listing 100 / 7003 items
wiki data last imported at 2024-07-01 16:50:54 UTC (7 days ago) viewer profiles own 6393/6434 (99.36%) items (show missing) 1 item prop(osal)
type prefix cost name requires

Reach Renown Level 81 of Season Two.


Reach Renown Level 81 of Season One.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the fourth time.

Ornaments Standalone Cosmetics 17,500
Companion's Collar
Fashioned from a well-loved belt, this collar is marked with the tag of a pirate's loyal animal companion.
Compass Standalone Cosmetics
Compass of Nuanced Navigation
This special compass always has an eye on the direction in which it's pointing.
season Renown Level 20 in Season Ten
Compass Ashen Dragon 3,950
Compass of the Ashen Dragon
The fiery glow of this compass will at least make it easier to find your way at night.
commendation Tome of Power II
Compass Bristling Barnacle 37,800
Compass of the Bristling Barnacle
Trust this compass to guide you true, unlike its previous owner.
commendation Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Compass Silent Barnacle 37,800
Compass of the Silent Barnacle
Trust this compass to guide you true, unlike its previous owner.
commendation Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Compass Wailing Barnacle 20
Compass of The Wailing Barnacle
Trust this compass to guide you true, unlike its previous owner.
Bundle Standalone Cosmetics
Competitive Emote Pack
Perfect for pirate peacocks and ultra-competitive Arena battlers, offering a set of moves well-suited to reinforcing any wins or losses you might experience while sailing the seas.

Earn the 'Composer of Siren Song' Commendation.

Torsos Standalone Cosmetics 246,750
Concealed Upper Body
This barrel lid won't offer you any protection, but it will stop people seeing right through you.
commendation Boo Be Gone!
Concertina Festival of Plenty 249
Concertina of Plenty
You're probably expecting some kind of corny joke about this concertina.
Concertina Ashen Dragon 4,000
Concertina of the Ashen Dragon
Each squeeze of this fire-kissed concertina threatens to blast you with hot air.
commendation Tome of Fire III
Concertina Bristling Barnacle 38,475
Concertina of the Bristling Barnacle
Watch out for squirting jets of seawater when you play this soggy concertina.
commendation Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Concertina Damned
Concertina of the Damned
If you hear a wheezing, creaking sound in the dead of night, it's probably just a ghost practicing on a concertina like this one.
commendation Captain of Haunted Waters
Concertina Silent Barnacle 38,475
Concertina of the Silent Barnacle
Watch out for squirting jets of seawater when you play this soggy concertina.
commendation Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Concertina Wailing Barnacle 25
Concertina of the Wailing Barnacle
Watch out for squirting jets of seawater when you play this soggy concertina.
Collector's Pet Cursed Ferryman 649
Condemned Captain Monkey
This brave but rather miserable pet monkey is risking a trip to the Locker by dressing up as the notorious Davy Jones.
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 0
Conductor Emote
Keeping a shanty to the beat is hard after a few grogs. Give your crew a helping hand, won't you?
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Confetti Throw Emote
Pity the poor swabbie who has to clean up all this confetti.
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 0
Confident Captain Emote
Take a moment to enjoy the expert teamwork of your crew. Or the silence if you ditched them all at the last island.
Emote Standalone Cosmetics
Confusion Emote
What's happening? Who's in charge around here? Where did I leave my grog?!

To be earned through Twitch Drops on December 15, 2020 by watching any Partnered Sea of Thieves Twitch Streamer for 20 minutes.

icon 60

Earned by purchasing the promotion at Reputation Level 60 in the Order of Souls.


Earn 'Conqueror of the Skeleton Fleets' Commendation.

Costume Emote Infinite Depths
paired with Infinite Depths Costume
Belt Constant Navigator
Constant Navigator Belt
The perfect addition to any navigator's wardrobe, equipped with a pouch for storing maps.
Boots Constant Navigator
Constant Navigator Boots
These boots were made for walking. While checking the compass, of course.
Gloves Constant Navigator
Constant Navigator Gloves
A delicate set of gloves for manipulating maps and tweaking compasses.
Shirt Constant Navigator
Constant Navigator Shirt
Topped with an elegant cravat, this shirt is on point for all skilled navigators.
Bottoms Constant Navigator
Constant Navigator Trousers
Truly elegant trousers befitting of a master navigator.
Tattoo Standalone Cosmetics
Constellation Tattoo Set
Tattoo based on the constellation in the sky, the truest friends a sailor can have.
commendation Stars of a Thief
Dog Standalone Cosmetics 499
Coral Inu
If you're allergic to dog fur, you'll sense this exciteable fuzzball coming long before you see it.
Trophies Standalone Cosmetics
Coral Wildsplash Plaque
A replica of the reluctant Coral Wildsplash, mounted for display aboard ship.
Class 5 in Wildsplashes Caught to purchase Admired variant for 20,000
Class 10 in Wildsplashes Caught to purchase Prized variant for 45,000
Class 20 in Wildsplashes Caught to purchase Treasured variant for 85,000
Class 30 in Wildsplashes Caught to purchase Cherished variant for 150,000
commendation Hunter of the Coral Wildsplash
Hair General Cosmetics
Cornrows Hair
You look mean, lean and ready to cut down all pretenders.
Ornaments Standalone Cosmetics 25,000
Corsair Classics
Erudite Captains never leave a port without some light reading. This time, it's the first draft of Archibald's salacious tell-all memoir, 'Confessions of a Diamond Matey'.
Beard Corsair Sea Dog 150
Corsair Sea Dog Beard
Wiry and rough, making it to ideal to rub into your enemies faces as an extra weapon.
Belt Corsair Sea Dog 1,350
Corsair Sea Dog Belt
Nothing says "Sea Dog" quite like wearing a belt made from a dog's collar. Just don't smell it.
Boots Corsair Sea Dog 1,350
Corsair Sea Dog Boots
Planning a trip to the Wilds? Then you'll need these sturdy boots to survive its razor sharp rocks.
Dress Corsair Sea Dog 5,400
Corsair Sea Dog Dress
It might look ridiculous on the dance floor, but it's nearly as good as wearing armour.
Eyepatch Corsair Sea Dog 3,050
Corsair Sea Dog Eyepatch
Crafted by stitching two whole different fabrics together. The Sea Dogs are a talented bunch.
Gloves Corsair Sea Dog 1,350
Corsair Sea Dog Gloves
Plenty of room to slip a few coins inside to fight your way out of any tavern brawl.
Hair Corsair Sea Dog 150
Corsair Sea Dog Hair
The classic long back and sides, favoured by genuine pirates throughout the seas.
Hat Corsair Sea Dog 6,800
Corsair Sea Dog Hat
Once used by wily scoundrels to hide an extra cannonball, despite the headaches it caused.
Hook Corsair Sea Dog 4,050
Corsair Sea Dog Hook
Forged from old cutlasses discarded by veteran crews.
Jacket Corsair Sea Dog 6,750
Corsair Sea Dog Jacket
Rumour has it that next season's model will even be resistant to lightning strikes.
Pegleg Corsair Sea Dog 4,050
Corsair Sea Dog Pegleg
Who knew taking a bit of old rope and pointing a flintlock upside down would make such a fetching new leg?
Shirt Corsair Sea Dog 2,700
Corsair Sea Dog Shirt
Made from the hammocks that once hung below decks in the renowned galleon, The Black Dog.
Bottoms Corsair Sea Dog 2,700
Corsair Sea Dog Trousers
Double stitched. Why risk an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction when bending over to load a cannon?
Ornaments Standalone Cosmetics 25,000
Corsair's Kettle
No matter the problem, a brew from this kettle will make everything right again.
Dog Standalone Cosmetics 499
Cotton Boll Inu
If you're allergic to dog fur, you'll sense this exciteable fuzzball coming long before you see it.
icon 70
Pirate Legend title

Earned by purchasing the promotion at Reputation Level 70 in Athena's Fortune.

Beard Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Beard
Beard can symbolize many things - authority, experience and a nice warm chin, for example.
season Renown Level 84 in Season Seven
Belt Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Belt
A rugged belt with a lion's head buckle. Simple but stylish.
season Renown Level 76 in Season Seven
Boots Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Boots
Boots with claws. Tread carefully when wearing them so as not to ruin your new Captain's Rugs.
season Renown Level 55 in Season Seven
Dress Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Dress
With gold trim in a large ruby, this dress is sure to impress any guests aboard your Captained ship.
season Renown Level 33 in Season Seven
Eyepatch Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Eyepatch
A golden crest with a purple strap, this is more like a badge of honor than an eyepatch.
season Renown Level 90 in Season Seven
Gloves Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Gloves
Thick gloves that protect against the elements, but make it hard to write in the Captain's Log.
season Renown Level 66 in Season Seven
Hat Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Hat
A hat that resembles a valiant lion. Words with a captain's pride!
season Renown Level 15 in Season Seven
Hook Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Hook
Two hooks in one? That's the kind of convenience Captains have come to expect.
season Renown Level 80 in Season Seven
Jacket Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Jacket
A bright violet jacket, because a ship's Captain should never settle for being inconspicuous.
season Renown Level 30 in Season Seven
Pegleg Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Peg Leg
Follow in the Pirate Lord's footsteps by picking a peg leg with a paw.
season Renown Level 22 in Season Seven
Hair Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Refined Hair
The kind of commanding hairstyle that just makes you want to bellow 'Aye, Captain!'
season Renown Level 43 in Season Seven
Shirt Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Shirt
Freshly pressed and starched, ready for whatever the new day may throw at you.
season Renown Level 17 in Season Seven
Bottoms Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Trousers
Even famous Captains put these on one leg at a time, just like everyone else.
season Renown Level 40 in Season Seven
Hair Courage of Captaincy
Courage of Captaincy Wild Hair
Life aboard a Captain's ship can be so packed with adventures, there isn't always time to find your comb.
season Renown Level 43 in Season Seven
Figurehead Guardians of Fortune 100,000
Courageous Guardian Figurehead
A carving of the Pirate Lord, awarded to those who have served as The Guardians of Fortune.
allegiance Guardians of Fortune Allegiance of at least 60
Costume Emote Lionfish
paired with Lionfish Costume (Mask)
paired with Lionfish Costume (No mask)
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Crab Dab Emote
The latest craze sweeping the Sea of Thieves, or perhaps some form of ancient crab worship?
season Renown Level 10 in Season One
Bundle Standalone Cosmetics 499
Crab Dance Bundle
It began with a simple dab - but now you can get crabby in four extra ways with this bundle!
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Crab Jig Emote
Put some more life into that crab dab!

Claimed through Prime Gaming between June 21, 2021 and July 7, 2021.

Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Crab Scuttle Emote
Don't just pinch like the crab. BE the crab!
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Crab Shuffle Emote
A crab dance for the more subtle pirate partiers.
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Crab Spin Emote
Pinch and turn at the same time! Easier with a few grogs in you.
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Crabber Time Emote
You’ll want to be wearing particularly baggy pantaloons for this sprightly shuffle.
Beard General Cosmetics 14,999
Craggy Beard
Ferocious facial hair that's as wild an untameable as the mountain peaks.
Costume Boreal Aurora 599
Creeping Cold Costume 1
This rime-coloured costume is said to be the preferred regalia of frozen freebooters who sail on icy winds.
season Renown Level 1 in Season Five
Costume Boreal Aurora 799
Creeping Cold Costume 2
Pirates who linger in the glacial northern seas may find their skin turning blue and their eyes a ghostly white.
season Renown Level 50 in Season Five
Costume Boreal Aurora 999
Creeping Cold Costume 3
Their ships frozen in time, their bodies living icicles - the ultimate fate of pirates who succumb to the creeping cold.
season Renown Level 100 in Season Five
Bundle Boreal Aurora 1,249
Creeping Cold Costume Set
Remind your enemies to fear the cold with an icy three-stage outfit. Included the Ice Sculpture costume emote.
Curses Gorgon
Creeping Stone Curse
Few sailors get to lay eyes on a gorgon and live to tell the tale. You’re doing better than most.
season Renown Level 20 in Season 12
Trophies Standalone Cosmetics
Crew of Bones
A sombre depiction of a cursed Skeleton Crew, roaming an island in search of their next victims.
Class 5 in Skeletons Vanquished to purchase Admired variant for 20,000
Class 10 in Skeletons Vanquished to purchase Prized variant for 45,000
Class 20 in Skeletons Vanquished to purchase Treasured variant for 85,000
Class 30 in Skeletons Vanquished to purchase Cherished variant for 150,000
Bone Colours Standalone Cosmetics 150,000
Crimson Bones
Blood-red bones are the stuff of nightmares, but do make it hard to be sneaky.
commendation Rolling Bones
Belt Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 12,150
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Belt
Nothing says "Sea Dog" quite like wearing a belt made from a dog's collar. Just don't smell it.
Boots Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 12,150
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Boots
Planning a trip to the Wilds? Then you'll need these sturdy boots to survive its razor sharp rocks.
Dress Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 48,600
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Dress
It might look ridiculous on the dance floor, but it's nearly as good as wearing armour.
Eyepatch Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 27,450
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Eyepatch
Crafted by stitching two whole different fabrics together. The Sea Dogs are a talented bunch.
Gloves Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 12,150
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Gloves
Plenty of room to slip a few coins inside to fight your way out of any tavern brawl.
Hat Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 61,200
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Hat
Once used by wily scoundrels to hide an extra cannonball, despite the headaches it caused.
Hook Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 36,450
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Hook
Forged from old cutlasses discarded by veteran crews.
Jacket Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 60,750
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Jacket
Rumour has it that next season's model will even be resistant to lightning strikes.
Pegleg Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 36,450
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Pegleg
Who knew taking a bit of old rope and pointing a flintlock upside down would make such a fetching new leg?
Shirt Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 24,300
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Shirt
Made from the hammocks that once hung below decks in the renowned galleon, The Black Dog.
Bottoms Crimson Corsair Sea Dog 24,300
Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Trousers
Double stitched. Why risk an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction when bending over to load a cannon?
Blunderbuss Crimson Crypt 249
Crimson Crypt Blunderbuss
The hiss when you fire this wicked-looking fanged blunderbuss is said to sound like a vampire bat.
Cannon Flare Crimson Crypt 349
Crimson Crypt Cannon Flare
Gunpowder, incense and blood make for quite the heady aroma when firing off a cannon barrage.
Cannons Crimson Crypt 349
Crimson Crypt Cannons
Scare passing ships into submission with these grotesque cannons. The cannonballs will help too.
Capstan Crimson Crypt 349
Crimson Crypt Capstan
Raising anchor with this gothic capstan ought to be accompanied by a pipe organ and a peal of bells.
Figurehead Crimson Crypt 799
Crimson Crypt Collector's Figurehead
Cloaked in an eerie fog, this winged figurehead is as bloodthirsty as the pirates who sport it.
Sails Crimson Crypt 799
Crimson Crypt Collector's Sails
You’d be forgiven for imagining a grandiose pipe organ solo and crash of thunder when a ship unfurls these sails.
listing 100 / 7003 items
wiki data last imported at 2024-07-01 16:50:54 UTC (7 days ago) viewer profiles own 6393/6434 (99.36%) items (show missing) 1 item prop(osal)
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