.

Text and Localisation

  • The action of delivering, giving and selling items is now more clearly translated when playing in the Korean language.
  • ‘The Legendary Storyteller’ – The Quest Book now correctly references Port Merrick.
  • Dark Brethren’ – A typo in the initial notification when starting the Tale from a checkpoint has been corrected.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server performance when large numbers of floating items are left at sea.
  • Improved server stability to avoid instances of players being disconnected from their session.
  • Steam players encountering a file corruption issue will now be shown an error message on launch rather than becoming stuck in a loop.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.7.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 6.24 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.88 GB
Xbox One X: 6.24 GB
Xbox One: 3.88 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.89 GB
Steam: 5.84 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.8.2 id: 121 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.8.2

While pirate investigators apply themselves to the latest maritime Mystery, May's content update serves up a collection of gameplay, performance and audiovisual refinements to the overall Sea of Thieves experience. A new player reporting tool also makes its debut, and the Pirate Emporium has treats in store based on classic Tall Tales and previous Plunder Pass content alike...

Sea of Thieves Season Nine: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:19)

If you've missed any of the Season Nine action so far, you can watch the trailer above and sift through the release notes from this Season's launch followed by last month's additions. Then hop back here and commence scrolling to find out what the latest update has in store!

Pirate Emporium

Relive the timeless tales of Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life with new costumes and pets to complement those that went before! The serene Spring Blossom set also returns from a previous Plunder Pass with matching extras, while the humble tankard gets some overdue emote attention...

Season Nine Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Nine rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Nine can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends. 
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Sting Tide Ship Collection and evolving Sting Tide Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Tia Dalma Costume

  • Dress as the enigmatic Tia Dalma and spread your otherworldly wisdom across the waves.
  • Includes the Bon Voyage Emote. Summon an apparition of a Galleon, then send it on its way across the horizon.

Redd Costume

  • Dress as the courageous Redd as you search for treasure in secret grottos, then carry it triumphantly to auction.
  • Includes the Redd’s Heckle Emote. A pirate can always spot the true treasure at an auction – and it won’t be laying eggs.

Cutler Beckett Costume Set

  • Dressing as Cutler Beckett is really just good business, with this costume set containing two variants – one with a matching hairstyle, one without.
  • Includes the Civilised Drink Emote. Sometimes a little perturbation is needed to achieve the perfect tankard of grog for a refined palate.

Castaway Cat

  • A mystical moggy that, thanks in part to being dressed as Tia Dalma, is as unpredictable as the sea.

Prominent Prisoner Monkey

  • You may now, henceforth, commence with the acquisition and dispersal of bananas. Savvy?

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life Trinkets

  • Painting Bundle 1 contains painted portraits of Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones and Tia Dalma to decorate a Captained ship.
  • Painting Bundle 2 contains the 'Eternal Freedom', 'The Cursed Ferryman' and 'What Lurks Below' paintings to decorate a Captained ship.
  • Painting Bundle 3 contains the 'A Broken Blade', 'The Grotto's Hoard' and 'The Bayou Beckons' paintings to decorate a Captained ship.

Spring Blossom Weapon Bundle

  • Spring is all about celebrating new life. You can use these weapons to make some space for it…

Spring Blossom Fishing Rod

  • With its line spun from sacred twine, any angler would be blessed to use this gnarled fishing rod.

Spring Blossom Ship Collection

  • Previously featured in the Season Six Plunder Pass, all parts of the Spring Blossom Ship Collection are now available to purchase from the Pirate Emporium.

Tankard Tricks Emote Bundle

  • Grog’s your favourite tipple, and you know plenty of ways to fully appreciate its fabulous flavours. Show them off to your crew when performing these emotes.

Freebie Ranting Rogue Emote

  • If the ship’s on fire, there’s a rat in the grog barrel or your favourite Trinket’s knocked out of place, be sure your crew know all about it.

Blooming Brigand Bundle (Store Only)

  • No matter what the time of year may be, you’ll always have a spring in your step when your trusty vessel and even the contents of your armory are bursting with vitality. The Blooming Brigand Bundle contains the Spring Blossom Weapon Bundle and Fishing Rod, the Spring Blossom Figurehead and Sails, 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free bonus of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Merchant Alliance Cosmetics

  • Show off your allegiance to the Alliance with a new range of clothing items, weapons and equipment – all now available for gold from Outpost shops.

Gameplay Improvements

Supply Restocking After a Lost Battle

  • Crews defeated during the Battle for the Sea of Thieves are now free to purchase Captain’s Supplies or Merchant Supplies upon arrival at the Outpost, even if one in-game day has not yet passed – allowing them to stock up and get back in the fight.

Battles Within a Storm

  • Crews diving beneath the waves to battle rival ships will no longer find themselves battling in storm conditions.


Report a Player

  • Within the Settings menu, players now have access to a ‘Report a Player’ option, allowing them to directly report another player to the Sea of Thieves Support team for possible moderation and action. 
  • This reporting tool allows players to be reported for inappropriate gamertags, ship names and pet names.
  • Once the report has been completed, players will be shown a list of players who they have been in the vicinity of in the last few hours to enable the report to be targeted at a specific player.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock cosmetics throughout Season Nine with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn a selection of items from the Eastern Winds Ruby set.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Fixed Issues


  • Pirates swimming to a ship in choppy waters are no longer able to use a ship's cannons, harpoon or Map Table to board directly from the water.
  • Pirates striking an enemy threat with a harpoon will once again deal a small amount of damage.
  • On discovering a Shipwreck Graveyard during a Legend of the Veil Voyage, players who previously opened the Captain's Quarters will still be able to access that area even after server migration.
  • During a Ghost Fleet encounter, crews at a distance from the battle will no longer find that ships disappear while attempting to move to the crew’s position.
  • Players are now able to complete the Ocean Epicurean Trial when fulfilling the required criteria.
  • Players attempting to sell a Trident of Dark Tides while aiming it will no longer be prevented from aiming other weapons once sold.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Voting on the Hourglass of Fate will now clear the Captain’s Table of any placed Tall Tale Checkpoints.
  • Players will no longer see a ‘Quest Received’ notification when diving below the waves looking for an opponent.
  • Solo players forcefully disconnecting from a session while travelling beneath the waves will now find their battle cancelled and arrive on a random island back at sea.
  • The win streak UI now appears consistently even if the player force-closes the game and rejoins the session.
  • When diving beneath the waves, players will no longer see strange light blue underwater visual effects in the distance prior to fading to black.

Captains of Adventure

  • A Captain’s Logbook placed inside a Collector’s Chest no longer loses its cover customisation.
  • The Taker of Stolen Stock Commendation now progresses when commodities are sold to Sovereigns.
  • Improvements have been made to the Captain’s Logbook to avoid instances where the text and images inside the Logbook overlap or intersect with each other.

Pirate Emporium

  • Players will now travel in the intended direction when fired from a Brigantine cannon with the Sawbones Cannons equipped.
  • The Sawbones Jacket and Belt will now appear ghostly when equipping the Blessing of Athena’s Fortune.
  • The iconography for the Sawbones Collector’s Sail now matches the equipped sail. 
  • The Sawbones Trinket is now centred correctly and lit from above when placed on a ship.
  • The Sawbones Collector’s Figurehead when equipped on the Sloop will no longer display liquid through the vial corks, and will swing more noticeably.


  • Players can no longer get stuck when traversing the dry dock area at Port Merrick. 
  • Players will no longer be able to see the waterline when jumping at either end of the dry dock at Port Merrick. 
  • The lanterns present at the back of the Order of Souls building at Port Merrick are now lit.
  • Players can no longer intersect with the environment within the Sea Fort basements.
  • Items can no longer become lost if placed on a table in the Merchant Alliance area at Port Merrick.
  • Characters at Port Merrick will now be seen when approaching from a distance and will no longer pop into view.
  • The cannon at the south-east of Port Merrick now launches pirates in the correct direction.

User Interface

  • An icon will now appear next to a pirate’s name indicating they are carrying treasure after picking up a Stronghold Key.

Visual and Audio

  • The beacon from the Reaper’s Chest or Reaper’s Bounty will now continue to be visible after harpooning the chest off a ship.
  • The atmospheric effects that signify a Ghost Fleet encounter have been improved, ensuring the event is visible from across the waves.
  • Pirates striking a Ghost Ship, Skeleton Ship or Megalodon with cannon fire will no longer hear other game music quieten for an extended period.
  • Players will consistently see the visual effects for an active lantern during the Fort of the Damned, even when returning after death.
  • During the Ghost of Graymarrow fight, the correct visual effects will now be shown at his feet when teleporting.
  • Players with the Wandering Reaper Flag or Inevitable Reaper Flag equipped will now find that when representing as an Emissary, the Emissary Flag now attaches correctly.
  • Pirates’ bodies will no longer become invisible when equipping the Order of Souls Shirt and an open jacket.
  • When pirates are observed climbing ladders or sitting while holding the Skull of Destiny, the skull will retain its correct visual appearance.
  • When holding a pet underwater (you monster), air bubbles now appear from the animal’s mouth.
  • At Galleon’s Grave Outpost, the coastline audio is now heard at the correct volume.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Improved server stability when migrating during this Tall Tale.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.7.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.33 GB
Xbox Series S: 4.9 GB
Xbox One X: 8.33 GB
Xbox One: 4.9 GB
Microsoft Store: 7.78 GB
Steam: 7.54 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.8.1 id: 120 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.8.1

With Season Nine launch month and its cavalcade of bullet-pointed features behind us, April sees the delivery of some more focused fixes and adjustments alongside a wave of eerie new cosmetics. If you're still catching up on what was recently added, we'd advise a viewing of the Season Nine content update video before you go ahead and raise anchor!

Sea of Thieves Season Nine: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:19)

Check out the launch release notes if you want the fully itemised Season Nine feature set, then read on to find out what else is addressed in this month's update. When you're ready to set sail, don't forget to pay a visit to the Outpost you once knew as Golden Sands...

Pirate Emporium

Hygiene is important! That's why those seafaring plague doctors wear masks, although it doesn't explain the state of their dubious tools. If the Sawbones ship set, clothing, weapons and Trinket don't grab you, snap up a Plunder Pass, some quickfire emotes or the monthly freebie!

Season Nine Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Nine rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Nine can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Sting Tide Ship Collection and evolving Sting Tide Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Sawbones Ship Collection

  • Spread your medical 'expertise' across the Sea of Thieves with the Sawbones Ship Collection. Collector's Sails and Figurehead are available to purchase separately.
  • Pirates looking for the bare necessities can instead choose the Sawbones Essential Ship Bundle, containing the core components at a discount.

Sawbones Clothing Bundle

  • Don the mask of those who do not falter in the face of pestilence with these well-worn items of medical gear. Pirates are free to purchase the hat, gloves, belt and jacket individually, or all four items bundled together at a discount.

Sawbones Weapon Bundle

  • This bundle of weapons might have seen better days, but they'll never fail to get the job done.

Sawbones Trinket

  • Captains in dire need of a flask of eyeballs to decorate their ship can now pick up this grim Trinket at the Emporium.

Quick Draw Weapon Pose Emote

  • A pirate knows better than to enter any situation unarmed, so be ready to react with this weapon-specific emote.

Freebie Encouraging Clap Emote

  • Collect this freebie from the Emporium and show enthusiasm for your crew’s most impressive feats. Or explosions.

Sawbones’ Surgery Bundle (Store Only)

  • Medical science is a developing field, but still as rough and ready as anything else on the Sea of Thieves. For now, you can at least look the part and come equipped for spontaneous procedures! The Sawbones' Surgery Bundle contains the Sawbones Clothing Bundle and Weapon Bundle, the Quick Draw Weapon Pose Emote, 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free bonus of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Order of Souls Cosmetics

  • Gain Madame Olivia’s approval within the Order by saving up for a selection of clothing, weapons and equipment now in stock at the Outpost shops.


Ghost Fleet Encounter Balancing

  • The damage required to defeat Captain’s Ships and the Burning Blade during a Ghost Fleet encounter has now been reduced.
  • The number of Wraith Cannonballs rewarded for completing the encounter has now been increased.

Ashen Voyage Availability

  • Ashen Voyages purchasable from the shipwright no longer have a Trading Company reputation requirement, allowing all Captains access to these new Voyages delivered in Season Nine.


Narration Playback Speed

  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ now have additional control within the Settings Menu to adjust the speed of the narration. This will allow players to set a speed that is the most convenient and comfortable for them.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock cosmetics throughout Season Nine with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn a selection of items from the Eastern Winds Sapphire set.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Fixed Issues


  • Seagulls now appear over treasure dropped when defeating a Megalodon.
  • Supply barrels jettisoned from a ship will no longer sink while players are nearby.
  • Supply barrels harpooned onto a ship will no longer disappear when sailing away from the area where they were collected.
  • Players are no longer able to bypass the purchase limit at the shipwright and retrieve multiple supplies. 
  • Crews are now granted the correct Emissary Grade progression when bringing treasure onto their ship using a harpoon.
  • Players below deck caught by the blast from a Trident of Dark Tides as it hits the outside of the ship’s hull will now take reduced damage as intended.
  • Rowboats containing treasure will no longer leave items floating in the air when undocked from the Sovereigns’ dock.
  • When taking part in a Skeleton Fleet battle, player ships in close proximity to each other will no longer prevent the fleet from appearing from the depths.
  • Players discovering the Chest of Legends at the final dig site during a Search for Cursed Treasure will now find the Voyage completes as intended.
  • Pirates are now prevented from retrieving multiple Voyages from a Mysterious Journal.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Crews are now prevented from using the cage key on a nearby door, which would block them from being able to complete the Tall Tale.
  • ‘Revenge of the Morningstar’ – Crews are no longer rewarded when cashing in the Skull of Captain Douglas or Chalice of Resurrection.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Crewmates who join during a battle and are held on the Ferry of the Damned are no longer awarded Allegiance when the battle ends.
  • Players who lose a battle while on the Ferry of the Damned should no longer encounter the rare scenario where they appear beneath the waves after returning from the Ferry.

Captains of Adventure

  • Further improvements made to saving ship customisations, reducing scenarios where Captains saving a livery, decoration or Trinket would result in their chosen customisations not persisting between sessions.
  • A Captain's Logbook will now maintain a consistent record of events after migrating across servers.
  • Players should no longer find that events recorded in a Logbook found floating at sea suddenly become blank after reading.
  • A Captain's Logbook will now retain its customised appearance after being placed in a Collector’s Chest, or after being dropped and picked up.
  • A Captain's Logbook will now show the correct events pages after being placed in a Collector’s Chest.
  • Players holding a Captain's Logbook will no longer be offered the option to retrieve treasure from a Collector's Chest.

Pirate Emporium

  • Players are now able to preview the King’s Ransom Crown on their pirate while browsing the Emporium.
  • The glowing eyes on the Frostbite Figurehead are now much more visible at a distance.
  • The Sea Serpent Collector’s Sails now use the correct tile art.
  • The Labyrinth Looter Weapon Bundle now displays the correct iconography.


  • Pirates can no longer intersect with the environment within the basements of Sea Forts.
  • Within the Pirate Legend Hideout, pirates should no longer be able to push through the environment into the sea.
  • Pets can now follow players around the new areas of the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Players are no longer able to bypass the traps and reach the Gold Hoarder’s vault by passing through the environment.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Rocks found within the tunnels that lead to Sailor's Grave now appear correctly.

User Interface

  • Players on lower-spec hardware should no longer experience graphical issues or missing UI imagery after leaving a session and quickly joining a new session.
  • After raising and lowering an Emissary Flag, bringing up a radial menu should no longer show an active Emissary.
  • After switching categories within the shipwright’s Voyage shop, players making a purchase will no longer find the category is reset.
  • Storage Crates for single resources such as Cannonball Crates no longer display additional UI elements within the storage limits space.
  • Browsing the Trials section within the Pirate’s Log now correctly displays the selected page.
  • The name of a player's pet is now displayed correctly in the chat notification pane.


  • When enabling the extended audio range of sea rocks to improve sailing audio cues, players using headphones will no longer hear audio effects in both ears at the same time.
  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will no longer hear punctuation narrated within the Custom Server menus.
  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will no longer hear incorrect or repeated narration while navigating the ‘Info and Tips’ section.

Visual and Audio

  • When boarding a ship from the sea, players are no longer able to muffle the boarding audio effects by grabbing the ladder while aiming down sights, ensuring nearby players will always hear someone boarding from the ocean.
  • Pirates striking another ship with cannon fire will no longer hear other game music quieten for an extended period.
  • Players shooting, sprinting and aiming in quick succession with an Eye of Reach should no longer encounter rare scenarios where the weapon animation becomes stuck and prevents aiming down sights.
  • When a Skeleton Fleet battle is active, players moving around The Reaper's Hideout will no longer hear the audio effects cutting out.
  • After speaking with various characters found across the world, players leaving the conversation will now hear the correct ending phrase.
  • Equipping the Lucky Hand Dress no longer causes a pirate’s tattoos to appear cut off.
  • The Sweet Treat Capstan now blends more seamlessly with the pool of chocolate when being raised and lowered.
  • White corners are no longer visible on the Season Nine title screen.
  • The Mysterious Stranger will now consistently appear at the intended level of detail when visited in the tavern.
  • Players with a buried treasure map will now see the correct iconography on the map after migrating servers.

Text and Localisation

  • All ‘Vote to Scuttle’ options within the Settings Menu no longer display debug text strings and are translated to all non-English languages.
  • The description for the Fortune's Favour Commendation has now been corrected to reflect that handing in the Chest of Fortune at a variety of locations will still count towards progressing the Commendation.
  • Players attempting to equip invalid decorations to a Sloop will now see a translated error message in the player’s preferred language.
  • The Emissary tutorials now mention that Doubloons as well as gold and reputation are increased based on Emissary Grade when selling items as an Emissary.
  • When players speak to Larinna, she will now mention the new features introduced as part of Season Nine.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

Sawbones Clothing Visual Issues

  • Elements of the Sawbones Jacket and Sawbones Belt are not affected by the Blessing of Athena’s Fortune, and will currently remain solid in appearance.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.7.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.15 GB
Xbox One X: 8 GB
Xbox One: 5.15 GB
Microsoft Store: 7.4 GB
Steam: 7.1 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.8.0 Season 9 / Chest of Fortune id: 119 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.8.0

Time to seek your fortune all over again as Season Nine offers up a wealth of additions, improvements and refinements of classic features. New chests, new Voyages and new rewards, a shot in the arm for World Events and countless tweaks to make the pirate life more gratifying than ever – get an overview in the official Season Nine Content Update video below, and if you've already seen it, tag along for the Deep Dive instead!

Sea of Thieves Season Nine: Official Content Update Video (Duration 6:19)

There's a lot to break down into bullet point format, so get the kettle on and come back when you're all set to skim-read like a champ. All of the above plus 100 levels of spring-fresh Seasonal rewards lie ahead!

Chests of Fortune

Infiltrate Forts of Fortune, find Chests of Fortune, earn Fates of Fortune. Simple! Except the new Fates of Fortune cosmetics are behind Commendations also tied to Reaper's Chests, and neither those nor the precious new Chests of Fortune are easy to hold on to for long enough to sell...

Chest of Fortune

  • A new high-value chest has arrived on the seas, offering a fortune in gold and the promise of exclusive rewards if safely cashed in. Expect the Chest of Fortune to be highly sought after by crews across the waves!
  • In Season Nine, Chests of Fortune have been locked away in Fort of Fortune Vaults, ready for the taking. Cunning crews who claim them will progress the Fortune’s Favour Commendation to unlock the first ship items from the new Fates of Fortune cosmetic set.
  • In future Seasons, expect Chests of Fortune to move around and bring the fight to new locations, while enabling new Commendation Grades and expanding the Fates of Fortune set.

Reaper’s Chests

  • The beacon visible from across the seas that highlights a Reaper’s Chest or Reaper’s Bounty will now stay visible even when the chest is collected by players – no more hiding! Pirates can now use the beacon along with the Ship’s Map table icon to track this valuable cargo being transported by rival crews.
  • With these chests now much more visible when being transported, there is an additional reward for crews who successfully hand them in. Crews will now progress the Reaper’s Riches Commendation and start unlocking access to the Fates of Fortune weapon set!

Chests of Fortune Achievements

  • New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the game’s variety of new features. A total of 150 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.

Getting a Head [10G]

Hot-Headed [15G]

Fortune-ate Outcome [25G]

A Favour for the Flame [50G]

Favour the Bold [50G]

World Events and Encounters

When you set sail into a world carefully rebalanced by Season Nine, the new level of life and variety out there will soon come into focus. Forts have been lavished with attention across the board, marauding Ghost Fleets are back and encounters now scale satisfyingly to all crew sizes!

Fort of Fortune

  • The gruelling Fort of Fortune has been reimagined for Season Nine as a more approachable and enjoyable experience for all crew sizes. This encounter will also appear more frequently than before, and crews successfully raiding the vault will be rewarded with the exclusive new Chest of Fortune.
  • While the Fort encounter itself has been rebalanced to dynamically scale in difficulty to the number of pirates in the fight, each wave of skeletons is now a roll of the dice with different skeleton forms appearing to challenge the crews’ skills in combat.

Fort of the Damned

  • Crews taking on this wicked encounter will find the Shadows of Fate and Ghost of Graymarrow now dynamically scale in difficulty to the number of pirates storming the Fort. 
  • The Shadows of Fate summoned to battle will now always appear as a single colour within a wave, requiring less switching the Flames of Fate during the encounter.
  • Resources have been replenished around the Fort of the Damned, so crews can find more food barrels stacked with a range of fruit, along with additional Ammo Chests and an Armoury.

Skeleton Forts

  • The original Skeleton Fort encounter has been improved and rebalanced to dynamically scale in difficulty with the number of pirates storming the vault.
  • Skeleton Forts across the sea are now stocked with more plentiful resources and include both Ammo Chests and Armouries, allowing players to switch their loadout during the battle!

Ashen Lords

  • Crews willing to go toe to toe with a menacing Ashen Lord will now find that this heated encounter dynamically scales in difficulty based on the number of pirates in the fight.

Skeleton Fleet

  • Crews heading towards the ominous Ship Cloud signifying a Skeleton Fleet battle will now find that the encounter dynamically scales to the number of players in the area.
  • Along with scaling difficulty, the skeleton crews onboard the Galleons are now more easily dispatched by boarders, and crews will find repairers less frequently return to defend the ship.
  • After defeating a Skeleton Ship, crews now have more time to resupply before the next wave arrives and will find sunken Galleons now drop Storage Crates of supplies for even easier restocking.

Ghost Fleet Encounter Returns

  • Once again, crews can encounter Ghost Ships summoned through the rift before facing off against Flameheart’s flagship, the Burning Blade.
  • Following Flameheart’s resurrection, he no longer watches over this encounter. However, crews should look for a swirling tornado in the sky to indicate the encounter has begun.

Megalodon Encounters

  • Emergent Megalodon encounters can now occur in a wider variety of locations across the seas, including those previously restricted due to the distance between islands.

Shipwreck Locations

  • Sunken wrecks will now appear more frequently between islands rather than on the outer areas of the map, making them more easily discovered by crews during their journeys.

Fog Locations

  • Visibility-reducing fog banks can now appear in even more locations across the seas.

Expanding Captaincy

Season Seven's headline feature continues to expand and evolve! New Voyages for Captains and Legends are the main draw in Season Nine, not least those that lead to a Skull of Destiny, but Logbook upgrades and new deals with the Sovereigns are notable additions too.

Search for the Skull of Destiny

  • This new Voyage exclusive to Pirate Legends can now be acquired from the shipwrights or the Pirate Lord. Legends will be provided with the Wayfinder of Legends Compass to help direct their crew towards the mysterious Skull of Destiny.
  • Crews retrieving the Skull of Destiny will find it imbued with the glowing Flames of Fate and able to cycle through the six coloured flames. Use it to light all the statues at the Fort of the Damned, then place the Skull itself into the ritual cage to begin the Fort of the Damned event.

The Legendary Search for Cursed Treasure

  • This new Voyage exclusive to Pirate Legends aims to test crews’ sailing skills against the hazards that hoarding accursed treasure may bring. Along with a range of cursed treasures to uncover along the way, players may encounter the new Chest of Boundless Sorrow which awards more gold but never stops weeping – a true test of an organised crew!
  • Crews navigating this perilous Voyage will be richly rewarded from the cursed loot they return – and should keep a keen eye out for the chance to uncover a Chest of Legends among the treasure!

Black Powder Stashes

  • Pirate Legends can now acquire this explosive new Voyage. It will direct crews to a nearby Skeleton Fort where a range of armaments have been stashed, possibly including the explosive Keg of Ancient Black Powder. Restock quickly and prepare for battle!

Expanded Company Voyages

  • The shipwrights have expanded their stock of Trading Company Voyages, giving Captains access to more experiences directly from the Captain’s Bookcase. Crews can now venture into The Devil’s Roar on Ashen Voyages, raid Vaults for the Gold Hoarders, track Lost Shipments for the Merchants and hunt down Ghost Ships for the Order of Souls. Grab a bundle from the nearest shipwright before setting sail.

Captain’s Logbook

  • Captains will find their trusty Logbook now chronicles the ship’s endeavours each day, populating the pages with events encountered while sailing. At the end of each day the Captain will bookmark the day’s efforts with a hand-drafted image of a memorable moment from the day.
  • Along with this new addition, the Captain’s Logbook now requires players to press and hold to interact with it, preventing accidental use.
  • Logbooks acquired from sunken ships can now be stored in Collector’s Chests and Merfolk Statues for safekeeping.

Sovereign Expansion

  • Captains and their crew will now be able to conveniently hand in their catches to the Sovereigns at the Outposts, who will accept them on behalf of The Hunter’s Call. For the greatest payout, however, The Hunter’s Call representatives themselves now pay extra for direct delivery to the Seaposts!

Captain’s Supply and Voyage Shop Improvements

  • Captains browsing the exclusive services available from the shipwrights will now find that a new categorised menu allows faster access to the Voyages or supplies required.

Milestone Notifications

  • Players now have the option to disable both Pirate and Ship Milestone notifications from the Settings Menu.

Gameplay Improvements

Read on for a real grab bag of refined and rebalanced features with something to please pirates of all persuasions. Check out new resource types and radials, streamlined sailing and selling, tricky treasures brought within reach and The Hunter's Call brought back up to capacity...

Treasure in the Devil’s Shroud

  • Treasure left behind in the Devil’s Shroud will no longer remain out of reach and will be transported to a safer location for retrieval.

Seagulls Above Sunken Treasure

  • As well as gathering above shipwrecks and floating barrels, seagulls can now be spotted circling over any treasure left behind at sea.

Six Ships on the Horizon

  • Following performance improvements delivered in recent updates, all servers have now returned to supporting six crews. When starting a session or migrating, servers will now actively matchmake six crews of different sizes in order to meet both six-crew and 17-player limits. 
  • The team will continue to monitor server performance following launch and adjust the player limit outside the update process to optimise the experience.

Stashing Quests

  • Unwanted Quests can now be stashed away, allowing players to tidy up their Quest Radial and only show those they are interested in. Stashed Quests can be unhidden at any time.

Improved Collector’s Chest Selling

  • Pirates can now sell all treasure items inside a Collector’s Chest without having to remove them one by one. Trading Company representatives can now cash in all items they accept from within the chest.
  • Captains looking to speed up the experience even further can sell everything inside the Collector’s Chest to the Sovereigns, leaving the crew with the chest itself for future use.

Musical Hit Audio Effects

  • Within the Audio Settings, players now have direct control of musical effects heard when attacking ships and striking enemies. A new ‘Musical Hit Notification Volume’ slider offers this control while allowing other game music to be adjusted independently.
  • Players will also hear a distinctive new audio effect when striking a rival ship with a cannonball, clearly indicating a successful hit. This new effect can also be controlled with the ‘Musical Hit Notification Volume’ slider.

Harpoon Improvements

  • When using a ship’s harpoon, players will now find that treasure will instantly detach from their harpoon onto the deck, removing the need to stop and remove it manually.
  • Rowboats equipped with a harpoon will also place any harpooned treasure in the middle of the Rowboat, and the Sovereigns’ hut harpoon will place treasure on the lift platform even if the platform is down, making it even easier to cash in there.

Bait Crates

  • A new type of resource crate is now on offer from the Merchant Alliance and The Hunter’s Call: the Bait Crate. These crates are filled with enough grubs, worms and leeches to keep any fishing enthusiast happy for days!
  • Bait Crates will set players back 5000 gold and can also be sold back to the Merchant Alliance, The Hunter’s Call, The Reaper’s Bones and the Sovereigns.

Fishing Bait Radial

  • When wielding a fishing rod, players can now access a Bait Radial using the Left Trigger on controller or right mouse button when using keyboard and mouse to select the preferred bait before casting.

Food Radial

  • When holding an item of food, players can now access a Food Radial using the B button on controller or R on keyboard to quickly select a specific food from their inventory.

Ship Scuttle Improvements

  • Crews wishing to scuttle their ship will now be presented with two options. Crews can ‘Scuttle the Ship and Change Seas’ which will move them to a fresh server, providing a predictable way of leaving a server behind for a fresh encounter on likely calmer waters. Crews are still free to choose the original ‘Scuttle Ship’ option, which destroys their vessel while keeping them on the same server.

Trading Company Voyages

  • When purchasing Trading Company Voyages, the Company representatives will no longer only refresh their choice of Voyages after a day but will now offer fresh Voyages as soon as one has been purchased.
  • When browsing the range of Voyages available for your rank, every type of Voyage is now offered on the selection page for purchase.
  • Pirates can now also purchase and hold up to 12 Voyages in their inventory. Bilge Rat Voyages (excluding the Athena’s Run) will not be counted towards this limit.
  • Players visiting the Pirate Lord are also now presented with two full pages of Voyages to choose from.

The Reaper’s Bones Outpost Representative

  • The Reaper’s Bones skeleton hanging out at the Outpost will now accept Emissary Flags ‘recovered’ by cutthroat pirate crews, in return for gold and reputation. Crews aligned with the Servants of the Flame will also earn Allegiance when cashing in these Flags.

Selling Tridents of Dark Tides

  • Crews can now cash in a Trident of Dark Tides at their local Merchant Alliance, Sovereign or Hunter’s Call representative in return for gold and Seasonal Renown.

Cursed Mermaid Statue Rewards

  • Cursed Mermaid Statues have now been rebalanced, allowing all sizes of crew the ability to destroy them for the precious gems inside. Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby statues no longer require multiple crewmates to defeat.
  • All Cursed Mermaid Statues now offer better rewards when destroyed, with a chance of multiple Gems for lucky crews.
  • With Mermaid Gems becoming more readily available from statues, pirates will no longer find them washed up on islands, and only Sapphire Gems can now be discovered within shipwrecks.

New Hunter’s Call Representative

  • Stephen’s Spoils has felt empty since Merrick was lured away to his fate by the Dark Brethren. To help fill the void in pirates’ hearts, a new member of The Hunter’s Call has arrived to call Stephen’s Spoils home: Adelrick is now stationed at Merrick’s old post, continuing to trade on behalf of the family business.


  • Tired of climbing up all the way to the crow’s nest? Pirates can now equip flags from the Ship Customisation Chest near the shipwright in the same way as equipping other ship customisations.

Resource Container Limits

  • All resource containers, including barrels, Merchant crates and Rowboat seats, now clearly show the total number of items in each category that are being stored. As pirates fill these containers, they can easily see how close a category is to reaching its limit.

Brightness and Contrast Settings

  • Within the Video Settings menu, players can now use sliders to increase and decrease the brightness and contrast of the game to further customise their Sea of Thieves experience.

Disable Trinket and Sitting Points

  • Players can now choose to reduce the interaction points found around a ship. Interaction points for sitting locations and areas for placing Trinkets can be disabled independently via the Input Settings menu.

Starting Outpost Location

  • Crews arriving on the seas at the start of a session will now begin at a wider variety of Outpost locations, and no longer emerge so frequently in The Wilds.

Barrels of Plenty Balancing

  • The number of floating barrels that appear in a group has now been reduced. However, the likelihood of finding rare items in these barrels has been increased.

Chest of Sorrow Balancing

  • Crews recovering a Chest of Sorrow during their journey will now find that the weeping fills the ship at a much slower rate.

Skeleton Form Balancing

  • When protected by their metal casing, Gold Skeletons will now take reduced damage from blunderbuss and flintlock shots. Weaken them with water before attacking!

Season Nine

Another Season means 100 new levels to climb by raising your Renown, with racks full of rewards to snag along the way – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more. Emissaries aren't forgotten either, with the latest Company-themed cosmetics for qualifying Ledger performances!

Season Nine Progression and Rewards

  • Season Nine offers a refreshed progression path with Trials, Deeds and Renown actions for new and experienced pirates alike. Weekly, monthly and Seasonal goals all reward players for exploring the Sea of Thieves.
  • Players can capitalise on the new treasure items introduced to the seas and will earn Renown when cashing them in!
  • Progressing through the 100 levels of this Season will reward pirates with the Prosperous Privateer cosmetics, new to Season Nine along with time-limited Gilded Age rewards.
  • Legendary pirates or those who become a Pirate Legend during Season Nine can also earn the Legendary Bone Hunter Jacket and Spyglass.
  • Completing tiers of Seasonal progression will also award unique Titles with a Gilded Age theme, allowing players to display their success for all to see.

Season Nine Plunder Pass

  • Purchase Season Nine’s Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of unlockable, never-before-seen rewards along with an additional 750 Ancient Coins, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression.
  • Plunder Pass purchasers this Season can earn the full Sting Tide ship set, including Collector’s Figurehead and Sails.
  • For those looking to truly transform themselves, the Sting Tide Costume can also be earned, evolving as players progress through the Season.
  • The Season Nine Plunder Pass is available to purchase in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, from the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Nine Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Emissary Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Fishing Rod and Tankard.
  • Players seeking out secrets for the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Fishing Rod and Tankard.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Fishing Rod and Tankard.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Fishing Rod and Tankard.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Fishing Rod and Tankard to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.


This Season lands squarely in the middle of Sea of Thieves' fifth anniversary month, so allow us to list some of the things still on the celebratory schedule. Meanwhile, Twitch Drops will keep on bringing incentives to those who support Sea of Thieves streamers throughout Season Nine!

Sea of Thieves' Fifth Anniversary

  • The Marauder's Medley Event ends with the arrival of Season Nine, but there's plenty more to enjoy: all players who set sail in Sea of Thieves before March 22nd (10am UTC) can acquire the Lustrous Legend Figurehead as a free anniversary gift.
  • A bombastic Pirate Emporium sale runs from March 17th-28th, with deep discounts on ship sets, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes from some of the most popular ranges, Rare heritage sets, Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life and more!
  • Starting from Sea of Thieves' special day on March 20th, you can make a stop at New Golden Sands Outpost to find a special wall set up for fifth anniversary pirate selfies. Get some pictures for posterity as it's a temporary fixture only...
  • Also on March 20th, head to the Sea of Thieves YouTube channel to watch Sea of Thieves: Voyage of a Lifetime, a feature-length exploration of the game from its birth all the way through to today.
  • From March 25th-27th, all pirates are welcome to join in the festivities throughout our Community Weekend, with more freebies to snap up and in-game boosts to unlock by using the #SoTAnniversaryPromo hashtag on social media to raise the Community Emissary Grade!
  • Find out more about the month-long celebrations in our dedicated fifth anniversary news article.

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock cosmetics throughout Season Nine with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active, some for Partnered streamers and some for all streamers, allowing players to earn a selection of new and classic items from the Omen and Eastern Winds Sapphire sets.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Pirate Emporium

You may never have seen a Sea Serpent, but some hunters have and they've got the trophies to show for it. This month's new ship set, costume and weapons let you live that life, but if it's not for you, try acting all inscrutable with Enigmatic Emotes or pick up a polished pet instead.

Sea Serpent Ship Collection

  • Adorn your ship with trophies of your most exciting hunts with the Sea Serpent Ship Bundle. Collector’s Sails and Figurehead are available to purchase separately.
  • Players can also pick up just the core components of this set at a discount in the form of an Essential Ship Bundle.

Sea Serpent Costume

  • This outfit borrows not only the protective scales of a fearsome beast of the seas, but its waterproof nature too.
  • Players wearing this costume can also use the Hunter’s Harpoon Emote. Prepare for future battles and familiarise yourself with your harpoon using this kata.

Sea Serpent Weapon Bundle

  • Pick up the weapons of a true hunter, crafted from the scales of the very beasts you seek to destroy.

Sea Serpent Lantern

  • Light your way with a flame stolen from the maw of an ancient beast.

Lodestar Ship’s Crest

  • Set your ship's name among the stars with a crest that embraces the night sky.

Gold Curse Barbary

  • Even the most intelligent monkeys aren't immune to the irresistible lure of cursed gold.

Enigmatic Emote Bundle

  • A range of gestures suited to pirates of a more retiring, mysterious nature.

Freebie Hearing Things Emote

  • Give the appearance of listening out for threats, or simply encourage the ripostes of your enemies.

Striking Serpent Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, the Striking Serpent Bundle contains the Sea Serpent Costume, Weapon Bundle and Lantern, along with 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free bonus of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Gold Hoarders Cosmetics

  • Loyal followers of the Gold Hoarders can now find a range of clothing, weapons and equipment in stock at the Outpost shops to help them complete the Gold Hoarders set.

Season One Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season One have now arrived in the Outpost shops for a sizeable Doubloon cost, allowing all players to add them to their collection – for a price! Pirates can now purchase the Frostbite clothing set, the Legendary Hair and Beard and items from the Accomplished set. The time-limited Shroudbreaker items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season One.


Sailing Audio Accessibility Improvements

  • Within the Audio Settings, players now have access to a new setting to enhance the audio effects heard while sailing to aid in navigation. This setting is Off by default, but when enabled it improves the audio cues around navigational threats such as sea rocks, allowing players to hear approaching dangers and react appropriately.

Fixed Issues


  • Players can no longer place items on the ship’s capstan, and any item placed here will now drop onto the deck.
  • Players engaging in melee combat and blocking with a sword will now find the block consistently prevents the player from taking damage.
  • Phantoms’ charging attack now has a reduced range, preventing players from taking damage when successfully dodging.
  • Supply barrels jettisoned from a ship will now be more spread out, ensuring they do not intersect with each other when surfacing.
  • Crews who remove all items from a washed-up Storage Crate and then leave the area will no longer gain additional resources when returning later to the same crate.
  • Players rapidly removing resources from Storage Crates should now consistently remove the correct number of items.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Crews diving beneath the waves will no longer bring the lit state of lanterns at the Fort of the Damned to their destination server. However, crews migrating naturally will continue to bring this state with them.
  • Emissary Flags now grant Allegiance when sold to the Mysterious Stranger.
  • Ships that dive below the waves looking for opponents should now be automatically repaired even when damaged prior to diving.
  • Becoming a Servant Champion no longer unlocks the Become Pirate Legend achievement.
  • Players who sneak on board another Faction ship and attempt to use a ship interactable as it dives beneath the waves will retain control when returning to their ship.


  • Players will no longer be able to walk through the textures of a Sea Fort basement.
  • Players can no longer walk through textures at the Shrine of Tribute.
  • Within the Pirate Legend Hideout, players should no longer be able to push through the environment and appear in the sea.
  • The player’s camera will no longer intersect with environment set dressings in two seating spots within the Pirate Legend Hideout and Glorious Sea Dog Tavern.

Visual and Audio

  • Performing the Armour Mock Emote now displays an explosive visual effect.
  • When a cutlass three-hit combo is performed, the defending pirate will now only visually react to three strikes, whether they’re blocked or successful.
  • To prevent overlapping graphical issues, pets are no longer able to sleep on the ship’s bed.
  • When performing the Oar-Inspiring Balance Emote, players zooming in with the camera will now keep their pirate in view.
  • The ‘Disable Blur’ option now continues to work after travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Performing a weapon pose with the Infinite Depths Cutlass now shows the pirate’s hands in the correct location.
  • Players rebinding their Secondary Interact and Primary Interact before sitting down can now continue to use the third-person camera.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Captain Jack Sparrow can no longer be seen floating above the ground during the cutscene for this Tall Tale. 

Text and Localisation

  • The prompt for the skeleton in the Store Room at Royal Crest Fortress has been made more descriptive for screen readers.
  • The ‘Place Trinket’, ‘Restore My Ship’ and ‘Browse Captain’s Voyages’ prompts are now translated in all non-English languages.
  • The ‘Show/Hide Tall Tale’ prompt on the ship’s map has now been translated into multiple languages.
  • Corrected a spelling mistake after players finished ‘The Cursed Rogue’ Tall Tale.

Performance and Stability

  • Reduced instances of server instability that cause players to be disconnected from their session.
  • Players are no longer mistakenly issued with a placeholder belt when launching the game, and those who received it will now find it has been removed from their inventory. Fear not – this golden belt will return in a later Season.

Known Issues

Pirate’s Log Season UI

  • Players on lower-spec hardware may experience issues when browsing the Pirate Log, finding they are unable to navigate to the active Season to check progress, Trials and Deeds. However, players continue to earn Seasonal Renown for their actions, and progress through the Season can be checked on the Sea of Thieves website.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.7.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.15 GB
Xbox Series S: 4.76 GB
Xbox One X: 8.15 GB
Xbox One: 4.76 GB
Microsoft Store: 7.75 GB
Steam: 7.49 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.7.3 id: 118 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.7.3

As we storm into the twilight of Season Eight, get set to salivate over this month’s heavy-hitting Emporium update along with more improvements to ship combat matchmaking following changes made in the last update. Need a quick refresher on the Battle for the Sea of Thieves? Hit play on that trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Eight: Official Content Update Video (Duration 9:00)

Ready to see exactly what’s new? Future fashion, Faction action and, er, a frying pan await you in the full release notes for this update below!

Pirate Emporium

The future comes calling on the shopkeepers of the Pirate Emporium this month with a supply drop containing the Halo-inspired Infinite Depths collection. Costume, ship set, weapons and heroic poses – it's a treasure trove of Sea of Thieves-styled cosmetics fit for a chief.

Season Eight Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Eight rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Eight can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Ravenwood Ship Collection and evolving Ravenwood Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store

Infinite Depths Ship Collection

  • Follow in the footsteps of fellow outlaws beneath distant stars with this rebellious ship set. The Collector’s Sails and Figurehead are available to purchase separately.
  • Pirates looking for just the core components of this ship set can purchase them in an Essential Bundle at a reduced cost.

Infinite Depths Costume

  • Blending traditional armour and piratical style, this costume makes a masterful addition to any pirate’s Clothing Chest.
  • Players wearing this costume can also use the Constant Companion Emote. Even in the toughest of battles, the figure inside this music box brings you comfort.

Infinite Depths Weapons

  • With their unearthly sheen, these alien designs aren't quite like anything else you can find on the Sea of Thieves.

Infinite Depths Weapon Pose Emote

  • Face anything the future can throw at you with this supply of weapon-specific emotes.

Freebie Armour Mock Emote

  • While it's a reach to say this borrowed move will protect you from anything, it does at least make you feel a bit safer.

The Battle for the Sea of Thieves

Matchmaking Improvements

  • Further improvements in this area have now increased the size of the matchmaking pools, allowing players to find more crews who have joined the fight. These improvements work towards reducing matchmaking times and improving the suitability of skill-based matches.

Gameplay Improvements

Athena’s Fortune Emissary Flags

  • In the Battle for the Sea of Thieves, Athena’s Fortune Emissary Flags won from same Faction battles can now be handed to the Mysterious Stranger in return for gold and reputation. This ensures that players can profit from same Faction battles as well as rival Faction battles.

Ghost Ship Damage Balancing

  • Player ships colliding with a Ghost Ship during an encounter will now result in reduced hull damage.

Hiding Ship Names

  • Captains now have access to a new setting, providing creators with more control over their Ship’s Crest, Banner and Logbook. Captains enabling ‘Hide My Ship Name From Others’ will now find the ship’s name is replaced when their ship is viewed by any other player.
  • The existing settings for replacing gamertags, ship names and Captains’ gamertags have all been renamed to improve consistency.

Outpost Cosmetics

Mauve Majestic Sovereign Clothing

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Mauve Majestic Sovereign clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

New Vanity Items

  • A selection of additional items have arrived at the Outpost clothing shops, giving pirates more options to customise their look. The Cascade Hair, Twin Tails Beard and Ancient Ward Tattoo can now be purchased with gold.


Free Pancake Puzzler Emote

  • Countless pancakes are tossed, caught and eaten in the lands beyond the Devil's Shroud at this time of year, and pirates have decided they want in on the action.
  • Set sail on the Sea of Thieves between February 17th and February 24th (10am UTC) to have the free Pancake Puzzler Emote delivered to your Vanity Chest, allowing you to join in with the pancake-flipping festivities! The catching, not so much...

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Eight with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn Eastern Winds Sapphire items.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Fixed Issues


  • Ammo Crates being held by another pirate can now be harpooned.
  • Players attempting to stand on a barrel attached to a ship’s harpoon will now find they slip off into the water.
  • Players using the ship’s harpoon while migrating across servers will now find the harpoon remains usable on arrival.
  • Pirates travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned with a barrel attached to their harpoon will now find they can release the item and continue to use the harpoon when reaching their destination.
  • Gunpowder Barrels aboard a ship will now be detonated by attacks from Ghost Ships, Megalodons and Krakens.
  • Taking resources or fireworks from a crate and then using a Sunken Merfolk Statue to return to the ship will no longer refill the crate with items.
  • The contents of storage containers will no longer revert to default values after migrating to a new server.
  • Exclusive Athena’s Fortune items from the Legend of the Veil Voyage will now progress the Hider of Legendary Secrets Commendation.
  • Pondies will no longer appear in the lower level of Sea Forts.

The Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Dropping treasure off the side of the ship while sailing below the waves no longer causes the item to float away above the ship.
  • Players can no longer beach their ship on an island during a battle to be moved outside the battle area.
  • Dying when diving below the waves to hunt another crew will no longer cause the battle to fail for both crews.
  • The Commendations entitled His Favourite Crew and Risk It All now have updated descriptions, clarifying that any Faction ship destroyed will progress this Commendation.
  • The Commendations entitled Quite the Collection and Souvenir! now display all requirements in their descriptions.

Captains of Adventure

  • Captains saving a livery, decoration or Trinket should now consistently find their saved customisations persist between sessions.
  • Crews will no longer find their ship fails to release a Captain’s Logbook when sinking, even when the server already contains many Ruined Logbooks.
  • When browsing the Shipwright’s shop, backing out of a shop type will now return to the previous page instead of closing the menu.
  • After migrating to a different server, the ‘Placed by’ information for a Trinket will now show the correct gamertag.
  • Players can no longer equip the same Trinket in multiple locations over the maximum limit.
  • The Treasured Memento Mori will now appear in the Trinket Box after purchasing.
  • Skeleton Orders found while doing a Fort of Fortune and then completed will now update the Pirate Milestone for Discovered Quests Completed.
  • Pirates’ hands will no longer intersect with the Captain’s Logbook the first time players interact with it.

Legend of the Veil

  • Starting and cancelling Legend of the Veil Voyages should now ensure that treasure from Shipwreck Graveyards is removed from the world.

Pirate Emporium

  • The icon for the Labyrinth Looter Cannons has now been improved.
  • The icon for the Mandrake Cannon Flare has been updated to its finalised form.


  • Harpoons located at the Sovereigns will once again be able to fire down at all angles to retrieve treasure from the ships below without hitting an invisible surface.
  • An active Skeleton Fort at Old Brinestone Fortress once again fires its cannons at ships on approach.
  • Chests can no longer fall under a wooden platform outside the tavern at Sanctuary Outpost.

User Interface

  • Cycling through throwables using an assigned hotkey will no longer cause the cannonball section on a player’s radial to disappear.


  • The ‘Disable Blur’ option now continues to function after travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned.

Visual and Audio

  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – The Cursed Captain’s skull will no longer appear to float if a player buries then digs him back up.
  • ‘The Shroudbreaker’ – The opening dialogue with the Mysterious Stranger is now present when starting the Tall Tale at New Golden Sands Outpost.
  • Players whispering using the Speaking Trumpet while using non-verbal chat will now find their message is only sent a short distance, matching the distance of a whispered voice.
  • When observing a pirate fishing, players should no longer see their arms move unnaturally across a range of body types.
  • A floating book can no longer be seen at Smugglers’ Bay.
  • Pirates’ mouths no longer intersect with the Craggy Beard when worn.
  • Pressure plate audio effects should no longer be triggered when moving around a specific location in the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • A spherical visual effect is no longer present when viewing patches of verdant growth at Marauder’s Arch.

Text and Localisation

  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Text within the Quest Book now appears correctly across a range of languages.

Performance and Stability

  • Further server optimisations made to reduce the frequency of server performance spikes, which can result in players experiencing lag spikes, rubberbanding and server correction during gameplay.
  • Players on lower-performing hardware may notice a small improvement to the speed at which textures load in when approaching an island.
  • Improved server stability to help prevent instances where using the harpoon could cause players to be disconnected from their session.

Known Issues

Localisation Issues

  • The text for some newly added Emporium and Outpost cosmetics is not currently available in all languages, and will temporarily appear in English until this is resolved.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.7.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.22 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.07 GB
Xbox One X: 8.22 GB
Xbox One: 5.07 GB
Microsoft Store: 7.94 GB
Steam: 6.75 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.7.2 Adventure 10: The Secret Wilds id: 117 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.7.2

It’s a triple treat in this month’s content update as we point the way to a brand new time-limited Adventure, score a bullseye in the Pirate Emporium and deploy another set of improvements to the Battle for the Sea of Thieves! If you need a reminder of what everyone’s fighting about, rediscover the Season Eight trailer below...

Sea of Thieves Season Eight: Official Content Update Video (Duration 9:00)

You can also look back on the release notes from Season Eight’s launch for the complete picture, but if you know full well what the state of play is on the seas these days, don’t let us keep you any longer from sifting through the spoils of this latest update!


Time is running out for Tasha the tavern keeper as her skeletal curse continues to spread, and Madame Olivia relies on the aid of adventurous pirates as she strives to find a cure. Will you retrace Briggsy's steps through the secrets of the past in this eleventh time-limited Adventure?

‘The Secret Wilds’ (January 19th – February 2nd)

  • To start the Adventure, talk to Larinna and be directed to Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost. She will then explain the importance of retracing Briggsy’s steps to find a cure for Tasha.
  • To aid pirates in their quest, Madame Olivia will hand over Briggsy’s Mask that will allow them to view hidden starfields. Tasha will also provide one of her childhood storybooks that she hopes will aid in the search for a cure and the missing amulet fragments.
  • Pirates who fully complete the Adventure will earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest.

The Battle for the Sea of Thieves

From battles for honour within the same Faction to rebalanced rewards, another round of improvements have been made to on-demand ship combat in this update. Rejoin the Battle for the Sea of Thieves and rack up some Allegiance in the most balanced experience to date!

Same Faction Battles

  • Improvements to matchmaking now allow players the opportunity to battle against other crews from the same Faction in a battle for honour. These improvements will reduce matchmaking times for all pirates seeking battle!
  • Crews will vote on the War Map and begin searching for an opponent in a rival Faction as before. However, after a period of time when a rival has not been found, the search for crews will expand to include those from the same Faction.
  • These battles for honour within a Faction will play out in exactly the same way as a traditional battle, with Allegiance, Hourglass Value and Streaks all continuing to be earned. Most Commendations and Captaincy Milestones will also continue to progress, omitting those that specifically involve the opposing Faction.

Additional Battle Locations

  • Two crews travelling beneath the waves and resurfacing to fight will now find around 50 new battle locations have been added across the seas where an encounter can take place.
  • Many of these new locations will be only a stone’s throw away from a nearby Outpost, allowing the victors an opportunity to leave their Faction and claim their Hourglass value or restock before diving back beneath the waves.

Allegiance Balancing

  • Crews who are defeated in a Faction battle will now receive a slight increase to their Allegiance as compensation for their loss.
  • Crews fighting for the Servants of the Flame and flying a Reaper’s Emissary Flag will now earn increased reputation for The Reaper’s Bones upon winning a battle.
  • Crews who lose by being run out of the battle area will now receive a small amount of Allegiance as compensation for their loss.
  • In rare circumstances, crews may find they are not moved away from a server after sinking while in a Faction. In this scenario, crews will no longer receive Allegiance for repeatedly sinking the same ship in a server, preventing opportunities for crews to progress faster than intended.

Deterring Teaming in Battles

  • Improvements have been made to matchmaking rules to reduce the chance of crews encountering a battle with multiple opposing ships.
  • Crews who discover two Faction ships in a battle will no longer be rewarded with Allegiance, Streak increases or Hourglass value for joining the fight and sinking the Faction ships, as they are not part of the battle.

Update on Cross-Stamp Matchmaking

  • While we announced cross-stamp matchmaking in the January edition of SoT News, a critical issue was uncovered during final testing. To ensure the stability of our matchmaking as it stands, we've pulled this feature from today's release and will deliver it following further testing when we can implement it with greater confidence.

Pirate Emporium

Get your head down for a new month of Emporium additions! The Labyrinth Looter collection leads the charge with a ship set, costume, weapons and drum. But there's an Oar-Inspiring new set of emotes too, and you'd need to have a heart of stone to ignore the Pocket Pebble Emote...

Season Eight Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Eight rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Eight can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Ravenwood Ship Collection and evolving Ravenwood Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store

Labyrinth Looter Ship Collection

  • Reminisce over your near-mythical misadventures with this ancient ship livery. Collector’s Sails and Figurehead are available to purchase separately.
  • Players can also pick up just the core components of this set at a discount in the form of an Essential Ship Bundle.

Labyrinth Looter Costume

  • Start a beef in this outfit inspired by a hulking beast of myth! The mask might smell awful, but it’s worth it for the intimidation.
  • If an enemy gets too close, give them due warning with the built-in Charge Up Emote.

Labyrinth Looter Weapon Bundle

  • Adorned with trophies from your amazing adventures, these weapons let everyone know you're not to be trifled with.

Labyrinth Looter Drum

  • If a drum isn't enough for you, it doubles as a maze puzzle to keep you entertained on long nights at sea. 

Oar-Inspiring Emote Bundle

  • Oars can be good for more than just rowing, as these inventive emotes allow you to demonstrate. 

Pocket Pebble Emote

  • The seas can be lonely, but now there’s a handy pet rock to help keep you sane. It’s even got a little smiley face!

Freebie Come On Emote

  • Beckon other pirates over to face what’s coming with this freebie emote.

Time-Limited Lunar Festival Pet Outfits

  • Get your pet dancing like a dragon to celebrate the Lunar Festival in one of these striking pet outfits, back on sale for a limited time.

Amazing Adventurer Bundle (Store Only)

  • Why risk venturing into perplexing passageways, especially ones where legendary beasts roam freely, when there's a safer way to acquire treasures? The Amazing Adventurer Bundle contains the bullish Labyrinth Looter Costume, Weapon Bundle and Drum, as well as 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a bonus haul of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Bristling Barnacle Cosmetics

  • Show off your love of the sea with the new Bristling Barnacle clothing pieces, ship set, weapons and equipment. All can be purchased for gold from the appropriate shopkeepers.

Wailing Barnacle Hairstyles

  • New hairstyles for this old favourite set are now available to purchase for gold from the Outpost clothing shops.


Storage Crate Pricing

  • Storage Crates have now been reduced in price, and can now be purchased from the Merchant Alliance for 5,000 gold instead of the original 17,500 gold.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Eight with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn Eastern Winds Sapphire items.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Fixed Issues


  • Treasure can no longer be used around ships to reduce the damage taken from cannon fire.
  • Treasure held by a player will no longer float in the air after being harpooned.
  • Pirates will no longer be able to shoot through the wall underneath the stairs on the Sloop and damage players outside the ship.
  • Treasure collected from wrecks within the Sunken Graveyard during the Legend of the Veil Voyage should no longer disappear from a crew’s ship after finishing the Voyage.
  • Storage Crates acquired from Skeleton Ships can now be buried.
  • Cannonball Crates of the Damned released when completing Order of Souls Ghost Ship Voyages will now only reward a single Wraith Cannonball.
  • Athena’s Fortune artefacts found during the Legend of the Veil Voyage will now progress the Hider of Legendary Secrets Commendation when buried.
  • Animals will now take damage when caught in the blast of cannon fire, explosions and blunderbombs.
  • Ships can no longer be attacked by a Kraken while traversing the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Shadow Skeletons in the Fort of the Damned will now be instantly stunned if they emerge into an area with the correct type of lighting.
  • If players shoot through a broken Rum Crate and hit a Gunpowder Keg, the keg will now explode as intended.
  • The Old Brinestone Fortress storeroom key will no longer be present in the lock after the Fort has cleared, allowing crews to gain access again in the future.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Collecting the Siren Heart from Jack while holding an item will now drop the held item on the ground and collect the Siren Heart.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Ships that become beached and subsequently destroyed during a battle will now cause that crew to lose the encounter.
  • Crews should no longer experience the rare scenario where they surface for battle only to find another battle already taking place.
  • The Ghost Lord Commendation is now unlocked when meeting the requirements needed.
  • The Commendations entitled Risk It All, His Favourite Crew, In His Name, Running the Risk, Exemplary Captain and Pretty Good At This will now progress for Captains and crewmates alike when sailing on a Captained ship.
  • The Proven Your Worth Commendation has now been removed. The Guardian Ghost Spyglass and Guardian Ghost Speaking Trumpet can still be earned by earning the Quite the Collection Commendation.
  • Players will now need to earn the His Favourite Crew Commendation in order to unlock the Twin Pegs Lower Body cosmetic instead of the previously listed Commendation.
  • Players will now need to earn the Quite the Collection Commendation in order to unlock the Guardian Ghost Flag instead of the previously listed Commendation.
  • Sitting down or sleeping while below the waves waiting for another opponent will no longer cause the player to become stuck or removed from the ship, or for the player’s camera to become stuck in the environment when a rival is found.
  • If a crew’s ship is lost due to becoming beached on land, the ship will now retain its Faction status.
  • Quickly rotating the Hourglass of Fate and joining a Faction should now consistently display the correct Faction alignment.
  • When the Blessing of Athena’s Fortune or Ritual of the Flame cutscenes begin playing, only the players who are observing the cutscene will see the subtitles. 
  • Crew members leaving during the Blessing of Athena’s Fortune or Ritual of the Flame cutscenes should no longer cause the cutscene to end.

Captains of Adventure

  • Captained ships with a large number of Captain’s Voyages in the Bookcase should no longer experience issues when purchasing ship supplies.
  • Completing A Commission of the Ancient Veil now updates the Milestone for ‘A Veteran Voyager’.
  • Players can now flip through the pages of a Ruined Logbook.
  • As the ship is sinking, the Captain's Logbook interaction prompt now disappears.
  • When a crew member picks up their own Logbook from a wreck, their gamertag icon will now show that treasure is being carried.
  • Captains changing a Ship’s Banner should now see the new banner after leaving the Ship Customisation Chest.

Pirate Emporium

  • Players will now be able to repair the Soaring Oracle Wheel as normal.
  • Players’ hands no longer intersect with the top of the barrel when reloading the Soaring Oracle Eye of Reach.
  • Players can no longer equip belts over the top of the Soaring Oracle Costume.
  • Players can no longer equip an eyepatch while wearing the Soaring Oracle Costume which includes the blindfold.
  • The visual effects for the Soaring Oracle Costume emote have now been corrected for all body types.
  • The aurora effect on the Boreal Aurora Cannons and Capstan is now consistent all the time.
  • The Ravenwood Costume visual effects will now appear correctly when performing the emote while sailing on a ship.
  • Players’ hands will now appear correctly while wearing the Mandrake Costume.


  • The unfurled War Map no longer intersects with the Bone Crusher and Bilge Rat Captain’s Tables.
  • Players will no longer be able to swim away from the Shrine of Ancient Tears and appear beneath the sea bed.
  • It is no longer possible to swim onto the exit at the Shrine of the Coral Tomb.
  • Players will no longer appear to start swimming on a wall at the Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune.
  • There is no longer a hole deep underground at Wanderers Refuge.
  • The player camera will no longer intersect with the ground while sitting south-west of the tavern on Sanctuary Outpost.
  • Players will no longer intersect with Phantoms when sitting in the Tavern of the Damned.
  • Players sailing on a Galleon will no longer be able to sit on a barrel where pets may also sit.

User Interface

  • The fire and retract actions of the harpoon can once again be rebound within the Settings menu.

Visual and Audio

  • Pirates will no longer appear tiny if they emerge from a Rowboat cannon when returning to the ship via a mermaid.
  • The Ghostly Curse will now appear consistently when equipped by pirates of all body types.
  • Scooping audio will no longer play when using a bucket on a dry deck or island.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ and ‘Dark Brethren’ – Areas of rising and lowering water during the Tall Tales no longer display an incorrect texture.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Jack Sparrow’s voice now stays in sync with his location throughout the Tale.

Text and Localisation

  • The Athena Shield, Is That All You’ve Got, Hunt Them Down and Righteous Victory Commendations all now have the correct requirements to unlock them listed within their descriptions.
  • The descriptions for rank 70 and 75 promotions for Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance and Order of Souls have now been corrected.
  • The text on Merchant Alliance quest parchments now appears correctly when the language is set to Russian.
  • Samuel in the Pirate Legend Hideout no longer has an error in one of his dialogue options.
  • The War Map tooltip for choosing to fight a larger foe is now a consistent size with other prompts.
  • ‘The Legendary Storyteller’ – The Tall Tale book will no longer have overlapping or compressed sentences when the language is set to Thai.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements have been made to reduce scenarios where players can experience extended black screen loading times when using a mermaid or returning from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • Reduced instances where players are being disconnected from their session when travelling through the underwater tunnels.
  • Ubebeard error message should no longer appear after rapidly changing tabs from within the crew selection screen when setting up a session.
  • Improved server stability to decrease the chances of players becoming disconnected from their session.
  • Improved client stability when interacting with the Captain’s Logbook while playing on Xbox One.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.44 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.75 GB
Xbox One X: 8.44 GB
Xbox One: 5.75 GB
Microsoft Store: 8.36 GB
Steam: 8.1 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.7.1 Festival of Giving id: 116 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.7.1

While the Factions continue to clash as we breach the second month of Season Eight, a growing spark of camaraderie can be found in the taverns as the annual Festival of Giving returns – although crews fully focused on the Battle for the Sea of Thieves will also find improvements and adjustments made to the flow of battle this month. If you’re not sure what all this talk of Factions is about, take a dive back into the Season Eight launch trailer!

Sea of Thieves Season Eight: Official Content Update Video (Duration 9:00)

The Season Eight launch release notes are a crucial port of call for anyone needing the specifics, while early December’s release notes have more information on the ongoing Adventure! Now find out what’s new in the year’s climactic content update...

Gameplay Improvements

Since Season Eight unleashed the Battle for the Sea of Thieves, the waves have churned with crews clashing in on-demand ship combat. A range of balancing improvements have now arrived to level the playing field not only within the Battle, but encounters throughout the shared world.

Blunderbomb Impact Balancing

  • Blunderbombs fired from a cannon now have a reduced area of effect range when exploding, and players caught in the blast will no longer be propelled so far into the air, preventing them from being so easily sent overboard.
  • Blunderbombs fired from a cannon to hit a ship’s hull now deal reduced damage to players caught in the blast inside the ship.

Reduced Blunderbomb Availability

  • Blunderbombs are now discovered slightly less frequently in island barrels, and fewer are collected at once.
  • Captains restocking at the shipwright will find the throwables supply now contains fewer throwables and has been reduced in price accordingly.
  • The number of throwables found during the ‘Captains of the Damned’ Tall Tale has now been significantly reduced.
  • Crates found during the ‘Dark Brethren’ Tall Tale now contain fewer blunderbombs.

Jettisoning Ship Supplies

  • When a ship sinks, the resources held within its barrels now float to the surface in the barrels to be easily collected. Sinking another ship now offers simpler restocking options after a battle, while also giving crews who sink due to emergent encounters a chance to retrieve their hard-earned supplies!

Starting Ship Supplies

  • All ships will now start a session with additional cannonballs per barrel, increasing the Sloop stock to 80, with the Brigantine and Galleon stocking 90.
  • Ship defensive stocks have been increased with additional wooden planks, with the Sloop and Brigantine now holding 35 planks and the Galleon holding 40.
  • Ships will now find more plentiful food stocks, as all ships now hold 16 coconuts in addition to their existing banana supply.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves – Restocking after Defeat

  • Crews who are thwarted by an enemy in battle and become another sinking wreck for the graveyard will now appear on the new server at an Outpost, allowing them to quickly restock and get back into the fight!

Battle for the Sea of Thieves – Emissary Flags

  • Collected Emissary Flags will now be brought with the ship when diving below the waves, allowing crews to chain battles back-to-back before returning to an Outpost to cash them in.

Barrels of Plenty Balancing

  • The number of floating barrels that appear in a group has now been reduced. However, the likelihood of finding a rare items in these has now been increased.

Pirate Emporium

It's a dashing end to the year in the Emporium as the Soaring Oracle collection takes flight. The Boreal Aurora ship set is back too, alongside new Nautical Dance emotes, more Rare-themed Trinkets, a big Holiday Sale and the latest chance to grab some Festival of Giving classics...

Season Eight Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Eight rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Eight can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Ravenwood Ship Collection and evolving Ravenwood Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Soaring Oracle Ship Collection

  • Amid a sea of more ostentatious liveries, this set may appeal to those who prefer things of a more understated, refined nature. The Soaring Oracle Collector’s Figurehead and Sails are available to buy separately from the main Ship Bundle.
  • Players can also pick up just the core components of this set at a discount in the form of an Essential Ship Bundle.

Soaring Oracle Costume

  • Some pirates think the cost of seeing the future is never seeing the present. Others remember to take off the blindfold.
  • While wearing the Soaring Oracle Costume, players can perform the Pensive Piccolo Emote.

Soaring Oracle Weapons

  • Become a predator of the night with weapons carved by your own hands, adorned with the scavenged bounty of the sea.

Soaring Oracle Banjo

  • Pieced together from shoreline nests and beach debris, this banjo always smells faintly of the sea.

Boreal Aurora Ship Collection

  • Previously featured in the Season Five Plunder Pass, the Boreal Aurora ship set is now available to purchase from the Pirate Emporium.

Gold Curse Inu

  • Being made of solid gold isn’t going to be enough to slow this excitable pup down.

Rare Goods Trinket Bundle

  • Players wanting to show off their love of classic Rare titles can continue to do so with another three Trinkets made to match fan-favourite cosmetic sets. Pick up the Fightin’ Frogs, Huntress and Night Wulf Trinkets in this new bundle!

Nautical Dance Emote Bundle

  • Borrowing some choreography from unexpected sources, these dances let you continue sailing even when you're on land.

Freebie Tree Decorator Emote

  • A tiny piece of sky! Now if only you could find a palm tree to perch it on.

Time-Limited Bonechiller Costume

  • Back to help you bring the fear to your foes is the terrifying Bonechiller Costume, which can be worn with or without the ‘jolly’ beard – available to purchase for a limited time.

Time-Limited Festival of Giving Collection

  • Express your love for this time of year through the Festival of Giving weapons and pet outfits, back on sale for a limited time.

Seer’s Gear Bundle (Store Only)

  • Some pirates may mistake your inner calm for a reluctance to defend yourself – but you always come prepared. The Seer's Gear Bundle contains the Soaring Oracle Costume, Weapon Bundle and Banjo, along with 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free bonus of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Pirate Emporium Holiday Sale

  • Fabulous discounts are available on a range of Pirate Emporium items from December 23rd to January 3rd. Pirates will be able to pick up festive deals on a range of pets, ship sets, weapons, emotes and more!


Time again for the Festival of Giving and all it contains – which is a lot this year! The traditional lights switch-on becomes a shared community moment, while Gifts & Glory and Grogmanay await later in the holidays. Get the full Festival overview in our launch article!

Grand Festival of Giving Switch-On (December 16th)

  • Join the livestream on Sea of Thieves’ Twitch channel at 6:15pm UTC on December 16th to celebrate the community, look back over the past year, and most importantly switch on the festive in-game decorations! There may be a few other surprises lying in wait too…
  • Crews sailing the seas while the stream is underway can gather at the tavern on New Golden Sands Outpost to watch the switch-on happen live!
  • With the seasonal decorations on, pirates can find an appropriately festive firework to claim for free from a Merchant Alliance representative on any Outpost. 

Gifts & Glory Weekend (December 23rd – December 26th)

  • Gather your crew and set sail during this Gold & Glory Weekend with a Festival of Giving twist! Pirates will earn boosted gold, reputation and Seasonal Renown for their exploits throughout the weekend.
  • Crews taking part in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves will also be able to gain boosted Allegiance for their chosen Faction.
  • As a festive treat, all pirates sailing the seas this weekend will find a free Gilded Treasure Voyage added to their inventories. Better yet, existing and fresh Pirate Legends will also receive the gift of a Gilded Legendary Voyage.

Grogmanay (December 30th – January 2nd)

  • End the year with the clink of tankards as Grogmanay returns! Complete a grog-fuelled Challenge to earn the Grogmanay Flag.
  • Complete two Challenges to unlock the Bilge Rat Celebration Firework Crate and grab it for free from the Merchant Alliance to end the night with a bang!
  • Complete four or more Challenges to earn the Grogmanay Annual Tankard, or a noteworthy new notch on your existing Tankard if this isn’t your first time taking on the Grogmanay Event.

Twitch Drops (December 19th – January 2nd)

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Eight with Twitch Drops! The final Drops of the year will be active for all participating streamers in batches throughout the holiday period stated above, allowing players to pick up a wide selection of Frozen Horizon clothing items.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Outpost Cosmetics

Frostbite Equipment, Weapons and Ship Set

  • The remaining parts of the Frostbite set, including the equipment, weapons and ship parts, are now available from Outpost stores. These new items are locked behind the existing Humble Giving and Generous Giving Commendations.


Pendragon’s Sacrifice

  • Loyal followers of Flameheart can now revel in their victory by posing next to a new painting hung proudly in The Reaper’s Hideout.

Season Notifications

  • When performing multiple actions that award Seasonal Renown, players will now see fewer notifications.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews should no longer encounter scenarios where a Legend of the Veil Voyage can fail due to a missing Quest Item that was safely stored on a ship.
  • Crews should no longer find treasure seemingly disappears from their ship while sailing.
  • Ship’s masts receiving damage should now consistently display cracks, clearly indicating the need to repair.
  • When using an Xbox controller while playing on PC, if the controller disconnects during a session, players will now be able to reconnect it without issue.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Crews are now prevented from joining a Faction while in the Devil’s Shroud or near the Shores of Gold. Crews are also prevented from starting the ‘Shores of Gold’ Tall Tale when aligned with a Faction.
  • Crews who previously joined a Faction and headed deep into the Devil’s Shroud will no longer be considered a suitable target for the opposing Faction.
  • Players repeatedly placing items into a Collector’s Chest will find it no longer raises their Treasure Grade.
  • Players repeatedly docking Rowboats with treasure aboard will find it no longer raises their Treasure Grade.
  • Crews should no longer encounter scenarios where their cannons are inaccessible after surfacing from beneath the waves.
  • Crews reaching an Allegiance Streak of 4 should now consistently unlock the Nigh Unsinkable! achievement.
  • Ships surfacing from the deep on a Brigantine or Sloop will now see the sea appear correctly as they breach the waves.
  • Crews surfacing from beneath the waves to battle should no longer immediately encounter Barrels of Plenty in their ship’s path. Crews can still encounter barrels during the encounter for restocking as before.
  • Crews who have chosen a Faction are now prevented from entering the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Players leaving the Ferry of the Damned at the same time as losing a battle will now find they consistently arrive in a new server along with their ship.
  • Crews successfully defending from an attacker will now be free to leave the fight at an Outpost, even if they have only recently chosen a Faction.
  • Crews scuttling a ship as they are about to dive will no longer become stuck beneath the waves.
  • Crews diving beneath the waves to find a rival crew should no longer experience visual issues when swimming into the depths.
  • Crews diving beneath the waves for battle will now hear an improved ambient audio experience.
  • Players are no longer able to navigate around the Pirate Legend Hideout to reach locked areas before they are eligible.
  • The Rising Up and Thanks for the Boost Commendations have now been removed from the representative Factions. The Concealed Upper Body skeleton cosmetic has now been moved and requires players to complete the Boo Be Gone Commendation in order to unlock it.
  • Allegiance Streak visual effects can now be seen while travelling beneath the waves.
  • Ships breaching the waves for battle will now see water rushing across the deck of the ship.
  • Players experiencing the Blessing of Athena’s Fortune will no longer see a glimpse of any held weapons during the end of the sequence.
  • Crews should no longer see duplicate Battle Banners appear if their rival leaves the game.
  • Players performing emotes near the Pirate Lord in the extended Pirate Legend Hideout will no longer find their viewpoint becomes stuck.
  • Crews who scuttle their ship at the same time as another is surfacing should no longer cause both ships to become stuck in battle.
  • Players observing a member of their crew during the Blessing of Athena’s Fortune are now free to use the Vanity Chest without causing other players to become stuck.
  • Players choosing to cancel matchmaking should no longer find their pirate unable to move for a short time.
  • Players will be prevented from stepping off a docked Rowboat while travelling beneath the waves.
  • Trinkets earned from participating in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves now correctly show the Milestone requirements.
  • If a player joins a crew after a battle has been cancelled, parts of the ship no longer act as if underwater for the joining player.
  • Crews cashing in an Hourglass of Fate following a battle will now find the ‘Gold Earned’ Milestones progress accordingly.
  • Players’ hands no longer intersect with various torsos when using the Skeleton Clap Emote.
  • The Milestones for earning Hourglass Value no longer refer to Sands of Fate on both the Pirate and Ship Milestones.
  • Players should no longer see multiple Krakens or Megalodons while travelling beneath the waves.

Captains of Adventure

  • Captains sailing solo should no longer experience a scenario where they are informed that the Captain has left the session.
  • Captains diving beneath the waves to battle should now consistently find their saved customisations such as ship liveries and decorations persist between sessions.
  • Captains changing a Ship’s Banner should now see the new banner after leaving the Ship Customisation Chest.
  • Disabling user-generated content from the Xbox settings should now replace other crews’ ship names.
  • Harpoons on the Sovereign marquee can no longer become stuck to the platform they are on and cause the floor to shake.
  • Crews discovering a Captain’s Logbook for a ship that is no longer on the server will now see a replaced ship name for it.
  • Players will now see a failure message when attempting to buy ship stock from the shipwright if their ship has become too full.

Visual and Audio

  • The Mysterious Stranger’s Gloves now match the gloves the character wears. 
  • Repairing the King’s Ransom Wheel now shows the makeshift handles with the correct material.
  • Players wielding the Splash Fight Eye of Reach will now see the correct visual effects within the stock.
  • After killing a pig, snake or chicken, the audio effects for hitting them should no longer be heard repeatedly.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – The torches within Dead Man's Grotto will now light correctly when performing the required actions.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When picking up the keys from the crab, the camera no longer moves into open water.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – During the intro to the final battle, Jack should no longer be seen floating in the air and his voice can now be heard.

User Interface

  • Players browsing the various deeds and story within the Adventures menu should now more consistently see the imagery refresh. 

Text and Localisation

  • Improvements to the Pirate Lord’s dialogue to correct punctuation and spelling.
  • The Hourglass of Fate ‘Change Faction’ prompt is now localised across a range of languages.

Performance and Stability

  • Players using ‘Voice Chat Push to Talk’ set to Toggle will now find the setting continues to function after migrating across servers or after hunting a rival crew beneath the waves.
  • Optimisations to client memory usage.
  • Improved server stability when using the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Improved server stability for ships leaving the Tunnels of the Damned.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.18 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.67 GB
Xbox One X: 4.18 GB
Xbox One: 2.67 GB
Microsoft Store: 3.94 GB
Steam: 4.6 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.7.0 Season 8 / Hourglass id: 115 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.7.0

Battle breaks out across the Sea of Thieves in Season Eight! But this is a conflict that you can wade into at your own discretion: all pirates wishing to take sides will find two distinct Factions clashing on the open sea as this Season begins. Get the full story in the Content Update video below, with bonus viewing available in the reveal livestream and the Season Eight Deep Dive...

Sea of Thieves Season Eight: Official Content Update Video (Duration 9:00)

Now read on for details on not just the Battle at hand but everything else landing in this substantial update, from a new Plunder Pass and 100 free levels of Seasonal rewards to the latest accessibility improvements and bucketloads of fixes and adjustments!

The Battle for the Sea of Thieves

Conflict now rages between the Guardians of Fortune, loyal to the Pirate Lord and his allies, and the Servants of the Flame, followers of the newly emboldened Captain Flameheart. Those of each Faction can hunt the other at will, bringing ship combat on demand to the Sea of Thieves...

Choosing a Faction

  • Crews who wish to join the Battle for the Sea of Thieves must choose a Faction to fight for: the Guardians of Fortune or the Servants of the Flame. Crews are free to fight for both Factions in order to access the full range of rewards, though only one Faction can be represented at a time.
  • Head to the Captain’s Table and rotate the Hourglass of Fate to your chosen Faction, then vote to join the Battle for the Sea of Thieves.

Hunting the Opposition

  • Crews looking to go on the offensive should unfurl the War Map on the Captain’s Table, vote to begin Battle and then sail to open waters. The ship will dive beneath the waves in search of a willing opponent.
  • Steel your resolve and prepare to fight in your Faction’s name – Battle is imminent! Once a suitable opponent has been found, your ship will breach the surface with the rival in sight and Battle will commence.
  • Crews are contained within a Battle area, visible from the ship’s map. Crews who flee from the fight will find their ship subjected to an explosive fate and their rival declared the victor.

Allegiance Streaks

  • Crews successful in sinking multiple foes without being sunk themselves will build an Allegiance Streak, boosting the Allegiance earned from each encounter. Building an Allegiance Streak will cause your ship’s glowing visual effects to grow with each win, wrapping the hull to show off your formidable feats.
  • Ships reaching an Allegiance Streak of four will become a Faction Champion, visible on the map for all to see. Faction Champions can continue building their Streak for as long as they dare!
  • Pirates becoming Faction Champions are also offered the choice of battling crews larger than their own, selected from the War Map.

Treasure Grade

  • Pirates who have joined a Faction can still earn Allegiance without hunting opposing crews, though they must be prepared to defend their hoard: after joining the Battle for the Sea of Thieves, the more treasure is amassed and kept safe on board, the higher the ship’s Treasure Grade.
  • Crews who defeat attacking Faction crews while defending their treasure will earn more Allegiance for each ship sunk.

Leaving the Battle

  • Crews can leave the fight from their Faction’s table at an Outpost (or The Reaper’s Hideout if playing as the Servants), and will be awarded Allegiance and gold based on their success.
  • The value of a crew’s Hourglass of Fate from successful battles, Treasure Grade and Emissary Grade reached will all increase the rewards earned when cashing in at the Outpost.

Captaincy Alignments and Rewards

  • Captains of the Sea of Thieves have access to two new Alignments within the Ship’s Log: The Guardian and The Servant. Captains who pick a side and progress through the relevant Milestones can earn Trinkets, Ship’s Crests and a range of other decorative options themed around their Faction.

Guardians of Fortune Commendations and Rewards

  • Within the Reputation tab, pirates loyal to the Pirate Lord can show their Allegiance to the Guardians of Fortune, a new Faction complete with Commendations and rewards.
  • Earning Allegiance for the Guardians of Fortune will unlock access to the Protector Figureheads, a set of ornate carvings of the Pirate Lord, becoming more embellished as pirates progress.
  • Loyal pirates can also gain access to Guardian Ghost, Mysterious Stranger and Magpie’s Wing cosmetics and even the returning Legendary Curse from within the Pirate Legend Hideout shops, locked behind Commendations and Allegiance.
  • Guardians reaching Allegiance level 100 who also hold the mantle of Pirate Legend will be granted access to a new area to explore within the Pirate Legend Hideout. Within this secret area, those loyal to the Pirate Lord will earn the right to the Blessing of Athena’s Fortune, changing them into a ghostly form.

Servants of the Flame Commendations and Rewards

  • Within the Reputation tab, cutthroat pirates loyal to Captain Flameheart can show their Allegiance to the Servants of the Flame, a new Faction complete with Commendations and rewards.
  • Earning Allegiance for the Servants of the Flame will unlock access to the Servant Figureheads, a set of grim carvings of Captain Flameheart, growing in grandeur as pirates progress.
  • Servants reaching Allegiance level 100 along with The Reaper’s Bones rank 75 will be granted a new shanty, which can be played at the Reaper’s Hideout to unlock access to a secret underground area. Those willing to dedicate themselves to the Servants’ cause can take part in the Ritual of the Flame, transforming them into an undead skeleton pirate.
  • Within The Reaper’s Lair, the Bonesmith offers a range of customisations for fresh bones, offering new heads, torsos, legs and bone colours locked behind Commendations and Allegiance.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by joining the fight. A total of 200 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.

Nigh Unsinkable! [40G]

You Gotta Fight [10G]

A Sunken Century [50G]

Blessing of Athena’s Fortune [50G]

Ritual of the Flame [50G]

Season Eight

A new Season means 100 new levels to climb by raising your Renown, with rewards along the way – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more. New Ledger prizes can also be earned by Emissaries for all Trading Companies, not just Athena’s Fortune and The Reaper’s Bones!

Season Eight Progression and Rewards

  • Season Eight offers a refreshed progression path with Trials and Deeds for new and experienced pirates alike. Weekly, monthly and Seasonal goals all reward players for exploring the Sea of Thieves.
  • Players can capitalise on the introduction of the Battle for the Sea of Thieves this Season to earn Renown by defeating opposing Faction ships!
  • Progressing through the 100 levels of this Season will reward pirates with Cursed Bone cosmetics, new to Season Eight along with weapons of the Damned.
  • Pirate Legends or those who become a Pirate Legend during Season Eight can also earn Flameheart’s Hat and Cutlass.
  • Completing tiers of Seasonal progression will also award unique Titles, allowing players to display their success for all to see.

Season Eight Plunder Pass

  • Purchase Season Eight’s Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of unlockable, never-before-seen rewards, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression.
  • Plunder Pass purchasers this Season can earn the full Ravenwood Ship Collection, including Collector’s Figurehead and Sails.
  • For those looking to truly transform themselves, the Ravenwood Costume can also be earned, evolving as players progress through the Season.
  • Along with the wealth of new cosmetic rewards, Plunder Pass purchasers can earn 750 Ancient Coins in Season Eight – added to the 250 earnable through Seasonal progression, that’s 1000 Ancient Coins in total!
  • The Season Eight Plunder Pass is available to purchase in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, from the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Eight Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Emissary Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Banjo and Hurdy-Gurdy.
  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Banjo and Hurdy-Gurdy.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Banjo and Hurdy-Gurdy.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Banjo and Hurdy-Gurdy.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Banjo and Hurdy-Gurdy to demonstrate their dedication to the Pirate Lord.

Pirate Emporium

Have you earned a king’s ransom during your time on the seas? Show it by splashing out on the sumptuous new ship set and matching crown. Alternatively, get back in touch with your feral side as the Night Wulf Costume and Weapon Bundle are shipped in from the dark heart of the jungle...

King’s Ransom Ship Bundle

  • Go for gold with a livery inspired by fables of wildly wealthy seafaring royalty when you purchase this ship bundle. Excludes Collector's variants.
  • Pirates who only need the bare essentials can purchase or browse just the core components of the palatial King's Ransom set in an Essential Ship Bundle.

King’s Ransom Crown

  • The earliest and most extraordinary Sea of Thieves myths mention a golden skeleton king and his long-lost crown. Which can now be yours for a price...

Night Wulf Costume

  • The bestial, near-unstoppable Wulf of legend makes a fine role model for sabre-rattling sea reavers.
  • When wearing this costume, give voice to your untamed rage or simply lament banging your elbow on the capstan by performing the Wulf Howl Emote.

Night Wulf Weapon Bundle

  • With this set of four deadly weapons, strike with the fury and speed of the fabled Wulf.

Rare Wares Trinket Bundle

  • A collection of three decorative Trinkets inspired by tales of wild adventure from worlds beyond the Shroud.

Freebie Sparkler Emote

  • Not suitable for arson or attacking, just wholesome sparkly nighttime magic.

Time-Limited Festival of Plenty Pet Outfits

  • These food-themed pet outfits are back for a limited time. Head to the Pirate Emporium to dress your pet up for dinner!

Time-Limited Festival of Plenty Instruments

  • Have fun and give thanks to your crew and allies, as these tasty instruments are also back for a limited time!

Wulf of War Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, the Wulf of War Bundle contains the Night Wulf Costume and all four weapons in the Night Wulf Weapon Bundle, along with 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free bonus of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Black Friday Sale

  • With a special Friday fast approaching, check back into the Pirate Emporium for fabulous discounts from November 24th to November 29th (10:00 UTC). 
  • Pirates will find deals on a wide range of sets and items, along with a freebie emote and the return of the Golden Skull Sails for a limited time!

Gameplay Improvements

Cursed Cannonball Balancing

  • Cursed Cannonballs are now more scarcely discovered in island barrels, washed-up crates and Rowboats.
  • Cannonball Crates of the Damned now only award a single Wraith Cannonball due to their immense power.
  • The effect duration of green Cursed Cannonballs that affect other players have now been shortened across the board.
  • Players are now limited to holding only five Cursed Cannonballs at any given time.

Emissary Warning

  • Crews representing a Trading Company as an Emissary will now be shown a notification to remind them that while more rewards can be earned by doing so, they should also expect to become a valuable target for other crews.

Front End Messaging

  • The game’s front end notifications sent from Sea of Thieves Support now convert to the player’s local time zone. 

Outpost Cosmetics

New Hairstyles and Beards

  • The Outpost clothing shop now offers players hairstyles and beards from the Forsaken Ashes set, with the Forsaken Ashes Singed Hair and Forsaken Ashes Frazzled Hair as well as the new Forsaken Ashes Beard. All can be purchased with players’ hard-earned gold.
  • For pirates looking for a ‘cooler’ look, the Up ‘n’ Down Hair, Topknot Hair and Craggy Beard available from the clothing shops may be more their style.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Eight with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active, some for Partnered streamers and some for all streamers, allowing players to earn a selection of new and classic items from the Eastern Winds Sapphire, Rising Morningstar and Frozen Horizon sets.
  • Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.


Tooltip Narration

  • Tooltips that appear on-screen when interacting with items can now be narrated, providing improved accessibility for those with low vision.
  • With text-to-speech narration already enabled, players can enable tooltip narration within the Language Settings along with configuration options to allow players to define how much of the tooltip is narrated. For more information, head to the Accessibility guide on our support site.

Fixed Issues


  • Players taking fatal damage aboard their ship shortly before entering the Tunnels of the Damned are now returned to life upon arrival in the Tunnels.
  • Players drowning while entering the Tunnels of the Damned are now returned to life upon arrival in the Tunnels.
  • ‘Swim Up’ can now be assigned to any key and not just the spacebar.
  • When players return from the Sunken Kingdom, friendly merfolk carrying treasure will now resurface closer to their ship.
  • Wreckers now appear at shipwrecks while on Lost Shipment Voyages, and while exploring a Shipwreck Graveyard as part of the Legend of the Veil Voyage.

Captains of Adventure

  • When browsing the Shipwright’s Captaincy shop, Voyages that the crew are unable to acquire will now show as locked.
  • Players purchasing or discarding Captain’s Voyages will now find the Captain’s Bookcase visually changes.
  • The Crossed Harpoons Trinket now appears correctly when placed on board the ship.
  • Completing the Emissary Voyages for each Trading Company now correctly progresses the appropriate Voyage Milestones.
  • Completing Emissary Voyages no longer progresses ‘Discovered Quests Completed’ Milestones.
  • Players should now consistently find that the 'Islands Visited' Ship Milestone progresses when sailing their ship towards islands.
  • Completing Wayfinder, Ghost Ship or Lost Shipments Captain’s Voyages will now update the correct Milestones.
  • When leaving and returning to the ship during the Trinket section of the Captaincy tutorial, the Pirate Lord will now be present during his voiceover.
  • Completing Quests from discovered Messages in a Bottle in The Devil’s Roar will now progress ‘Devil’s Roar Voyage Quests Completed’ Milestones.

Pirate Emporium

  • The Bleakheart Banshee Costume visual effects should now be consistently seen by other players.
  • Pirates of all body shapes and sizes will find the head of the Spinal Costume no longer appears squashed.


  • Small items dropped on Rum Runner Isle are now more visible to players instead of appearing beneath the sand’s surface.
  • Players can no longer walk through rocks on the north side of Plunder Valley.

User Interface

  • Players swapping from mouse to controller input will now find the menu selection consistently follows the actions of the controller.


  • Players enabling ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will now find the ‘Narrate Change Only’ setting is now enabled by default for new players.

Visual and Audio

  • While sailing on a Sloop, players should no longer hear a creaking audio effect repeating from the rear canvas.
  • Icons for Reaper’s Chests and Fort Keys on the ship’s map now appear at the correct size when playing on console.
  • When the Festival of the Damned Lantern is turned on, there are no longer visible issues with the glowing crystals.

Text and Localisation

  • The ‘Scuttle Ship’ notification shown when crews experience repeated defeats by other crews now displays text correctly across all languages.
  • Navigating the ship selection menu within the front end will now display text correctly across all languages.
  • The Captained ship selection screen on the front end now displays the value for ship restoration correctly across all languages.

Performance and Stability

  • Scenarios where crews are stacking large amounts of treasure on board a ship or decorating an island now have optimised server performance, reducing latency, lag spikes, rubberbanding and server correction during gameplay.
  • Improved server stability to reduce scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Visual Issues Underwater Following Battle

  • After diving beneath the waves to find a rival crew in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves, players visiting the Sunken Kingdom may experience visual issues when swimming into the depths.

‘Gold Earned’ Milestones

  • Crews earning gold by cashing in an Hourglass of Fate following a Battle will find the ‘Gold Earned’ Milestones do not currently progress.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 7.81 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.07 GB
Xbox One X: 7.81 GB
Xbox One: 5.07 GB
Microsoft Store: 7.54 GB
Steam: 6.98 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Adventure 9: Return of the Damned id: 114 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Seven continues, the team have been working on the next time-limited Adventure along with additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of this content to the game in today’s release, update

For a rundown of the most recent Pirate Emporium additions and October’s set of improvements and fixes, see the previous release notes. For more information on all the new content that arrived in Season Seven, check out the launch release notes!


Although the Herald of the Flame was vanquished by the efforts of pirate crews, the Time of Resurrection has not yet been averted. With the future of the Sea of Thieves on the line, where will those who sail upon it place their allegiance in our ninth time-limited Adventure?

‘Return of the Damned’ (November 3rd – November 17th)

  • Speak to Larinna to begin this Adventure and join the fray, with the souls of two powerful pirates hanging in the balance! Will you be #TeamFlameheart or #TeamPendragon?
  • Either choose to save Pendragon from his noble sacrifice by allying with Belle at Shipwreck Bay as they subvert the Reapers’ ritual, seeking to banish Flameheart’s spirit to the Sea of the Damned for good...
  • Or choose loyalty to the The Reaper's Bones and protect their ritual at all costs! The Servant of the Flame is channelling dark powers to resurrect his infamous father, summoning those loyal to the cause to join him at The Reaper’s Hideout.
  • Whatever their allegiance, crews will clash at the Sea Forts spread around the Sea of Thieves during this Adventure. Forts can be claimed for either side by raising the appropriate flag.
  • When as many Forts as possible are under the control of their chosen side, pirates should seek to recover the Dark Relics known as Bewitching Dolls found within the Forts, returning them to either Belle or the Servant of the Flame.
  • If enchanted by the energy of a defeated Soulflame Captain, these Relics will carry even greater power!
  • Join in the global community effort to determine which side amasses the greatest strength for its ritual, determining the fates of Pendragon, Captain Flameheart and the world as we know it.
  • Participating players can earn rewards as Mementos of the time they helped decide the fate of the Sea of Thieves. An exclusive Title can also be earned for completing all Deeds in this Adventure.

Fixed Issues


  • Players exploring The Devil’s Roar should no longer experience continual volcanic eruptions and earthquakes while traversing islands.
  • Players should no longer encounter multiple active World Events at the same time.

Pirate Emporium

  • The Collector’s Lodestar Figurehead is now purchasable at the correct price in all locations within the Emporium.


  • Players exploring the Shrine of Tribute will no longer discover a placeholder environment asset.

Visual and Audio

  • Players wielding weapons and equipment will now hear the intended audio effects.
  • Players should now hear the appropriate waterfall sounds when exploring various islands.

Known Issues

‘Return of the Damned’ Early Completion

  • Crews who are skilled enough to return an enchanted Bewitching Doll to Belle or the Servant of Flame while all Sea Forts are claimed for their chosen side will find the Adventure completes abruptly, removing their Quest Items and showing the final sequence. They are then offered the chance to repeat the Adventure to amass further strength for their chosen side.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.89 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.19 GB
Xbox One X: 4.89 GB
Xbox One: 3.19 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.3 GB
Steam: 4.81 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.6.3 id: 113 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.6.3

Content updates wait for no-one, so here we are delivering a fresh batch of fixes, event details and dark Emporium delights even as the latest time-limited Adventure drives Sea of Thieves’ story forward. If you're just joining us, see the trailer below to catch up on this Season’s initial content drop from a couple of months back...

Sea of Thieves Season Seven: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:49)

Season Seven’s launch may seem like a distant memory to many pirates as Season Eight’s time draws near, but there’s still time to go back and catch up on those launch release notes too. Then read on for the latest updates!

Pirate Emporium

It’s another month of dark and brooding Emporium vibes as the Graveyard Gladiator confronts you with a ship set, costume, weapon bundle and drum. Hear that cackling? The killer Spinal Costume is now in stock too! Evildoer Emotes and a spooky sale seal the deal...

Season Seven Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Seven rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Seven can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Beachcomber's Bounty ship set and the evolving Baleful Bloom Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Halloween Emporium Sale

  • Fabulous discounts are available on a range of Pirate Emporium items from October 28th to November 1st (10:00 UTC). Pirates will be able to pick up wicked deals under the Halloween tab including spooky costumes, pets, weapons and a wide range of emotes.
  • To celebrate the sinister season, skeleton pets are also back for a limited time: head to the Emporium and make a killer saving on the Skeleton Pet Bundles!

Spinal Costume

  • Pay tribute to a savage skeletal warrior who personifies the killer instinct!
  • Players can perform the Victory Cackle Emote with this costume equipped – the shrill, triumphant laugh that inspired a generation of scrappy skeletons.

Graveyard Gladiator Ship Collection

  • Carry your challenge far and wide in a great chariot of the seas. Premium items such as the Collector’s Figurehead and Sails are separate purchases outside the main Ship Bundle.
  • Players who only want the core components of this ship set can purchase the Graveyard Gladiator Essential Ship Bundle at a lower cost.

Graveyard Gladiator Costume

  • Not just born for battle but reborn for it too, this undead champion will never stop seeking challengers.
  • Players can perform the Dust to Dust Emote while wearing this costume, giving their adversaries a moment to understand that this will be the place where they fall.

Graveyard Gladiator Weapons

  • Four weapons of a seasoned champion, each one a combination of battle tool and trophy.

Graveyard Gladiator Drum

  • A battle drum passed down through generations of people who savour the sensation of hitting things.

Evildoer Emote Bundle

  • Undertake or at least plan some pantomime villainy with this set of nefarious emotes.

Freebie Juggling Pumpkins Emote

  • Beginner level: coconuts. Intermediate level: pumpkins. Advanced level: blunderbombs.

Chosen Champion Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, the Chosen Champion Bundle contains the Graveyard Gladiator Costume, Weapon Bundle and Drum, along with 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free bonus of 25,000 gold. Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.


Some traditions transcend time and place, as you can see from the Tricksters and Treaters Event getting ready to go on the last weekend of the month! There’ll also be more Twitch Drops before Season Seven retreats into the mists of history...

Tricksters and Treaters (October 28th – November 1st)

  • This year, Sea of Thieves marks the spooky season in a new way: with a Tricksters and Treaters in-game Event that asks pirates to enable generous treats or undertake dastardly tricks!
  • Tricksters and Treaters compete to raise enough points to meet their own cumulative Community Goals, with bespoke rewards and a Title on offer to those who play their part.
  • Keep an eye on Sea of Thieves social channels for updates as this Event approaches, and check the Events Hub for a link to all the info when it's live!

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Seven with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn Eastern Winds Sapphire items. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.


*‘The Herald of the Flame’ (October 13th – October 27th) *

  • With The Devil’s Roar fallen silent, Belle fears a prophecy could be coming true, heralding a dark ritual soon to take place. Her allies set off to scour the region, uncover the truth and face the fallout in this eighth time-limited Adventure
  • ‘The Herald of the Flame’ Adventure will remain available to play until October 27th. Speak to Larinna with your whole crew present to begin the Adventure.

Outpost Cosmetics

Seared Forsaken Ashes Equipment and Weapons

  • The Outpost equipment and weapon shops now offer the Seared Forsaken Ashes items for purchase with gold.

Fixed Issues


  • The ominous ship cloud in the sky signifying an encounter with a Skeleton Fleet has returned to the rotation of world events.
  • Players taking on a Skeleton Fort should no longer find that skeleton waves halt, preventing the encounter from progressing.
  • Handing Devil’s Roar Cargo Run Crates in on time and in perfect condition will now update the following Commendations correctly: Merchant of Forsaken Silk, Merchant of Forsaken Flora and Merchant of Forsaken Rum.

Captains of Adventure

  • Players who start a solo Captained session should no longer see a notification that the Captain has left.
  • Players swapping Trinkets in quick succession will now find the correct Trinkets remain applied when starting the next game session.
  • Players discarding Captain’s Voyages in quick succession will now find the correct Voyages in the Captain’s Bookshelf when starting the next game session.
  • Players enabling ‘Replace Gamertag on Ship’s Banners’ will now find this setting persists across sessions.
  • Players enabling ‘Replace Ship Names’ will now find all ship names are replaced when browsing owned ships in the Ship’s Log.
  • A customised Captain’s Logbook will now retain its customisation when dropped on the ground.
  • The Ancient Chain ornament no longer moves strangely when the ship is moving.
  • When clicking on locked Captaincy items in the Ship Customisation Chest and Flag Box, players will now hear the correct audio effects.
  • Filtering by ‘Items I Own’ in any customisation shop no longer causes the supply and Voyage shops to appear empty.
  • Crews returning to the Sea of Thieves after visiting the Sea of the Damned should no longer see the Ship’s Crest visual effects replay.
  • The ‘Info & Tips’ button can now be found when first interacting with the Ship Customisation Chest.


  • Players can no longer swim through the wall with the Siren riddle in the Shrine of Tribute.
  • Players can no longer jump into the gap in the map and fall underneath that area within the Shrine of Ancient Tears.
  • Loot no longer disappears when placed at the Vault's entrance on Kraken Watchtower.

Visual and Audio

  • The Bleakheart Banshee Eye of Reach scope no longer becomes transparent after reloading and shooting.
  • ‘The Seabound Soul’ – On Pendragon's arrival, he will now appear alongside his sword.
  • ‘Heart of Fire’ – On Pendragon's arrival, he will now appear alongside his sword.

Text and Localisation

  • Approaching Sharon the shipwright at New Golden Sands Outpost now brings up the correct interaction text.
  • When navigating UI menus, font artifacts should no longer be left behind on-screen.
  • The ship selection screen now correctly displays text in Turkish and German languages.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server stability to reduce scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.
  • Client stability has also been improved, reducing scenarios where players experience a game crash.

Known Issues

‘The Herald of the Flame’ Quest Items

  • When playing latest Adventure 'The Herald of the Flame', should a crew experience a server migration while carrying the Vault Key, it may not migrate to the new server with them. Affected players will receive a “Vault Key Lost” message and the Adventure will need to be restarted.

Larinna Adventure Dialogue Discoverability

  • Unless a player's whole crew are present when talking to Larinna, she will only have dialogue about Captained ships and will not offer the option to begin the latest Adventure.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 7.39 GB
Xbox Series S: 4.32 GB
Xbox One X: 7.39 GB
Xbox One: 4.32 GB
Microsoft Store: 7.12 GB
Steam: 6.24 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Adventure 8: The Herald of the Flame id: 112 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Seven continues, the team have been working on the next time-limited Adventure along with additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of this content to the game in today’s release, update

For a rundown of the most recent Pirate Emporium additions and late September’s set of improvements and fixes, see the previous release notes. For more information on all the new content that arrived in Season Seven, check out the launch release notes!


As the ferocious Devil’s Roar begins to fall silent, Belle fears the prophecy could be coming true, heralding a dark ritual soon to take place. Her allies set off to scour the region, uncover the truth and face the fallout in this eighth time-limited Adventure!

‘The Herald of the Flame’ (October 13th – October 27th)

  • Belle has returned to Stitcher Jim’s old hideout to consult various manuscripts and parchments concerning the prophecy. The silencing of seismic activity in The Devil’s Roar is a worrying omen.
  • Speak to Larinna with your whole crew present to begin this new Adventure, then head out to liaise with Belle at Liar’s Backbone.
  • Time is short, and you’ll need to seek proof of the truth behind the prophecy. An ally will lend a hand as you locate the trail of an old enemy, expose his deeds and dealings since your last encounter and put together the pieces of this puzzle before it’s too late…
  • Pirates who fully complete the Adventure will earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest.

Fixed Issues

Visual and Audio

  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Pirates reaching the top of the Siren Spire will once again find Cutler Beckett guarding the Dead Man’s Chest.
  • Crews uncovering the Mystery of DeMarco’s death and descending to the Shrine will now find all characters are present during the final cutscene.
  • Crews cashing in Athena’s Fortune treasure or Emissary Flags should no longer see a placeholder Commendation unlocked.

Known Issues

'The Herald of the Flame' Quest Items

  • When playing latest Adventure 'The Herald of the Flame', should a crew experience a server migration while carrying the Vault Key, it may not migrate to the new server with them. Affected players will receive a "Vault Key Lost" message and the Adventure will need to be restarted.

Larinna Adventure Dialogue Discoverability

  • Unless a player's whole crew are present when talking to Larinna, she will only have dialogue about Captained ships and will not offer the option to begin the latest Adventure.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.11 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.28 GB
Xbox One X: 5.11 GB
Xbox One: 3.28 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.66 GB
Steam: 4.98 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.6.2 id: 111 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.6.2

As one Adventure ends and another starts to take shape over the horizon, today’s update ushers in a fresh bunch of fixes and adjustments to improve your experiences on the Sea of Thieves, alongside a fearsome refresh of Pirate Emporium stock. But first, for Captaincy context, remind yourself of Season Seven’s key features with this trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Seven: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:49)

With everyone on the same page, let’s proceed with a breakdown of what’s being delivered in this latest update. Banshee gear, balancing adjustments, Captaincy settings and cosmetic corrections await!

Pirate Emporium

Dread is the watchword for this new Emporium update, as the tale of the broken-hearted Bleakheart Banshee takes life in an eerie new ship set, costume, tankard and weapon bundle. Alongside that, the Season Seven Plunder Pass is still on offer to boost rewards as you build Renown...

Season Seven Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Seven rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Seven can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Beachcomber's Bounty ship set and the evolving Baleful Bloom Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Bleakheart Banshee Ship Collection

  • Browse the entire Bleakheart Banshee Ship Collection. Premium items such as the Collector’s Figurehead and Sails are separate purchases outside the main Ship Bundle.
  • Players can also pick up just the core components of this set at a discount in the form of an Essential Ship Bundle.

Bleakheart Banshee Costume

  • Dress as a grim spectre from Sea of Thieves legend, whose devotion to a love lost at sea led to an afterlife spent seeking retribution.
  • Players can also perform the Banshee Cry Emote while wearing this costume.

Bleakheart Banshee Tankard

  • This tankard was supposedly used in the ritual that transformed a heartbroken bride-to-be into a vengeful spectre. Don’t worry, it’s been rinsed out since then.

Bleakheart Banshee Weapons

  • In this bundle are four carefully restored weapons, salvaged from the ash and ruin of a gothic ghost story.

Freebie Skull Crusher Emote

  • Show those skellies exactly what they’ve got coming to them with this freebie emote.

Banshee’s Bait Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Bleakheart Banshee Costume, Weapon Bundle and Tankard, along with 550 Ancient Coins to spend in the Pirate Emporium and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Furtive Fox Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains 550 Ancient Coins, an Auburn Fox, the Hide and Peek Emote Bundle, Hunter clothing for your pirate (Hat, Jacket, Trousers, Belt and Boots) and a free 10,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Seven with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn Eastern Winds Sapphire items. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Gameplay Improvements

Rebalanced Ferry Time Across Crew Sizes

  • Following reductions to the Ferry of the Damned wait time in previous updates, these times have undergone further adjustment to provide a more balanced experience across all sizes of crew.
  • Solo crews will now be held for 15 seconds, two-pirate crews for 19 seconds, three-pirate crews for 23 seconds and four-pirate crews for 25 seconds.

Replace Gamertags and Replace Ship Names

  • Players can now choose to replace gamertags or ship names independently, allowing creators who wish to protect themselves and others they meet on the seas to see Captained ship names if they choose.

Replace Captain’s Gamertag on Ship’s Banners

  • Captains now have access to a new setting, providing creators with more control over their Ship’s Banners. Captains enabling ‘Replace Gamertag on Ship’s Banners’ will now find the Captain’s name on the banner is replaced when their ship is viewed by any other player.

Fixed Issues


  • Vanquishing emergent Skeleton Captains will now progress the Hunter of Cursed Captains Commendation.
  • Players who are away from their ship when migrating servers will now drop any held items before migrating.
  • Players passing through the Tunnels of the Damned should no longer find their Emote Radial is reset.
  • Cargo Runs should now appear on emergent maps found inside barrels.

Legend of the Veil

  • Pirate Legends will once again encounter Shipwreck Graveyards during Legend of the Veil Voyages.
  • During a Legend of the Veil Voyage, crews should now be consistently directed to the next quest after completing the initial quest from Belle.
  • Starting and cancelling Legend of the Veil Voyages should now ensure that treasure from Shipwreck Graveyards is removed from the world.

Captains of Adventure

  • The first Captained ship to join a server should now consistently retain previously saved ship decorations.
  • Saving a customisation to a Captained ship should now consistently ensure that the item is equipped in the next session.
  • In the shipwright stock shop, Voyages will now appear locked and unavailable for purchase if a ship does not have enough space to store the Voyages.
  • After migrating servers, players should now consistently see all purchased Captain’s Voyages on their Captain’s Bookshelf.
  • Captain’s Logbook customisations should no longer reset after migrating servers.
  • Crews will no longer be offered the option to restore a ship if the ship is already in pristine condition.
  • Crews defeating specific skeletons such as Gold Skeletons and Plant Skeletons will now progress the expected Milestones.
  • Trinkets now have a small chance to be nudged if they are submerged in water.
  • Players who skip the Captaincy tutorial 10 times will no longer be shown the tutorial in their next session.
  • Milestones related to Tall Tale completion will now progress as intended for larger crew sizes.
  • Within the Captain’s Logbook, Quests Completed in the current Voyage will now progress as intended for larger crew sizes.
  • When purchasing a Trinket tier, players no longer have to close and reopen the shipwright’s shop to buy the next tier.
  • Retrieved Captain’s Logbooks will now advise players to take them to The Reaper’s Hideout to be cashed in.
  • Realigning a Trinket will now cause controller vibration.
  • The Scorched Forsaken Ashes and Silent Barnacle tables, chairs, curtains and chandeliers now use the correct colours and match the rest of the items in their sets.
  • The text within the Captain’s Logbook regarding pets has now been corrected.


  • More seats have been added to the tavern at New Golden Sands Outpost to offer players more choice.
  • Players should no longer become stuck in place when walking around the palm trees near the Order of Souls tent at Ancient Spire Outpost.
  • The incense burners at Ancient Spire Outpost will no longer intersect with the rock around them.
  • Players can no longer get stuck on trees at Old Brinestone Fortress.
  • Players should no longer see overlapping textures at Wanderers Refuge.
  • Players at the Treasury of the Lost Ancients who become stuck in the environment will now appear at the entrance to the Treasury.
  • Players can no longer walk through the ropes attached to the Sovereigns’ lifts at the Outposts.

Visual and Audio

  • Players sprinting or switching weapons shortly after eating will now hear the audio effect stop short, clearly indicating the action was cancelled.
  • Wood burned in campfires will now disappear when fully depleted.
  • The steam effects on the Ah, Coffee! Emote can now be seen properly when performed with all body sizes.
  • Crews venturing into the Shrine of Hungering while the Fort at Shark Fin Camp is active will now hear the appropriate Shrine music.
  • There is no longer a visible texture seam on the finger of the Jack O’ Looter Costume.

Text and Localisation

  • Notifications received when earning Trading Company reputation will now display the correct text.
  • When switching to a language other than English, the prompts to show and hide Tall Tales should now change to the selected language.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server stability to reduce scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 6.93 GB
Xbox Series S: 4.5 GB
Xbox One X: 6.93 GB
Xbox One: 4.5 GB
Microsoft Store: 6.46 GB
Steam: 6.55 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Adventure 7: The Sirens' Prize id: 110 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Seven continues, the team have been working on the next time-limited Adventure along with additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of this content to the game in today’s release, update

For more information on all the new content that arrived in Season Seven, check out the launch release notes!


Merrick may be free from the Dark Brethren, but other threats persist across the Sea of Thieves – and Belle has now made a deeply unsettling discovery. Time to venture beneath the waves in search of Ancient Treasures in this seventh time-limited Adventure!

‘The Sirens’ Prize’ (September 15th – September 29th)

  • Belle has been on the trail of a particularly disturbing rumour, and has unearthed information about an approaching “Time of Resurrection”.
  • Fearing the worst, she decides new alliances must be made and sets a plan in motion – a plan that will once again require the most fearless pirates to join her cause.
  • Speak to Larinna to begin this new Adventure, before heading to meet Belle at Plunder Valley. Then prepare for an undersea journey through well-defended Siren Shrines, seeking invaluable artefacts from an age long gone...
  • Pirates who fully complete this Adventure will earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest.

Fixed Issues

Captains of Adventure Milestones

  • Players reaching Class 50 in any Pirate Alignment will now unlock the achievement entitled A Professional Pirate. Players who had already reached Class 50 in an Alignment prior to this update will just need to raise the Class again to trigger the achievement.
  • Players reaching Class 50 in any Ship Alignment will now unlock the achievement entitled A Seasoned Ship. Players who had already reached Class 50 in an Alignment prior to this update will just need to raise the Class again to trigger the achievement.

Pirate Emporium

  • When browsing the Pirate Emporium, the Mandrake Costume now shows the correct artwork.

Known Issues

Legend of the Veil Shipwreck Graveyards Temporarily Disabled

  • Following reports of server instability and potential economy impact, crews taking on a Legend of the Veil Voyage will temporarily no longer find themselves directed to a Shipwreck Graveyard as part of their Voyage. The team are working on a resolution and intend to return this experience in a future update.

Saved Ship Customisations Not Persisting

  • Captains may find that saved customisations such as ship liveries and decorations do not always persist between sessions.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.11 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.39 GB
Xbox One X: 5.11 GB
Xbox One: 3.39 GB
Microsoft Store: 5 GB
Steam: 4.05 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.6.1 id: 108 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.6.1

We're heading into the second month of Season Seven with foxes in the Emporium and fixes far and wide. Yes, new pets form part of our fresh Pirate Emporium offerings, while elements of Captaincy and beyond get serviced with improvements and adjustments. If you missed last month’s Seasonal debut, let the full trailer fill you in!

Sea of Thieves Season Seven: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:49)

There's still time to brush up on last month’s momentous release notes too, but if you’re already acquainted, let’s push ahead with what’s new right now...

Pirate Emporium

Those foxes you spotted in the Season Seven artwork have arrived! And as these new pets proliferate across the seas, the Emporium also offers a Mandrake collection comprising a ship set, costume, weapon bundle and speaking trumpet, plus emotes for Admirals and axe enthusiasts...

Season Seven Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Seven rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Seven can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Beachcomber's Bounty ship set and the evolving Baleful Bloom Costume, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

What Does the Fox Say?

  • Head to the Pirate Emporium to pick up a wily new fox sidekick! These clever critters provide a perfect pirate partnership. Players can pick from five varieties of fox: Auburn, Snowdrift, Veiled, Slate or Shoreline.

Mandrake Ship Collection

  • This ship set will appeal to anyone with a green thumb and love of the eerie side of nature. In addition to the main bundle, a very snappy Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately.
  • A Mandrake Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Mandrake Costume

  • Half human, half plant, all deadly – form a bond with the mysterious Mandrake plant by wrapping up in this leafy outfit.
  • While wearing the Mandrake Costume, players can perform the Personal Growth Emote.

Mandrake Speaking Trumpet

  • Pirates swear that this bristly speaking trumpet is whispering for someone to feed it.

Mandrake Weapons

  • Every rose has its thorn, and these spiky weapons also have blades and barrels.

Admiral Weapon Pose Emotes

  • Posture like a regal Admiral by employing these efficient emotes.

Axe Me Anything Emote Bundle

  • Live out your lumberjack fantasy with a set of tricks relying heavily on axe-handling agility.

Torch Twister Emote

  • Show off your circus background and fearlessness around fire with this sizzling emote.

Freebie Reluctant Wave Emote

  • A coy little hand wave that might be covering a deep reluctance to get trapped in a conversation with someone.

Beautiful but Deadly Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Mandrake Costume, Speaking Trumpet and Weapon Bundle, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Baleful Bloom Costume Emote Change

  • With the Baleful Bloom Costume equipped, Season Seven Plunder Pass owners can now perform the Petal Storm Emote as designed. The previously included Torch Twister Emote was not intended to be part of this costume.
  • However, owners of this costume who enjoyed the Torch Twister Emote will still be given the use of this emote at any time via their Vanity Chest (please allow a few days for this to appear). All other players will be able to purchase it separately from the Pirate Emporium.

Captains of Adventure

Captain’s Stash Voyages

  • A set of new Captain’s Voyages has landed in the shipwright’s shop: Captain’s Stash Voyages. These give Captains and their crew the chance to find a range of items and crates that will prove useful to any professional pirates out there on the Sea of Thieves.
  • Players have a chance to find Resource Crates, Firebomb Crates, Ammo Crates, Gunpowder Barrels, Tridents, Ashen Winds Skulls and even emergent Voyages. 

Previously Disabled Milestones

  • Captains and their Crew can now earn progress towards a number of previously unavailable Player and Ship Milestones:* Completing Quest Board Maps now progresses the Quest Board Maps Completed Ship and Pirate Milestones.* Discovering Captained Ships now progresses the Captained Ships Spotted Ship and Pirate Milestones.* Selling items to The Hunter’s Call now progresses the Provisions Sold to The Hunter’s Call Ship and Pirate Milestones.* Ransacking Sea Forts now progresses the Sea Forts Conquered Ship and Pirate Milestones.* Performing essential ship maintenance now progresses the Repairs Made Pirate Milestone.

Skeletons Vanquished Milestones

  • An issue was identified causing the Skeletons Vanquished Pirate Milestone and Skeletons Vanquished by Crew Ship Milestone to progress faster than intended with larger crews. While this issue has now been resolved, with update 2.6.1 the individual tallies have been reset to ensure the totals are correct for all players moving forward.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Seven with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn Eastern Winds Sapphire items. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.


Hit Registration Networking Improvements

  • Networking improvements have been made to the location and timing of player shots, providing a small improvement to hit registration for ranged weapons when firing at players on islands.

Sunken Merfolk Statues

  • Crews storing treasure in Sunken Merfolk Statues while beneath the waves will find upon surfacing that the friendly merfolk now appear closer to the ship for easier treasure retrieval.

Feed the Pigs!

  • Captured pigs will now take a little longer before becoming hungry, and the time before these hungry pigs subsequently perish has also been increased.

Fixed Issues


  • The Breath of the Sea can now be found on the plinth in the Shrine of the Coral Tomb after completing the intended actions.
  • While fishing, nameplates now appear on any caught novelty items and if narration is enabled will also be narrated.

Captains of Adventure

  • Players will no longer be able to delete items that are placed inside Collector’s Chests while holding another Captain’s Logbook.
  • Captain’s Voyages can now be discarded from the Captain’s Bookshelf and will no longer return when starting another Captained session.
  • As Captains set sail in a new gameplay session, they will now find that the ship’s history in the Captain’s Logbook shows the correct value for Days at Sea.
  • Players will now experience a cooldown time when buying supplies from the shipwright at Dagger Tooth Outpost.
  • Captains sailing on Steam should no longer receive a notification that the Captain has left the crew when the Captain is still present.
  • The ship’s name will now appear correctly when proposing a Voyage on the Captain’s Table.
  • Players who join a Captained session in progress will now be able to see other Ship Banners when viewing other ships.
  • When multiple crew members equip different Ship Banners, now only the last selected will be displayed.
  • The Ship Banner that players receive when they equip a new banner will no longer play while they are still in the Customisation Chest.
  • The correct sails applied to the ship will now be displayed within the Ship’s Log menu.
  • The correct audio effects can now be heard when saving items within the Ship Customisation Chest.
  • Scrolls on the Captain’s Bookshelf will no longer disappear from view after migrating across servers.
  • If a Captain leaves the game, one of the crew members will no longer show as the Captain in the Logbook.
  • Mermaids should no longer appear near the Sovereign marquee at Plunder and Sanctuary Outposts when players approach the edge of the Island.
  • After an Uncaptained ship sinks and is recovered, the Ship Customisation Chest and Flag Box will no longer show saved icons from the previous Captained session.
  • The Voyage Complete banners will now only appear when a Cargo Run Voyage has actually been completed and not when the player is picking up the cargo required.
  • Players should no longer experience a delay when interacting with the Captain’s Logbook while travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned for the first time.
  • Players disabling ‘Auto-vote on Voyage Proposal’ will now find that proposing a Captain’s Voyage will no longer auto-vote on the Voyage.
  • Completing the Captain's Voyage entitled A Commission of the Ancient Veil now counts towards the True Legend Commendation.
  • Lunging with a sword at the Captain’s Table and then trying to interact with the Captain’s Logbook will no longer cause players’ vision to become blocked.
  • Ship names using special characters now display the correct capitalisation on ship announcement banners.
  • The Trinket spot on the wall of a Galleon’s lower deck no longer overlaps with a hull damage point.
  • Captains selecting the ‘Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life’ option from the front end will now arrive near the Castaway.
  • Athena’s Fortune treasure can now be consistently recovered from a Commission of Ashen Fortune Voyage.
  • Sovereign Barnaby’s dialogue has been updated to use the intended text.
  • Players’ ship names will no longer appear on another crew’s Voyage proposal.
  • Ship names should now be more easily read when bright ship cosmetics are applied.
  • The Voyage entitled A Prized Merchant Alliance Commission now displays the correct icon.
  • The chains that appear over locked content now show up as intended.
  • Players experiencing an unsuccessful ship purchase will no longer be returned to the Ship Type selection screen.
  • Captains with a customised Logbook will continue to find their Logbook displaying correctly after migrating across servers.
  • Players should no longer become locked in place when exiting the Ship Customisation Chest via the ‘view’ option on a controller.
  • Sound effects can now be heard when players place, remove, nudge or straighten Trinkets in ships and taverns.

Captains of Adventure – Milestones

  • Some Milestones no longer progress more than intended when multiple crew members are in the session.
  • Completing Skeleton Forts will no longer incorrectly update the Fort of the Damned Completed Milestones.
  • Repeatedly burying and digging up one piece of loot will no longer help players to achieve Quest Board Maps Milestones faster than intended.
  • Completing ‘The Legendary Storyteller’ Tall Tale will now update the correct Milestones.
  • The Krakens Defeated Milestone can now be earned by fellow crew members.
  • The Treasures Sold Milestones will now update correctly and consistently for both the Captain and crew.
  • The Ships Captained Milestone will no longer update incorrectly when using a new Captained ship for the first time and then migrating servers.
  • Completing an Ashen Captain’s Voyage will now increase the Devil’s Roar Quest Completed Milestones as intended.
  • The Days at Sea Ship Milestone Class notification now shows the correct text.
  • The Skeleton Forts Conquered Milestone now updates consistently when a crew unlocks the door to the Vault.
  • Completing a Cargo Run Voyage for Athena’s Fortune will no longer incorrectly update the Athena’s Fortune Quests Completed Milestones.
  • Handing treasure to the Sovereigns will no longer only update the Handed In to the Sovereigns Milestone but will also update corresponding Trading Companies' hand-in Milestones.
  • Completing An Ashen Mercenary Order for Captained Ships or A Commission of Ashen Fortune now updates the correct Milestones.
  • Burning meat or fish will now correctly update the Provisions Cooked Milestone.
  • When the Days at Sea Milestone is pinned, it will now display the correct icon within the Captain’s Logbook.
  • The notification banner for earning a Class in the Trips to the Ferry of the Damned Milestone now contains the correct text.


  • Players will no longer be able to walk up some of the walls of the Ghost Garrison during the Legend of the Veil Voyage.
  • Players who get stuck under the pier near the shipwright at New Golden Sands Outpost will no longer appear underneath the map.
  • Players can no longer become stuck between two rocks at Sunken Grove.
  • Players can no longer pass through a wooden railing in the Tavern of the Damned.
  • Players can no longer go under the stone textures of the southern cliffside at Lookout Point.
  • Players can no longer intersect with part of a wooden fence near The Reaper’s Hideout entrance.
  • Players can no longer intersect with the fence on the stairs leading to the top deck of a Sloop.
  • Players will no longer be able to get through the doors to the Coral Fortress while using a Rowboat with a harpoon.
  • Small items placed or dropped on Rum Runner Island will now be more visible to players instead of appearing beneath the sand’s surface.
  • Players can no longer become stuck between two palm trees at Ancient Spire Outpost.
  • Players will no longer be buffered when exploring around trees at Old Brimstone Fortress.
  • Players will no longer become stuck on palm trees near the Order of Souls tent at Morrow’s Peak Outpost.

Visual and Audio

  • When Ashen Lords lunge at players, their movements are now smoother.
  • The voting dagger should no longer be seen floating above the Captain’s Table.
  • The leaves on the Forgotten Temple Ship’s Crest now move in a more natural way when players are sailing.
  • Completely repairing the Party Boat Wheel will no longer make the repairs appear on the opposite side.
  • During ‘The Sunken Pearl’ Tall Tale, stones within the Siren Shrine will no longer change shape and level of detail when seen at a distance.
  • After migrating across servers, players should no longer be briefly displayed with an incorrect gamertag.


  • The screen narration feature now correctly narrates the Name Your Ship and Rename Your Ship menus.

User Interface

  • Players with an Arena battle record will no longer find that swapping between Sea Dogs and The Hunter’s Call Commendations causes the incorrect Commendation summary to be shown.

Text and Localisation

  • When speaking to Catherine at Three Paces East Seapost, her dialogue now displays correctly.
  • The word ‘Prompt’ is now spelled correctly within the Gameplay Settings.
  • A once notoriously quick Skeleton Captain can no longer be found appearing on islands across the Sea of Thieves, thanks to his moniker unintentionally contravening the new naming filter introduced with Captaincy...

Performance and Stability

  • Improved client performance when moving around Captained ships that are heavily decorated with Trinkets.
  • Improved server stability to reduce scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.
  • Improved client memory usage by only loading fishing animations when needed.

Known Issues

Legend of the Veil Shipwreck Graveyards Temporarily Disabled

  • Following reports of server instability and potential economy impact, crews taking on a Legend of the Veil Voyage will temporarily no longer find themselves directed to a Shipwreck Graveyard as part of their Voyage. The team are working on a resolution and intend to return this experience in a future update.

Saved Ship Customisations Not Persisting

  • Captains may find that saved customisations such as ship liveries and decorations do not always persist between sessions.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.6 GB
Xbox Series S: 7 GB
Xbox One X: 9.6 GB
Xbox One: 7 GB
Microsoft Store: 9.09 GB
Steam: 8.4 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Adventure 6: A Hunter's Cry id: 107 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Seven continues, the team have been working on the next time-limited Adventure along with additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of this content to the game in today’s release, update

For more information on all the new content that arrived in Season Seven, check out the launch release notes!


Rally your allies: it's time to take the fight to the Dark Brethren and help bring home a celebrated Hunter in Sea of Thieves’ sixth time-limited Adventure! Venturing into the Sea of the Damned is a risky undertaking even without a band of renegades lying in wait…

‘A Hunter’s Cry’ (August 18th – September 1st)

  • Keeping Merrick captive in the Sea of the Damned, the Dark Brethren will stop at nothing to retrieve the vital information he holds.
  • Speak to Larinna to begin this new Adventure, then approach the Pirate Lord who will use the Veil of the Ancients to open a path to the Sea of the Damned, allowing your rescue attempt to begin.
  • To stand the best chance of success, crews should unite and rely on each other to breach the Brethren’s defences. Revealing the route to the top of the Twisted Sea Dog Tavern and overcoming the Phantom resistance will require a combination of sea and land combat, strength and agility, puzzle-solving and teamwork!
  • The Pirate Lord can't keep the gateway open indefinitely as threats from the Sea of the Damned will break through to the Sea of Thieves, so crews must strive to rescue Merrick quickly and efficiently.
  • Pirates who fully complete the Adventure will earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest.

Captains of Adventure

Ship and Pirate Milestone Balancing

  • Following player feedback and internal review, the requirements to progress the Classes of certain Ship and Pirate Milestones have been adjusted. Read more about the changes here.

Fixed Issues

Captains of Adventure

  • As Captains set sail in a new gameplay session, they will now find that the ship’s history in the Captain’s Logbook shows correct values for Gold Earned, Islands Visited and Nautical Miles Sailed.
  • Players who experience an unsuccessful ship purchase will no longer be returned to the Ship Type selection screen.
  • Captains can now consistently discard Voyages from the Captain’s Bookshelf.
  • Sybil the shipwright at the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern now asks Captains to wait after purchasing supplies before additional items are offered.

Insider Rewards

  • Insiders who are eligible for the Sapphire Blade Sails will now find them in the Ship Customisation Chest.

Known Issues

Saved Ship Customisations Not Persisting

  • Captains may find that saved customisations such as ship liveries and decorations do not always persist between sessions.

Ship and Pirate Milestones Temporarily Disabled

  • The following Milestones have been temporarily disabled and will not progress when the relevant actions are completed:* Quest Board Maps Completed – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Captained Ships Spotted – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Provisions Sold to The Hunter's Call – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Sea Forts Conquered – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Repairs Made – Pirate Milestone Only

Captain’s Stash Voyages Temporarily Unavailable

  • Captain’s Stash Voyages offered by the shipwrights are temporarily unavailable.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.91 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.82 GB
Xbox One X: 5.91 GB
Xbox One: 3.82 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.41 GB
Steam: 4.66 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.6.0 Season 7 / Captaincy id: 106 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.6.0

Welcome to Season Seven! We hope you’ll agree that it was worth the wait, with a pool of Captaincy features so deep that you can buy and name your own ship and still only scratch the surface. This Season also brings a steady flow of other features, from the traditional sweep of Seasonal rewards to gameplay improvements, balancing adjustments and a bumper bunch of Emporium additions.

To start with, we recommend a quick soak in the official Season Seven content update video, and maybe a dip into the Deep Dive afterwards...

Sea of Thieves Season Seven: Official Content Update Video (Duration 7:49)

Now pull up a stool (possibly one you stumbled across on a beach) as we detail everything added to Sea of Thieves in this latest update, from the headline features down to the smallest quality of life tweaks. Sitting comfortably? No splinters? Then let’s begin.

Captains of Adventure

The pirate fantasy reaches new heights with the debut of this long-awaited feature. Any pirate with gold to spare can now buy one or more ships to call their own, becoming a true Captain at last. But there’s a whole lot more than that to the Sea of Thieves Captaincy experience...

Owning a Ship

  • When starting a session, players will now see a ‘My Ships’ option on the game’s front end. Captained ships can be purchased from here, and players can own one of each ship type to begin with. Once a ship reaches Legendary status, another ship of that type can be purchased.
  • After purchasing a new ship, Captains can give their beloved new vessel a name. Ship names are capped at 20 characters, so choose wisely!
  • Now set sail on your new ship to unlock more perks as a Captain!

Customising Your Ship

  • Captained ships can access new ship decorations from the Ship Customisation Chest at any shipwright. Once these options are unlocked through Milestone progression, players can choose from numerous styles to apply to the table, drapes, bed and rugs, while Galleon crews can also change the chair, chandeliers and curtains.
  • New decorations such as Ship’s Crests, Captain’s Logbooks, Ship’s Banners, Flags and Titles can also be unlocked by progressing through Ship Milestones. These can be equipped once the ship has made the required progress.
  • Every Captained ship has a Ship’s Banner that shows the names of the ship and its Captain. This is shown whenever a crew approach their vessel at the start of each session, and is also shown after sinking. Crews scouting a fellow Captain’s ship on the horizon with a spyglass will also be shown their customised Ship’s Banner!
  • Alongside decorations, the Captain now has the option to permanently apply customisation options to their ship. For a fee, Captains can use the Ship Customisation Chest to save a ship part, which will then persist across sessions on the current ship.
  • If the Captain's Permissions are set accordingly, crewmates are free to keep expressing themselves during a session by freely applying liveries as before, but these will not be saved. Captains can also easily ‘Revert Ship to Saved Items’ from the Ship Customisation Chest.
  • Captains will find a range of spots on board their new ship where decorative Trinkets can be placed, enabling players to more fully express themselves and personalise their surroundings.
  • Trinkets are comprised of ornaments, which can be bought from the shipwright at any time, and trophies, which must first be unlocked by making progress towards Milestones – ultimately helping to showcase each player’s individual journey!
  • Trinkets can be pushed out of place when the ship takes damage or fills with water, but can be set right by simply nudging them back into position.

Expanded Shipwright Services

  • With a Captained ship now being a persistent vessel, any battle scars such as repaired hull damage or charring from fire will be saved between sessions.
  • For a fee, Captains can have these battle scars removed and their ship restored to pristine condition, either by speaking to a shipwright or via the ‘My Ships’ option on the game’s front end.
  • Shipwrights now present a new shop front exclusively to Captains and their crew. This offers a variety of supplies to stock up Captained ships ahead of a Voyage, with purchases being placed directly into the ship’s barrels.

Captain’s Voyages

  • In addition to restocking supplies, shipwrights now offer Captains an exclusive range of Voyages, enabling Captains and crews to curate their journeys by selecting from specific activities, Voyage lengths and difficulties (and resulting rewards) before setting sail.
  • Captain’s Voyages cover a range of Trading Companies, and once purchased will be delivered to the Captain’s Bookshelf aboard the ship for easy access while at sea.

Pirate and Ship Milestones

  • Milestones are a permanent record of a player’s accomplishments while aboard a Captained ship, both those of the crew and the ship itself! These can be accessed via the Ship’s Log tab of the game menu.
  • Pirate Milestones are personal and reflect the actions that players have taken while sailing on a Captained ship. Ship Milestones are achieved by a specific ship and tied to actions performed aboard that ship.
  • Milestones are grouped into Alignments, each representing a different play style. For example, Milestones related to earning gold and selling treasure will progress The Gold Seeker Alignment, while those more focused on socialising and enjoying the pirate life will progress The Rogue. Each Alignment offers rewards to unlock including Trinkets, ship decorations and Titles.

Captain’s Logbook

  • Players aboard a Captained ship will find a new book on the Captain’s Table. This Captain’s Logbook provides a record of the crew’s latest journeys, with a fresh log being started each session. The Captain’s Logbook can also be customised by pinning the Captain and crew’s most prized Milestone accomplishments for all to see.
  • When a Captained ship is sunk, the Captain’s Logbook will remain in the water, allowing other crews to review the adventures of the ill-fated crew before selling the Recovered Captain’s Logbook to The Reaper’s Bones. The price paid will increase based on the sailing time of the ship that was sunk!

The Sovereigns

  • A new group has arrived at the Outposts, offering an exclusive service to Captains and their crews. The Sovereigns can be found in the new marquees at the docks, offering a handy harpoon and Rowboat winch, allowing Captained crews to offload treasure from their vessels with ease.
  • The Sovereigns will pass treasure along to the appropriate Trading Company, returning 100% of the profit to the crew. However, any treasure destined for The Reaper’s Bones or The Hunter’s Call will not be accepted by the Sovereigns.
  • When receiving an item that can be offered to multiple Trading Companies, the Sovereigns will deliver it to a random Company. However, if the crew is representing a Trading Company as an Emissary, the treasure will always be delivered to that Company.

Captaincy Info & Tips

  • A new ‘Info & Tips’ option in the game menu contains a set of written tutorials on everything crews need to know about Captaincy.

Hiding Ship and Captain Names

  • Content creators who choose to use ‘Replace Gamertags’ from the in-game settings will now find that this feature also hides the Captain’s chosen ship name from their viewers, showing one from a predefined list instead.

Captains of Adventure Achievements

  • New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the game’s variety of new features. A total of 300 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.

O Captain! [10G]

The Quartermaster [10G]

A Crewed Wisdom [15G]

The Art Collector [15G]

Ready for Next Time [15G]

A Touch of Class [20G]

Chasing the Horizon [20G]

A Veteran Voyager [20G]

That’s ‘Captain’, Mate... [25G]

Spared No Expense [30G]

A Professional Pirate [35G]

A Seasoned Ship [35G]

A Fleeting Fancy [50G]

Season Seven

We haven’t skimped on the standard Seasonal expectations: raising your Renown once again helps you climb this Season’s 100 levels, with goodies to grab along the way (and an optional Plunder Pass adding more to the pool). Refreshed rewards for strong Emissary performances too!

Season Seven Progression and Rewards

  • Season Seven offers a refreshed progression path with Trials and Deeds for new and experienced pirates alike. Weekly, monthly and Seasonal goals all reward players for exploring the Sea of Thieves.
  • Players can capitalise on the introduction of Captains of Adventure this Season to earn Renown, both by completing Captain’s Voyages and by selling Recovered Captain’s Logbooks taken from rival crews!
  • Making progress through the 100 levels of this Season will reward pirates with the new Courage of Captaincy clothing set, along with time-limited Perilous Seas cosmetics. 
  • Legendary pirates or those who become Pirate Legends during Season Seven can also earn Merrick’s Jacket and Cutlass.
  • Completing tiers of Seasonal progression will also award unique Titles from the Perilous Seas theme, allowing players to display their success for all to see.

Season Seven Plunder Pass

  • Purchase Season Seven’s Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of unlockable, previously unseen rewards along with bundles of Ancient Coins, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression.
  • Plunder Pass purchasers this Season can earn the full Beachcomber’s Bounty Ship Collection, including Collector’s variants.
  • For those looking to truly transform themselves, the Baleful Bloom Costume can also be earned, evolving through three stages as players progress through the Season. Unable to fully upgrade the costume before the Season ends? Upgrades will still be available through in-game activities in a later Season.
  • The Season Seven Plunder Pass is available to purchase in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, from the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Seven Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Emissary Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Drum and Concertina.
  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Drum and Concertina.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Drum and Concertina.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Drum and Concertina.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Drum and Concertina to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.

Gameplay Improvements

Map zooming and portable stools are some of the smaller but no less satisfying additions this Season, as sighted recently in Sea of Thieves News. There’s also a suite of balancing changes based on feedback and findings: get the scoop on Sloops plus respawn and revival revisions!

Washed-Up Stools

  • While players will have seen stools dotted around the world before, these special, interactable stools can now be discovered washed up on islands.
  • These stools can be picked up and carried by players. Fancy a seat on the beach while your crew digs for treasure? Now you can bring your own!

Map Zoom

  • Players can now zoom in on any map, note or Quest Book being held. While holding up the item, clicking the Right Stick on controller or the ‘F’ key on PC will zoom in and improve visibility of those hard-to-spot landmarks. The keybinding can be changed via the Settings Menu.
  • Players equipping a map or Quest Book for the first time are now shown a tutorial explaining how to use this new feature.

Removal of Reviving on Enemy Ships

  • When on board an enemy ship, players are no longer able to revive their crewmates.  

Reduced Ferry Time for Solo Crews

  • Solo players defeated and sent to the Ferry of the Damned now have a reduced waiting time before they can return to their ship, getting them back into the gameplay more quickly.

Reduced Cannonball Knockback on Sloops

  • Players aboard a Sloop will find that the knockback from cannonball splash damage no longer propels them so far into the air, preventing them from being so easily sent overboard. However, they will still be knocked back and disorientated by the blast.

Sloop Mast Damage Rebalance

  • A Sloop’s mast is now more resilient than other ship types, taking two chainshot strikes or three cannonballs before being toppled. Initial strikes will still damage the mast and can be repaired individually. The masts on Brigantines and Galleons remain unchanged.

Disabling Sloop Mast Friendly Fire

  • Chainshots will no longer damage the masts of players’ own ships when fired upwards from a cannon on the deck.

Additional Sloop Respawn Locations

  • New respawn locations have been added around the Sloop, providing more variety in where crew members will return from the Ferry of the Damned. The vulnerable helm location has also been modified to give returning players more visibility over the surrounding area.

Pirate Emporium

Joining a brand new Plunder Pass on the Emporium shelves this month are Ship’s Crests for new Captains (and Renaming Deeds for those who change their minds), the extensive Wrecker Wrangler range, emotes to suit several types of self-indulgence and a whole lot more besides!

Ship’s Crests

  • The Pirate Emporium now offers a small selection of exclusive Ship’s Crest designs for Captains. Choose from the Weeping Waves, Royal Coronet, Reaver, Forgotten Temple and Big Game Hunter Ship’s Crests.

Ship Renaming Deeds

  • Captains wishing to rename their ship can now purchase a Ship Renaming Deed from the Pirate Emporium, each providing a single use. All earned progress on the ship will remain after it has been renamed. Players will need to return to the ‘My Ships’ option on the game’s front end to use a Renaming Deed.

Wrecker Wrangler Ship Collection

  • Browse all the items in the Wrecker Wrangler Ship Collection, including premium Collector's Figurehead and Sails.
  • For those who only want the bare essentials, the core components of this proudly piscine ship set can be purchased as an Essentials Bundle.

Wrecker Wrangler Costume

  • This costume is inspired by the Wreckers that dwell down in the darkness, and might just scare the living daylights out of your fellow divers.
  • While wearing the Wrecker Wrangler Costume, players can perform the Soaked to the Skin Emote.

Wrecker Wrangler Weapons

  • Festooned with glowing eyeballs, fins and fangs, these four weapons spell deep trouble for people you don’t like.

Wrecker Wrangler Fishing Rod

  • The object of a bizarre ritual to create a rod that only attracts Wreckers, this rod... doesn’t do that at all.

Bilge Rat Weapon Pose Emotes

  • Let the enemy decide whether you’re dangerous or just drunk with this set of expressive emotes.

Portable Portrait Emote Bundle

  • A collection of six emotes for pirates who know they’re the most picturesque sight on the seas!

Freebie Promising Portrait Emote

  • There’s bound to be something worth capturing here, if you can calm down and keep still for a minute.

Wrecker's Wrath Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Wrecker Wrangler Costume, Fishing Rod and Weapon Bundle, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Spitting Contest Emote Removal

  • Following internal review, the Spitting Contest Emote has been removed from the game. This emote is no longer purchasable within the Pirate Emporium, and players who previously purchased the emote will be refunded accordingly with Ancient Coins.

Outpost Cosmetics

Rusty Cutlasses Restocked

  • The Outpost weapon shops have been restocked with a range of old cutlasses, allowing pirates to once again purchase the Grand Admiral, Castaway Bilge Rat, Scurvy Bilge Rat and Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlasses.

Additional Sail Colours

  • The Outpost shipwrights have added new sails to their wares for players to purchase with gold. The new sails on offer include the Navy Blue Sailor, Burgundy Sailor, Bottle Green Sailor, Orange Sailor and Purple Sailor Sails.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Seven with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn clothing items from the Rising Morningstar set in the first set of Drops. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.


Outpost Trinket Points

  • When players explore the Outpost taverns, they will now find spots where they can choose to place their newly earned Trinkets, allowing them to mount their prized trophies for all to see!

Ship Customisation Memory Optimisations

  • As more ship customisation options arrive in this update, memory optimisations have been made to protect lower-spec hardware. Players on older consoles or lower-spec PC hardware may find that when several highly decorated ships come together, the game will optimise performance by changing the appearance of some ship customisations.
  • Players on PC will still have the ability to configure how much system memory can be allocated to these decorated ships, ensuring higher-spec hardware can show a wider range of customisations.

Fixed Issues


  • Emissaries passing into a Tunnel of the Damned will once again drop a Broken Emissary Flag in the water upon leaving the server.
  • When a ship’s harpoon is used to retrieve items and drop them on the edge of the hull, the items on board are now correctly identified and the correct Emissary Grade progression granted.
  • Cosmetic and Vanity Chests now once again sort owned cosmetics by the date they were added to the game.
  • Multiple appearances of Graymarrow and Briggsy can no longer be created by cancelling and restarting Tall Tale checkpoints.
  • Players on Xbox are no longer offered the option to ‘Recentre Mouse in Menus’ via the in-game Settings Menu, even when connecting a mouse to the console. This feature is not available on consoles.

Legend of the Veil Voyage

  • Crews defeating the Soulflame Captain during a Haunted Island encounter will now be granted the correct number of rewards, along with the intended Emissary Grade progression when sailing as an Emissary.


  • There should no longer be a light source where Tina used to be during the ‘Lost Sands’ Adventure.
  • The rug at Mercy’s End Fortress should no longer intersect with the floor. 
  • Players can no longer intersect with the archway near Sea Fort Treasury rooms, causing them to see through the environment.
  • Skeletons should now navigate smoothly around Skeleton Forts. 
  • Movement around the pillars near the Sea Fort storeroom should no longer feel restricted.
  • The correct model for Hendrick is now present at the Spoils of Plenty Seapost.
  • Players will no longer appear underwater when becoming stuck under a pier at New Golden Sands Outpost.
  • Barrels and crates on the first floor of Ancient Gold Fortress will no longer make players’ movement feel restricted.
  • Players will no longer intersect with the floor at the entrance to Imperial Crown Fortress.
  • When exploring the entrance to Flameheart’s Tomb on Flintlock Peninsula, throwing a firebomb or blunderbomb will no longer cause it to explode immediately.

Visual and Audio

  • The Wall Press Emote should no longer allow a player to move forward into the surrounding environment.
  • The Merchant Ambassador Concertina handles should now appear as intended when played.
  • The Pet Cage door aboard a Sloop should now be connected to the cage.
  • The Springshell Pocket Watch should now display the correct time.
  • A range of capstans have been updated to fix incorrectly rotated pegs when equipped on a Sloop.
  • Players should no longer hear a muffled audio effect when being revived.
  • The audio effect for turning a ship’s lantern on and off can now be heard clearly.
  • After changing a ship’s lantern to different Flame of Fate colour, the lighting audio effects can now be heard.

Text and Localisation

  • Order of Souls representatives and weaponsmiths should all now have the correct dialogue options during interactions.
  • The description of the ‘Escape as Back’ option has been updated to resolve grammatical errors.

Performance and Stability

  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Ship and Pirate Milestones Temporarily Disabled

  • The following Milestones have been temporarily disabled and will not progress when the relevant actions are completed:* Quest Board Maps Completed – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Captained Ships Spotted – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Provisions Sold to The Hunter's Call – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Sea Forts Conquered – Ship and Pirate Milestones* Repairs Made – Pirate Milestone Only

Captain’s Stash Voyages Temporarily Unavailable

  • Captain’s Stash Voyages offered by the shipwrights are temporarily unavailable.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements were most recently released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 11.33 GB
Xbox Series S: 7.42 GB
Xbox One X: 11.33 GB
Xbox One: 7.42 GB
Microsoft Store: 11.22 GB
Steam: 10.67 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Hotfix: Adventure resetting cosmetics id: 105 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Belle calls for players’ support to uncover the circumstances of Merrick’s disappearance in ‘The Forsaken Hunter’, live until July 14th, the team here at Rare have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these fixes in today’s release, update

For more information on the currently active Adventure, see the previous release notes. For a refresher on all the new content that arrived at the start of Season Six, check out the launch release notes!

Fixed Issues

‘The Forsaken Hunter’

  • Players sent to the Ferry of the Damned while taking part in this Adventure will no longer find their equipment, clothing, vanity items and emotes removed.
  • Players affected by the above issue who also found some visual traits of their pirate removed, such as freckles or scars, will find them returned upon loading the game after downloading this update.

Legend of the Veil Voyage

  • Crews defeating a Soulflame Captain during a Haunted Island encounter will now earn the correct number of rewards and gain the intended Emissary Grade progression when playing as an Emissary.

Steam Achievements

  • Steam players should now find that when an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is also consistently unlocked within Steam. Anyone missing previously unlocked achievements should load the game following this update to force those achievements to unlock.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While more improvements were released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.59 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.63 GB
Xbox One X: 5.59 GB
Xbox One: 3.63 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.93 GB
Steam: 5.2 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.5.3 Adventure 5: The Forsaken Hunter id: 104 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.5.3

The past month has seen big news in the form of the Season Seven Captaincy announcement, now mere weeks away. Until then, you can enjoy the fruits of your ‘Lost Sands’ labour as New Golden Sands Outpost begins its recovery, impress people with amber from the Pirate Emporium and pick apart a new stack of adjustments and improvements. And one last time, remind yourself of the features that came front-loaded into Season Six via the trailer below!

Sea of Thieves Season Six: Official Content Update Video (Duration 4:15)

Ready to move forward? Then take our hand (not the hooked one, for your own sake) and let us show you exactly what’s new in the latest update...


The fifth time-limited Adventure is here, and following a Megalodon melee in ‘The Shrouded Deep’ and a war of attrition in ‘Lost Sands’, many pirates were probably hoping for some downtime. As was Merrick, but things are rarely so simple on the Sea of Thieves...

‘The Forsaken Hunter’ (June 30th – July 14th)

  • After recently putting himself on the front line, helping Belle retrieve the Veil of the Ancients and rallying traders and pirates alike in the rebuilding of Golden Sands Outpost, Merrick has gone missing under mysterious circumstances.
  • With several days having passed since he was last seen, many are worried about his whereabouts. Speak to Larinna to begin this next Adventure and search for the missing Hunter before it’s too late!
  • Pirates who fully complete the Adventure will earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest.

World Changes

The world of Sea of Thieves doesn’t stay still for long, from major regional discoveries down to the smallest island alterations. And with certain Adventures comes a new way to bring about change – driven by the decisions of pirate crews!

New Golden Sands Outpost

  • After tireless work from all its supporters, Golden Sands Outpost has been saved. Merrick and the Outpost residents are eternally grateful to those pirates who joined their cause.
  • The enshrouding fog has lifted and island life is beginning to return to normal, although the scars of battle remain. The residents have begun to make repairs and are more than happy to resume trading!
  • However, the Pirate Lord and Golden Sands’ traders will not stop there. They have plans to protect the island from future threats, meaning that more changes will emerge over time.
  • To commemorate the rebuilding, all have agreed that the island will from now on be known as New Golden Sands Outpost.

Pirate Emporium

Bring millennia-old prizes into the present with the Prehistoric Plunderer collection, comprising a ship set, costume, weapons and lantern. You can double dip on new emotes too, and this time it really is your last chance at this Season’s Plunder Pass!

Season Six Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Six rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Six can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Spring Blossom ship set, the evolving Forest’s Blessing Costume and other items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Prehistoric Plunderer Ship Collection

  • Emerging from the depths of time, this ship collection brings the majesty of prehistory to the seas. In addition to the main bundle, a ferocious Collector’s figurehead and Collector’s sails can be purchased separately.
  • A Prehistoric Plunderer Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Prehistoric Plunderer Costume

  • Studded with dinosaur bones and turning your skin to amber, this costume urges you to let out your finest primeval roar!
  • While wearing this ferocious outfit, players can perform the Amber Inspector Emote.

Prehistoric Plunderer Weapons

  • Feel the brutal bite of beasts from a land before time with these four fossilised weapons.

Prehistoric Plunderer Lantern

  • It’s amazing to think the tiny creature encased in this lantern evolves into a mighty Megalodon. Truly, life finds a way.

Stage Dive Emotes

  • Hide in the most dramatic fashion possible with this set of outrageous yet somehow stealthy emotes.

Sports Day Emotes

  • Let’s get physical with this selection of athletic emotes. Don’t forget to warm up properly!

Freebie Rant and Rave Emote

  • This petulant display is often followed by a colourful tirade through the speaking trumpet.

Fossil Frenzy Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Prehistoric Plunderer Costume, Lantern and Weapon Bundle, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Emporium Summer Sale (starts June 24th)

  • Fabulous discounts are available on a range of Pirate Emporium items from June 24th–July 11th. Pirates will be able to pick up sizzling deals on Collector’s Pets and a range of emotes!


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Six with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Outpost Cosmetics

Plucky Ruffian Sea Dog Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Plucky Ruffian Sea Dog set, available to purchase for gold.


Swapping Analogue Sticks

  • Players using a controller can now swap the actions performed by the two analogue sticks using ‘Swap Sticks’ under Input Settings. When enabled, the Left Stick will be used to look around, while the Right Stick will be used to move.

Gameplay Improvements

Skeleton Fort Improvements

  • Food Barrels in Skeleton Forts are now stocked with a wider range of food, and each barrel contains a larger supply.
  • Barrels holding cannonballs in Skeleton Forts now use the Cannonball Barrel’s visual appearance.

Island Threat Balancing

  • Skeletons encountered while exploring islands have had their damage slightly reduced.


Emissary Flags and Tunnels of the Damned

  • Following the discovery of a gameplay exploit, active Emissaries passing into a Tunnel of the Damned will no longer drop a broken Emissary Flag upon leaving the server. This is a temporary mitigation which will be replaced by a permanent fix in a future update.

Pirate Legend Hideout Shops

  • The shop in the Pirate Legend Hideout now offers the Veil of the Ancients Costume to those Legendary pirates who have earned the required promotion. This costume is no longer available from the Pirate Lord.

Fixed Issues


  • Players should no longer experience an extended wait time on the Ferry of the Damned before the portal opens.
  • Players should once again be able to deliver Fruit Crates and Wood Crates to the Merchant Alliance, and no longer be redirected to Merrick.
  • After passing through the Tunnels of the Damned, crews should find that other players they encounter in the world can still be muted when using ‘Mute All Other Crews Voice Chat’ from the Settings menu.
  • The ‘Place Map Bundle’ tooltip should no longer be shown on the Captain’s Table when a player is not in possession of a Map Bundle.

Legend of the Veil Voyage

  • Playing through the Legend of the Veil Voyage and then migrating servers will no longer cause players to lose their progress.
  • Treasure items left untouched following a Haunted Island encounter should no longer disappear if the Veil Stone is used prior to collecting the rewards.
  • Ancients summoned during the Haunted Island ritual can now be heard speaking during the final battle.
  • Purchasing a Legend of the Veil Voyage from the Pirate Lord now displays the correct iconography in the confirmation window.
  • Players exploring a Shipwreck Graveyard will now encounter sharks.
  • Treasure Crates discovered while exploring a Shipwreck Graveyard should now always be retrievable.
  • Improved grammar in the Shipwreck Graveyard quest book pages and tooltips.
  • The Veil Stone treasure chest recovered from a Shipwreck Graveyard can now be opened while being held.
  • Quest Book pages provided by the Pirate Lord to seek out Belle during a Haunted Island quest now use correct landmark names.


  • The pet cage aboard a Sloop has been moved back to give players easier access to the Map Table.
  • Players who attempt to jump on the bookcase in a Sloop should no longer be loaded back onto the ship.
  • Players should no longer find a floating candle above an interactable barrel at Shark Bait Cove.
  • Grog bottles in Old Brinestone Fortress no longer float above the ground.
  • Pets can now be placed on the Sloop’s bed.
  • When swimming in deep water or flooded rooms, players’ pets should no longer walk around underwater.
  • Players should no longer be able to walk through pillars next to the Storeroom in Sea Forts.
  • The rug at Mercy’s End Sea Fort should no longer intersect with the floor.
  • Players should no longer be able to walk through wooden crates at Imperial Fortress, Traitor's Fate Fortress and Mercy’s End Fortress.
  • Players can no longer pass through the hanging barrels near the Treasury room at Imperial Crown Fortress and Old Brinestone Fortress.
  • Within the Pirate Legend Hideout, players should no longer be able to push through the sea floor and appear in the open sea.

Visual and Audio

  • Players should no longer be able to strike at a location where another player may be respawning and hear an audio effect, confirming that player’s location.
  • Legendary Luke in the Pirate Legend Hideout now has voiceover lines when speaking.
  • Players and pets should now sit correctly inside the Magpie’s Glory and Silent Barnacle Cannons when loaded.
  • Equipping the Spring Blossom Figurehead or Collector’s Spring Blossom Figurehead on a Sloop should no longer show floating objects beneath the figurehead.
  • During the Maiden Voyage, the Rowboat lantern is now connected correctly to the Rowboat.
  • Pets offered food will now move smoothly to the right position before taking a bite.
  • The Eternal Freedom Wheel now casts a shadow on the deck.
  • While holding an Instrument of the Damned, looking at smoke should no longer cause the smoke to appear in front of the instrument.
  • Walking over wooden planks in Old Brinestone Fortress should now cause the correct sound to be heard.
  • Players should no longer see an option to sit in mid-air when on the west side dock at Dagger Tooth Outpost.
  • Players should no longer encounter oversized projectiles fired from a Trident of Dark Tides.

Text and Localisation

  • Skeleton Captain names shown on Bounty Quests from the Order of Souls now display correctly in Japanese.
  • Description for the Eastern Winds Jade Shovel has been revised.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements made to reduce scenarios where players can experience extended black screen loading times when using a mermaid or returning from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • Improvements made to the accuracy of a player’s firing location when shooting a ranged weapon. This is intended to improve hit detection across a range of gameplay scenarios where the player is moving while firing.
  • Server optimisations made to reduce the frequency of server performance spikes, which can result in players experiencing lag spikes, rubberbanding and server correction during gameplay.
  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While more improvements have been released in update 2.5.3, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues

  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.24 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.36 GB
Xbox One X: 9.24 GB
Xbox One: 5.36 GB
Microsoft Store: 9.3 GB
Steam: 9.51 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Adventure 4: Lost Sands id: 103 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Six continues, the team have been working on the next time-limited Adventure along with additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of this content to the game in today’s release, update

For more information on the last batch of improvements and May’s Pirate Emporium offerings, see the previous release notes. For a refresher on all the new content that arrived back at the start of Season Six, check out the launch release notes!


The seas have settled following the successful recovery of the Veil of the Ancients. However, Golden Sands Outpost remains on the verge of being lost forever as our Adventures continue. It will take everyone working together to save it... if that’s what they choose to do!

‘Lost Sands’ (May 26th – June 9th)

  • Merrick has returned to Golden Sands to lead the rebuilding effort, recruiting its former inhabitants along with any other pirates willing to help. Meanwhile, sinister figures have been spotted lurking in the shadows of the Outpost’s surrounding islands…
  • Speak to Larinna to begin this Adventure and join in the global community effort, as the fate of Golden Sands Outpost is left in players’ hands! Will you follow the Hunter’s Path or the Servant’s Path? Are you team #SaveGoldenSands or #RuinGoldenSands?
  • Choose to either help Merrick track down precious supplies to restore Golden Sands to its former Outpost glory, or side with the Servant of the Flame and use Relic Caches to keep this once thriving island enshrouded by the fog.
  • Even when not directly taking part in the Adventure, players can tip the balance by delivering useful supplies to Merrick or diverting them to the Servant of the Flame. All viable actions can influence the outcome until the Adventure ends on June 9th.
  • Separate cosmetic rewards are available for completing the Hunter’s Path and the Servant’s Path, serving as Mementos of the time players helped decide the fate of Golden Sands. An exclusive Title can also be earned for completing all Deeds in this Adventure.

Soulflame Rowboats

  • During this Adventure, pirates can discover Soulflame Rowboats emergently across the seas, crafted by The Reaper’s Bones for the purposes of causing mayhem.
  • Soulflame Rowboats come with a reinforced explosive keg strapped to the rear, allowing pirates to light the fuse before reaching their target and detonating. The keg is resistant to small arms fire, but repeated attacks will eventually cause it to explode.

Fixed Issues


  • Improved the experience when bailing a full bucket of water, reducing scenarios where water would still be left in the bucket after bailing.
  • Players lighting the Flames of Fate and placing a Ritual Skull within the Fort of the Damned will now consistently begin the encounter.
  • Players should now encounter a more consistent rotation of World Events across the seas.

Pirate Emporium

  • While wearing the Lionfish Costume, attempting to perform the emote from the radial menu will now display the correct iconography.

Performance and Stability

  • Optimised retrieval of player models for players joining a server to improve server performance and reduce black screen load times.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements have been released in update, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues

  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.73 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.64 GB
Xbox One X: 5.73 GB
Xbox One: 3.64 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.6 GB
Steam: 5.26 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.5.2 id: 101 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.5.2

As our third time-limited Adventure ‘The Shrouded Deep’ reaches its conclusion, Season Six Community Day springs up to keep pirates busy in the interim while the Pirate Emporium is treated to a colourfully regal restock. And if you still haven't fully explored those Sea Forts, whet your appetite with the original Season Six trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Six: Official Content Update Video (Duration 4:15)

Our time with Season Six is growing short, so as we head into its final month, keep reading for all the info on what's new and incoming between now and the next Adventure!


Another Community Day arrives this month, with freebies, sales, multipliers and more for players setting sail and sharing their stories, ideas and endeavours! Meanwhile, Season Six isn’t quite done with Twitch Drops yet...

Season Six Community Day (May 14th)

  • All players setting sail during Season Six Community Day will be gifted the exclusive Season Six Community Day Flag and bonus Wing Flap Emote. Be sure to fly that flag when you set sail!
  • This time, the Renown multiplier will be in players’ hands! Tweet using the hashtag #SeaOfThievesCommunityDay to help boost the Community Emissary Grade and multiply the Renown earned by all players across the seas, speeding up that climb through the 100 levels of Season Six.
  • All players will also be able to earn double gold and reputation throughout the day.
  • Head to the Pirate Emporium to find a variety of items on sale at hefty discounts!
  • Tune in to participating streamers on Community Day and earn the Gilded Phoenix Banjo. Head to our Twitch Drops page now to link your accounts.
  • Find out more about Season Six Community Day here.

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Six with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Pirate Emporium

May brings opportunities to mimic the most majestic of fish via the extensive Lionfish collection. Meanwhile, the Pocket Crab and Pocket Rat emotes broaden your animal friendship options, and it’s your last chance to pick up this Season’s Plunder Pass!

Season Six Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Six rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Six can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Spring Blossom ship set, the evolving Forest’s Blessing Costume and other items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Lionfish Ship Collection

  • Revel in piscine prestige with the ostentatious Lionfish Ship Collection! In addition to the main bundle, a majestic Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately.
  • A Lionfish Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Lionfish Costume

  • Send ripples throughout the tavern with this regal costume set, containing masked and unmasked variants of the Lionfish Costume.
  • While wearing this graceful outfit, players can perform the Courtly Dance Emote.

Lionfish Weapons

  • Get to grips with four dazzling new weapons inspired by the striking yet toxic lionfish.

Lionfish Hurdy-Gurdy

  • Expect some psychedelic jams when you're rocking out with this harlequin hurdy-gurdy. Groovy.

Pocket Pet Emotes

  • Players looking for a less needy companion while out at sea can now purchase a pocket pet, brought out when using the emote. One of a range of adorable interactions will be performed each time.
  • Players can choose between a whiskered Pocket Rat or a pinchy Pocket Crab!

Freebie Chest Hide Emote

  • After a sneak peek in a previous update, players can finally get their hands on the Chest Hide Emote as a freebie while visiting the Pirate Emporium!

Aquatic Elegance Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Lionfish Costume, Hurdy-Gurdy and Weapon Bundle, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Eastern Winds Jade Set

  • The Outpost shops now offer the remaining items from the Eastern Winds Jade set. Players can use their gold to acquire these newly introduced weapons, clothing items and ship components.

Dark Adventurers Tattoo

  • Pirate Legends can now purchase the Dark Adventurers Tattoo from the Pirate Legend Hideout.

Gameplay Improvements

World Encounters

  • As the summoning ritual of ‘The Shrouded Deep’ has drawn to a close, the Megalodons have returned to their usual behaviour patterns. Crews can once again encounter Megalodons emergently while out at sea.
  • With the wreck of the Killer Whale now cleared, the area has been reclaimed by the skeletal hordes. Crews may once again spy the ominous ship cloud in the sky, signifying an encounter with a Skeleton Fleet.

Morrow’s Peak Activity

  • Morrow's Peak Outpost seems to now be lying dormant due to decreased volcanic activity, meaning crews will no longer encounter island volcanic threats on this island.

Deep Sea Enemy Encounters

  • Sirens encountered below the waves will now leave longer pauses between uses of their abilities to give players more breathing room between attacks.

Legend of the Veil Haunted Islands Balancing

  • Brigantine and Galleon crews will now encounter additional Phantoms during the Haunted Islands part of this Voyage when compared to solo and duo crews.

Fixed Issues


  • When caught in the explosion radius of a firebomb while aboard a Sloop, players should no longer be knocked back.
  • Larinna once again offers the Barrel Disguise and Rolling Dice Emotes.
  • When players attempt to deliver treasure to an incorrect location, the supporting tooltips now clearly display the correct location.
  • Players will no longer find Pondies near Sea Forts.
  • Players who have rebound the ‘More’ key for radial menus will now find their shanty shortcut key is unbound if the same key is selected.
  • Players who have enabled Virtual Keyboard while playing on console will now find that text chat continues to function as expected when switching to Steam.
  • When using the ‘Disable Controller Input on PC’ option, controller input will now be disabled entirely and no longer remain available in menus.
  • ‘The Art of the Trickster’ – Dying in combat during the Captain of the Lair encounter no longer makes the Captain disappear and result in blocked progress.

Legend of the Veil Voyage

  • Larger crews will no longer unlock additional progress towards the True Legend Commendation and achievement within the Legend of the Veil.
  • Treasure items collected following the Ghost Garrison encounter should no longer disappear if the Voyage is completed before they’re handed in.
  • When a Veil Stone is added to the Veil of the Ancients, the visual effects can still be seen even when looking away from the Veil itself.
  • The chance of heavy fog during a Ghost Garrison encounter has been reduced.
  • An appropriate impact audio effect is now heard when Ancient Phantoms are hit with swords.
  • The lit torch of an Ancient Priest should no longer be visible after they have disappeared.
  • The Veil of the Ancients arriving or being removed from a player’s ship is now accompanied by visual effects.
  • Targeting the front entrance of a Ghost Garrison no longer prevents damage to the nearby area.
  • Belle should no longer disappear before her lantern during cutscenes.


  • Players should no longer become stuck under tree branches on Old Faithful Isle.
  • Players should no longer become stuck within palm trees at Ancient Spire Outpost.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – When approaching the encounter with the Gold Hoarder, players should no longer be able to get stuck behind the Siren statue located before his lair.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players should no longer fall through the geometry while moving through Isla Tesoro.

Visual and Audio

  • Ship sails viewed from a distance while in a storm no longer flicker.
  • The Naval Commander Short Hair no longer intersects with the player on a range of larger body types.
  • When the Ghost Hull is equipped, all beams on the Sloop now have the darker-coloured wood.
  • Title iconography for Athena’s Fortune rank 30 has been revised.
  • Food being cooked should no longer visually flicker when changing between cooking states.
  • The glowing lantern lights of the Killer Whale wreck are no longer present when the Adventure is inactive.
  • The glowing light effect from a mermaid is no longer extinguished when looking away from the mermaid.
  • When viewing the Barrel Bombardier Hull from a distance, players should no longer see glowing parts of the hull disappear as they move towards it.
  • When the Skeleton Fort at Shark Fin Camp is active, crews descending to the Shrine of Hungering should no longer hear overlapping music within the Shrine. 
  • Players equipping Forest’s Blessing Costume 3 should find that their equipped hair or beard no longer interferes with the costume’s mask.
  • Large pirates performing the Cheer Emote should no longer see their pirate’s hands intersecting with their body.
  • When Ritual Skulls are returned to Larinna, the correct Bilge Rats artwork is now used in notifications.
  • Portuguese language is now spelt correctly in the language settings. 
  • Players can no longer see a gap in the Thriving Wild Rose Blunderbuss when held.
  • With the Spring Blossom Figurehead or Capstan equipped, experiencing an earthquake in The Devil’s Roar should no longer cause the petals to shake erratically.
  • Chests placed on top of the Legendary Capstan now sit correctly above the capstan.
  • The line of the Scorched Forsaken Ashes Rod now has a glowing effect throughout.
  • Inside a flooded Ancient Vault, the bubble effects on water pouring from the statues now appear from the correct source.

Performance and Stability

  • Optimised the performance of floating items on the water surface, improving server performance.
  • Network improvements made to improve server performance.
  • Optimised retrieval of player inventories to improve server performance.
  • Improved client stability for some users experiencing repeated crashes at launch.
  • Improved client stability across general gameplay to reduce scenarios where players may exit the game unexpectedly.
  • Improved server stability to reduce scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements have been released in update 2.5.2, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates.

Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues

  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 10.78 GB
Xbox Series S: 7.42 GB
Xbox One X: 10.78 GB
Xbox One: 7.42 GB
Microsoft Store: 10.45 GB
Steam: 9.8 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 100 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

With Season Six well underway, and the seas frothing with activity following the launch of ‘The Shrouded Deep’ Adventure and Legend of the Veil Voyage, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these fixes in today’s release, update

For more information on the currently active Adventure and the Legend of the Veil Voyage, see the previous release notes. For a refresher on all the new content that arrived at the start of Season Six, check out the launch release notes!

Fixed Issues

‘The Shrouded Deep’

  • All crew members who aid in summoning the Shrouded Ghost will now unlock the Deed within the Adventures menu.

Legend of the Veil Voyage

  • Larger crews will no longer gain Athena’s Fortune Emissary Grade progression at a faster rate when completing quests within the Legend of the Veil.

  • Ancient iconography used across the Legend of the Veil Quest Book pages and cosmetic rewards has now been adjusted.

Known Issues

‘The Shrouded Deep’ Server Migration

  • Crews who migrate across servers after placing an enchanted Megalodon effigy on the Ritual Table may find that the effigy is not present on the destination server.

‘The Shrouded Deep’ Defeated Megalodon Rewards

  • Following the defeat of the Shrouded Ghost or another summoned Megalodon, rewards may remain beneath the surface, requiring players to swim down and retrieve them.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.

Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues

  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.76 GB
Xbox Series S: 3 GB
Xbox One X: 4.76 GB
Xbox One: 3 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.67 GB
Steam: 4.21 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Adventure 3: The Shrouded Deep id: 99 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

With Season Six underway, the team have been working on new Adventures, new Voyages and additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these features in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new content that arrived at the start of Season Six, check out the launch  release notes!


It’s time for Sea of Thieves’ third time-limited Adventure, driving the grand story of its people and pirates ever onward into a confrontation with a beast from the deepest legends! Play your part from April 21st...

‘The Shrouded Deep’ (April 21st – May 12th)

  • Following the revelation that Flameheart is seeking the Veil of the Ancients – kept safe within the belly of the fabled Shrouded Ghost – Belle has joined forces with Merrick, the hunter whose shanty once woke Megalodons across the Sea of Thieves. Now they need the help of other pirates too...
  • Larinna knows where Belle and Merrick were last seen. Speak to Larinna to begin ‘The Shrouded Deep’, then set sail to learn more about an Adventure involving Megalodon hunts, rituals, shanties and summons, where working alongside other crews will help you even the odds!
  • Crews who defeat the most elusive of beasts during this time-limited Adventure can expect some high-value treasure, and even the chance of a Chest of Legends surfacing from the deep. Pirates who fully complete the Adventure will also earn an exclusive Title and a cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest!

Legend of the Veil

Following the events of ‘The Shrouded Deep’, this new multi-stage Voyage summons the Sea of Thieves’ hard-bitten Pirate Legends to help Belle and the Pirate Lord restore the lost Veil Stones to the Veil of the Ancients!

Legend of the Veil Voyage

  • Legend of the Veil is a new Voyage designed for Pirate Legends, combining the lore and cinematic flourishes of Tall Tales with the variety of other Voyages to create a highly replayable experience. Purchase this Voyage from the Pirate Lord in the Pirate Legend Hideout before voting on the Captain’s Table to begin.
  • The Pirate Lord calls upon the support of Legends to retrieve the Veil Stones and keep them from nefarious hands. He will offer players guidance and make an appearance when each Veil Stone is retrieved, placing it into the Veil of the Ancients.
  • Each Voyage will play out differently, providing crews with a mixture of experiences, orders and locations. Players will encounter clues penned by Sudds, Belle and even the Servant of the Flame, before the Voyage eventually culminates in the dramatic siege of a Ghost Garrison.
  • Items of Athena’s Treasure can also be claimed as players progress through the Voyage and uncover the mysteries of the Veil.

Legend of the Veil Commendations and Rewards

  • Within the Athena’s Fortune Reputation tab, new Commendations have been added for players who help the Pirate Lord safeguard the secrets of the Ancients.
  • The vendors in the Pirate Legend Hideout now offer a range of new cosmetic rewards unlocked by the Legend of the Veil. Players can earn the Pirate Lord Pegleg, Servant of the Flame Hat and Cutlass, and the Veil of the Ancients Pistol, Blunderbuss, Eye of Reach and Cutlass.

Expanded Athena’s Fortune Ranks and Rewards

  • Pirate Legends can now continue progressing through the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company up to rank 30. As players climb the ranks, they can unlock access to ancient rewards from the Legendary Shipwright: the Veil of the Ancients Flag, Hull, Sail, Cannons, Capstan, Wheel and Figurehead.
  • Reaching the prestigious rank 30 with Athena’s Fortune will unlock access to the Veil of the Ancients Costume.
  • With the original Legendary Weapons becoming exclusive following the closure of The Arena, a new set of weapons fit for Pirate Legends has now been made available. The new Legendary Fortune Pistol, Blunderbuss, Eye of Reach and Cutlass are now available from vendors in the Pirate Legend Hideout, unlocked by progressing through ranks 20-30 in Athena’s Fortune.

Outpost Cosmetics

Shrouded Ghost Figurehead

  • Pirates who have previously defeated the elusive Shrouded Ghost in the wild will soon be granted access to a special figurehead in the Shipwright’s Chest to celebrate this chance encounter.
  • After ‘The Shrouded Deep’ Adventure ends on May 12th, any player who meets and defeats the Shrouded Ghost in the wild will also unlock access to this exclusive figurehead.

Fixed Issues


  • Larinna now offers new Letters of Recommendation for purchase.
  • Players who have enabled Virtual Keyboard while playing on console will now find that text chat continues to function as expected when switching to Steam.

Pirate Emporium

  • Purchases of the Demolition Delights Bundle from the Microsoft Store will now provide access to the Misfire Makeup in addition to the previous content: Barrel Bombardier Costume, Weapon Bundle and Tankard, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops.

Visual and Audio

  • When attacking a Megalodon with a cannonball, the appropriate hit audio effect can now be heard.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server performance when groups of Phantoms arrive during an encounter.

Known Issues

‘The Shrouded Deep’ Defeated Megalodon Rewards

  • Following the defeat of the Shrouded Ghost or another summoned Megalodon, rewards may remain beneath the surface, requiring players to swim down and retrieve them.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.

Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues

  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.37 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.56 GB
Xbox One X: 5.37 GB
Xbox One: 3.56 GB
Microsoft Store: 5.2 GB
Steam: 4.77 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.5.1 id: 98 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.5.1

April is set to be an eventful month on the seas, and it begins with this update that closes the book on ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ while stocking the Pirate Emporium with some volatile new finery – not forgetting the latest list of fixes, improvements and balances. First, freshen your memory of Season Six’s introductory features back in March with the official trailer!

Sea of Thieves Season Six: Official Content Update Video (Duration 4:15)

Release notes from the Season’s launch are still available for browsing, but what have we crowbarred into this initial April update? Find out below...

Pirate Emporium

April’s Emporium restock explores the pirate idea of recycling, with Gunpowder Barrels recklessly repurposed into Barrel Bombardier cosmetics. The latest emote offerings include another monthly freebie, and Season Six’s Plunder Pass is still in stock too!

Season Six Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Six rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Six can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to the complete Spring Blossom ship set, the evolving Forest's Blessing Costume and other items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Barrel Bombardier Ship Collection

  • Blaze a trail across the seas with the volatile Barrel Bombardier ship cosmetics! In addition to the main Barrel Bombardier Ship Bundle, an explosive Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately.
  • A Barrel Bombardier Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Barrel Bombardier Costume

  • Don't stand near an open flame in this soot-stained outfit festooned with wicks, fuses and all manner of flammable material! The costume contains three variants: base, with goggles and with a new hairstyle.
  • While wearing this hazardous outfit, players can perform the Flaming Fuse Emote – look out!

Barrel Bombardier Weapons

  • Handle these four weapons, crafted from Gunpowder Barrels, with extreme care.

Barrel Bombardier Tankard

  • Celebrate a demolition job well done with a sooty swig from this tankard.

Wave After Wave Emotes

  • With this pack of four distinctly different waves, your arms are sure to get a workout.

Blighted Cannon Flare

  • A Cannon Flare is now available for another fan-favourite Pirate Emporium ship set – check out the ominous orange illumination of the new Blighted Cannon Flare!
  • Players who already own all items in the Blighted Ship Bundle will soon find the Cannon Flare added to their inventory as a gift from the Emporium owners.

Freebie Fire in the Hole! Emote

  • After laying a clever trap, retreat to a safe distance and get ready for the boom!

Demolition Delights Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Barrel Bombardier Costume, Weapon Bundle and Tankard, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.


Legends Week

  • The week-long celebration of the one million Pirate Legends milestone in Sea of Thieves ends with a special Gold & Glory Weekend: from April 8th-11th (10am BST), Legends earn double gold and rep on treasure handed in to the Mysterious Stranger, while April 10th offers a day of more traditional Gold & Glory boosts to gold, rep and Renown for all players.
  • Pirate Legends can also earn a free Silvered Legendary Eyepatch by playing this weekend, while all players can temporarily claim free Athena’s Fortune Fireworks from the Merchant Alliance.
  • Make savings in the Pirate Emporium’s celebratory weekend sale too!

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Six with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Gameplay Improvements

Improved Harpoon Aim Assist

  • Harpoons now have an improved aim assist when launched at loot, making players more likely to snag the targeted treasure instead of just striking the nearby sand.

Outpost Cosmetics

Emerald Imperial Sovereign Clothing Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Emerald Imperial Sovereign clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

Nightfall Hunter Clothing Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Nightfall Hunter clothing set, available to purchase for gold when moving up through the Grades of the Hunter of Cursed Captains Commendation. Players tuning in to Twitch Drops during Season Five may have already earned items from this clothing set under their previous Twilight Hunter name, and will retain access to those items under their revised Nightfall Hunter name.


Fish Name Narration

  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ while fishing will now find the name of a fish is narrated as it surfaces. While this is enabled by default, this specific narration can be disabled using ‘Narrate Fish Nameplates’ in the in-game language settings.

Emote Narration Control

  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ now have the ability to disable emote narration specifically from the game settings to reduce audio overload.


*Thai Language Support *

  • Sea of Thieves now supports Thai localisation across the entire game. Players can now select Thai from the in-game language settings.

Fixed Issues


  • The Sea Dogs Reputation tab will now be visible for players who have at least one fully completed Commendation at any Grade.
  • Players can no longer bypass the limping restriction of a broken leg by using auto-move.
  • Snakes and pigs have been demoted from Sea Fort Captain status and now award the correct Seasonal Renown.
  • Ammo Pouches dropped by skeletons will now disappear from islands after a crew leaves.
  • Players will no longer find Pondies at Black Water Enclave.

Sea Forts

  • The map in the Sea Forts’ living quarters now displays ships flying the Reaper’s Mark flag in addition to Reaper Emissaries.
  • Players are no longer able to cause Sea Fort treasure to respawn in the Treasury by getting themselves under the environment.
  • Inactive Sea Forts no longer show a raised flag.
  • Players are no longer able to sell the Sea Fort Keys to Trading Companies in exchange for gold and reputation.
  • Players using the Sea Fort barrel winches should no longer experience camera stutter when rotating mechanisms.
  • Traitor’s Fate Fortress no longer has a bobbing barrel in the bunk room.
  • The Treasury door now sits correctly on its hinges.
  • The Storeroom Door Key no longer shines through doors when viewed from a distance.
  • Within Old Brinestone Fortress, the lower-level grates should now prevent players swimming through when closed.
  • Players can no longer walk up the Sea Fort walls in some locations.
  • Detaching from Sea Fort cannons should no longer cause players to safe teleport.
  • Players should no longer be able to find a way into the dock pillars inside the Fort and move inside the geometry.

Sunken Kingdom

  • Sunken Kingdom Commendations requiring players to complete Siren Treasuries now correctly unlock when completing the required criteria.


  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players should no longer fall through the floor when moving through the corridor from the armoury to the well.
  • Players can no longer access the Treasury vault within the Treasury of the Secret Wilds prior to it becoming unlocked.
  • Players should no longer become stuck in trees on Ashen Reaches.
  • Within the Pirate Legend Hideout, players should no longer be able to push through the environment and appear in the sea.
  • Players should no longer be launched up into the air when pushing in between rocks on Plunder Outpost.
  • Players should continue to be able to move freely after jumping onto trees at Morrow’s Peak Outpost.
  • While exploring Plunder Outpost, players should no longer discover a floating patch of grass out in the bay.
  • While exploring the Pirate Legend Hideout, pets should no longer become blocked by invisible barriers when leaving the waterfall cave entrance.
  • Treasure can no longer be placed in locations within The Reaper’s Hideout that prevent any player from accessing it.

Visual and Audio

  • Swimming onto a beach and sprinting out of the water should no longer cause player animations to show their arms stuck to their sides.
  • Within the Reputation tab, Commendations with Doubloon rewards now display their currency counts correctly.
  • The Athena’s Fortune symbol on the Legendary Wheel is finally symmetrical.
  • The Sea of Sands, Cronch, Dark Warsmith and Lodestar Cutlasses now display a trail when used.
  • Killing small animals while they are running will no longer cause them to slide across the ground.
  • Repairing a damaged Spring Blossom Wheel will now visibly show the attached wooden poles.
  • The ‘Disable Centered Text’ setting now correctly affects all locations where text can be centered throughout the UI.
  • When the Lunar Festival Costume is equipped, the glowing eye effects are now consistently seen when emoting or when viewed by other players.
  • Players equipping a Bilge Rat or Admiral Dress now have the correct shoulder pieces displayed.
  • Players using the Japanese language setting will now find Order of Souls Bounty Maps no longer have overlapping text.
  • When multiple ships are nearby, players should now see all figureheads on ships within range.
  • With a HDR-supported setup, the HDR Calibration Settings page no longer causes UI elements to overlap when returning settings to default.
  • Sea of Thieves error messages are now displayed in the language chosen within the game settings.

Performance and Stability

  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Letters of Recommendation

  • Players will find themselves unable to purchase new Letters of Recommendation in this 2.5.1 April update. Fear not – Letters of Recommendation will become available for purchase later this month.

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.

Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues

  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 7.06 GB
Xbox Series S: 4.75 GB
Xbox One X: 7.06 GB
Xbox One: 4.75 GB
Microsoft Store: 6.97 GB
Steam: 6.49 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: Adventure 2: Forts of the Forgotten id: 97 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

With Season Six underway, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these fixes in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new features that arrived in Season Six, check out the full-length release notes!


The second of Sea of Thieves’ time-limited Adventures kicks off on March 24th. Prepare to chart a course for Phantom-filled Sea Forts and free the captives kept inside – formerly the residents of Golden Sands Outpost!

‘Forts of the Forgotten’ (March 24th – April 7th)

  • During the events of ‘Shrouded Islands’, pirates became the unwitting catalyst in a scheme to further weaken the barrier between the Sea of Thieves and the Sea of the Damned.
  • Larinna awaits pirates at the Outpost, beckoning them over for an urgent task – the missing Golden Sands inhabitants have been located! Speak to Larinna to begin the ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ Adventure, then set sail to learn more.
  • Pirates who complete the daring rescue mission to Flameheart’s strongholds during this time-limited Adventure will earn an exclusive Title and cosmetic reward to serve as a Memento of their quest.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews will now find a steady rotation of World Events taking place across the seas.
  • The ominous ship cloud in the sky signifying an encounter with a Skeleton Fleet has been returned to the rotation of World Events.
  • After the ‘Forts of the Forgotten’ Adventure has passed, crews exploring the Sea Forts will no longer be required to locate the Prison Cell Key to gain access to the cell.

Visual and Audio

  • When approaching a Skeleton Fort, players should now hear the appropriate music.
  • Players fighting Phantoms and performing actions on the lower floor of the Sea Forts should no longer hear those audio effects on the floor above them.

Pirate Emporium

  • Purchases of the Season Six Plunder Pass and Boisterous Brigands Bundle from the Microsoft Store will now correctly display the Game Pass discount when purchased.

Performance and Stability

  • Following the introduction of Sea Forts, improvements to server performance have been implemented.
  • Improvements made to general client performance on lower-spec hardware.

Known Issues

Reduced Server Performance

  • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.

Steam Achievement Unlocking Issues

  • Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.37 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.2 GB
Xbox One X: 5.37 GB
Xbox One: 3.2 GB
Microsoft Store: 4.84 GB
Steam: 4.9 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.5.0 Season 6 / Sea Forts id: 96 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.5.0

The latest Season is upon us, with brand new content set to drop throughout! Season Six solidifies six new Sea Forts for on-demand combat encounters, offers another time-limited Adventure to embark upon and sets expectations for an upcoming Voyage exclusive to Pirate Legends. Get a first look at it all in action in the official Season Six trailer!

Sea of Thieves Season Six: Official Content Update Video (Duration 4:15)

Ready for more detail on Season Six’s launch features, along with the closure of The Arena and the latest quality of life tweaks, accessibility additions and fixed issues? Good. Because here we go...

Sea Forts

The ghostly memories of Spanish naval Sea Forts sighted in the wake of ‘Shrouded Islands’ have now fully manifested within the Sea of Thieves. Pirates and their crews are welcome to approach, enter and – if they can – clear a path to the loot inside!

Sea Fort Gameplay

  • Six explorable Sea Forts can now be found across the seas, with those of each region having a unique visual style. These Sea Forts provide a short on-demand encounter for players, with difficulty scaling dynamically based on the crew size approaching.
  • When a Sea Fort is located, the raised flag and ghostly lights signify that it is active and defended. On approach, players will hear a warning bell toll as Phantoms take aim with the Fort’s cannons.
  • Players will face off against waves of Phantoms as they enter and explore. Before a Sea Fort is cleared, a Captain will appear reinforced by Phantoms in one last attempt to force intruders back to the sea. Players who defeat this Captain and his army will be awarded the Treasury Key to access the Fort Treasury and retrieve the spoils.
  • Players who take the time to search through crates, cupboards and drawers may discover secret stashes of treasure left behind by the Phantoms, and may even find a hidden key to the locked storage room.

Claiming a Sea Fort

  • When a Sea Fort is cleared, you can treat it as your own for as long as the successful crew resides at the Fort. Crews can use these new structures as a homestead, complete with beds and cooking amenities and even an interactive map of the Sea of Thieves for planning their next adventure!
  • Crews looking to protect their newly claimed domain can opt to hold the Fort and defend it from incoming threats using the mounted cannons and a healthy stash of resources within the Sea Fort’s barrels.

Sea Fort Commendations and Achievements

  • Within the Bilge Rats Reputation tab, new Commendations have been added for players seeking to explore these new Sea Fort structures pulled through from the Sea of the Damned.
  • New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the new in-game Commendations. A total of 65 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.

What’s Yours Is Mine [15G]

Master Burglar [20G]

From Whence They Came [30G]

Season Six

In addition to the emergence of Sea Forts, Season Six launches with another 100 levels of Renown-based progression and stacks of rewards to earn as you go. Emissary Ledger rewards aren’t forgotten either, and the new Plunder Pass is not just packed but neatly themed!

Season Six Progression and Rewards

  • Season Six offers a refreshed progression path with Trials and Deeds for new and experienced pirates alike. Weekly, monthly and Seasonal goals all reward players for exploring the Sea of Thieves.
  • Players can capitalise on the introduction of Sea Forts this Season to earn Renown. Visiting Sea Forts, defeating Phantom threats and opening Sea Fort Treasuries all award Renown!
  • Making progress through the 100 levels of this Season will reward pirates with the Naval Commander clothing set, new to Season Six along with time-limited Dark Relics cosmetics.
  • Legendary pirates or those who become a Pirate Legend during Season Six can also earn Belle’s Hat and the Stranger’s Cutlass.
  • Completing tiers of Seasonal progression will also award unique Dark Relics Titles, allowing players to display their success for all to see.

Season Six Plunder Pass

  • Purchase Season Six’s Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of unlockable, never-before-seen rewards, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression.
  • Plunder Pass purchasers this season can earn the full Spring Blossom Ship Collection, including Collector’s variants.
  • For those looking to truly transform themselves, the Forest’s Blessing Costume can also be earned, evolving as players progress through the Season. Those looking for a more subtle customisation can unlock the Forest’s Blessing Tattoo. Unable to fully upgrade the costume before the Season ends? Upgrades will still be available through in-game activities in a later Season.
  • The Season Six Plunder Pass is available to purchase in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, from the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Six Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Emissary Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach.
  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach through their Ledger performance.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Cannons, Sails and Flag to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.

Closing The Arena

Also taking place at the start of Season Six is the closure of The Arena. From March 10th 2022, this mode will no longer be available in Sea of Thieves. Find out more below, and get the full story behind this decision in our Saying Goodbye to The Arena news post.

Sea Dogs Reputation

  • The Sea Dogs Reputation pane in the Pirate’s Log will now only be visible for players who have earned a Sea Dogs Commendation, celebrating players’ accomplishments while hiding Commendations that can no longer be obtained.
  • For players who can access this Reputation pane, the previous Company progress summary has now been repurposed into a Battle Record, representing accomplishments within The Arena. Within the Battle Record, players will now only see Commendations that have been completed. Any Commendations not yet started or completed will no longer be visible.
  • Within the Athena’s Fortune Reputation pane, the Legendary Sea Dog Commendation will be visible for players who have earned it while remaining hidden for players who have not met those criteria.

Sea Dogs Rewards

  • Although The Arena has been closed, players will retain all unlocked Titles tied to level progress within the Sea Dogs Trading Company, along with any unlocked cosmetics.
  • Players who reached Sea Dogs rank 5 prior to the announcement of the closure will find themselves gifted the Azure Scout, Flaming Jackal, Golden Chaser, Lucky Rover and Regal Hound ship cosmetics for general use. Sea Dog veterans who reached rank 50 will also be able to equip the Good Boy ship cosmetics from the Shipwright’s Chest.
  • Players who achieved the necessary criteria to purchase Sea Dogs Titles and cosmetics have not yet missed their chance to collect them. The Outpost stores now hold all the Sea Dogs Company rewards, and players will find them collectable if they met the necessary unlock requirements before the announcement of The Arena’s closure. Players with multiple promotions and rewards to purchase may need to exit and re-enter the shop after purchasing a promotion before the next rank’s items become visible.

Sea Dogs Achievements

  • Xbox and Steam achievements for the Sea Dogs Trading Company are no longer earnable. Players on Xbox will see these achievements now marked as Legacy, while players on Steam will no longer find these achievements visible.
  • The Master of the Arena and Glorious Sea Dog achievements are still unlockable by players who obtained the necessary ranks prior to The Arena’s closure. After logging in, eligible players can collect the required promotions and items and unlock these two achievements.

Pirate Emporium

In contrast to the peaceful Plunder Pass it’s rowdy in the Emporium this month, with the Islehopper Outlaw theme encompassing a ship set, costume, weapons and even a banjo. New emotes arrive to suit your posturing needs too, and there’s one for free as always!

Islehopper Outlaw Ship Collection

  • Watch other ships turn tail and flee when you rock the new Islehopper Outlaw ship cosmetics! In addition to the main Islehopper Outlaw Ship Bundle, a flaming spectral Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately.
  • An Islehopper Outlaw Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Islehopper Outlaw Costume

  • Nothing says “Hello, we’re here to rob you!” quite like glow-in-the-dark goggles, bandana and fishbone mohawk.

Islehopper Outlaw Weapons

  • Add some rockstar chic to your next fracas with these four new glow-in-the-dark weapons!

Islehopper Outlaw Banjo

  • Unleash musical mayhem with this brutal banjo.

Bunch of Posers Emotes

  • Strike a selection of supremely confident poses with these four extra-cool emotes.

Ruby Splashtail Cannon Flare

  • A Cannon Flare is now available for a fan-favourite Pirate Emporium ship set – check out the cloud of bubbles and fishy confetti fired with the new Ruby Splashtail Cannon Flare!
  • Players who already own all items in the Ruby Splashtail Ship Bundle will soon find the Cannon Flare added to their inventory as a little gift from the Emporium owners.

Freebie Jolly Jiggle Emote

  • Perform this spirited dance to seek entrance to your crew’s alleged clubhouse.

Boisterous Brigands Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Islehopper Outlaw Costume, Weapon Bundle and Banjo, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Six with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Gameplay Improvements

Quick Cycle Map

  • Players can now quickly cycle through maps or Mysterious Notes within the Quest Radial. When holding a map or note in hand, use the ‘A’ or ‘D’ keys or Left/Right on the controller D-pad to cycle through all those available.
  • These keybinds share the same controls as turning Tall Tale Quest Book pages, and can be re-bound within the game settings.

Scuttle Ship Reminder

  • Players who are defeated by another crew three times in quick succession will now be shown a reminder of the option to scuttle the ship and move to a safer location. Pressing the Menu button then leads directly to the Crew Management menu to begin the vote to scuttle.

Emergent Threat Balancing

  • Throwing water at Gold Skeletons to rust them now makes them vulnerable for longer. While rusted, these skeletons will also take additional damage from all ranged weapons and explosives!
  • Shadow Skeletons exposed to light are now made vulnerable for longer, allowing crews to capitalise on their weakness.
  • Siren Leaders and Siren grunts below the waves should now use ranged attacks more frequently than their melee scratch attack.

Skeleton Ship Battle Locations

  • With the arrival of new Sea Forts in each region, Skeleton Ship World Events have now been consolidated and these World Event battles will now only appear in a single location near the centre of the world.

Outpost Cosmetics

Sandy Corsair Sea Dog Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Sandy Corsair Sea Dog clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

Past Season Gameplay Emotes

  • Larinna now offers two previously Season-locked emotes for purchase with Doubloons. Players willing to part with a large number of Doubloons can purchase the Barrel Disguise and Rolling Dice emotes!


Visible Fish Names

  • When players are fishing, the names of any fish rising to the surface to take a nibble of bait are now displayed for easy identification. While this feature is enabled by default to improve accessibility for all players, it can be disabled by adjusting ‘Show Nameplates Above Fish’ in the Settings menu.

Shop Narration

  • When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, navigating through shops will now also narrate the player’s wallet balance to improve ease of purchasing.


Dynamic Resolution on Xbox One X

  • On Xbox One X consoles, Sea of Thieves will now dynamically scale resolution in order to maintain a smooth 30 frames per second experience during periods of high activity.

Changing Game Language

  • Xbox players can now choose a preferred game language from within the game settings to override the language set on the console itself.

Fixed Issues


  • When progressing through Tall Tales or Siren Shrines, players approaching mechanisms previously used by other players will now see them in the correct location and position.
  • When players sit in a Rowboat, interaction prompts for nearby seats and objects are no longer shown as they cannot be interacted with until the player stands.
  • When players holding a Cargo Crate attempt to hand it in to the incorrect character, the tooltip now emphasises the correct hand-in location.
  • Players who have been vomited on twice are no longer immune to fire damage.
  • The achievements entitled A Rare Delicacy and Night Bite should now unlock when completing the required criteria.
  • New pirates equipping a shovel for the first time will now be shown the Burying Items tutorial.
  • Players can now redeem purchased commodities with the Merchant Alliance representative at Morrow’s Peak Outpost.
  • Within the Settings menu, the ‘Swim Up’ controller binding should no longer display within the keyboard binding area.

Sunken Kingdom

  • Players disconnecting and rejoining the game with treasure stored in a Sunken Merfolk Statue will now once again be able to retrieve it from the surface.
  • Players searching for the Breath of the Sea will no longer find that it disappears if they take an extended amount of time to complete the Voyage.
  • Retrieving treasure from a Sunken Merfolk Statue within the Treasury of Sunken Shores should no longer place items where players cannot retrieve them.
  • Players should no longer find areas within the Treasury of the Lost Ancients where they can clip into the geometry and fall under the world.
  • Players can no longer step through a small gap in the environment within the Treasury of the Lost Ancients to access the Vault early.


  • The lantern hanging above the Sloop’s map table should no longer be accidentally used when players are attempting to interact with the map table.
  • Players can now freely explore the ruined tavern at Golden Sands Outpost without becoming stuck on debris.
  • Pirate Emporium audio effects can no longer be heard at Golden Sands Outpost.
  • Graymarrow should no longer become stuck in a tree while navigating the Fort of the Damned.
  • Skeletons should no longer become stuck in the geometry on Shark Fin Camp.
  • Ashen Lords using lunge attacks should no longer be prone to getting stuck inside rocks.
  • Players moving around the Sea Dog Tavern should no longer find themselves jittering on certain areas of flooring and stairs.
  • Pets should now be able to move freely around the Pirate Legend Hideout without becoming blocked.
  • Players should no longer be safe-teleported on Mermaid’s Hideaway when jumping into the environment.
  • Improvements have been made to skeleton navigation on Keel Haul Fort to prevent skeletons becoming stuck within the environment.
  • Grass should no longer be seen mysteriously poking through the floor and walls of various Outpost taverns.
  • Players should no longer become stuck inside ruined trees on Morrow's Peak Outpost or Ashen Reaches.
  • Players opening Glitterbeard’s Hideout should no longer be snagged by the environment when moving inside.
  • Swimming at various locations around Golden Sands Outpost should no longer cause players to intersect with geometry and be flung into the air.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players should no longer be able to bypass the sidequest to reach the locked ship and rewards inside.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players following Captain Jack Sparrow through the village should no longer find themselves jittering when standing near him during his speech.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players should no longer find locations around the Spanish Fort in Chapter Two where they can become stuck.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players can no longer become trapped between the roots of a tree in the Bayou.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Players can no longer avoid the battle with the Ocean Crawlers by navigating over the coral structures in Chapter 4.

Visual and Audio

  • Players equipping the Ashen Curse should now find that their eyes correctly display the effects of this fiery curse.
  • When players perform actions that can earn Seasonal Renown repeatedly, the UI notifications should no longer become stuck within the notification window.
  • Pets no longer stop dancing if one musician in a band stops playing.
  • Players will no longer experience rubberbanding when attempting to move diagonally with a keyboard while afflicted by a limp.
  • When the Skeleton Fort at Shark Fin Camp is active, crews descending to the Shrine of Hungering should no longer hear overlapping music within the Shrine.
  • The shop and vanity chest icons for the Eyepatch of the Silent Barnacle now better match the item’s colour scheme.
  • Players of all body sizes holding a reversed speaking trumpet should now appear visually correct when observed by other players.
  • After climbing inside the Notorious Reaper Cannons, other players should now see the player nestled snugly in the cannon.
  • Siren Leaders in Siren Treasuries now play their death animation effects when defeated.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The stone face waterfalls no longer have water visual effects pouring out of the side of the statues.


  • When using ‘Let Games Read to Me’, the start screen should now be fully narrated.

Performance and Stability

  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.5 GB
Xbox Series S: 9.3 GB
Xbox One X: 9.5 GB
Xbox One: 9.3 GB
Microsoft Store: 9.64 GB
Steam: 9.2 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.4.2 Adventure 1: Shrouded Islands id: 95 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.4.2

Season Five enters its final few weeks as we bring you February’s update, setting the scene for the Adventures unveiled in our recent 2022 Preview Event while making more improvements to the game experience and bringing fresh fire and lightning to the Pirate Emporium. If you missed out on Season Five's initial feature set, just watch this to get up to speed...

Sea of Thieves Season Five: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 8:00)

The original release notes here also offer an in-depth breakdown of Season Five’s December launch content. Now read on to see what's happening in this final phase of the Season!


Set forth on the first of Sea of Thieves' new time-limited Adventures on February 17th! Meet the enigmatic Belle and help her investigate the sinister fog engulfing Golden Sands Outpost as the next chapter in the Sea of Thieves story starts to unfold.

‘Shrouded Islands’ (February 17th – March 3rd)

  • Larinna awaits pirates at the Outpost, urging crews to head to Golden Sands to see what’s happened and meet a new face on the Sea of Thieves. Speak to Larinna to begin this new Adventure!
  • Anyone brave enough to face down the ethereal threats posed within this Adventure will be rewarded with a time-limited exclusive Title and cosmetic. Players can wield the eerie Shrouded Compass as a memento of their adventures on these shrouded islands.

Adventure Quick Menu

  • The Quick Menu now contains an Adventure tab, giving players easy access to information on previous, active and upcoming Adventures. When an Adventure becomes active, players can follow along with the story and track any Deeds and rewards available for progressing through the Adventure.
  • Keen-eyed pirates may find a tease for the next Adventure in the Coming Soon section...

World Changes

With the next era of storytelling within Sea of Thieves commencing this month, big changes are already afoot both at sea and on land. Find out more about what’s shifted within the world already and how this could affect your adventures!

A Sinister Fog...

  • As spectral activity increases across the Sea of Thieves, an eerie fog has rolled in, leaving islands enshrouded in its wake. One island touched by this fog is Golden Sands Outpost, which now lies in ruin with its inhabitants nowhere to be found.
  • Golden Sands Outpost is no longer a starting point for new crews entering the world, and crews will no longer be given Voyages to deliver to this afflicted Outpost.

Ghost Fleet World Event

  • As the fog takes hold, Captain Flameheart has mysteriously retreated from the skies over the Sea of Thieves and taken his Ghost Fleet with him.
  • With this World Event no longer in rotation, crews taking on the highest-ranking Order of Souls Ghost Fleet Voyages may now encounter the Burning Blade during the final wave.

Pirate Emporium

Last chance to pick up this Plunder Pass before Season Five ends! Also available now are the Ashen Curse Alsatian, more Thunderous Fury and Cutthroat items, new emote bundles and popular previous Plunder Pass rewards including Season Four’s Jack O’ Looter range.

Season Five Plunder Pass – Last Chance!

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Five rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Five can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to an especially generous 14 items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Four Plunder Pass Items Now in the Emporium

  • With Season Four now a distant memory, the Jack O’ Looter ship set, weapons and costume from the previous Plunder Pass are now available for individual purchase from the Pirate Emporium.
  • You can also attempt to get a grip on your nervous nature with the Vulnerable Weapon Pose emotes!

Jack O’ Looter Ship Collection

  • Following its first appearance in Season Four’s Plunder Pass, this collection can now be completed with all ship items available for purchase.
  • For players only awaiting the cannons and capstan to complete their set, a Jack O’ Looter Cannons and Capstan Bundle is available containing both items plus the Cannon Flare.
  • A Jack O’ Looter Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Thunderous Fury Collector’s Ship Items

  • After thundering into Season Three’s Plunder Pass, this ship set now has an electrifying new Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails up for purchase.

Cutthroat Weapon Bundle

  • Hone your killer instinct with this set of four vicious-looking weapons.

Ashen Curse Alsatian

  • The Ashen Curse pet family gets a scorching new addition! Hopefully not too hot for you to handle...

Soulflame Cannon Flare

  • A Cannon Flare is now available for a fan-favourite Pirate Emporium ship set – check out the noxious green smoke emanating from the new Soulflame Cannon Flare!
  • Players who already own all items in the Soulflame Ship Bundle will find the Cannon Flare added to their inventory as a little gift from the Emporium owners.

Props Master Emotes

  • Become a master of disguise with this prop-centric emote collection.

Mystical Macaque Emotes

  • Spread the enigmatic teachings of three sagely simians with this set of expressive emotes.

Freebie Throw a Strop Emote

  • When life just isn’t fair, feel free to throw a strop at your clueless captain.

Time-Limited Reaper’s Heart Pet Bundle

  • Only made available at this romantic time of year: a brooding menagerie of pets brought to life by darkly passionate magic.

Cutthroats and Canines Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Cutthroat Weapon Bundle, Ashen Curse Alsatian, 1000 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.


Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Five with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Gameplay Improvements

Improved Shanty Selection

  • When equipping an instrument, holding the secondary interact button will now open the Shanty Radial directly, allowing players to easily switch between shanties.

Shop Filters

  • New filters are now provided when browsing shop stock, allowing players to cycle through all items, owned items and unowned items for easier access.

Storm Effects

  • When sailing the open sea in a storm, the strong current requires players to fight the wheel to maintain a course. However, when approaching an island or shipwreck, crews will now find that the current is less forceful and no longer causes the wheel to spin erratically.

Emote Radial Improvements

  • Within a Vanity Chest, players now have access to 10 pages where emotes can be equipped.
  • Bringing up the Emote Radial and cycling through the pages will also now only display pages which have emotes equipped.

Sunken Kingdom Treasury Balancing

  • When raiding the vault of a Siren Treasury, crews will now find two gold piles with consistent gold rewards.

Outpost Cosmetics

Stygian Admiral Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Stygian Admiral clothing set, available to purchase for gold.


Ship’s Wheel Audio Support

  • Players can now access additional audio support when using the ship’s wheel. Within the Game Audio Settings, use ‘Enable Additional Wheel Turning Sounds’ to play a distinctive sound every quarter-turn of the wheel. The volume of this effect can be tweaked by using the accompanying volume slider.

Fixed Issues


  • While aiming down sights with a ranged weapon, being hit with a sword attack from another player or lightning attack from an Eel-ectric should no longer cancel the player’s aim.
  • Resetting the input settings to default will now also reset the input for Swim Up.
  • The Full Billow achievement can now be unlocked when completing the required criteria.
  • Defeating skeletons or Phantoms while under the effects of a Cursed Cannonball will now progress the Master of Cursed Iron Commendation.
  • Skeleton Ships and skeletons using island cannons should now fire at targets more consistently without long pauses between shots.
  • When sitting in a Rowboat, interaction prompts for nearby seats and objects are no longer shown as they cannot be interacted with until the player stands.
  • Mouse users on PC can now enable the ‘Recentre Mouse in Menus’ setting to ensure the mouse cursor returns to the centre of the screen when opening full-screen menus.

Pirate Emporium

  • Performing the Stargazing Emote while wearing the Lodestar Costume now ensures the emote camera zooms into the correct location on the pirate.


  • Players should no longer find areas within the Pirate Legend Hideout where they can trigger a safe teleport.

Visual and Audio

  • An audible wood splintering sound can once again be heard when ships take damage from a range of external sources.
  • Players should no longer encounter a multicoloured chequerboard effect on ship materials when loading into a session.
  • Shooting while moving forwards, then sprinting and abruptly stopping, should no longer cause the weapon reload animation to skip.
  • The Dark Adventurers Beard no longer clips into the player’s mouth when using a range of emotes.
  • During an Ashen Lord encounter, when an Ashen Lord lunges at a player, they will now animate correctly during the leap.
  • During an Ashen Lord encounter, the geysers resulting from a World’s End attack will now fade back into the sand.
  • The visual effects when firing cannons are now triggered immediately, removing a perceived delay in launching cannonballs.
  • Loading screens on PC will now display correctly sized images when using a 4K screen resolution.
  • Capuchin and Barbary monkeys wearing the Cronch Outfits now fit correctly into cannon barrels when loaded.
  • Players standing on the Sloop bed will no longer generate muffled sounds for others in proximity.
  • Standing behind the Ferryman on the Ferry of the Damned should no longer cause their head to snap to the player.
  • When wearing the Bell Brigade Gloves, the player’s hands should no longer clip into held items.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – The water effects in the flume section now flow smoothly through the tunnel.
  • When playing in windowed mode and resizing the screen during gameplay, using an Eye of Reach or spyglass zoom will no longer cause the screen to be off-centre.

Text and Localisation

  • Steam players using Turkish language settings within Steam game properties will now find Sea of Thieves launches in Turkish.
  • The Night-Time Spectacular achievement now correctly states the unlocking requirement of a display of five or more fireworks at night.


  • When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, the narration now clearly informs players when the game is loading.
  • Enabling ‘Circular Navigation’ now allows players to equip emotes from Vanity Chests when using a controller.

Performance and Stability

  • Enhanced reporting has been added, helping identify scenarios where server performance can result in a reduction in hit detection accuracy.
  • After being disconnected during a failed server migration, players should now be able to rejoin their session when prompted and return to their ship.
  • Players on PC are now able to set the resolution scaling below 75% and have that setting persist across sessions.
  • Server migration success rate has been improved, reducing the frequency of experiencing Hazelnutbeard while migrating between servers.
  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

** Incorrectly Positioned Levers, Pulleys and Traps**

  • When progressing through Tall Tales or Siren Shrines, players approaching mechanisms previously used by other players may initially perceive them in the incorrect location or position until they are used. For example, a moveable walkway controlled by a lever may be shown in an upright position despite actually being lowered, causing players to fall through unexpectedly.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.2 GB
Xbox Series S: 6.36 GB
Xbox One X: 9.2 GB
Xbox One: 6.36 GB
Microsoft Store: 8.95 GB
Steam: 8.22 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.4.1 id: 94 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.4.1

Season Five carries us into 2022 with starry new Pirate Emporium offerings, the allure of the first online Sea of Thieves Community Day and another trove of fixes and improvements! Remind yourself of Season Five’s headline features with the content update trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Five: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 8:00)

This Season’s original release notes here also offer an in-depth breakdown of all that December launch content. Now read on to find out what’s being delivered in this next phase!

Game Events

For those seeking something a little more focused than the wide-ranging Trials and Deeds, Season Five has so far delivered a number of time-limited Events offering their own rewards. Find out what you can take part in this month!

Season Five Community Day (January 30th)

  • All players jumping into the game on our first ever Community Day will be gifted the exclusive Season Five Community Day Flag and new Power Chord Emote. Be sure to fly that flag when you set sail!
  • For the first time ever, gold, reputation and Renown multipliers will be in your hands! Tweet using the hashtag #SeaOfThievesCommunityDay to play your part in boosting the Community Emissary Grade and multiplying rewards earned by all players across the seas.
  • Tune in to participating streamers on Community Day and earn the Gilded Phoenix Tankard. Head to our Twitch Drops page now to link your accounts!
  • Finally, visit the Sea of Thievesmerchandise store for a celebratory sale where SoT products will be discounted by 30% using the code COMMUNITYDAY at checkout. For the icing on the cake, look out for the exclusive new Community Day T-shirt – only available for purchase on January 30th!
  • Find out more about Season Five Community Day here.

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Five with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Pirate Emporium

January’s Emporium restock boasts some real star power: the expansive Lodestar collection includes not just a new ship set but a matching costume, weapons and even pets. There are new emotes too, and Season Five’s Plunder Pass is available until the Season ends!

Season Five Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Five rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Five can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to an especially generous 14 items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Lodestar Ship Collection

  • Sail on a sea of stars with the Lodestar Ship Collection! In addition to the main Lodestar Ship Bundle, a stellar Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately.
  • A Lodestar Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Lodestar Weapon Bundle

  • Light up your foes with these four new astral armaments!

Lodestar Spyglass

  • Look up at the heavens in quieter moments on the seas with this star-decorated spyglass.

Lodestar Costume Set

  • Embrace your inner starchild with this cosmic costume. Players will receive two variants, one with a starry hairstyle and one without!
  • This costume also comes with a Stargazing Emote which can be performed whenever the costume is worn.

Lodestar Pet Collection

  • Invite two celestial companions into your collection: the Lodestar Parrot and Lodestar Cat!

Wedding Party Emotes

  • Celebrate a pirate’s special day with these matrimonial emotes.

Lunar Festival Costume Emote

  • When equipped, the Lunar Festival Costume now includes a unique Lunar Scroll Emote!

Time-Limited Lunar Festival Pet Outfits

  • Ensure good fortune in the new year with these Lunar Festival Pet Outfits, back on Emporium shelves for a limited time.

Freebie Something Stinks Emote

  • What’s that smell? Show your distaste for foul odours with this free emote.

*Celestial Companions Bundle (Store Only) *

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Lodestar Costume Set, Lodestar Cat, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Seafoam Castaway Bilge Rat Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Seafoam Castaway Bilge Rat clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

Figurehead of the Silent Barnacle

  • Long thought lost, the Figurehead of the Silent Barnacle has finally reached the Outpost shipwrights, locked behind the Hoarder of Barnacled Gold Commendation.

Gameplay Improvements

Island Enemy Encounters

  • While exploring islands, crews who encounter and vanquish individual Ocean Crawlers, Phantoms or skeletons from a group of enemies should find that they call in reinforcements less frequently before the group is defeated.
  • After vanquishing a group of Ocean Crawlers, Phantoms or skeletons, crews should now enjoy a much longer respite period before encountering them again on the same island.

Hit Registration on Distant Targets

  • Improvements have been made to how hit detection calculates bullets affected by gravity, providing a small improvement to hit registration for ranged weapons when firing at medium- to long-distance targets.

Selling Firework Crates

  • Firework Crates can now be sold back to the Merchant Alliance and Reaper’s Bones even when no longer full – but expect a reduced payout!

New Player Onboarding Improvements

  • When new players arrive on the Sea of Thieves, after listening to the Mysterious Stranger in the tavern, they will now be directed to the signposts which will help guide them around the Outpost.
  • New players will now receive a notification after selling items to the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls or Merchant Alliance for the first time, informing them that they can purchase Voyages from these Trading Companies that will lead to additional loot.
  • Players collecting fish or meat for the first time will also receive a notification, directing them to The Hunter's Call where they can sell their catch. The notification will also inform players of how to use their ship’s map to locate a nearby Seapost.
  • New players purchasing their first cosmetic items will be informed how to use the various cosmetic chests to access these, including clothing, weapons, equipment and ship parts.


Rolling Dice Emotes

  • When one of the Rolling Dice Emotes is performed, the result is now shown in the notification window as well as the player’s hand. Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will also have the result narrated.


Spatial Audio Support

  • Players on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and supported PCs can now enable Spatial Audio and experience full immersive surround and elevation audio for both headphones, and Atmos-capable Home Theatre systems.
  • To enable Spatial Audio on Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S, head to Xbox Platform Settings – All Settings – Display & Sound – Audio Output – Headset Format.
  • To enable Spatial Audio on supported PCs, first head to the Windows Sound Control Panel and within the Properties for the preferred Playback Device, enable Spatial Sound. Then navigate to the in-game audio settings and enable Spatial Sound there.

Optimising Server Performance Using Player Limits

  • Sea of Thieves servers are now able to optimise performance by enforcing limits on the number of players on a server. This approach allows servers to maintain an ideal number of ships to ensure encounter rates between crews remains high without negatively affecting performance.
  • With January’s update, all servers return to supporting six crews, but now also enforce a limit of 16 players. When starting a session or migrating, servers will now actively matchmake six crews of different sizes in order to meet both the six-crew and 16-player limits.
  • The team will continue to monitor server performance following launch and adjust the player limit outside the update process to optimise the experience.

Loot Haul Memory Controls

  • When notable hauls of different loot items are gathered in a single place, the game will reach a threshold where it will optimise performance by changing the appearance of some items. Players on PC will now have the ability to configure how much system memory can be allocated to these loot hauls, ensuring higher-spec rigs can show a wider range of treasure.
  • Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles now have an increased threshold before they begin to optimise performance.

Fixed Issues


  • Achievements have now been re-enabled, allowing all previously earned achievements to be granted when players next log in to the game.
  • Shots fired from the Royal Revenge Pistol now more accurately land in line with the barrel of the gun.
  • Players attempting to glitch through a ship’s hull from the water will now be safe-teleported away from the ship.
  • Jumping while attempting to reload a ranged weapon from an Ammo Crate will no longer cause the weapon to subsequently fail to reload, and will also no longer prevent players from eating food.
  • After equipping the Party Boat Cannons on a Brigantine, players fired from the cannons should now travel in the intended direction.
  • Using a heavy sword strike while standing on a ship’s harpoon should no longer cause the player to gain extra range on their jump.
  • When browsing a barrel or crate with mouse and keyboard, moving the mouse quickly between the crate and inventory should no longer cause the crate to lose mouse focus and become unresponsive.
  • When a Rowboat’s storage chest is emptied, the tooltip now updates to show ‘Empty’ without needing to open it.
  • The Legend of Buried Treasures Commendation should now unlock upon completing all other associated Commendations.
  • Crews will no longer be awarded the Gunpowder, Treason and Plot Commendation after setting their ship on fire, and instead will need to complete the required criteria.

Megalodon Encounters

  • When a Megalodon attacks a player’s ship, it should no longer intersect with the ship and cause it to be thrown into the air.
  • Defeating a Megalodon when it is close to a ship should no longer cause the ship to be thrown into the air.
  • Upon encountering a Megalodon, it should no longer become stuck when following close behind a player’s ship and should change direction before attacking.
  • Pursuing Megalodons should now navigate more smoothly around the rocky arches found out at sea.

Buried Treasure

  • Burying a Broken Emissary Flag and digging it up will no longer cause it to lose its gold value when cashed in with The Reaper’s Bones.
  • Digging up and quickly burying booby-trapped treasure should no longer cause any enemies to retreat back into the sand.
  • Taking items from a Collector's Chest while holding a Map Bundle should no longer cause the item to disappear.
  • Crews should no longer receive additional Renown for bringing treasure on board when retrieving, burying and digging up treasure multiple times.
  • When attempting to bury something in the same spot as an already buried item, the tooltip shown while wielding a shovel will now inform players clearly that the item cannot be buried.
  • Crews are no longer able to retrieve a buried treasure map from Quest Boards while in an Arena contest.
  • Tall Tale items should now have appropriate pop-up notifications when buried or dug up.
  • Buried treasure maps of The Sunken Grove should now be accurate and no longer show some areas of land as water. 
  • Players burying items within the Pirate Legend Hideout will no longer receive a treasure map.


  • Fireworks should no longer work while in the Tunnels of the Damned, and any activated prior to entering will automatically be cancelled.
  • A player’s first launched firework can now consistently be heard flying through the air.

Sitting and Sleeping

  • Players sitting or sleeping can no longer avoid idle timers and should now be removed from the game after a period of inactivity.
  • Players who are sleeping will now consistently take damage from ranged weapon fire.
  • Some pirate body types should no longer find excessive clipping occurring when sitting in various locations.
  • Ancient Spire and Plunder Outpost taverns should no longer have a sitting spot located in the floor.
  • Rocks around a firepit on Cannon Cove should now have a sitting interaction.
  • The first-person camera should no longer face the incorrect way when attaching to interactable objects after standing from a seated position.
  • When sitting on the Captain’s chair on board a ship, switching to the third-person camera will now always move to an appropriate camera position even while the ship is moving.
  • Sitting spots in the Tavern of the Damned no longer overlap with the ghosts of pirates in the tavern.
  • Sitting spots at Hidden Spring Keep Fort now place the pirate correctly on the floor when viewed by others.
  • Sitting in various locations like the end of the Brigantine bed and some benches found on Outposts should no longer cause the camera to move into an incorrect position.

Rats on Ships

  • Rats should still be present on a ship with water in it even if the player leaves the ship and returns.
  • When a Galleon’s lower and middle decks fill with water, rats will now be seen using the stairs to evacuate to the top deck more clearly.

Tunnels of the Damned

  • Players should no longer be able to interact with a docked Cannon Rowboat while travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Players can now freely move emote and sitting cameras without being affected by invisible walls while travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • After passing through the Tunnels of the Damned, players performing their first emote will continue to see themselves clearly when adjusting the view.

Sunken Kingdom

  • Players should still be able to open the Captain's quarters from a Lost Shipments Voyage shipwreck after storing the key in a Sunken Merfolk Statue.
  • In Siren Treasuries, the Vault Master should no longer reappear after it is defeated should the player subsequently be killed and return from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • After completing a Siren Treasury and returning to restart the encounter, crews will no longer find the Vault Master appears prior to the final wave.
  • Shrine of Ancient Tears – Areas within the Shrine should now load correctly, no longer causing sections to quickly flash.
  • Shrine of Ancient Tears – Cursed Voyage items can no longer be dropped onto coral, making them inaccessible.
  • Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune – Treasure retrieved from the Sunken Merfolk Statue near the top of the Shrine should no longer cause items to float off the edge of the platform.

Tall Tales

  • Rowboats can no longer be pushed into the Castaway’s hut.
  • Ammo pouches on a harpoon should no longer be carried through the Tunnel of the Damned.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Killing the Gold Hoarder without entering the final room should no longer cause another to appear on the throne.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Visual effects should no longer be missing from the smaller air-giving plants.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Players should now get a notification in the correct language informing them when they have failed the Silver Blade battle.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Braziers can now more clearly be seen from the watchtower at all graphics quality settings.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – The rock formation in the bayou should now have the correct collision and players should no longer be able to walk in the air.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Cancelling the Tale after the exit portal to the Tunnels of the Damned has been summoned will now move players through the portal and back to the Sea of Thieves.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players should no longer respawn back in the Pirate Legend Hideout during the Tale if they started the Tale while inside the Hideout.

Player Input Handling

  • Further improvements to the responsiveness of radial menus on lower-spec hardware.
  • Rebinding sprint controls to the right analogue stick no longer requires players to hold the stick down instead of just clicking.


  • Improved player collision with the geometry around the tables at the top of the Sea Dog Tavern in Adventure.
  • Upon reaching the Ferry of the Damned after drowning, the Well of Fates correctly shows that no Flame of Fate can be acquired.
  • The Well of Fates on the Ferry of the Damned now has appropriate tooltips telling players that they need to raise their lantern to collect a Flame of Fate. 
  • Players are once again able to read Grace’s Journal when discovered on Ashen Reaches.
  • The ship’s map of Thieves’ Haven now shows the location of the newly added platforms.
  • Players should no longer be safe-teleported when firing themselves out of the cannon on the northern shore of Devil's Ridge.
  • On Shark Bait Cove, players should no longer be launched into the air when passing between two rocks on south-eastern side of the Island.

Visual and Audio

  • When performing the Sand Angel Emote on a moving ship, the sand visual effects will no longer trail behind the player.
  • When players attack various surfaces with a sword, other players will now see and hear the intended visual and audio effects.
  • Throwing water at another player on a moving ship should now show the water effects behaving correctly.
  • When players stop rowing and set down the oars, the audio effect will no longer play for longer than intended.
  • The Tattoo of Ancient Gold now appears correctly on a range of large pirate body shapes.
  • Players standing next to a fire on board their ship will no longer see an extended distance through a fog bank.
  • The Old Boar Firework now has appropriate audio effects when fired.
  • The Curse of Sunken Sorrow is now displayed correctly when players are wearing a range of Admiral shirts.
  • When performing the Coin Toss Emote with a hook equipped, the coin now correctly rests on the hook.
  • Some pirate body types should no longer be shown with disconnected limbs when viewed from a distance while wearing items from the Bell Brigade, Midnight Blades or Party Boat clothing sets.
  • Players should now be able to see the visual effects when another player hits the wood placed in a campfire.
  • When returning to a ship from the Ferry of the Damned, the ropes holding a docked Rowboat should now be shown correctly.
  • Players will now hear appropriate audio effects when digging up artefacts and Ashen Winds Skulls.
  • Aiming down sights with the Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss should no longer clip through the camera.


  • When using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ alongside ‘Narrate Changes Only’, adjusting sliders within the Settings menu will now narrate the full value when stopping.
  • Improvements to font sizing and line spacing within the Custom Server Create Session screens to improve readability.
  • When using ‘Let Games Read to Me’, navigating the Settings menu using both mouse and controller should no longer incorrectly identify controller movements as a mouse hover.

Text and Localisation

  • Long item names should now appear correctly formatted when using pirate phrases.

Performance and Stability

  • Players on Windows 10 builds from the Microsoft Store should no longer experience extended freezes early in the session when moving quickly between servers.
  • The systems which load and manage audio across the game have now been optimised, providing a sizeable improvement to memory usage on console and PC. 
  • Following audio memory optimisations, older consoles and lower-spec hardware should no longer experience scenarios where sounds may fail to play on cue due to low audio memory.
  • Client stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where the game hangs during active gameplay.
  • Optimisations made to how emergent island threats move and attack, improving responsiveness and server performance.
  • Improved handling of music within Siren Treasuries to improve server performance.
  • Improved server stability when players are transferring items from storage crates while exiting the game.
  • Improved server stability when multiple players are interacting with Quest Boards at Outposts.

Known Issues

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.46 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.9 GB
Xbox One X: 8.46 GB
Xbox One: 5.9 GB
Windows 10: 8.38 GB
Steam: 6.77 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.4.0 Season 5 / Burrying id: 92 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.4.0

A quiet end to the year? Not a chance: Sea of Thieves Season Five is unleashing fireworks and flares, Cannon Rowboats, boisterous December Events and a stampede to the new Quest Board to claim maps to stashes buried by other players! And those are just a few of the latest additions, as the official Season Five trailer is about to show you...

Sea of Thieves Season Five: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 8:00)

You’ve seen it, now read it: everything you need to know about all the above plus rolling dice and roaming rats, sitting down and sleeping in, Seasonal rewards, a packed-out Plunder Pass and more Emporium ranges evoking Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean. Begin!

Buried Treasures

Finally, pirates have grasped another use for shovels: to bury treasure rather than unearthing it. So cover up your loot, make a map and either hold on to it for safekeeping or pin it to the Quest Board for others to find, earning you not just reputation but bonus Renown!

Burying Treasure Maps

  • Shovels now have a secondary use, enabling pirates to bury treasure! Drop your item on soft ground, and use the right mouse button or Left Trigger (or whatever’s bound as your Secondary Use button) to begin burying it. Continue burying to fully hide the item, leaving just a hint of disturbed earth on the surface.
  • While many treasure items found across the Sea of Thieves can be buried, sneaky pirates might also choose to bury Gunpowder Barrels to create traps for whoever digs them up. 
  • When an item is fully buried, the crew will receive an ‘X Marks the Spot’-style map showing the location of their Treasure Stash. Burying multiple items on the same island will add additional ‘X’s to the map. These maps will be found in the Quest Radial and represented as a Map Bundle on the Captain’s Table.
  • Maps can be gifted to other crews! With the map equipped, use your Secondary Use button to offer the map. Should the other crew accept, it will be removed from the Quest Radial.

Stealing Treasure Maps

  • Be aware that Map Bundles sitting on the Captain’s Table are vulnerable! Other pirates can sneak aboard, steal them and take them to the Captain’s Table on their own ship, transferring the maps to their crew.
  • When a ship sinks, Map Bundles will float to the surface like any other item to be collected (or stolen) from the sea.

Quest Board – Browsing Maps

  • Crews will now find a Quest Board near the docks at each Outpost and Seapost, providing access to a range of maps leading to Treasure Stashes. You can filter by region and find islands to plan your route.
  • Crews are limited to taking five maps from the Quest Board each in-game day, so choose wisely!
  • While the maps leading to true riches are placed there by real pirates, the Quest Boards will always be topped up with extra maps to keep the board busy!

Quest Board – Posting Maps

  • Crews with a Map Bundle can head to the Quest Board to post their map for other crews to follow. Some maps may be restricted from being posted, such as items buried at Outposts, so only those that can be accepted by the Quest Board will be displayed.
  • When your crew’s maps are collected by other pirates, each treasure dug up will reward the original crew with Renown and the equal Trading Company reputation for each item discovered. Posting a map to a Chest of Legends? You’ll still earn the same Athena’s Fortune reputation when discovered by another crew, along with bonus Renown!
  • After posting a map, crews are free to continue their adventure or leave the server, receiving rewards for any completed maps while offline. When next joining the game, players will receive a notification of Buried Treasure Map rewards followed by the Renown and reputation payouts.
  • Crews who have placed Buried Treasure Maps on the Quest Board are issued a smaller amount of Renown and reputation for their efforts if the server shuts down, or if another crew retrieves a map and leaves the server or discards the Map Bundle.

Buried Treasures Commendations and Rewards

  • Within the Bilge Rats Reputation tab, new Commendations have been added for players seeking to explore the rich experiences added in this update! Completing these Commendations will unlock new cosmetic sets for purchase in the Outpost stores.
  • The Outpost shipwrights, along with the clothing and weapon shops, now stock the Bilge Rats’ new Party Boat cosmetics. Players must progress through Buried Treasures Commendations to unlock this set for purchase.
  • The Midnight Blades clothing set is now available in the Outpost clothing shops for purchase, locked behind Buried Treasures Commendations.
  • To celebrate in true Bilge Rats fashion, all players now have access to three new shanties: ‘Ballad of the Mer’, ‘Infernal Galop’ (the Can Can) and that old classic ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’!

Buried Treasures Achievements

  • New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the new in-game Commendations. A total of 300 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.

Stolen Secrets [10G]

Who Needs a Bigger Boat? [15G]

Night-Time Spectacular [15G]

Tribute Seat [15G]

Sleepover [15G]

Critical Roll [20G]

Hider of Secret Treasures [30G]

Master Cartographer [30G]

Seeker of Pirate Plunder [50G]

Beholder of Buried Treasures [100G]

Gameplay Improvements

That’s not even half of what’s happening in Season Five. See in the new year with a flurry of fireworks, go on a Cannon Rowboat rampage... or just take a seat to watch the world go by, whisper sweet nothings through your speaking trumpet and roll the dice with seafaring friends!


  • Fireworks are a new resource type and can be purchased in themed Firework Crates from the Merchant Alliance at each Outpost, or discovered across the seas. Fireworks produce a range of effects and colours, with over 50 different designs!
  • Once selected from the inventory, fireworks can be loaded into a cannon and will explode in a magical display of lights when fired. Unlike cannonballs, a firework has a fuse that lights when fired and launches it into the sky after a short time.
  • Fireworks that hit an obstacle will be extinguished before they explode. While fireworks do not damage ships if used aggressively, a rogue spark could always set a ship alight…
  • Crews discovering Firework Crates after looting wreckage can return them to the Merchant Alliance for a reward, or sell them to The Reaper's Bones.

Signal Flares

  • Players will now discover a stock of Signal Flares in their ship’s Cannonball Barrels, which can also be found out in the world. Loading a Signal Flare into a cannon and firing will launch a bright beacon into the sky to call for aid or signal allies!

Cannon Rowboats

  • A new and explosive addition to Rowboats: cannons! Load a cannonball, firebomb, pet or pirate and launch them towards unsuspecting ships and other threats across the seas, while you hide among the waves in your humble Rowboat.
  • Docking a Cannon Rowboat to your ship also provides a new tactical advantage – an additional cannon for those smaller vessels!

Rowboat Docking

  • When docking a Rowboat to a ship, they will now dock to the orientation they were facing in the water. To change the direction, simply face the Rowboat in the intended direction before docking it to the ship.


  • Players will now find different areas on their ship, Outposts and other locations across the world where a prompt enables them to take a seat – finally you can fully enjoy the Captain’s Chair! While sitting, players can change camera position by pressing the Y Button on a controller or the R key on keyboard to better enjoy the view.


  • Players can now make full use of beds, where a prompt will allow them to sleep. The screen will fade to black as they begin to snore, and after a short time they will slowly regain health. Players can wake up at any time – rowdy crew members can even wake them with a splash of water.

Moving Resources Between Barrels and Crates

  • Players can now transfer resources more quickly between barrels, storage crates and Rowboat chests using a held action while carrying the crate itself. Transferring more resources will take more time, and stealing resources from another crew’s ship will take an extended time – it pays to be stealthy!

Rats on Ships

  • As a ship begins to fill with water, rats can now be seen scurrying up from the bottom deck as a sign that there's trouble below. Keep a look out!
  • Any players feeling uneasy about rats needn’t fear – this feature can be disabled from the Settings menu.

Rolling Dice Emotes

  • Available to unlock by progressing through Season Five, these six new emotes can be equipped from any Vanity Chest. Use the D4, D6, D8, D10, D12 or D20 emote to roll a random number and zoom in to see it more clearly. Let’s see what games our pirates can invent!

Floating Treasure

  • After players defeat Kraken tentacles or a Megalodon, seagulls will now circle the floating treasure, marking its location until it sinks. 
  • Treasure dropped by defeated Kraken tentacles will no longer begin to sink until the Kraken has been dispatched, preventing crews from missing out while engaging in the encounter.

Enemy Ammo Drops

  • Skeletons and Phantoms now have a chance to drop ammo pouches upon defeat, fully restocking all weapons a pirate has equipped and improving the flow of combat against island-based threats.


  • With the speaking trumpet equipped, hold the right mouse button or Left Trigger on a controller (or whatever button is bound to Secondary Use) to turn the trumpet around and whisper when using in-game chat.
  • When whispering, the range of proximity chat heard by other crews and chat heard by your own crew will be reduced, allowing for more private conversations.


  • Players will now notice that when using in-game chat, their pirate’s mouth will animate whenever they are speaking.

Improved Cannon Aiming

  • When using a cannon, players can now hold the Secondary Use button to focus their aim by zooming in on their target.

Improved Island Navigation

  • Pirates have been busy around Thieves' Haven! Crews will find crumbling mechanisms replaced with new working versions, allowing easier traversal of the island. But keep a watchful eye out for booby traps!
  • Something feels different at Plunder Valley… New ladders have been placed around the island to aid players in reaching those high cliffs more easily.
  • Watch your step on Kraken’s Fall, as new ladders and makeshift bridges allow pirates to take a death-defying leap on a shortcut to the peak.
  • Everyone’s favourite island Old Faithful Isle has received some much-needed improvements, allowing players to more easily traverse the difficult terrain including a few lifts for faster vertical progress.

Wrong Delivery Location

  • When trying to hand in treasure not accepted by a particular Trading Company, players will now be redirected to the correct place to hand in the item. Trying to sell a Reaper’s Chest to the Order of Souls, for example, will now direct players to The Reaper’s Hideout.

Island Enemy Encounters

  • While exploring islands, crews who encounter and vanquish Ocean Crawlers should now enjoy a much longer respite period before encountering them again on the same island.

Season Five

Another Season means another 100 levels of Renown-based progression, with a grand haul of rewards to claim and more Trials and Deeds to attempt! Not forgetting new Ledger awards for the boldest of Emissaries, while this Plunder Pass packs in more prizes than ever...

Season Five Progression and Rewards

  • Season Five kicks off the festive season with a refreshed progression path, offering new Trials and Deeds for new and experienced pirates alike. Weekly, Monthly and even Season-wide goals reward players for exploring the vast world of Sea of Thieves.
  • Players can also capitalise on Season Five’s new features to earn Renown. Whether it’s burying treasure and posting maps to the Quest Board, or setting out to snatch Map Bundles from unsuspecting crews, there are plenty of new ways to accrue Renown!
  • Progressing through this Season will reward plucky pirates with the unique Bell Brigade clothing set along with time-limited Ancient Gold cosmetics. As an added bonus for Season Five, players can unlock a range of Rolling Dice Emotes to play games with other crews they meet on their adventures!
  • Legendary Pirates or those who become a Pirate Legend during Season Five can also earn Merrick’s Tankard and Grimm’s Jacket.
  • Completing Tiers of Seasonal progression will also award unique Titles that display your success for all to see!

Season Five Plunder Pass

  • Season Five’s Plunder Pass is a generous holiday special to coincide with the season of giving! Purchase the Plunder Pass for access to a boatload of unlockable, never-before-seen rewards, all available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression.
  • Plunder Pass purchasers can earn the full Boreal Aurora ship set along including Collector’s variants, and flop on the beach with the Sand Angel Emote.
  • Purchasers can also earn the Creeping Cold Costume which visually upgrades as players progress through the Season. Unable to fully upgrade the costume before the Season ends? Upgrades will still be available through in-game activities in a later Season.
  • Along with the wealth of new cosmetic rewards in this time-limited holiday offer, Plunder Pass purchasers can now earn 750 Ancient Coins in Season Five – added to the 250 earnable through Seasonal progression, that’s 1000 Ancient Coins in total!
  • The Season Five Plunder Pass is available to purchase in-game through the Pirate Log and Pirate Emporium, from the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Five Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Pistol and Cutlass.
  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Pistol and Cutlass through their Ledger performance.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Pistol and Cutlass.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Pistol and Cutlass.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Hull and Figurehead to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.

Game Events

For those seeking something more focused than the wide-ranging Trials, each Season delivers new time-limited in-game Events offering their own rewards. As the Outposts are once again dressed in jolly decorations, it’s time to deck the hulls for the Festival of Giving!

Festival of Giving (December 13th – December 27th)

  • To kick off the Festival of Giving in style, the tradition of Plundered Presents is back! Grab a free Event Flag from Larinna and head out to the seas to spread gifts far and wide. Sharing treasure with others will earn Seasonal progression and progress towards the festive Wreath of Winter Bucket, Makeup and Tattoo!
  • For those looking for some festive spice on the seas, Larinna has brought back the Powder and Arms Voyages, directing crews to different regions of the seas to recover buried stashes of armaments! Pirate Legends can pick up a special Voyage too.
  • As is customary at this time of year, Larinna is also offering special Gilded Voyages. A new purchase experience helps to ensure that players select their preferred Gilded Voyage, as remember: you only get one!

Grogmanay (December 27th – January 11th)

  • Grogmanay is back! Collect the free Event Flag before taking on the preparatory duty of chugging tankards of grog. When the effects of at least three grogs take hold, head out to attempt a range of woozy Challenge Goals and earn the Bilge Rat Celebration Makeup and Tattoo!
  • Players can also celebrate their participation in Grogmanay with an Annual Tankard. Each year, players who join in the festivities will earn another notch in their tankard, and those who joined in last year will already find a notch from last year’s antics!
  • If these grog-fuelled festivities aren’t enough, Larinna provides Firework Stash Voyages after completing the various Grogmanay Challenge Goals. Each Voyage leads to a crate of Bilge Rat Celebration Fireworks to help crews make this a Grogmanay to remember!

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Five with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Pirate Emporium

Two Seasons on from Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life, new treasures keep rising to the surface as the latest range of Emporium items commemorates the cunning Captain Barbossa. You’ll also find plenty of new emotes and some returning favourites from festive seasons past!

Royal Revenge Ship Collection

  • Adorn your ship with the new Royal Revenge ship set. In addition to the main Royal Revenge Ship Bundle, a majestic Collector’s Figurehead and glorious Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately for top-tier showboating!
  • A Royal Revenge Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a lower price.

Royal Revenge Weapon Bundle

  • Show your foes you’re a pirate to be feared with the four mighty Royal Revenge weapons.

Captain Barbossa Costume Set

  • Dress as the devious Captain Barbossa and bring retribution to any pirates who dare cross you on the seas. Players will receive two variants of the costume, one with beard and one without!

Mutinous Mutt Pet

  • Welcome this dapper dog into your crew with the arrival of the Mutinous Mutt pet!

Time-Limited Captain Barbossa Pet Bundle

  • A time-limited discounted bundle containing both variants of the Captain Barbossa Costume and the Mutinous Mutt pet to keep you company as you sail the seas.

Frozen Horizon Equipment

  • Feel the chill in the air with the Frozen Horizon equipment and instruments! Purchase these items individually or in bundles for a discounted price.

Sea Dog Weapon Pose Emote

  • Flaunt your victory and show off any equipped weapon with this triumphant all-in-one emote!

Say Cheese! Emote Bundle

  • Pose for a quick picture with friends, foes, pets or unsuspecting strangers with these highly photogenic emotes.

Time-Limited Bonechiller Costume

  • Back to help you bring the fear to your foes is the terrifying Bonechiller Costume, which can be worn with or without the ‘jolly’ beard – available to purchase for a limited time.

Time-Limited Festival of Giving Weapons

  • Express your aggressive love for this time of year through the Festival of Giving Weapon Bundle, back on sale for a limited time.

Time-Limited Festival of Giving Pet Outfits Collection

  • To ensure your faithful sidekicks don’t get left out, these adorable pet outfits are also back on the Emporium shelves for a limited time.

Freebie Festive Tree Emote

  • Make yourself part of the furniture this festive season with a free emote!


Enchanted Compass Support

  • Following on from Nautical Narration supporting players with compass navigation, players can now enable narration support for the Enchanted and Wayfinder Compasses. Head to the Language Settings to enable the Enchanted Compass Proximity Announcer.

Settings Menu Refresh

  • Settings menus have now been refreshed, providing new categories with clearer headings for improved ease of use. Accessibility settings have also been moved from their own separate section to the appropriate category for the experience they’re designed to improve.

Fixed Issues


  • On a Sloop, items dropped from the harpoon when the harpoon is angled into the air will no longer become unreachable.
  • Megalodons in pursuit of players should less frequently collide with islands and run aground.
  • Gilded Voyages are now only removed from players’ inventories once successfully begun. Any Voyages that fail to be created are now returned to the Voyage inventory.
  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned on a Sloop, the ghosts on the lower deck can now be seen using the comfy mattress.
  • When ‘Jump Up to Move Up’ is enabled, holding the ‘Swim Up’ button at the same time as reading a journal should no longer cause players to be stuck swimming up when they stop reading.
  • The Trident of Dark Tides aim sensitivity settings are now saved between sessions.
  • Players resetting their keyboard and controller settings to default will now find that the settings stay reset after restarting the game.

Sunken Kingdom

  • The Legend of the Cursed Voyage should no longer fail if players place a Forbidden Key into a Sunken Merfolk Statue before migrating to another server.
  • When inside a Siren Treasury, if a player dies and returns to the final wave from the Ferry of the Damned, the correct music should continue to play. 
  • Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune – Loot retrieved from a Sunken Merfolk Statue near the top of the Shrine should no longer float off the platform.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – Players can now exit through the Shrine’s entrance.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – An ammo box has been added at the entrance to the Shrine.

Lost Shipments Voyages

  • Map clues discovered while on Lost Shipments Voyages should no longer become blank after migrating to another server.
  • Lost Shipments map clues should no longer appear blank for players joining a session in progress.

Tall Tales

  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Players should not be able to see the bubbles of other debris through the water while swimming down.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – There is now a gate to the Spanish fort that players must open to gain entry.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – When exiting the water near the sewer gate, the small steps will no longer cause the player to bounce back into the water.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Ambient noises in the Coral Fortress should no longer cut out when moving around in the ascending chamber.

Pirate Emporium

  • Players purchasing a Plunder Pass are now awarded with the appropriate level rewards straight away without requiring Renown to be earned.
  • The page-turning animation should now loop correctly when using the Good Book Emote.

Visual and Audio

  • Following navigation through the Tunnels of the Damned, ranged weapons now correctly display their bullet trails.
  • Scrolls should now play paper audio effects when being raised and turned.
  • Water audio effects when the Kraken is leaving should no longer stop prematurely.
  • When a player’s ship is on fire, dousing the fire should now no longer cause the flames to disappear immediately but to go out gradually.
  • Players should no longer be able to see through fog when standing next to a ship that is on fire.
  • The friendly merfolk holding a crew’s treasure should now use the appropriate audio effects.
  • Damaged Devil’s Roar Rum Bottle Cargo will now display correct smashed visuals when placed on the ground.
  • The handles on the Legendary Fishing Rod and the Silver Blade Fishing Rod should no longer become detached when used.
  • Fishing rods now should now have a fishing line colour that better matches the colour of the line in the spool.
  • There should no longer be a visual glitch when firing the Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss, the Scurvy Bilge Rat Blunderbuss, the Castaway Bilge Rat Blunderbuss and the Sea of Sands Blunderbuss.
  • The Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss should no longer clip through the camera when aiming down the sights.


  • The wall next to the Sloop’s new bed now takes impact from weapon damage.
  • Navigating up the wooden ramps on top of Thieves’ Haven should no longer cause players to slide off.
  • Players should no longer be launched into the air by walking into a wooden gate on Sailor’s Knot Stronghold.
  • The Mysterious Stranger’s Tankard should no longer become visible floating in mid-air when a player stands too close.

Text and Localisation

  • The tooltip for collecting crates from the Merchant Alliance now reads ‘Take’ instead of ‘Redeem’.
  • The text description in the Events panel should no longer be cut off when the language is set to Russian or Japanese.
  • Text should no longer spill outside the box when naming pets with the language set to Chinese, Korean or Japanese.
  • Corrected spelling issue within the Pirate Emporium monkey collection.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements made to server performance, reducing latency, lag spikes, rubberbanding and server correction during gameplay.
  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.
  • Improvements to how mouse position is captured within the title to improve Touch Controls when played on xCloud.
  • Improved responsiveness of radial menus on lower-spec hardware. Following this change, players will find any custom keybinds for radial menus have been reset.

Known Issues

Incorrect Poses in Sitting Positions

  • Players may find that some pirates adopt an incorrect hand position when sitting in various places around the world. These pirates should rest with their hands on their knees, but may appear to hold their hands in the air.

Ship Physics During Megalodon Attacks

  • Encounters with a hostile Megalodon can cause unexpected physics issues with players’ ships, causing them to be propelled away from the attacking Megalodon.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.29 GB
Xbox Series S: 6.22 GB
Xbox One X: 8.29 GB
Xbox One: 6.22 GB
Windows 10: 7.81 GB
Steam: 6.76 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.3.2 Feast of Bounty id: 91 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.3.2

As we enter the final weeks of Season Four, November’s update brings in the Feast of Bounty Event and fresh Pirate Emporium stock including new emotes and legacy rewards from Season Three’s Plunder Pass. If you’re just jumping into this Season and keen to know what key features were introduced at its launch, check out the content update trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Four: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 6:02)

The original release notes here also offer an in-depth breakdown of Season Four’s September launch content. Now read on to find out what’s being delivered in this final phase of the Season!

Game Events

For those seeking something a little more focused than the intentionally wide-ranging Trials, each new Season delivers new time-limited in-game Events offering their own rewards. Find out what you can expect as Season Four concludes!

Feast of Bounty (November 22nd–29th)

  • It's time for a harvest on the high seas with the Feast of Bounty! Fly the special Event Flag and join with other crews to prepare for the party, before celebrating in style.
  • Taking part in this Event and completing Challenges will reward players with the Feast of Bounty Makeup, Scar, Tattoo and Flag, along with Seasonal Renown.
  • Keep an eye on Sea of Thieves social channels for updates and check the Events Hub for all the details when this Event is ready to serve...

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Four with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Pirate Emporium

Last chance to pick up the latest Plunder Pass as we head towards the end of another Season! A range of new emote bundles are joined by returning Festival of Plenty items and some previous Plunder Pass rewards now up for purchase, including Season Three’s Shining Pegasus gear.

Season Four Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Four rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Four can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • The Plunder Pass offers early access to 11 items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Three Plunder Pass Items Now in the Emporium

  • The Shining Pegasus Weapons, Costume and Banjo are now available for individual purchase from the Pirate Emporium!
  • Pirates bow to no-one when threatening retaliatory thunderbolts: the Thunderous Fury Figurehead, Sails and Flag are now available for purchase.
  • Show off in style with the Versatile Weapon Pose and Gold Pouch Trick emotes!

Bookworm Emotes

  • Instantly get book smart with this compendium of four emotes. New book smell not included.

Smooth Moves Emotes

  • This collection of four funky emotes is perfect for pirates looking to have a good time.

Safe Salutations Emotes

  • Be friendly, but not too friendly with these four socially distanced emotes.

Time-Limited Festival of Plenty Pet Outfits

  • Coinciding with the Feast of Bounty, these food-themed pet outfits are back for a limited time. Head to the Pirate Emporium to dress your pet up for dinner!

Time-Limited Festival of Plenty Instruments

  • Have fun and give thanks to your crew and allies, as these tasty instruments are also back for a limited time!

Freebie Make a Splash Emote

  • Ask a friend (or foe) to throw a bucket of water on you when using this emote for maximum drama!

Black Friday Sale (starts November 26th)

  • You don’t need an eagle-eyed companion to know that a special Friday is fast approaching. Fabulous discounts are available on a range of Pirate Emporium items starting from the 26th, and you’ll find a couple of extra freebies thrown in too!

Outpost Cosmetics

Redcoat Grand Admiral Set

  • The Redcoat Grand Admiral clothing set is now available in the Outpost clothing shops for gold.

Legacy Event Cosmetics

  • Previous rewards from the Fury of the Damned Event have now been added to the Outpost shops.
  • The Wicked Web Tankard, Blunderbuss, Cannons and both Figureheads are now available in Outpost shops, locked behind the Banishing the Damned and Vanquishing the Damned Commendations.

Gameplay Improvements

Outpost Points of Interest

  • When players explore the Outposts, they are now greeted with a subtle notification to confirm their location. While this feature is enabled by default to improve the new player experience, it can be disabled by adjusting ‘World Location Banners’ in the Settings menu.

Automatically Vote on Proposed Voyages

  • The player who proposes a Voyage will now also automatically vote for it. While this new voting mechanic is enabled by default to improve the Voyage experience for new players, it can be disabled by adjusting ‘Auto-vote on Voyage Proposal’ in the Settings menu.


Deep Sea Enemy Encounters

  • While swimming underwater, players can still be ambushed by Sirens, but this now occurs less frequently.
  • When a crew encounters Sirens in the open seas, the limit on how many Sirens will appear during the encounter has been significantly reduced.

Shrine of Ancient Tears Balancing

  • The Shrine of Ancient Tears now has an increased timer after completion before its treasures once more become available to explorers.

Sloop Redecorating

  • Crews preferring the smaller-sized Sloop have often questioned the need for a brig on board. Sloopers will now find that the brig has been replaced with a comfy mattress.

Crimson Crypt Cannon Flare

  • The recently released Crimson Crypt Cannon Flare has been updated so that the lingering smoke effects masking the player’s view after firing a shot are better aligned with those of other Cannon Flares. The occlusion from this effect can no longer be affected by graphics quality settings.

Letters of Recommendation

  • Larinna offers additional Letters of Recommendation for purchase in this update, to make up for a lack of availability in previous updates.


‘Let Games Read to Me’ Narration Improvements

  • Within the Settings menu, players can now use ‘Narrate Change Only’ to control how ‘Let Games Read to Me’ narrates what is visible on the screen.
  • When disabled, the game will continue to narrate the entire screen when navigating through menus. When enabled, only the changes to the screen will be narrated, allowing faster navigation.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews joining a server at the start of a session should now always begin their journey at an Outpost.
  • After firing an Eye of Reach, switching to a cutlass and back in quick succession no longer reloads the weapon outside the player’s view.
  • Crews in The Arena should no longer discover washed-up Voyages, resources or ammunition during contests.
  • When the Fort at Molten Sands becomes active, skeleton waves will now emerge from the ground together in groups.
  • When caging animals, leaving them on an island and returning from some distance away should no longer cause them to change colour.
  • Megalodons attacking a stationary ship should no longer cause the ship to stutter in position.
  • When starting a Merchant Alliance Cargo Voyage within The Devil’s Roar, Morrow’s Peak will no longer appear as a cargo collection location.
  • Players should now be able to redeem Resource and Commodity Crates even after server migration.

Player Input Handling

  • While wielding a weapon and holding fire, using and releasing an interactable ship feature will no longer fire the weapon being held.
  • While holding food, using the ship’s water barrel will no longer show the eating animation without consuming the food.
  • When using the shovel to dig, switching to another piece of equipment or weapon will no longer force the primary input to become stuck.

Fury of the Damned

  • All players who contributed to the Community Spirit Challenge by annihilating skeletons during October’s Fury of the Damned Event will now find the Destroyer of the Damned Title available in their Vanity Chest.

Tall Tales

  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The Siren Queen and Sirens will no longer disappear when a player is above the tridents in the Siren Queen’s throne room.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players can no longer get stuck between tree roots near the shipwreck in the swamp area.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Invisible collision has been removed from the stairs in Isla Tesoro.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Players can now interact with the journal found next to the chair in the Dark Brethren meeting chamber.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – There is no longer an invisible wall beneath the red coral in the Dark Brethren room.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Rebinding movement controls on PC no longer prevents players from being able to navigate keys on the organ.

Sunken Kingdom

  • If a player dies in the process of storing items in a Sunken Merfolk Statue, the storing will now be cancelled immediately and the total items stored will not be updated.
  • Within Treasuries, the Vault Master’s health will no longer reset if a player and their crew die.
  • After using a Merfolk Statue to return to their ship, players should no longer briefly reappear back in the Shrine for other crews.
  • After retrieving Sunken Merfolk Statue loot on the surface and migrating servers, the Statue’s eyes will no longer glow upon returning.
  • The Trident’s ammo will no longer replenish after being stored and recovered from a Sunken Merfolk Statue.
  • Shrine of Hungering – When the lower stone face is activated for a second time, the water audio and visual effects no longer get stuck.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – Players can no longer use the terrain and sword lunges to skip the puzzle.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – Players can no longer pass through the Shrine walls near the blue coral after raising the water level.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – There is no longer a gap in the environment allowing the player to see out of the Shrine.
  • Shrine of Tribute – Sirens no longer get stuck when they spawn under a statue in the main statue room.
  • Shrine of Tribute – Players can no longer become stuck near the coral Siren Statue.
  • Shrine of Tribute – Players can no longer venture outside the environment through a gap in the Shrine wall.
  • Shrine of Tribute – Players can no longer venture outside the environment through the base of a Merfolk Statue.
  • Shrine of Tribute – Various pieces of coral can no longer be walked through.
  • Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune – There is no longer an unintended pocket of water in the tunnel between the second level and final chamber.


  • Graymarrow can no longer become stuck in a tree on the Fort of the Damned.
  • There is no longer a floating rock on the north-west side of Kraken’s Watchtower.
  • Items placed around the exterior of the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern can now be picked back up again.

Visual and Audio

  • When boarding a ship from the sea, players are no longer able to muffle the boarding audio effects by grabbing the ladder while underwater or while using equipment, ensuring nearby players will always hear someone boarding from the ocean.
  • Players should no longer be able to strike a location where other players may be respawning and receive an audio effect, confirming that player’s location.
  • Players should no longer briefly see another crew’s mermaid smoke and audio effects when they themselves are not abandoned at sea.
  • Season notifications no longer pop up over the Maiden Voyage outro cutscene.
  • Players equipping the Scorched Forsaken Ashes Figurehead on a Sloop will now see the correct figurehead applied.
  • When a player is looking into the sky while holding an item, their pirate’s hand should no longer disappear.
  • The Fearless Bone Crusher Figurehead now sits correctly on all ship types.
  • Players’ fingers should no longer stick out of the Wicked Web Gloves.
  • When playing on an Xbox One, the screen should no longer flash rapidly when another player is interacting (or cancelling an interaction) with a ladder while holding a pet.


  • The Quest Book and Tale items discovered during ‘The Sunken Pearl’ Tall Tale are now correctly narrated in the Map Radial when using ‘Let Games Read to Me’.
  • When ‘Nautical Narration’ is enabled, it should no longer continue reading out directions when the Wayfinder Compass is stowed.
  • When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, accessing the Shanty Radial is now read out correctly.
  • Maps retrieved from a Coral Message in a Bottle are now correctly narrated in the Map Radial when using ‘Let Games Read to Me’.
  • When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, all settings headers should be correctly narrated.
  • When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, the spinning compass should no longer continue to be narrated when the Game Options are open.
  • When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, navigating the Pause Menu should be correctly narrated.
  • Options that aren’t highlighted in the Settings menu now have a higher contrast to improve accessibility.

Text and Localisation

  • The Gold Hoarder’s name is now correctly translated above his head in Turkish.
  • The ‘Store’ and ‘Take’ transfer text is now greyed out when a barrel is empty.
  • Pets can once again be named Pedro.
  • When the game’s language is set to Turkish, the tab font within the Pirate Emporium should no longer be too big and the names of categories should now fit.
  • When the game’s language is set to Korean, dying and offering your soul to the Ferryman now shows the circle filling properly when holding the button or key required to complete this action.

Performance and Stability

  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.
  • Improvements made to server performance, reducing latency, lag spikes, rubberbanding and server correction during gameplay.
  • Client stability has also been improved, reducing scenarios where players experience a game crash.

Known Issues

Ship Physics During Megalodon Attacks

  • Encounters with a hostile Megalodon can cause unexpected physics issues with players’ ships, causing them to be propelled away from the attacking Megalodon.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.53 GB
Xbox Series S: 5.51 GB
Xbox One X: 8.53 GB
Xbox One: 5.51 GB
Windows 10: 8.29 GB
Steam: 7.23 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 90 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

With Season Four well underway, and October’s update bringing a spooky atmosphere to the seas, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of these fixes in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new features that arrived in Season Four, check out the full-length release notes from September and the latest additions from October!

Fixed Issues


  • Players attempting to use a bucket while sprinting will now instantly wield the bucket, allowing them to scoop or bail water.
  • Players attempting to eat food while sprinting will now instantly ready the food item, allowing them to eat.

The Sunken Kingdom

  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – Players are now able to read all journals that can be discovered while exploring this Shrine.

Outpost Shops

  • Once unlocked by completing the Scourge of Skeleton Ships Commendation, the Bone Crusher Trousers are now available to purchase from Outpost clothing shops for the correct price of 2,700 gold.

Known Issues

Ship Physics During Megalodon Attacks

  • Encounters with a hostile Megalodon can cause unexpected physics issues with players’ ships, causing them to be propelled away from the attacking Megalodon.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.21 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.64 GB
Xbox One X: 4.21 GB
Xbox One: 2.64 GB
Windows 10: 3.87 GB
Steam: 3.7 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.3.1 id: 89 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.3.1

Season Four is now well underway, and October’s update brings us the ongoing Fury of the Damned Event, an eerie onslaught of new Pirate Emporium offerings, fresh stock for the Outpost shops and an array of fixed issues! Need a reminder of the key features introduced at Season Four’s launch? Check out the content update trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Four: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 6:02)

The original release notes here also offer an in-depth breakdown of Season Four’s September launch content. Now read on to find out what’s being delivered in this next phase of the Season!

Game Events

For those seeking something a little more focused than the intentionally wide-ranging Trials, each new Season delivers new time-limited in-game Events offering their own rewards. Find out what you can expect as Season Four continues!

Fury of the Damned – Now Live!

  • Sea of Thieves’ annual event in honour of the Ferryman is back, and the Outposts are once again bedecked with gourds! This year’s event runs until November 4th and asks crews to undertake a range of actions to earn the Bilge Rats’ Favour, from tackling fiendish Forts to fighting ghastly Phantoms and smashing skeletons.
  • Overcome the undead forces threatening the seas by completing Challenges to earn Favour. Doing this will award you items from the Wicked Web cosmetic set.
  • Additionally, pirates who complete a short qualifying Challenge can take part in Community Spirit Challenges to annihilate a huge number of skeletons, and will receive even more rewards if the Sea of Thieves bands together to meet these global goals.
  • Log in to find a full list of Challenges on the Fury of the Damned Event page!

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Four with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn items from the Twilight Hunter set.  Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Prime Gaming

  • Cosmetics, currency and emotes are up for grabs in the last of the time-limited packs available to Prime Gaming members! Visit our Prime Gaming page to find out how to link your Amazon Prime account and claim while you still can.

Pirate Emporium

The Crimson Crypt Ship Collection sails into the Emporium to soak up that Festival of the Damned atmosphere! Along with the matching Costume and Weapon Bundle, not to mention a new Diabolical Dog and returning skeleton pets, this bloodthirsty ensemble is sure to strike fear into your foes.

Season Four Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Four rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Four can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • The Plunder Pass offers early access to 11 items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Crimson Crypt Ship Collection

  • Intimidate others on the seas by shrouding your ship in picks from the Crimson Crypt Ship Collection. In addition to the main Crimson Crypt Ship Bundle, a bloodthirsty Collector’s Figurehead and grandiose Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately.
  • A Crimson Crypt Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a lower price.

Crimson Crypt Costume

  • Perch atop your crow’s nest as you sail the seas wearing this ominous outfit. Still not creepy enough? Use the Summon Bats Emote!

Crimson Crypt Weapon Bundle

  • Launch a cold-hearted assault with this set of four weapons cut from metal, stone and glass.

Crimson Crypt Tankard

  • Raise a toast to your crew, while assuring them it’s definitely just grog and the rumours are unfounded.

Halloween Hijinks Emotes

  • This collection of frightful emotes is perfect for pirates looking to give others a seasonal scare.

Diabolical Dog

  • Welcome a petrifying pup into your crew with the arrival of the Diabolical Dog pet!

Time-Limited Skeleton Pets

  • To celebrate the Fury of the Damned Event, skeleton pets are back for a limited time: head to the Pirate Emporium to choose from the Skeleton Big Pet Bundle, Skeleton Little Pet Bundle or Skeleton Mixed Pet Bundle.

Time-Limited Inu Bone Crusher Bundle

  • For this month only, pick up a discounted bundle containing a faithful Inu with an adorable Bone Crusher Outfit!

Freebie Seriously Spooked Emote

  • Be completely up front about your gibbering terror with the latest free emote.

Crypts and Creatures Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores. This bundle contains the Crimson Crypt Costume, Diabolical Dog pet, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

*Skeletal Sailor Starter Edition (Steam Only) *

  • A time-limited bundle available only from the Steam Store. This bundle contains a copy of Sea of Thieves at 25% off, along with the Reaper’s Heart weapons and Skeleton Alsatian pet! Head to the Steam Item Store between October 28th and November 1st to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Scorched Forsaken Ashes Cosmetics

  • The Outpost shipwrights now offer the Scorched Forsaken Ashes ship set, locked behind the Warsmith of the Flame Commendation.
  • The Outpost weapon shops now offer Scorched Forsaken Ashes weapons, locked behind the Hunter of Captain Grimm, Hunter of Red Ruth, Hunter of Old Horatio and Hunter of Warden Chi Commendations.
  • The Outpost equipment shops now offer Scorched Forsaken Ashes equipment, locked behind the Captain of Ashen Bones Commendation, along with Scorched Forsaken Ashen instruments, locked behind the Hunter of the Ashen Winds Commendation.
  • The Outpost clothing shops now offer Scorched Forsaken Ashes clothing, locked behind the Banisher of the Flame Commendation.

Foul Rotten Bilge Rat Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now offer the Foul Rotten Bilge Rat clothing set in exchange for gold.

Thriving Wild Rose Compass

  • The Thriving Wild Rose Compass is now available from the Outpost equipment shops, locked behind the Always Yours Commendation.

Missing Fearless Bone Crusher Cosmetics

  • The Outpost shipwrights now offer the Fearless Bone Crusher Figurehead, Cannons, Capstan and Wheel, locked behind the Master of Cursed Iron Commendation.

Missing Bone Crusher Cosmetics

  • The Bone Crusher Trousers are now available to purchase with Doubloons from the Outpost clothing shops, locked behind the Scourge of Skeleton Ships Commendation.
  • The Bone Crusher Beard, Bone Crusher High-Tie Hair and Bone Crusher Adorned Hair can be found in the Outpost clothing shops, locked behind the United Scourge of Skeleton Ships Commendation.


Outpost Signposts

  • The signposts found on Outposts are now interactable. They provide directions to the nearest Trading Company representatives and the docks, helping players find the most direct route to wherever they need to be.

Siren Shrine Balancing

  • Ocean Crawlers and Sirens encountered within the Siren Shrines should now drop Siren Gems upon defeat.

Sunken Merfolk Statues

  • Sunken Merfolk Statues will no longer allow Skeleton Fort, Fort of the Damned or Fort of Fortune Keys to be stored inside. Reaper’s Chests and Reaper’s Bounties can also no longer be stored in Sunken Merfolk Statues.

Turkish Language Support

  • Sea of Thieves now supports Turkish localisation across the entire game.


Disabling Screen Shake Effects

  • Players can now choose to disable screen shake effects triggered in various scenarios by using the ‘Disable Screen Shake’ setting.

Disabling Blur Effects

  • Players can now choose to disable various blur effects such as the ghostly effect on Damned treasure items by using the ‘Disable Blur’ setting.

Fixed Issues


  • Players are now able to bail water with a bucket and dig with a shovel consistently after migrating across servers.
  • Players should now find Rowboats and Harpoon Rowboats appearing emergently across the seas with the intended frequency.
  • Hitting a ship’s harpoons with explosive damage no longer transfers that damage to the ship’s hull, although explosive damage that impacts the hull directly will cause damage as intended. 
  • The Dark Adventurers Blunderbuss should no longer clip into the player’s hands while reloading.
  • When using Alt+Tab to switch windows, using the mouse to click back to the game window will now select the window, and should no longer also perform an action within the game.
  • Selling a stolen Chest of Rage to The Reaper’s Bones should now correctly progress the Hot Goods Commendation. 
  • When releasing the Trident from a harpoon into water, it should no longer spin continuously on the surface.

Sunken Kingdom

  • Voyage items from the Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage can now be stored within Sunken Merfolk Statues.
  • When multiple ships are above the same Sunken Kingdom location, the merfolk should no longer disappear as ships approach.
  • Crews simultaneously storing treasure in Sunken Merfolk Statues across different Siren Shrines should no longer find the treasure count increasing when players store treasure in a different Shrine.
  • Returning to your ship from within a Siren Shrine or Treasury using the Sunken Merfolk Statue and then swimming back down should no longer cause visual issues.
  • Storing and retrieving loot in a Sunken Merfolk Statue should no longer trigger visual effect changes for Sunken Merfolk Statues in other Shrines and Treasuries.
  • The shimmer visible above Siren Treasuries should correctly disappear when the Treasury is completed.
  • Treasury of Sunken Shores – The Hermit enemy should no longer get stuck on rocks on the floor.
  • Treasury of the Secret Wilds – There should no longer be a hole in the exterior of the Treasury.
  • Treasury of the Secret Wilds – Players should no longer be able to gain access to an unintended area on the exterior of the Treasury.
  • Shrine of Flooded Embrace – Fog should now be visible surrounding the Shrine when playing on Xbox.
  • Shrine of Flooded Embrace – If a player migrates to another server after opening all the doors, they should no longer appear open on the destination server.
  • Shrine of Hungering – Players should no longer be able to gain access to an unintended area through a hole in the environment.
  • Shrine of Hungering – The geyser should no longer be active when the water level rises above it.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – Players should no longer be able to gain access to an unintended area through the roof of the red coral cave.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – Players should now have to complete all the puzzles before they are able to access the treasure.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – The shockwave visual effects in the Shrine of the Coral Tomb should no longer extend past the Shrine’s entrance.
  • Shrine of the Coral Tomb – Players should no longer be able to gain access to an unintended area outside the main hall.
  • Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune – When interacting with the first pulley, players should no longer appear to rise off the ground.
  • Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune – When retrieving treasure from Sunken Merfolk Statues, treasure should no longer spawn in the environment.
  • Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune – When the storm passes over the Shrine, the wheels in the top section should no longer turn.
  • Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune – There should no longer be a hole in the terrain behind one of the barrels in the room with the skeleton bridge.
  • Shrine of Tribute – The front entrance and treasure room doors should now have the correct visual effects.

Tall Tales

  • *‘The Fate of the Morningstar’ *– The apparition of the skeleton firing the cannons should now animate correctly.
  • ‘The Fate of the Morningstar’ – The 'Open Sarcophagus' tooltip should no longer persist after opening the sarcophagus.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Players should no longer be able to jump over the compass puzzle door and fall out of the playable area.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – The Ferry of the Damned should appear in the correct position to players who join the Tale in progress.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Starting this tale from a checkpoint will remind crews that the Mermaid statue at the entrance can bring players to the right location for the tale.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When playing as a female pirate, the Captain’s Cabin key should now sit correctly in the player’s hand during the first-person sequence.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The Kraken's head should now have the correct amount of health intended across all crew sizes.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The water level should be at the correct level even when leaving and returning to the Shrine area.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The first Siren Threshold after the Silver Blade fight should no longer close as players pass through.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Migrating across servers during the Castaway’s intro scene should no longer block progress through the Tale or access to the Shrine.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The Mysterious Voice subtitles should now be visible during the Tale.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The floating debris on the surface can no longer be harpooned onto the ship.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Notifications for receiving checkpoints should now appear as the Tale progresses.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Starting this tale from a checkpoint will remind crews that the Mermaid Statue at the entrance can bring players to the right location for the Tale.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – The chains holding the large ship piece should now move correctly when the ship pieces are raised.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – There should no longer be an invisible wall beneath the red coral in the Dark Brethren room.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Players should no longer be able to reach otherwise inaccessible areas by jumping on the coral attached to the mast in Sunken Chamber.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Rebinding the left and right movement controls should no longer prevent sideways movement on water slides.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Interrupting Davy Jones should no longer cut off his dialogue and prevent him from saying “Begin the ritual!”
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Players should no longer be able to hear Captain Jack Sparrow’s voice after he sails out of the battle area.

Pirate Emporium

  • Cancelling a real money purchase should no longer cause the game to freeze.

Ocean Crawlers

  • Ocean Crawlers should now take damage from environmental traps.
  • Eel-ectric Chain Lightning attacks can now damage skeletons.


  • Sirens now have additional aggressive animations when performing their Scratch attack.


  • All treasure discovered within the Siren Shrines, Treasuries and their exteriors should now be collectable.
  • Exterior Siren Thresholds within Siren Treasuries should no longer overlap the surrounding environment.

Visual and Audio

  • Leaking audio effects should no longer continue to play if a hole in a ship’s hull is repaired when the player is away from it.
  • Coral Coffers discovered in the Sunken Kingdom will now revert to an appropriately sized single-handed item when converting to a low memory cost model.
  • Floating merfolk now correctly fade out when leaving the area.
  • Handles on the Coral Collector’s Chest should no longer disconnect when the chest closes.
  • Players should now be able to hear other players storing and retrieving loot from Sunken Merfolk Statues.
  • The Coral Message in a Bottle quest scroll now has correct paper audio effects when used.
  • Cannons should now recoil correctly when firing, and visual effects from firebombs should now appear when loaded into a cannon.
  • Hitting any Ocean Crawler with a cutlass should now play the correct audio effect.
  • Volcanic eruption audio effects should no longer be audible in the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern. 
  • The Damned item set should no longer be invisible when performing emotes that make use of a currently equipped item.

Text and Localisation

  • The Guardian of Coral Captain’s Skulls Commendation has now been updated to read “Coral Skulls” in its name and description. 
  • The ‘Continuous When Equipped’ option text for Nautical Narration should no longer overlap the arrows in the menu.
  • The Hunter of Trophy Fish Title should now have the correct Commendation description.


  • When players are in a storm with Nautical Narration enabled, the ship's compass should now be narrated as “Compass is spinning”.
  • Increased size of the ‘Delete Pirate’, ‘Dismiss Pet’ and ‘Join Session/Create Session’ custom server button text on the Settings screens.
  • The message of the day text on the front end has been increased in size and line height to help with accessibility.

Performance and Stability

  • When performing various different actions in the game, the response time between input and action has been improved on lower-spec hardware.
  • Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.
  • After losing connection to the game and receiving an Allmondbeard error, the ‘What’s New’ menu should no longer show as padlocked and should function correctly.

Known Issues

Siren Shrine Journals

  • Players are currently unable to read or interact with the fourth journal at the Shrine of the Coral Tomb.

Ship Physics During Megalodon Attacks

  • Encounters with a hostile Megalodon can cause unexpected physics issues with players’ ships, causing them to be propelled away from the attacking Megalodon.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 5.69 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.77 GB
Xbox One X: 5.69 GB
Xbox One: 3.77 GB
Windows 10: 5.11 GB
Steam: 5.3 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 88 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

With Season Four underway, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing these fixes in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new features that arrived in Season Four, check out the full-length release notes!

Fixed Issues

The Sunken Kingdom

  • Players storing treasure in a Sunken Merfolk Statue should no longer find that the Statue displays no contents.
  • Crews simultaneously storing treasure in Sunken Merfolk Statues across different Siren Shrines should no longer find that each Statue displays no contents.
  • Selling a Breath of the Sea to any Trading Company representative will now correctly increment the Seeker of the Sea Commendation.
  • Players are no longer able to gain additional Emissary Grade progression when retrieving Coral Collector’s Chests from a Sunken Merfolk Statue.
  • The Shrine of the Coral Tomb no longer has a hole in the roof allowing players to swim into the environment.

Performance and Stability

  • Reduced the frequency of players experiencing a Bluebeard error when loading the game.
  • Improved server stability, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Unable to Bail Water after Server Migration

  • Players are experiencing issues bailing water with a bucket after migrating across servers. This issue can be mitigated by changing the bucket cosmetic or returning from the Ferry of the Damned if affected after migration.

Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage

  • Players are temporarily prevented from using Sunken Merfolk Statues to store quest items such as chests and keys received while on the Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage. Crews are encouraged to keep the Forbidden Coral Chest with them while venturing below the waves and using the keys as soon as they are uncovered to reduce the number of items needing to be carried.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.4 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.8 GB
Xbox One X: 4.4 GB
Xbox One: 2.8 GB
Windows 10: 4.02 GB
Steam: 3.79 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.3.0 Season 4 / Sunken Kingdom id: 87 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.3.0

The Seasons turn once again, and Sea of Thieves' world expands beneath the waves! First sighted in the Tall Tales of Season Three, the full expanse of the Sunken Kingdom becomes explorable in Season Four. Scout out the Shrines, tear through the Treasuries and reap the rewards! But first, watch the trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Four: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 6:02)

Now get your teeth into the details below as you prepare for undersea adventures, imminent Events, Emporium enticements and a deluge of Deeds. Read on!

The Sunken Kingdom

Do you dare seek the spoils of the deadly Sirens? Their Shrines and Treasuries are now laid bare to any sailor of the Sea of Thieves. Great wealth and knowledge await those brave enough to take the plunge, but the Sirens and Ocean Crawlers will protect it with their lives...

Siren Shrines

  • Created by the Sirens themselves, these newly uncovered Shrines were built with a wicked purpose. Their locations are charted on the ship’s map, and players reaching the marked spot will need to dive deep and swim through aerated waters to reach these mysterious monuments.
  • Siren Shrines pose a challenge to players’ puzzle-solving skills as they navigate obstacles to access hidden locations within these sunken structures. Coral treasures can be claimed along the way, and more determined explorers will find ever more treasure for the taking...
  • Players can visit six Siren Shrines: the Shrine of Hungering and Shrine of Flooded Embrace in The Wilds, the Shrine of Ocean’s Fortune and Shrine of the Coral Tomb in The Shores of Plenty, and the Shrine of Ancient Tears and Shrine of Tribute in The Ancient Isles.

Siren Treasuries

  • Siren Treasuries are additional undersea locations that will test pirates’ combat skills against a range of enemy threats. Players can expect to battle waves of hideous Ocean Crawlers, deadly Sirens and Coral Skeletons to unlock the Vault and escape with their Coral treasures.
  • Players can visit three Siren Treasuries: the Treasury of Sunken Shores in The Shores of Plenty, the Treasury of the Secret Wilds in The Wilds and the Treasury of the Lost Ancients in The Ancient Isles.

Coral Treasures

  • Exploring Siren Shrines and Siren Treasuries will reward players with new Coral treasures. Skulls can be returned to the Order of Souls, Coffers go to the Merchant Alliance, and Chests, Artifacts and Trinkets are gladly received by the Gold Hoarders. Siren Gems can be returned to any Trading Company representative.
  • While exploring the Sunken Kingdom, crews will be aided by friendly merfolk sworn to help those in need, in the form of Sunken Merfolk Statues. These statues allow players to deposit treasure for safekeeping while they explore an area.
  • Upon returning to the surface, players will be greeted by merfolk holding their collected Sunken Treasure in a clamshell on their back. When a player is ready to gather their spoils, only they can release this treasure for collection.

Coral Message in a Bottle Quests

  • As the Sunken Kingdom emerges from the depths, new items have begun washing up on shore across the Sea of Thieves. The familiar glint of glass may now lead players to a Coral Message in a Bottle, containing a note leading down to the Sunken Kingdom and the riches hidden beneath the waves.
  • By following these, players can uncover a unique treasure: the Breath of the Sea. Derived from the same power held inside Mermaid and Siren Gems, this can be handed in to any Trading Company for a generous reward! Three different rarities can be found, each worth more than the last: Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby.

Mysteries of the Sunken Kingdom

  • Scattered throughout the Siren Shrines, journals written by intrepid adventurers seeking the mysteries of the Sunken Kingdom await discovery by new explorers. 
  • Players who locate all journals and learn the mysteries of the Sunken Kingdom should return to Larinna for a Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage, offering an Enchanted Compass and a note leading to the first clue.
  • Players bold enough to forego the scholar’s warnings and unearth knowledge of the sorrowful secrets on the sea bed can seek an even greater prize, displaying their time spent below the surface…

Sunken Kingdom Commendations and Rewards

  • Within the Bilge Rats Reputation tab, new Commendations have been added for players seeking the waterlogged riches of the Sunken Kingdom. Completing these Commendations will unlock access to the remaining coral-encrusted items of the Sunken Sorrow ship and weapon sets currently held in the Outpost stores.

Sunken Kingdom Achievements

  • New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the new in-game Commendations. A total of 200 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.

Mystery of Hungering [10G]

Mystery of Flooded Embrace [10G]

Mystery of Ocean's Fortune [10G]

Mystery of the Coral Tomb [10G]

Mystery of Ancient Tears [10G]

Mystery of Tribute [10G]

Sunken Kingdom Marauder [10G]

Seeker of the Sea [30G]

Legend of the Sunken Kingdom [100G]

Season Four

Another 100 levels of Seasonal progression with a wide range of rewards to shoot for, complemented by a shake-up of the Trials and Deeds system that now gives you more varied ways to get there. New Emissary Ledger rewards? Season Four has those too!

Seasonal Progression and Rewards

  • Progressing through Season Four will reward pirates with the Wicked Web clothing set, unique Season Four specials alongside time-limited Siren’s Wrath collectibles.
  • Existing Pirate Legends or those who earn this lofty title during Season Four will also be able to unlock the Cursed Adventurer Cutlass and Wanda’s Spyglass.
  • Reaching certain Tiers of Seasonal progression will award a unique Title that shows off your success for all to see!

Season Four Trials and Deeds

  • Players seeking to accelerate their progress through a Season should consider taking on Trials: themed sets of tasks known as Deeds that will test adventuring, exploring and battling capabilities.
  • Season Four contains a refreshed set of Seasonal Trials for new and experienced pirates alike, while also introducing Weekly and Monthly Trials that bring in further feats to tackle and Renown boosts to earn as the Season progresses.
  • Weekly Trials are refreshed every Thursday (10am UTC), while Monthly Trials are refreshed on the last Thursday of the month (also 10am UTC).
  • Daily Deeds have been revamped in Season Four, serving players short session experiences of varying lengths: Swift Deeds designed to be tackled in 5-10 minutes and Standard Deeds likely to take around twice as long, all awarding suitable Seasonal Renown gains on completion.

Season Four Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Capstan, Flag and Sails.
  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Capstan, Flag and Sails from their Ledger performance.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Capstan, Flag and Sails.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Capstan, Flag and Sails.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Capstan and Wheel to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.

Game Events

For those seeking something a little more focused than the intentionally wide-ranging Trials, each new Season delivers new time-limited in-game Events offering their own rewards. Find out what you can expect in the opening weeks of Season Four!

Fury of the Damned (Coming Soon)

  • Sea of Thieves’ annual event in honour of the Ferryman is back! This year’s event runs across four weeks, with each themed week asking crews to undertake different actions to earn the Bilge Rats’ Favour, from tackling fiendish Forts to fighting ghastly Phantoms and smashing skeletons.
  • Overcoming the undead forces threatening the seas by completing Challenges to earn Favour will award items from the Wicked Web set.
  • Keep an eye on Sea of Thieves social channels for updates, and check the Events Hub for all the info when this Event drops!

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Four with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned for more news on when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Prime Gaming

  • Cosmetics, currency and emotes are up for grabs in the last of the time-limited packs available to Prime Gaming members! Visit our Prime Gaming page to find out how to link your Amazon Prime account and claim while you still can.

Pirate Emporium

Whether you go down a regally reptilian route with the Golden Nile collection or raise your emote game with Absolute Joker and Victorious Weapon Pose picks, September's Emporium restock has you covered. Meanwhile, everything's new in the Season Four Plunder Pass!

Season Four Plunder Pass

  • Purchase the latest Plunder Pass to add 11 never-before-seen rewards to the pool available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression, along with Ancient Coin drops at each Tier.
  • The Season Four Plunder Pass is entirely stocked with early access items. It unlocks the ability to earn parts of the brand new Jack O' Looter ship set, a matching Costume, a full selection of weapons and more!
  • The Season Four Plunder Pass is available to purchase through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Golden Nile Ship Collection

  • Embellish your ship as you so wish from the new Golden Nile Ship Collection. In addition to the main Golden Nile Ship Bundle, a majestic Collector’s Figurehead and glorious Collector’s Sails can be purchased separately for top-tier showboating!
  • A Golden Nile Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a lower price.

Golden Nile Costume

  • Look sharp and snappy in the new crocodile-crowned Golden Nile Costume, and while wearing it you can perform the built-in Sand Shaker Emote!

Golden Nile Weapon Bundle

  • Impress your enemies as much as your own crewmates with these glittering Golden Nile weapons.

Golden Nile Lantern

  • Illuminate the path of piracy that lies ahead with the ornate Golden Nile Lantern.

Victorious Weapon Pose Emote

  • Strike a heroic pose and show off any equipped weapon with this triumphant all-in-one emote!

Absolute Joker Emotes

  • Bring hilarious japes to any long Voyage with these four emotes designed for pranksters.

Freebie Drama Emote

  • Raise your exasperation into the realm of true drama with this free emote.

*Bite and Brighten Bundle (Store Only) *

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores. This bundle contains the Golden Nile Lantern and Collector's Figurehead, 1000 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Olive Majestic Sovereign Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Olive Majestic Sovereign clothing set, available to purchase for gold.


Nautical Narration

  • Nautical Narration is a feature to help players navigate the seas using their handheld compass or ship-mounted compass, announcing the direction being faced when ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled.
  • There are four different options: ‘Off’, ‘One Shot Narration’, ‘Continuous’ and ‘Continuous When Equipped’.* ‘One Shot Narration’ means the direction your pirate is facing will be narrated once when using the compass. When using the ship’s wheel, players will need to press E on the keyboard or the Y button on a controller to narrate the ship’s current direction. This can be rebound within the game settings.* ‘Continuous’ will narrate the direction your pirate is facing as you turn while using the compass.* ‘Continuous When Equipped’ will continually narrate direction without the player needing to raise the compass.
  • For ‘Continuous’ narration options, the delay between narration can be configured within the Accessibility Settings.

Gameplay Improvements

Island Enemy Encounters

  • When encountering emergent threats while exploring smaller resource islands, crews will now only encounter a specific type of enemy in a wave rather than facing waves of mixed enemy types.

Deep Sea Enemy Encounters

  • When groups of players swim into deep water, the number of Sirens that can appear has been reduced.

Swimming Upwards

  • Players can now hold down the Space Bar on a keyboard or the A button on a controller to swim directly up when underwater. This keybind is remappable so that players can change it to their own preference.


Dynamic Resolution on Xbox Series X

  • On Xbox Series X consoles, Sea of Thieves will now dynamically scale resolution in order to maintain a smooth 60 frames-per-second experience during periods of high activity.

Front End Messaging

  • The game’s front end now supports the display of notifications sent from Sea of Thieves Support, used to communicate issues that may affect active or incoming players.

Muting Copyrighted Audio in *Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life*

  • A new option can be found in the Audio Settings allowing content creators to mute all copyrighted audio heard throughout the Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life Tall Tales.
  • When ‘Mute Copyrighted Audio’ is enabled, any music cues, sound effects or audio taken from or based on Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean movies or attraction will be muted, including the ‘Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)’ shanty when played by players.

Replace Gamertags Keybind

  • The option to keybind ‘Toggle Replace Gamertags’ for quick use has now been re-enabled.

Fixed Issues


  • Ocean Crawlers should no longer appear and disrupt the Legend of Glitterbeard experience.
  • Players can no longer cancel the self-douse animations while using the bucket in order to throw water into their face more rapidly than intended.
  • Players should no longer be able to mitigate damage dealt by other players during a game stall.
  • Players should no longer be able to extend the distance when fired from a cannon during a game stall.
  • Using a ship’s harpoon prior to server migration should no longer cause that harpoon to become unusable following migration.
  • Devil’s Roar Merchant Cargo Voyages now consistently lead to a character in The Devil’s Roar to collect the required cargo.
  • Completing the Devil's Ridge Wayfinder Voyages for the Gold Hoarders should now count towards the Golden Devil's Voyager Commendation within The Forsaken Shores. 
  • When starting a Lost Shipments Voyage, the first parchment that players receive should now display text correctly.
  • When playing with an AZERTY keyboard layout, the 1 and 2 keys will now quick swap to the appropriate items.
  • When selecting the Condemned Captain Monkey in the Pet Chest, no clothing should be selectable from the Outfit tab.

Tall Tales

  • ‘Fate of the Morningstar’ – The Quest Book now better supports Japanese localisation without some characters appearing cut off.
  • ‘Fate of the Morningstar’ – The “Open Sarcophagus” tooltip should no longer remain on-screen after opening the sarcophagus.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players are no longer able to leave a Galleon travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Improved server stability when releasing the Cursed Captain from his cage.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – The Flying Dutchman will appear correctly alongside the Ferry of the Damned with complete visual effects and accompanying voiceover from Davy Jones.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ and ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players should no longer be able to activate a Voyage after transitioning through the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ and ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Rejoining a session after disconnecting while in the Tunnels of the Damned should no longer cause the player to ‘wake up’ at the Tale location, away from their ship.
  • ’The Sunken Pearl’ – When following the debris while swimming down, it should no longer pop into view.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The water from the stone faces should no longer noticeably restart each time the player’s camera changes position.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – The Mermaid Statue located outside the Throne Room should now have appropriate interaction prompts.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Players should no longer be able to stand inside the Kraken’s head and attack it with a cutlass.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Players should no longer be able to skip the mechanisms in the Salvage Room by jumping on coral around the environment.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – Players should no longer be able to harpoon the Cursed Captain's skull from the top of the tavern door.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Voiceover lines for various characters should now play correctly throughout the Tale.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – The statues should appear to be illuminated when joining a crew in progress during the Chamber of Sorrow encounter.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Players should no longer be able to get stuck or fall under the map in the Lower Ascending Chamber.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – The waterfall splash VFX in the Ascending Chamber should no longer become invisible when a player gets close.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – The intro cutscene should now play as intended when starting the Tale.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Voiceover for various characters should now play correctly throughout the Tale.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Cancelling or failing the Tale should now cause the Spire and Siren Statues to descend gracefully.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – The Storage Crate of the Dark Brethren should now use the correct name on the pick up/open tooltip when viewing it.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – After starting and cancelling the Tale, the Spire should now animate correctly and no longer sit above the water.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Davy Jones should no longer be missing his voiceover lines after the Flying Dutchman’s defeat.

Custom Servers

  • When creating a Custom Server session, the host can now directly invite friends to the lobby using an in-game option.


  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ who receive a message from a player with Text To Speech enabled should no longer hear the message narrated twice.


  • Within the Pirate Legend Hideout, players should no longer be able to push through the environment near the pier and appear in the sea.
  • When spawning at Golden Sands Outpost with a Brigantine, the ship should now appear closer to the dock.
  • After defeating an Ashen Lord on Shipwreck Bay, the treasure dropped should now be accessible every time.
  • At Sailor's Knot Stronghold, treasure should no longer be able to fall under the environment near the Vault doors.
  • The Pirate Emporium at Plunder Outpost and Ancient Spire Outpost should no longer have a peanut bag sticking through the wall.

Visual and Audio

  • The Trident of Dark Tides now has a green glint when viewed from a distance.
  • All Merchant Commodities and Bounty Skulls now glint when viewed from a distance.
  • Each Trading Company's Reputation page should now correctly summarise the total number of Titles that can be earned.
  • Soulflame Cannon Flare visual effects should now appear as intended to other players present.
  • The correct audio sound should now be heard when digging up a treasure chest.
  • The Hunter's Call Forager Parrot should now be suitably sooty after being fired out of a cannon.
  • In an active Ancient Vault, water pouring from the statues will now be clearly visible at all times.
  • The Relic of Darkness Wheel has been modified to prevent it blocking players’ ability to see the ship’s compass.
  • The Tribute Peak and Relic of Darkness Cannons have been modified to improve aiming visibility when firing.
  • Emotes which have a visual effect will now correctly display this effect in the preview within the Pirate Emporium and Vanity Chest.
  • The time remaining in the Seasons menu should now correctly represent the time remaining within the Season.

Performance and Stability

  • Further improvements made to server performance, reducing latency during gameplay.
  • Improved server stability, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage

  • Players are temporarily prevented from using Sunken Merfolk Statues to store quest items such as chests and keys received while on the Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage. Crews are encouraged to keep the Forbidden Coral Chest with them while venturing below the waves and using the keys as soon as they are uncovered to reduce the number of items needing to be carried.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 7.6 GB
Xbox Series S: 6.4 GB
Xbox One X: 7.6 GB
Xbox One: 6.4 GB
Windows 10: 7.1 GB
Steam: 6.7 GB



Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 86 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Three progresses, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing these fixes in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new features that arrived in Season Three, check out the full-length release notes – or get the lowdown on our most recent update from August!


Replace Gamertags Keybind

  • The option to keybind ‘Toggle Replace Gamertags’ for quick use has now been disabled.

Making Mayhem Event

  • Following community feedback, Favour awarded for certain actions has been rebalanced since the launch of the Event.

Fixed Issues

Performance and Stability

  • When using Alt+Tab to change focus between windows while playing on Steam, there should no longer be an extended freeze when leaving and returning to the game window.

Tall Tales

  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Upon approaching the Coral Fortress, players should now more consistently hear Captain Jack Sparrow’s voice as he is speaking.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Upon uncovering the mysterious meeting, players should now more consistently hear the characters’ voices as they are speaking.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – While progressing through the Tall Tale, players should now more consistently hear Jack Sparrow speaking as he reacts to events within the story.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Upon defeating Siren Statues, players should now be able to hear Davy Jones’ voice as he speaks to crews.

Pirate Emporium

  • The imagery used in the Cursed Ferryman Essential Ship Bundle now correctly displays the Cursed Ferryman Sails that will be received on purchase.

Known Issues

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

Tunnels of the Damned – Rejoining a Session

  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned, rejoining the game after a lost connection may result in visual issues and failed migration to the new area, returning players to their starting location.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 3.89 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.57 GB
Xbox One X: 3.89 GB
Xbox One: 2.57 GB
Windows 10: 4.13 GB
Steam: 3.29 GB

Xbox installation instructions can be found here.

PC installation instructions can be found here.

Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.2.1 id: 85 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.2.1

August’s update is here and we’re now well into the latter half of Sea of Thieves Season Three. A new Event awaits before Season’s end, while the Pirate Emporium has eerie goods inspired by Davy Jones – and there are countless tweaks, fixes and improvements to check out too! Remind yourselves of Season Three’s headline features with the original trailer...

Sea of Thieves Season Three: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 3:33)

For an in-depth look at everything Season Three offered at launch, view the original release notes here. Now read on for a breakdown of what’s being delivered in this final phase of the Season!

Game Events

For those seeking something a little more focused than the intentionally wide-ranging Trials, each new Season delivers new time-limited in-game Events offering their own rewards. Find out what you can expect in the closing weeks of Season Three!

Making Mayhem (August 24th–September 7th)

  • Time for piratical pandemonium! In the Making Mayhem Event it's your job to enliven the Sea of Thieves by looting, shooting and blowing things up.
  • The brand new Mayhem ship set by is up for grabs, inspired by the legendary Vaults of far distant lands.
  • Complete Minor and Major Mayhem Challenges to earn the Bilge Rats’ Favour, unlocking a piece of the set every time a Favour threshold is reached.
  • Larinna is sending out Mysterious Notes encouraging pirates to get involved – log in to find a full list of Challenges on the Making Mayhem Event page.

Jewels of the Deep (coming soon)

  • Following the emergence of the latest threats beneath the waves, Larinna is readying new challenges and rewards for pirates willing to take the fight to these undersea terrors.
  • Earning enough of the Bilge Rats’ Favour in this Event will unlock various rewards, while handing in enough Mermaid and Siren Gems will unlock a time-limited Event-exclusive cosmetic – the Ruby Sovereign Eyepatch.
  • Keep an eye on Sea of Thieves social channels for updates, and check the Events Hub for all the info when this Event drops!

Twitch Drops

  • Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Three with Twitch Drops! Tune in to Partnered streamers to earn additional parts of the Gilded Phoenix ship set in August. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our Twitch Drops page.

Prime Gaming

  • Continuing this month, plenty of cosmetics, currency and emotes are up for grabs in a series of time-limited packs for Prime Gaming members! Visit our Prime Gaming page to find out how to link your Amazon Prime account and claim each pack when it goes live.

Pirate Emporium

Season Three’s first Emporium update let you share some of Captain Jack Sparrow’s flair – now you can go darker with a new costume, ship set and even a pet themed around Davy Jones! The Plunder Pass also stays in play for enriching your Seasonal rewards...

Season Three Plunder Pass

  • Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Three rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Three can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.
  • The Plunder Pass offers early access to 11 items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Cursed Ferryman Ship Collection

  • Give your ship the look of a true vessel of purgatory with this new collection. The Cursed Ferryman Ship Bundle, Collector’s Figurehead, Collector’s Sails and Cannon Flare are all available to purchase.
  • A Cursed Ferryman Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a lower price.

Cursed Ferryman Weapons

  • Show off your skills using these weapons salvaged from the depths of the sea to bring sorrow to your enemies.
  • The Cursed Ferryman Weapon Bundle is also available, offering all four weapons at a discount.

Davy Jones Cursed Costume Set

  • Dress as the notorious Davy Jones and strike fear into the hearts of other pirates who dare cross you on the seas.
  • Players will receive two variants of the costume when purchasing, one with beard and one without.

Condemned Captain Monkey

  • This pet monkey is risking a trip to the Locker by aping the notorious Davy Jones. Who wouldn’t want such a fearless creature as a pet?

Summer Fun Emotes

  • Feel like summer is already on its way out? Bring it right back with these sizzling beach emotes!
  • The Summer Fun Emote Bundle is also available, offering all four emotes at a discount.

Summer Sea Dog Macaw Bundle

  • For the duration of the update, players can pick up a discounted bundle with a cheerful Bright Belly Macaw and Sea Dog Outfit.

Emporium Sale (starts August 26th)

  • The Pirate Emporium will soon be awash with another wave of discounts on pets and weapons introduced in previous updates. Drop by to see what you can save on all manner of treasures!

Freebie Chef’s Kiss Emote

  • Rate your own culinary skills highly every time with this free emote. Bon appetit!

Season Two Plunder Pass Items Return!

  • Previously included in the Season Two Plunder Pass, the Black Phoenix Figurehead, Sails and Flag are now available for individual purchase under Shipwright Specials in the Pirate Emporium.
  • The Popcorn and Backflip emotes are now available for purchase under Standalone Emotes in the Pirate Emporium.

Captain Jack Sparrow Emote Availability

  • Previously available only as part of a bundle, the Captain Jack Sparrow Emotes can now be purchased individually.

Outpost Cosmetics

Thriving Wild Rose Set

  • The Outpost shipwrights, along with the clothing, equipment and weapon shops, now offer the Thriving Wild Rose set for purchase. Players must obtain the Always Yours Commendation to unlock access to this set.

Hardy Ruffian Sea Dog Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Hardy Ruffian Sea Dog clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

Sovereign Eyepatches

  • The Emerald Sovereign and Sapphire Sovereign Eyepatches have been added to the Outpost clothing shops, locked behind the Master Emerald Curse Breaker and Master Sapphire Curse Breaker Commendations.

Dawn Hunter Set

  • The missing Dawn Hunter Shirt has been added to the Outpost clothing shops, locked behind the Plundered Prizes Commendation.

Gameplay Improvements

Hit Registration on Moving Ships

  • Improvements have been made to how bullets are affected by the velocity of a moving ship, providing a small improvement to ranged weapons fired from moving ships.

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life Tall Tale Improvements

  • During ‘The Sunken Pearl’ and ‘Dark Brethren’ Tall Tales, when a crew engages with an encounter and the room is locked, other crews approaching the encounter room will now find a notification on the locked door indicating that the room is currently in use by another crew.

Island Enemy Encounters

  • When encountering emergent threats while exploring islands, crews are now less likely to encounter Ocean Crawlers and Phantoms.
  • When attacked by Ocean Crawlers while exploring islands, the number of enemies that attack in a wave has been significantly reduced.
  • When facing a crew of Ocean Crawlers, crews will often find they have more time to tackle these challenging new foes before encountering additional threats.
  • After crews complete a Bounty Quest on a named island, there is now a longer delay before they may find themselves attacked by emergent threats.
  • When players defeat a Phantom, there is now a chance that they will drop Gold Pouches which can be collected to award gold to your crew immediately.

Deep Sea Enemy Encounters

  • When players swim into deep water, the time span before a Siren encounter has been broadened, and their presence should be felt less strongly than before.
  • Crews swimming in deep water will now be attacked less frequently by sharks and Sirens together in a wave.

Trident of Dark Tides Balancing

  • When players wield the Trident of Dark Tides, Megalodons and emergent Krakens now take reduced damage from the Trident’s attacks.

Rowboat Interactions

  • The Rowboat’s back seat now shows both ‘Sit in Seat’ and ‘Open Storage’ options together.
  • To sit in a Rowboat’s passenger seats, players will be prompted by ‘Hold to Sit’ instead of ‘Press to Sit’. Controlling the oars remains unchanged and is still ‘Press to Sit’.

Ship Spawning

  • Ships at Golden Sands, Sanctuary and Ancient Spire Outposts should now spawn closer to the dock, meaning players should no longer need to swim to reach their ship.

Ancient Coin Wallet

  • When earning Ancient Coins, players will now see the number of coins earned tick up in the notification area alongside any gold and Doubloons earned.


Radial Menu Navigation

  • All in-game radial menus can now be controlled using the D-pad or keyboard. By default, these can be navigated clockwise and anti-clockwise using the left and right arrow keys and D-pad. 

Extended ‘Let Games Read to Me’ Narration Support

  • When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, recently added emotes now have support for audio descriptions when performed.
  • The initial accessibility screen presented on initial load now has full support for audio navigation.
  • When creating a custom server, the session code displayed is now narrated.


Replace Gamertags Keybind

  • Players can now set a keybind for the ‘Toggle Replace Gamertags’ option, allowing players who use this feature to quickly disable it when needed.

Crew Nameplates Keybind

  • Players can now set a keybind for the ‘Toggle Crew Nameplates’ option, allowing quick access to hide and unhide your crew’s gamertags during play.

Letters of Recommendation

  • Larinna offers additional Letters of Recommendation for players to purchase in this update, to make up for a lack of availability in previous updates.

Fixed Issues


  • When a crew’s ship is sunk and one of the Merfolk waits to take them to their new location, any crew members rejoining the session or joining in progress will no longer arrive near the Merfolk. Joining players will now arrive at their new ship in a distant location.
  • Catching the sail length of a falling ship’s mast and attempting to raise it should no longer leave players unable to repair the mast when returned to the upright position.
  • Players can no longer cancel the scoop and throw animations while using the bucket in order to bail water faster than intended.
  • Players can no longer cancel the digging animation while using a shovel in order to dig more rapidly than intended.
  • Taking damage while charging a heavy cutlass attack will now cancel the attack, rather than triggering a heavy attack animation without inflicting damage.
  • Hitting an opponent’s harpoon with a cannonball should no longer block the hull from taking damage.
  • Players will now be told that their inventory is full when trying to remove a fish from their fishing rod with no space to do so.
  • When a player is hiding after performing a Hide or Barrel Disguise Emote, approaching that player should no longer show them restart the animation from the beginning.
  • Emergent Skeleton Captains should now drop Riddle and X Marks the Spot variants of Gold Hoarders Voyages when defeated.
  • Sharks should no longer chase players out of the sea and swim up onto the beaches.
  • After unbinding the Rowboat controls, the Rowboat tutorial prompt should now display correctly. 
  • During the Trading Company onboarding, the capstan prompt should reappear upon reaching the island even after a player’s ship has sunk.
  • Purchased Commodity Crates should now become visually locked.
  • During the Maiden Voyage there should now be a ‘Climb Ladder’ prompt while on the crow's nest of the fallen mast.
  • During the Legend of Glitterbeard experience, skeletons should no longer be able to walk above the Hideout.
  • Killing an Ashen Lord during a Fort of Fortune encounter should now correctly progress Ashen Winds Commendations.
  • Skeletons summoned by Skeleton Lords during Fort encounters should now be destroyed following the defeat of the Skeleton Lord.
  • Crews can no longer find an Animal Crate that offers repeatable Seasonal Renown when collected.
  • When collecting a Merchant Contract from a Message in a Bottle, players are now just as likely to find a wooden plank contract compared to other resource types such as fruit or cannonball contracts. 

Tunnels of the Damned

  • After leaving the Tunnels of the Damned as an active Emissary, a player’s ship will now release the correct Emissary Flag when eventually sunk.
  • After passing through the Tunnels of the Damned, the first emote a player uses on arrival at the new location should no longer make them appear invisible.
  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned, players should no longer be able to fall off their Brigantine by climbing into an attached Rowboat and jumping. 
  • During the return journey through the Tunnels of the Damned, the ghost pirates with a map and a shovel will have those items correctly in their hands.
  • Resource Crates of the Damned should now retain their ghostly glow in the Tunnel of the Damned.

Ocean Crawlers

  • When engaging with the Crab or Hermit Ocean Crawlers, players can no longer push too close and hide the enemy from view.
  • Hermits will no longer rush players if there is an obstacle in the way, and will now manoeuvre around the obstacle before performing an attack.
  • Eel-ectrics will no longer perform an Eel Slap after dashing away from their melee target.
  • Defeating Ocean Crawlers will no longer progress various fire-based Commendations and Deeds, as the Ocean Crawlers are unaffected by these weapons.


  • When players enter a ship during an encounter with Sirens, the Sirens will now lose their target and attempt to move to another target within line of sight.
  • Sirens should no longer appear during Arena contests.
  • The visual effects of a Siren healing are no longer shown rising from the surface of the water.
  • Sirens will no longer ignore players who sneak up behind them. 
  • Sirens will no longer die invisibly if they are killed while using their Disorientate ability. 
  • When Sirens change directions while swimming underwater, their tails will no longer flip unnaturally.
  • Sirens will now bend their bodies more naturally when launching long-distance Siren Song projectiles at their target.

Trident of Dark Tides

  • Vault Keys should no longer disappear when they are picked up while holding the Trident of Dark Tides.
  • Taking an item from a Collector’s Chest while holding the Trident of the Dark Tides should no longer cause the item to disappear.
  • The Trident of the Dark Tides explosion VFX should now fire correctly and not rotate if it hits an enemy as they are turning.

Emissary Voting

  • When voting to represent a Trading Company as an Emissary, a vote will now only show at the Outpost it was voted on, preventing a crew from passing a vote when not together.
  • Players should now always be able to see voting daggers on the Emissary tables, even if they were not near the table when another player started the vote.

Lost Shipments Voyages

  • When tracking a Lost Shipment to a wreck site, players will now more consistently find a shipwreck instead of a floating Manifest.
  • When reaching rank 75 with the Merchant Alliance and undertaking a Lost Shipments Voyage, the first clue should now appear alongside floating barrels at the clue site.
  • After migrating servers, players should now be able to unlock the cabin of a shipwreck if they have collected the key.
  • During a Lost Shipments Voyage, the treasure inside the Captain’s cabin should no longer be duplicated if the crew migrates while on a Voyage.
  • The Manifest from a Lost Shipments Voyage now counts as Merchant Alliance loot for a range of Trials.


  • Players swimming into the front of the Galleon’s hull while the ship is moving can no longer reappear inside the ship.
  • Players can no longer step off the side of the Galleon and become stuck in the hull.
  • Players can no longer jump off the Brigantine voting table and pop through the ship’s hull.
  • Sword-lunging into the Sloop’s cannonball barrels no longer launches the player into the sky.
  • Players moving between the cannonball barrels and the Captain’s cabin of the Sloop will no longer find themselves outside the ship’s hull.
  • Players can no longer to use a Rowboat to push through the outer hull of a Sloop and become stuck in the brig.
  • During a Fort of the Damned encounter, Graymarrow should no longer be at risk of becoming stuck in a tree.
  • The Dark Warsmith Figurehead (regular and Collector’s versions) no longer intersects with the hull on a Sloop.
  • The water effects at the small waterfall on Shark Bait Cove should now always be visible.
  • Players can no longer reach the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern by breaking through the environment within the Pirate Legend Hideout.
  • At Sanctuary Outpost and Golden Sands Outpost, the target hanging by the weapon shop no longer intersects with the environment.
  • Wooden towers on Marauder’s Arch can now be viewed correctly even when players are at a distance.
  • The tunnel entrance on the unnamed island at K9 is now once again accessible.
  • Players are no longer able to push themselves through rocks located at E2.
  • During an Arena contest, the broken mast at the Sea Dogs delivery point now has the correct collision for players.

Visual and Audio

  • The ambient audio effects heard from a Chest of a Thousand Grogs and Bounty Skulls will no longer be heard once a player cashes them in.
  • After repairing the mast with planks, the sounds of the mast being damaged will no longer persist.
  • The Daring Deceiver Trousers now correctly match their image.
  • The ghostly effects of the Tankard of the Damned no longer create visual issues when looking at atmospheric effects such as a storm, fog or clouds.
  • Instruments of the Damned can no longer be seen through players or appear to distort them.
  • When looking at a riddle quest map, the riddle steps now fade in on the map instead of popping in.
  • The Devil’s Shroud now fits the map edges on the western side of the map.
  • The amount of grog in a tankard should now be visually depleted at the same rate it is drunk.
  • Players’ fingers should no longer clip though their fishing rods.
  • On Sloops and Brigantines, the wooden textures on the handrail in front of the wheel now wrap correctly.
  • When rejoining a session during a Cargo Run, the Cargo Crates now have the correct appearance.
  • When the Dawn Hunter Wheel takes damage, the spokes should now be visibly broken.
  • When scrolling quickly through the in-game Settings menu, the setting highlighted no longer briefly disappears.
  • The Prison Dog’s tail now animates correctly when the dog reacts to a player performing an emote.
  • Ghost Ships should no longer appear to be missing any sails when encountered.
  • When changing the ship’s lantern from a Flame of Fate colour back to default, attempting to collect the default colour will no longer take the previous Flame of Fate colour into your lantern.
  • Performing the Slippery Spyglass Emote with the Ancient Spyglass no longer causes it to intersect with the player’s head.

Text and Localisation

  • The Reaper’s Bones Emissary Ledger Title awarded to players at the end of July no longer has the same text as the previous Season. 
  • Salty the parrot now has dialogue at Plunder Valley even outside Tall Tales. 
  • Emoji characters are no longer supported on the Xbox virtual keyboard when typing messages to other players or renaming pets.
  • Ashen Winds Commendations: Ashen Bones and Captain of Ashen Bones now show that progress can be made by completing the stated criteria against skeletons or Phantoms.
  • Cursed Sails Commendation: Scorched Skeletons now shows that progress can be made by completing the stated criteria against skeletons or Phantoms.
  • Cursed Crews Commendations: The Curse of the Foul Grog, The Curse of the Dancing Demon, The Curse of the Black Viper, The Curse of the Sandman’s Revenge, The Curse of the Fool’s Stride, Master of Cursed Iron and Legend of Cursed Iron now show that progress can be made by completing the stated criteria against skeletons or Phantoms.
  • Subtitles should always be present during moments of dialogue, even after a screen resize. 
  • The Tankard of the Damned description should no longer have duplicate text.
  • At Galleon’s Grave Outpost, Scarlett the shipwright’s name should now have consistent spelling.
  • When a player is unable to access Daily Deeds in the Pirate Log, the error message should now read “There are no Events that can be shown right now”.
  • The names of Merrick’s family members are now highlighted in yellow when players interact with them.
  • The Master of Stronghold Spoils Commendation text should now fill the text box and be clearly readable.
  • Descriptions for the Disgraced Merchant Alliance Hat and Disgraced Order of Souls Headband should now clearly show the correct Commendations required to unlock them.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved client stability during Fort of Fortune encounters.
  • Improved client stability when interacting with the organ during the ‘Dark Brethren’ Tall Tale.
  • Improved server stability, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Tall Tales – *Shores of Gold*

  • ‘The Art of the Trickster’ – After navigating through the traps on Sailor’s Bounty and cancelling the Tale, players will no longer respawn in the trap tunnel when dying.
  • ‘The Art of the Trickster’ – Within the Trickster’s Lair, using a Mermaid Statue will now correctly return players to their ship.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ – Barrels found in the trap tunnels and Throne Room no longer can contain cannonballs and wooden planks, and will always offer food to prepare crews for the encounter.

Tall Tales – ‘A Pirate’s Life’

  • The ship’s map table should now be hidden after joining a Tale already in progress or rejoining a session.
  • When using a Wraith Statue to return to the correct location after using a checkpoint, players should now be facing the intended direction on arrival.
  • If a crew’s ship has been sunk within the Sea of the Damned, the Wraith Statue will still allow players to return by spawning a new ship for them. This ensures that players can always cancel the Tale and return to the Sea of Thieves.
  • When lighting a lantern that requires the Flame of Souls, the prompt should now say “Requires Flame of Souls to light”.
  • In Dead Man’s Grotto, thick fog banks now visually cover the areas that players are unable to reach.
  • The ghosts within Dead Man’s Grotto now fade in sooner so there is little or no delay, ensuring players do not miss them.
  • The ghostly tankards should now correctly fade in alongside the ghosts in the broken lever room.
  • The music now fades in and out naturally or starts again after passing over the first bridge to Sailor’s Grave then immediately walking back across. 
  • While exploring Sailor’s Grave, players should no longer be able to navigate around the rocks to access the treasure-laden ship before it is opened.
  • Players far away from the lighthouse should now be able to see the movement of its light.
  • Players should no longer be able to use a Rowboat to access the mysterious wreck before it is opened.
  • Players should no longer be able to cross the bridge into Sailor’s Grave without using the beacon to raise the bridge mechanism.
  • Upon locating the Cursed Captain’s Ship, players should no longer be able to make their way up the rocks to access the ship before it has been opened.
  • There is no longer a pop sound before the Cursed Captain’s crew can be seen on the deck of the Cursed Captain’s ship.
  • The Cursed Captain’s subtitles are no longer missing when the player collects the Cabin Key.
  • After digging up Poor Dougie’s Chest, the prompt to use a key on the chest now correctly spells Dougie’s name.
  • The collision on the chandelier in the Sailor’s Grave tavern now works as intended.
  • Ghost pirates now populate the tavern in Sailor’s Grave when the Tale is started from a checkpoint.
  • The tavern ghosts’ gunfire VFX and audio no longer continue playing in the Sailor’s Grave tavern after the ghosts have faded following the Ferry of the Damned’s arrival.
  • Players should no longer respawn on the Ferry of the Damned after dying before they have boarded.
  • Crews reaching the Ferry of the Damned can no longer interrupt the Ferryman’s speech and block progress by interacting with the Well of Fates.
  • When interacting with the Prison Dog on the Ferry of the Damned, the prompt now correctly says “Take Brig Key”.
  • Players should now be able to pick up the keys after putting them on barrels near Captain Jack Sparrow's cell.
  • Audio effects now play when the Ferryman throws his sword and Jack picks it up.
  • The prompt for closing the sarcophagi now says “Close” rather than “Open”.
  • If the tunnel migration fails after the Tale is finished, subtitles for Jack Sparrow's dialogue no longer appear.

Tall Tales – ‘The Sunken Pearl’

  • The Reputation page should no longer be shown prior to unlocking the Tall Tale.
  • Players should now see an appropriate prompt when approaching a pulley that has been previously disabled.
  • During the Tall Tale, players should now receive pop-up notifications when reaching checkpoints.
  • The water out of the stone faces should no longer restart each time you look away and look back.
  • When engaging the Kraken, players are now more clearly directed to attack the head to defeat the foe. Attacking the Kraken’s tentacle will no longer cause it to visually react to damage or display a hit reaction.
  • In the final phase of the Kraken encounter, dying and returning to the encounter no longer causes the tentacles to replay their entrance animation.
  • The wooden board in the Silver Blade chamber is now attached to the ship rather than floating.
  • There is no longer a hole in the terrain near the coral on the right-hand side of the Silver Blade room.
  • There is no longer a gap under the one of the stone faces in the Siren Queen’s Throne Room that allows players to get out of the room.
  • There are no longer hidden gaps in the wall in the Citadel entrance.
  • The fog no longer persists after joining during the Siren Queen fight when the water has been raised.
  • Players will no longer hear constant drowning audio when entering water again after failing the Tale due to drowning.
  • When joining a crew during the final phase of the Silver Blade fight, all other players will continue to animate correctly when moving.
  • During the Silver Blade encounter, returning from the Ferry of the Damned or joining a crew in progress, players should no longer be unable to see the Kraken upon entering the room.
  • After draining the second water level in the Shrine, the water splash visual effects are now aligned with the rising water level. 
  • Players are now given additional time in the Silver Blade chamber after defeating the Kraken to retrieve their treasure before being removed from the area.
  • The Tale beacon now appears immediately when starting from the Tall Tale checkpoint.
  • Starting the Tale from a Chapter 3 checkpoint and entering the Citadel that has been opened by another crew will no longer cause the Tale to fail if your Siren Heart Gem becomes lost.
  • Players should no longer be launched to the water’s surface when swimming around the debris air pockets. 
  • The Siren Queen’s Trident now dissolves promptly when she dies.
  • If players go through the large Citadel door and swim back up to their ship before the door closes, they should now be able to use the Tale progress statue to get back into the Citadel.
  • Players should no longer see any objects when looking through the window in the Citadel.
  • If the Siren Queen is killed while disorientating a player, her death animation now plays alongside her voiceover. 
  • Players can continue the Tale from a Chapter 3 checkpoint even if the Citadel door is already open.
  • The pulley in the Salvage Room should not have a delay when raising or lowering the shipwreck debris.
  • Players should no longer be able to see the base of the air-giving plant at the Citadel exit.

Tall Tales – ‘Captains of the Damned’

  • The ship’s map table is now hidden after joining a Tale already in progress or rejoining a session.
  • Barrels found within the village will no longer offer players emergent Message in a Bottle Voyages.
  • During the intro on Galleon’s Grave Outpost, Gibbs can now be seen leaving the tent through the curtain correctly. 
  • The player’s lantern will no longer change back to the normal colour after the Flame of Souls is taken from the shipwreck.
  • Players can no longer swim through the Wicked Wench’s hull.
  • All ships in the Final Chapter now fade out when leaving.
  • In the return tunnel cutscene where the apparitions review the map, the map should now look ghostly and move correctly with the apparitions’ hands. 
  • A range of text edits have been made to subtitles.
  • The pop-up when receiving Jack’s Compass now reads “Jack’s Compass Received”.
  • When players carry out the platform puzzle in the Isla Tesoro armoury while the cutscene is still playing, invisible collision will no longer knock players off the platforms.

Tall Tales – ‘Dark Brethren’

  • The Reputation page should no longer be shown prior to unlocking the Tall Tale.
  • Players now see an appropriate prompt when approaching a pulley that has previously been disabled.
  • Large waterfall visual and audio effects no longer play when the waterfall is inactive.
  • In the final encounter, the timing of the music has been improved when Captain Jack Sparrow cuts down the cannons for players.
  • During the organ sequence, Jack Sparrow no longer briefly appears in an incorrect location.
  • Rain and thunder should no longer be heard when inside the Flying Dutchman.
  • The Dead Man’s Chest Key now sits properly in the lock when unlocking the chest.
  • The Gold Hoarder’s Gem now appears in his hand when he returns from the fight.
  • The right-hand Crab on the tilting mast now animates properly after the Gold Hoarder is defeated.
  • When the Crab falls from the mast during the final encounter, supporting audio effects can now be heard.
  • After dying in the Chamber of Sorrow, the music should now start when a player respawns.
  • It is no longer possible to jump into the Shipwreck’s planks in the Shipwrecked Room.
  • A small door behind a waterfall which Jack Sparrow opens for you now correctly shows the space beneath.
  • It is no longer possible to jump onto inaccessible areas from coral in the Ritual Chamber or the Fortress.
  • Players can no longer fire themselves up from a cannon to the suspended shipwreck in the Ritual Chamber.
  • After starting from the Chapter 3 checkpoint, a floating Jack Sparrow should no longer be seen near the doors to the Chamber of Sorrow.
  • After starting from the Chapter 3 checkpoint, when the shipwreck is lowered, Jack Sparrow should now appear correctly.
  • Jack Sparrow no longer floats slightly above ground level when docked to the cannon to fire at Davy Jones in the Ritual Chamber.
  • There is no longer a floating piece of coral in the large cave after the Shipwrecked Room.
  • Jack Sparrow no longer intersects with the ground when coming out of the slide.
  • Music in the ascending chamber should now play whenever the player is in there, regardless of whether or not the Sirens have been left alive in the lower chamber.
  • Jack Sparrow’s legs no longer pass through the gold piles in the Ritual Chamber.
  • Players can no longer become stuck and unable to escape from shipwreck debris outside the Coral Fortress.
  • Players can now easily get back up to the raised platform near the entrance to the Ritual Chamber.
  • Davy Jones’ lips are now synced to the VO in the final encounter.
  • Players no longer stutter after performing a jump from the shipwreck bridge while it’s still being raised.
  • The statues that light up to show wave progress in Chapter 2 now illuminate correctly when a player joins an encounter already in progress. 
  • Players can no longer gain access to the Coral Fortress from outside by firing themselves from a cannon.

Tall Tales – ‘Lords of the Sea’

  • Sea fog should no longer overlap with the encounter at the Spire.
  • A pursuing Megalodon can no longer follow crews into the battle.
  • Skeleton Ships can no longer follow crews into the battle.
  • Davy Jones will now comment when Ocean Crawlers board the player’s ship during the battle.
  • Davy Jones will now comment when crews accidentally open fire on a friendly Ghost Ship during the battle.
  • Davy Jones now has the correct voiceover lines when a player sails away before returning to the battle.
  • Phantoms should now continue talking even after the third wave spawns.
  • The portal no longer stays open after the Tale is completed.
  • After cancelling the Tale, players will no longer spawn in the air where the top of the Spire used to be.
  • Davy Jones now reacts when a Captain’s Ghost Ship sinks.
  • The cutscene music should no longer become desynchronised.
  • Players will no longer see the storm effect pop in when starting the Final Chapter close to the Spire.
  • There is no longer a spelling error in the subtitles for Davy Jones’ dialogue line “She said those statues are invincible!”
  • The Flying Dutchman should no longer be missing collision on the back of the ship.
  • Dying during the last wave of Phantoms should no longer prevent the required key from appearing.
  • When reaching the top of the Spire by using a cannon, appropriate subtitles are now shown for the VO lines.
  • Upon reaching the top of the Spire, there should no longer be missing VO when opening the mysterious chest.
  • The Journals of the Black Pearl Commendation should no longer contain a typo.
  • Objects and treasure can now be placed correctly on the deck of the Black Pearl at the end of the Tale.
  • When exploring the Black Pearl, wet audio effects should no longer be heard below deck.
  • Crashing into the Black Pearl at the end of the Tale should now cause damage to the player’s ship.
  • Lanterns on the Black Pearl should no longer glow when turned off.

Known Issues

Pirate Emporium – Cursed Ferryman Essential Ship Bundle

  • The Cursed Ferryman Essential Ship Bundle displays incorrect sail artwork at the purchase screen: the larger preview image of the full ship shows the Collector’s Sails, which are not included. The smaller thumbnail for the individual item correctly shows the standard Cursed Ferryman Sails.

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life – Missing Dialogue

  • During the 'Dark Brethren' and 'Lords of the Sea' Tall Tales, some VO lines may not play in scenes featuring Captain Jack Sparrow, or during the Dark Brethren meeting and boss encounter.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to improve the player combat experience.

Tunnels of the Damned – Rejoining a Session

  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned, rejoining the game after a lost connection may result in visual issues and failed migration to the new area, returning players to their starting location.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.74 GB
Xbox Series S: 6.53 GB
Xbox One X: 9.74 GB
Xbox One: 6.53 GB
Windows 10: 9.67 GB
Steam: 8.7 GB

Xbox installation instructions can be found here.

PC installation instructions can be found here.

Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 84 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Three progresses, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing these fixes in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new features that arrived in Season Three, check out the full-length release notes!

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life

As a result of feedback from the community, this release makes some improvements to the ‘Captains of the Damned’ Tall Tale to enhance comprehension and provide a smoother journey for crews early in the experience.

‘Captains of the Damned’ – The Whispering Bayou Improvements

  • Upon entering the Bayou, a newly extended straight area has been added with the aim of encouraging players to feel safe while sailing their ship through the entire length of the Bayou.
  • Some rocks have been added to the outcrop at the end of the first T-junction to encourage players to stay on their ship while sailing through the Bayou.
  • Crews uncovering a Rowboat in the Bayou will no longer be able to use the Rowboat to leave the area and reach the next location.
  • When the ghostly barrier dissipates, Jack’s Compass will direct players back to their ship, encouraging players to use it to sail to the next location.

Fixed Issues


  • A fully unloaded weapon will no longer instantly reload when collecting ammo from an Ammo Chest.

Tall Tales

  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – When navigating through Dead Man’s Grotto, swimming into the deep water should no longer result in players having visibility through solid surfaces.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Within Dead Man’s Grotto, climbing down the smugglers’ dock ladder will now drop players into the water below.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players can no longer walk into and through chests nestled around Dead Man’s Grotto.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players should no longer be safe teleported when navigating over rocks within Sailor’s Grave.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Upon reaching Sailor’s Grave, players should no longer be able to get across the lowered bridge or under the ravine to access the mysterious wreck before it is opened.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – While exploring Sailor’s Grave, players should no longer be able to navigate around the rocks to access the treasure-laden ship before it is opened.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Upon locating the Cursed Captain’s Ship, players should no longer be able to make their way up the rocks to access the ship before it has been opened.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Crews ascending the Shrine should no longer be able to lower the water level, leaving them unable to proceed.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – The textures underneath the hut within the Bayou will now show the correct material.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Water reflections and ripples in deep water will now appear correctly when swimming through the Coral Fortress.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – While progressing through the tunnel to the shipwrecked room, players will no longer slip into the wall.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – After the final battle, players will no longer be able to access areas within the room intended to be unreachable.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Ghost Ships appearing and disappearing through portals will now have audio effects.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Defeating an enemy Ghost Ship will now play an audio effect.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – During the encounter with the Flying Dutchman, appropriate audio effects will now be heard when performing the anchor drop.

Known Issues

Tunnels of the Damned – Rejoining a Session

  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned, rejoining the game after a lost connection may result in visual issues and failed migration to the new area, returning players to their starting location.

New Tall Tale Commendations – Tale Visibility

  • Players are able to browse Commendations for ‘The Sunken Pearl’ and ‘Dark Brethren’ Tall Tales before they have completed the preceding Tale. To prevent the experience from being spoiled, avoid reading ahead!

Plunder Pass Reward Unlocking Issue

  • Players who have purchased the Season Three Plunder Pass may find that rewards are not immediately unlocked when the appropriate level of Seasonal progression is reached. Logging out and back in should resolve this and cause the unlocked item to appear in the relevant chest.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 3.43 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.3 GB
Xbox One X: 3.43 GB
Xbox One: 2.3 GB
Windows 10: 2.92 GB
Steam: 2.08 GB


Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 83 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

As Season Three progresses, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing these fixes in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new features that arrived in Season Three, check out the full-length release notes!

Fixed Issues

As a result of feedback from the community, this release predominantly targets a number of improvements across the new Tall Tales to improve the player experience.


  • Equipping the Merchant Alliance Cannons will now attach the correct ship cannon appearance.

Tall Tales

  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players can no longer reach areas that allow them to get out of the world and into unintended areas of the map.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – When joining a crew in progress, the Wraith Statue at the start of the island experience will now guide players to the correct location.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – When a crewmate is holding the Cursed Captain, other members of the crew will now see the skull animate when talking.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Retrieving the Brig Key while holding an object should no longer cause the key to become lost.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – After retrieving the Brig Key, players should be able to walk freely around the brig.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Rejoining a game session at the Ferry of the Damned will now allow access to the lower deck.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Pulleys located in the environments will now display a prompt when they are unable to be used.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When an Ocean Crawler emerges from the ground, it will now display appropriate visual effects.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Crews reaching the salvaging room should no longer find the correct statue sequence fails to raise the water level, leaving them unable to proceed.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – On entering the Trophy Room, interacting with the pulleys prior to defeating the Ocean Crawlers will no longer prevent players from escaping the room.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When the Silver Blade battle resets after a failed attempt to complete it, restarting the encounter will now allow players to correctly board the ship.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Crews can now successfully retrieve the Chest of Everlasting Sorrows if it’s discovered after the Silver Blade Battle.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – If the Chest of Everlasting Sorrows is discovered after the Silver Blade Battle, the side door should now open when the antechamber is reached.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – The hand-in location for the Villagers’ Valuables has been made clearer for players.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Pulleys located in the environments will now display a prompt when they are unable to be used.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Ghostly Resource Crates retrieved during the encounter can no longer be cashed in for gold, reputation or Seasonal Renown.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Once the Black Pearl is able to be boarded, migrating to a new server will now bring the Black Pearl to the new location, enabling crews to complete the Tale.


  • Sirens are now able to consistently attack with melee strikes when a player is moving backwards.

Pirate Emporium

  • Equipping the Eternal Freedom Cannons on the Brigantine will now allow players to fire themselves out at the correct angle on all ship cannons.

Performance and Stability

  • Crews should no longer experience scenarios where they are unable to board their ship and fall through into the sea instead.
  • Improved client stability when travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Improved server stability, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Tunnels of the Damned – Rejoining a Session

  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned, rejoining the game after a lost connection may result in visual issues and failed migration to the new area, returning players to their starting location.

New Tall Tale Commendations – Tale Visibility

  • Players are able to browse Commendations for ‘The Sunken Pearl’ and ‘Dark Brethren’ Tall Tales before they have completed the preceding Tale. To prevent the experience from being spoiled, avoid reading ahead!

Plunder Pass Reward Unlocking Issue

  • Players who have purchased the Season Three Plunder Pass may find that rewards are not immediately unlocked when the appropriate level of Seasonal progression is reached. Logging out and back in should resolve this and cause the unlocked item to appear in the relevant chest.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 3.23 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.07 GB
Xbox One X: 3.23 GB
Xbox One: 2.07 GB
Windows 10: 2.66 GB
Steam: 1.88 GB


Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 82 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

With Season Three now underway, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing these fixes in today’s release, update

For a refresher on all the new features that arrived in Season Three, check out the full-length release notes!

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life

As a result of feedback from the community, this release predominantly targets a number of improvements and fixes to ‘The Sunken Pearl’ Tall Tale when multiple crews are playing through the experience together.

‘The Sunken Pearl’ Multi-Crew Improvements

  • During the Battle of the Silver Blade, resource barrels will now be restocked each time the encounter is reset.
  • When a crew completes the Tall Tale and leaves the shrine, it will now reset more quickly, allowing subsequent crews to progress through the Tale.
  • The Chest of Everlasting Sorrow will now respawn at a faster rate once taken by a crew, allowing subsequent crews to retrieve a chest.

Fixed Issues


  • When reloading a ranged weapon, sprinting or stowing will now correctly interrupt the animation and restart it again once the weapon is raised.

Tall Tales

  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Upon locating Jack’s Compass, it will now direct players more closely to the correct location to make progress.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When a crew progresses through the Silver Blade battle location, the Siren Threshold will now correctly reset, allowing another crew to enter.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When a crew progresses through the Siren Queen encounter location, the Siren Threshold will now correctly reset, allowing another crew to enter.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – When restarting the Tale from Chapter Four, the coral needing to be activated to open the door is now correctly lit.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Ocean Crawlers appearing during the encounter will no longer emerge from the same location and stand in the same spot.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Leaving the Tunnels of the Damned and starting this Tale in the same session will no longer cause the Siren Spire to become hidden when approaching.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – The ‘An Eternal Pirate Life’ and ‘A Pirate’s Life For Me’ achievements now require the correct criteria when progressing through the Tale.

Ocean Crawlers

  • When a Crab emerges during a Tall Tale or emergent encounter, it will now show its full animation and not move immediately into an attack.

Pirate Emporium

  • Equipping the Eternal Freedom Cannons on the Brigantine will now allow players to fire themselves out at the correct angle.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved rate of successful server migrations when reaching the end of the Tunnels of the Damned in ‘A Pirate’s Life’ and ‘Captains of the Damned’ Tall Tales.
  • Improved client stability when travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned.
  • Improved server stability, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Ship Surface Collision Issues

  • After starting a Tall Tale, there is a chance that the crew will be unable to board their ship and will fall through into the sea. For now, players experiencing this can resolve it by leaving the game and starting a new session.

‘A Pirate’s Life’ Tall Tale – Joining in Progress

  • Joining a crew who have already made progress through checkpoints in the first Tale will spawn players in the incorrect location. For the lost player, dying and returning will bring them to the correct location in the Tale.

Tunnels of the Damned – Rejoining a Session

  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned, losing your connection to the game and rejoining may cause visual issues and cause the migration to the new area to fail, returning you to your starting location.

New Tall Tale Commendations – Tale Visibility

  • Players are able to browse Commendations for ‘The Sunken Pearl’ and ‘Dark Brethren’ Tall Tales before they have completed the preceding Tale. To prevent the experience from being spoiled, avoid reading ahead!

Plunder Pass Reward Unlocking Issue

  • Players who have purchased the Season Three Plunder Pass may find that rewards are not immediately unlocked when the appropriate level of Seasonal progression is reached. Logging out and back in should resolve this and cause the unlocked item to appear in the relevant chest.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 3.66 GB
Xbox Series S: 3.2 GB
Xbox One X: 3.66 GB
Xbox One: 3.2 GB
Windows 10: 3.08 GB
Steam: 2.03 GB


Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.2.0 Season 3 / APL / PotC id: 81 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.2.0

Welcome to Sea of Thieves Season Three! One of our most ambitious updates yet, it unleashes a vast range of new features headlined by the five Tall Tales that make up Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life, our jaw-dropping crossover with Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean. And that’s not all – watch the trailer below!

Sea of Thieves Season Three: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 3:33)

Read on for an exhaustive breakdown of this Season’s special treats, from how to get started with *Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life *to insights into new enemies, new Trials and Deeds, new Events and much more!

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life

Experience an epic original story to save the pirate’s way of life! Throughout five new Tall Tales, you’ll adventure across, beyond and below the Sea of Thieves alongside none other than Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean legend, Captain Jack Sparrow.

A New Cinematic Adventure

  • Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew have crossed the horizon into the world of Sea of Thieves, and with Davy Jones following in their wake, they’ve set in motion a perilous chain of events that threaten the known world. Join Jack and other characters from Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean as you battle to save the Sea of Thieves.
  • Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life unfolds across five new cinematic Tall Tales – Sea of Thieves’ carefully crafted narrative-driven adventures. Whether you’re playing solo or alongside crewmates, you’ll find these thrilling Tales filled with puzzles, pitched battles, surprises and rewards.
  • To embark upon the Tall Tales that comprise Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life, head to the Castaway’s Camp at the nearest Outpost to speak to this mysterious new arrival…

Explore New Locations

  • Venture off the Ferry and deep into the Sea of the Damned for the first time, exploring supernatural waters and uncovering the secrets of a world held in limbo where forsaken pirates linger.
  • Journey through a world where pirate dreams and nightmares take on physical form as you navigate Captain Jack Sparrow’s past, visiting iconic locations from Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Dive into the underwater world of the Sunken Kingdom, discover locations built by sinister new foes and enter the towering Coral Fortress, where Davy Jones awaits.
  • Access to some of the new locations is provided by the Tunnels of the Damned, portals leading to the Sea of the Damned during the ‘A Pirate’s Life’ and ‘Captains of the Damned’ Tall Tales. These stages of the adventure unfold in a separate realm where the only players are you and your crew, while the rest of Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life takes place in Sea of Thieves’ wider shared world where you may cross paths with other crews of real players.
  • Using the Tunnels of the Damned to travel between worlds has its restrictions: crews approaching a mystical portal with treasure on board should be aware that the journey through the Tunnels transports their ship, but not their treasure. Hand it in at the nearest Outpost before travelling through the Tunnels to avoid leaving treasure floating in the sea in your wake!

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life Commendations and Rewards

  • New Commendations have been added to the Tall Tales Reputation tab, charting players’ progress as they uncover secrets following the world-changing events across the sea.
  • Progressing through each Tale will reward players with a range of new cosmetics. For true explorers, unlocking the secrets hidden within the Tales will award a tune often heard floating across the waves…

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life Achievements

  • New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the new in-game Commendations. A total of 300 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.

New Enemies

Skeletons and sharks are no longer your only concern! Brand new threats are emerging all across the Sea of Thieves, ready to cause havoc for unprepared pirates. Stay on your guard, for things will never be the same again...


  • Spectral adversaries blink into the fray! In life these fearsome foes were skilled pirates, but in death Phantoms are even more dangerous.
  • When exploring islands, keep a keen ear to the wind as the sound of ghostly whispers warns of their approach.
  • Phantoms fight with fast-paced hit-and-run tactics, and have gained unnatural abilities to further enhance their skills. They can blink in and out of existence during combat to disorientate opponents before winding up a teleport attack with their cutlass drawn. Desperate Phantoms can also cover great distances with a vicious lunge attack.
  • While Phantoms use speed and numbers to overwhelm their enemies, they are vulnerable when visible. Time your attacks to stagger a Phantom and make them vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

Ocean Crawlers

  • Inhabiting the worlds both above and below the surface, these grotesque monsters have retained a crew bond and will assist each other in combat, providing a match for even the most skilled of crews.
  • The Eel-ectric attacks from range with devastating electrical abilities and up close with vicious melee attacks. Staggering one that’s charging an electrical attack or raising its Electric Shield in defence, or even detonating one of its attacks mid-air, will release Chain Lightning upon everyone close by!
  • The Crab is the slow-moving brute of the crew and attacks with ground-shaking slam attacks, so dodge those pummelling blows before attacking when it’s vulnerable. When it protects its crew with a powerful Coral Shield, target the giant brute to break its defence!
  • The slimy Hermit has a tough shell and charges head-first into battle, knocking back anything in its path, even its own crew! Approach carefully as it can release deadly spore breath, damaging players over time and impairing vision. The Hermit can burrow beneath the ground and either revitalise its crew or surprise pirates by bursting out with explosive force.
  • A defeated Ocean Crawler may drop the Siren Gem within its chest, which can be cashed in with Trading Company representatives for gold and reputation.


  • A dark past has divided those who dwell beneath the waves, corrupting some into deadly Sirens. Pirates who linger too long in the depths may hear the echo of an ominous yet familiar song as Sirens rise to drag them to a watery grave.
  • Sirens and Siren Leaders will appear in groups to threaten crews. They can perform a range of underwater abilities, from scratching melee attacks to long-distance Siren Song projectiles, and have the devastating ability to regenerate health while damaging enemies around them.
  • A defeated Siren may drop the Siren Gem within its chest, which can be cashed in with Trading Company representatives for gold and reputation.

Trident of Dark Tides

  • To help turn the tide against these new foes, a powerful new weapon has risen from the depths – deadly when wielded by a Siren Leader, but equally devastating in the hands of a cunning pirate.
  • Charge the Trident of Dark Tides to create a bubble of powerful energy that can be unleashed to damage and knock back your opponents. Sharpshooter pirates can detonate a larger, slow-moving bubble in mid-air by firing a gun or hitting it with a smaller bubble!
  • The Trident of Dark Tides can now be found washed up on beaches, submerged just off the shores of islands, dropped after defeating sea threats, found deep in sunken wrecks or even locked away in Skeleton Fort Vaults.

Season Three

A new Season brings new levels of progression alongside new rewards to earn. Crews are free to enjoy the game their way, playing through the Season on their terms, while a wealth of new features from beyond the horizon complete this Season’s journey!

Seasonal Progression and Rewards

  • Progressing through Season Three will reward pirates with the Daring Deceiver clothing set, unique Season Three specials along with time-limited Blue Horizon collectibles.
  • Existing Pirate Legends or those who earn this lofty Title during Season Three will be able to unlock the eccentric Sudds’ Jacket and Ferry of the Damned Figurehead.
  • Completing each Tier of levels within the Season will award a unique Title that shows your success for all to see!

Season Three Trials

  • Players looking to accelerate their progress through a Season should take on the Trials – themed sets of tasks known as Deeds that will test your adventuring, exploring and battling capabilities.
  • Season Three contains a refreshed set of Trials for new players and experienced pirates alike, encouraging the discovery and rediscovery of Sea of Thieves’ wide range of Tall Tales.

Season Three Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders well in their Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Cannon and Wheel.
  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Cannon and Wheel from their Ledger performance.
  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Cannon and Wheel.
  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Cannon and Wheel.
  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Legendary Spirit Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.

Game Events

For those seeking something a little more focused than the intentionally wide-ranging Trials, each new Season delivers new time-limited in-game Events offering their own rewards. Find out what you can expect in the opening weeks of Season Three!

Flags of Friendship (starts July 1st)

  • Noticing lots of new visitors to the Sea of Thieves, Larinna seeks to make the seas a little more welcoming for them by encouraging more experienced pirates to eliminate some of the greatest threats.
  • Players will be tasked with seeking out significant dangers on the seas, from Krakens and Megalodons to active Forts and Ashen Lords. Overcoming them will allow crews to earn the Bilge Rats’ Favour, and additional Favour is available for doing so while in an Alliance.
  • Earning enough Favour will allow players to earn Seasonal Renown and cosmetic rewards such as the Flags of Friendship Makeup, Tattoo and Scar.
  • Throughout the Event, players placing treasure onto another crew’s ship will increase their progress through an ongoing challenge, the end goal being the Pirate Philanthropist Title and bonus gold for every loot item that another crew sells on their behalf.

Twitch Drops

  • Unlock even more cosmetics in Season Three with Twitch Drops. Tune in to Partnered streamers to earn new additions to the Gilded Phoenix set, along with bonus emotes. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our Twitch Drops page.

Prime Gaming

  • Continuing this month, plenty of cosmetics, currency and emotes are up for grabs in a series of time-limited packs for Prime Gaming members! Visit our Prime Gaming page to find out how to link your Amazon Prime account and claim each pack when it goes live.

Pirate Emporium

Season Three's Pirate Emporium refresh delivers a cascade of cosmetics inspired by Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean to add some allure to your ship, your pirate and your crew. Meanwhile, everything's brand new in the Season Three Plunder Pass!

Season Three Plunder Pass

  • Purchase the latest Plunder Pass to add 11 never-before-seen rewards to the pool available to earn by climbing the levels of Seasonal progression, along with Ancient Coin drops at each Tier.
  • The Season Three Plunder Pass is fully stocked with early access items! It unlocks access to the new Thunderous Fury Figurehead, Flag and Sails, along with Versatile Weapon Pose and Gold Pouch Trick emotes – not to mention the Shining Pegasus Costume, Banjo, Cutlass, Pistol, Eye of Reach and Blunderbuss.
  • The Season Three Plunder Pass is available to purchase through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Captain Jack Sparrow Crew Set

  • Pay homage to the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew with a set of four costumes. Purchasing the set grants access to the Captain Jack Sparrow Costume influenced by his iconic outfit (with or without beard), along with Gibbs, Anamaria and Scrum Crew Costumes for your friends to wear whenever they’re in your crew. Available at a discount for early buyers!
  • While wearing the Captain Jack Sparrow Costume, players can perform the Wiggle Emote.

Captain Jack Sparrow Emote Bundle

  • Impersonate Captain Jack Sparrow with these unique takes on classic Sea of Thieves emotes.

Eternal Freedom Ship Collection

  • Get set for incredible new adventures by snapping up the Eternal Freedom Ship Collection, with an eerie Collector’s Figurehead and ethereal Collector’s Sails also available!
  • An Eternal Freedom Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a lower price.

Eternal Freedom Weapons

  • Why not start some mischief with these four sturdy weapons forged beyond the horizon? Purchase the Eternal Freedom Weapon Bundle including all four weapons for a discount!

Prison Dog

  • Adopt this faithful pet if you’re keen to ensure your brig stays locked up nice and tight.

Time-Limited Simian Sweetheart Bundle

  • For this month only, pick up a discounted bundle including an adorable Capuchin and Wild Rose Outfit.

Freebie Dance of the Deep Emote

  • Dance like you’re being dragged under the waves with this free Dance of the Deep Emote!

Outpost Cosmetics

Dawn Hunter Set

  • The Outpost shipwrights, along with the clothing, equipment and weapon shops, now offer the Dawn Hunter set for purchase. Players must obtain the Plundered Prizes Commendation to unlock access to this set.

Grimy Bilge Rat Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Grimy Bilge Rat clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

Legacy Event Cosmetics

  • Previous rewards from the Reapers vs. the World Event have now been added to the Outpost shops.
  • The Gold Hoarders Lantern, Merchant Alliance Compass and Order of Souls Spyglass along with the Disgraced Gold Hoarders Hat, Disgraced Merchant Alliance Hat and Disgraced Order of Souls Headband can now be found in their respective stores, locked behind Commendations.

Blackcoat Executive Admiral Set

  • Due to a clothing store mix-up, the Blackcoat Executive Admiral set is undergoing some changes.
  • The existing Blackcoat Executive Admiral Jacket has been renamed to Blackcoat Admiral. A replacement Jacket has been crafted which better matches the Blackcoat Executive Admiral set.
  • The prices of the Blackcoat Executive Admiral set have been corrected to align with other sets.


Refreshed Front End Menus

  • When launching Sea of Thieves in Season Three, players will now find an improved front end experience, helping new and experienced players alike get into the right sessions more quickly.
  • The Play tab hosts the various game modes including the Maiden Voyage tutorial, Adventure and Arena, all with intuitive instructions to aid setup for newer players.
  • An option for Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life has also been added to the Play tab. Note that this does not open a separate game mode but allows players to jump straight into the latest action with their friends, placing them in a Closed Crew at the Castaway’s Camp, ready to begin or continue the new Tall Tales.
  • The Discover tab has an expanded What’s New section to keep you informed of changes taking place across the seas. The Pirate Emporium continues to be available, allowing players to browse and purchase before entering the game.


New Player Accessibility Settings

  • New Sea of Thieves players will now be offered a range of accessibility settings when first loading the game to help tailor the experience to their needs, along with shortcut access to the wider suite of accessibility settings included in the game.
  • New players are now also offered a simple way to ensure Sea of Thieves is suitable for all the family. Enabling Family Mode will disable voice and text communication with other crews you may meet in the open world. These settings can always be re-enabled later from the Settings Menu.

UI Menu Visibility

  • To improve readability of UI menus that overlap, the rear image will no longer use a blur effect and will now show as opaque with the front menu using a darker background.

Pop-up Notifications

  • Within the Accessibility Settings, players can select how long pop-up notifications should appear on-screen using ‘Toast Message Duration’.

Changing Game Language

  • Within the Accessibility Settings on PC, players can now choose a preferred game language independent of the operating system language.

UI Menu Narration

  • When enabling ‘Let Games Read to Me’ in platform settings, navigating through cosmetic chests and shop UI menus will now be narrated for improved accessibility.
  • Within the Quests menu, navigating through the Voyage and Tall Tale inventories will now be narrated.
  • Within the Pirate Log, both Season and Reputation sections will now be narrated.
  • When interacting with Trading Company representatives, menu navigation will now be narrated.
  • Interacting with barrels around the world and navigating through their contents will now be narrated.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews migrating to new servers should no longer become unable to use ship interactions on arrival.
  • Crews migrating servers near a shipwreck will no longer bring undiscovered treasure with them to the new server.
  • ‘Wild Rose’ – On reaching the final chapter of this Tall Tale and returning to the Order of Souls, the Outpost will now load correctly.
  • Swapping emotes while emoting should now correctly change the camera positioning.
  • The ‘Speak to Larinna outside any tavern’ Deed should now complete after speaking with Larinna.
  • After redeeming a crate, players should no longer see a ‘Redeem’ prompt appear at the Merchant Alliance vendor.
  • On Steam, players are no longer able to modify game files in order to exceed the maximum player field of view.

Lost Shipments

  • The Merchant Alliance Lost Shipments map should no longer be blank for a few seconds after opening it.

Emissary Play

  • When a player has voted at an Emissary table, if the vote is still in progress when they leave the Outpost their vote is now removed.
  • Players should no longer be able to vote to end an Emissary session shortly after their ship has sunk.
  • While representing Athena’s Fortune or the Order of Souls as an Emissary, defeating named skeletons at Skeleton Forts and the Fort of Fortune will now earn crews Emissary Grade progression.
  • Killing a Megalodon should now award players with reputation when sailing as an Athena’s Fortune Emissary.

Pirate Emporium

  • The Bear & Bird Ship Bundle in the Pirate Emporium will now correctly show that they have Collector’s Sails and Figurehead available to purchase separately.


  • While on a Skeleton Galleon, walking into geometry outside the Captain’s cabin should no longer cause players to safe teleport.

Visual and Audio

  • During an Arena contest, the Sea Dog Chest marker should now update correctly on the ship’s map.
  • When sailing, the bow splash visual effects now appear from the correct location.
  • During The Legend of Glitterbeard, players should hear the vocal audio when the tree starts to glow.
  • Toast notifications positioned above dialogue should now move back down when the dialogue has finished.
  • The skeleton runes displayed on the Masked Renegade Hull are now orientated correctly.
  • After killing fauna on the islands, they should now fade out.
  • Commodity Crates should now use the appropriate textures when viewed facing the sun.
  • Browsing the clothing store at an Outpost should no longer show overlapping navigation markers the bottom of the screen.
  • When a player is affected by snake venom, it will now display the full-screen visual effect.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved server stability, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.
  • Further improvements made to server performance, reducing latency during gameplay.

Known Issues

‘A Pirate’s Life’ Tall Tale – Joining in Progress

  • Joining a crew who have already made progress through checkpoints in the first Tale will spawn players in the incorrect location. For the lost player, dying and returning will bring them to the correct location in the Tale.

‘Lords of the Sea’ Tall Tale – Visual Issues

  • Crews who have recently returned from the Tunnels of the Damned and then begin their journey through the ‘Lords of the Sea’ Tall Tale in the same gameplay session will encounter visual issues. As a workaround, this can be fixed by forcing the game to quit by using Alt+F4 on PC or closing the application on console and then rejoining your session.

Tunnels of the Damned – Rejoining a Session

  • While travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned, losing your connection to the game and rejoining may cause visual issues and cause the migration to the new area to fail, returning you to your starting location.

New Tall Tale Commendations – Tale Visibility

  • Players are able to browse Commendations for ‘The Sunken Pearl’ and ‘Dark Brethren’ Tall Tales before they have completed the preceding Tale. To prevent the experience from being spoiled, avoid reading ahead!

Plunder Pass Reward Unlocking Issue

  • Players who have purchased the Season Three Plunder Pass may find that rewards are not immediately unlocked when the appropriate level of Seasonal progression is reached. Logging out and back in should resolve this and cause the unlocked item to appear in the relevant chest.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 16.49 GB
Xbox Series S: 7.4 GB
Xbox One X: 16.49 GB
Xbox One: 7.4 GB
Windows 10: 18.2 GB
Steam: 15.97 GB


Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 80 VFL view single open official

Release Notes –

With Season Two well underway, the team have been working on additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing those in today’s release, update

For a refresher on the most recent features and additions, check out the May update release notes here and April's Season Two launch release notes here!


Emissary Trade Route Balancing

  • Each Outpost will once again offer a greater number of surplus Commodity Crates for purchase.

Fixed Issues


  • Other crews visible on the ship’s map will now display the correct Emissary status and position in real time while moving.
  • Items that are displayed on the ship’s map such as Reaper’s Chests and Skeleton Fort Keys should now display their correct position in real time.

Performance and Stability

  • Approaching other ships carrying a large amount of Merchant Alliance cargo should no longer cause players to receive a Hazelnutbeard error.
  • The frequency of players becoming stuck on the ‘Enlisting Pirate’ message when attempting to log in has been reduced.

Known Issues

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 3.19 GB
Xbox Series S: 1.79 GB
Xbox One X: 3.19 GB
Xbox One: 1.79 GB
Windows 10: 3.23 GB
Steam: 2.29 GB


Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

2.1.1 id: 79 VFL view single open official

Release Notes – 2.1.1

We’re a month into Season Two and with Reapers vs. the World well underway, there’s lots to be getting on with as you earn more Renown and work towards the remaining rewards. In the meantime, the team have been hard at work on new Pirate Emporium treasures and further fixes to improve the Sea of Thieves experience!

Sea of Thieves Season Two: Official Content Update Trailer (Duration 3:42)

For a look at everything featured in Season Two you can view the original release notes here, and for a breakdown of what the second month of Season Two brings, read on...

Game Events

As The Reapers’ Bones continue to hunt other Trading Company Emissaries and claim their Flags throughout May, their gaze turns to the Order of Souls and the Merchant Alliance. Players can now choose whether to fly these Trading Companies’ Emissary Flags or side with the Reapers again. Talk to Larinna to learn more!

Reapers vs. the World

  • The Reapers have shifted their focus away from the Gold Hoarders, and the Order of Souls have issued a rallying call! For the next fortnight, sail as an Emissary on behalf of the Order of Souls and tackle Event-specific goals to earn Season Two Renown along with a range of rewards.
  • Following that, the Merchant Alliance will be under the spotlight, before all three of the targeted Trading Companies unite against their common foe.
  • For the blackhearted Reapers among you, the Event-wide goal is still active! The Reaper’s Bones are keeping note of all Emissary Flags captured and returned to The Reaper’s Hideout, and will provide qualifying players (who’ve returned 10 or more Flags as Reaper Emissaries themselves) with a cosmetic reward depending on which Trading Company suffers the greatest losses. Keep an eye on Sea of Thieves social channels for updates on which reward players are on track to receive when the Event ends.
  • As we have now entered the first full Emissary Ledger period of Season Two, players who’ve earned the previous Ledger rewards for any given Company will now be able to play for their newly introduced Ledger rewards.

Pirate Emporium

The latest Emporium restock adds the Shining Pegasus Ship Collection and new emotes ahead of a big spring sale at the end of May. There’s also still plenty of time to pick up the Season Two Plunder Pass and add extra rewards to the mix as you build your Seasonal Renown!

Season Two Plunder Pass

  • Take advantage of Season Two’s Plunder Pass for an early opportunity to obtain Black Phoenix ship cosmetics and fresh emotes, along with a range of existing Pirate Emporium highlights and extra Ancient Coin drops.
  • The Plunder Pass is available to purchase at any time during Season Two through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Shining Pegasus Ship Collection

  • Enrich your ship with the new Shining Pegasus Ship Collection. In addition to the main Ship Bundle, a radiant Collector’s Figurehead and gleaming Collector’s Sails are also available to buy!
  • A Shining Pegasus Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer including just the core ship cosmetics at a lower price.

Valiant Weapon Pose Emotes

  • Strike a dauntless pose and flaunt your chosen armaments. Your currently equipped weapon will determine which pose you strike.

Freebie Dodgy Deal Emote

  • Keep your dealings under the table with this free Dodgy Deal Emote.

Emporium Spring Sale (starts May 27th)

  • The Pirate Emporium will soon be awash with another wave of discounts on popular items from the back catalogue. Drop by to see what you can save on all manner of treasures!

Wind and Weapon Pose Bundle (Store Only)

  • Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Collector’s Shining Pegasus Figurehead and Valiant Weapon Pose Emote, along with 1000 Ancient Coins and a 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.

Outpost Cosmetics

Azure Ocean Crawler Set

  • The Outpost shipwrights, along with the clothing, equipment and weapon shops, now offer the Azure Ocean Crawler set for purchase. Players must obtain the Hunter of Trophy Fish Commendation to unlock access to this set.

Blackcoat Executive Admiral Set

  • The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Blackcoat Executive Admiral clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

Wailing Barnacle Instruments

  • A delivery previously thought lost has washed up at the Outposts! The equipment shops are now pleased to offer Wailing Barnacle musical instruments for purchase.

Black Market Archive

  • The Black Market Archive has been retired and is no longer looked after by Larinna. All Black Market Archive cosmetics are now available from their respective Outpost Stores.


New Forts of Fortune!

  • A wider range of Forts can now arise as fabled Forts of Fortune. Shark Fin Camp, Sailor’s Knot Stronghold, Lost Gold Fort and Kraken Watchtower have joined the locations capable of housing this dangerous encounter.

Emissary Trade Route Balancing

  • Each Outpost now offers a wider range of surplus stock for purchase.
  • The cost of purchasing Commodity Crates has been reduced, along with the reward when sold.
  • Crates in surplus at an Outpost will now sell at a lower price than regular crates.

Resource and Commodity Crate Limits

  • The crew limit on purchasing Resource or Commodity Crates has changed. Crews can now only purchase one of each crate from any given Outpost during every five in-game days.

Steam Invite Notifications

  • Within the Gameplay Settings menu, players on Steam can now disable on-screen notifications when receiving invites from others.

Fixed Issues


  • The Puzzle Vault door can now be unlocked using the Tall Tale quest item at Devil’s Ridge immediately after using a Boar Wayfinder Totem.
  • The Reaper's Bones Ledger reward for Bronze Tier has been updated to the correct Title.

Resource Crates

  • Crews with an active Merchant Alliance Voyage or Message in a Bottle requiring the collection of Animal Crates are now able to collect purchased Resource and Commodity Crates from Merchant Alliance representatives.
  • The prompt to retrieve a purchased Commodity or Storage Crate should now appear for all crew members.
  • If a player purchases a crate and then leaves the game, the other crew members will no longer be able to retrieve the crate.
  • Trying to sell Resource Crates back to the Merchant representative they were purchased from now displays a message explaining they cannot be sold here.

Emissary Trade Routes

  • Crates of Unclassified Gemstones should now show the correct text on the pick-up prompt and in the Merchant Inventory.
  • Crates of Ungraded Tea should now show the correct text on the pick-up prompt and in the Merchant Inventory.

Pirate Emporium

  • Ship Collections in the Pirate Emporium will now correctly show that they have Collector's Sails and Figureheads available to purchase separately.

Visual and Audio

  • Visual effects should no longer be missing trails, including volcano rocks and Ashen Lord attacks.
  • Receiving damage from an Anchorball will no longer cause the visual and audio effects to persist after the status effect has worn off.
  • The Reaper's Chest beacon should no longer be visible below the chest when approaching.
  • The Sea Dog Chest beacon should now be correctly attached to the chest when a player is using a ladder.
  • The Dark Adventurers Hook no longer hangs incorrectly when idle and no longer clips into ship interactions when used.

Localisation and Text

  • Players should no longer get a pick-up interaction with non-localised text when using Vault Totems.
  • When the game language is set to Traditional Chinese or Japanese, the Emissary tutorials will no longer have overlapping text.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved game stability when collecting a Commodity Crate.
  • Further improvements made to server performance, reducing latency during gameplay.

Known Issues

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

  • In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 4.23 GB
Xbox Series S: 2.20 GB
Xbox One X: 4.23 GB
Xbox One: 2.20 GB
Windows 10: 4.06 GB
Steam: 4.37 GB


Forum Discussion

You can discuss these release notes in the Forums here.

You can leave your feedback on the game in general here.

Looking For Crew?

Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts: id: 78