listing 100 / 7003 items
wiki data last imported at 2024-07-01 16:50:54 UTC (7 days ago) viewer profiles own 6393/6434 (99.36%) items (show missing) 1 item prop(osal)
type prefix cost name requires
Tankard Standalone Cosmetics
Coconut Tankard
No matter the season, inventive pirates will always find new and creative uses for the common coconut.
season Renown Level 20 in Season Seven
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Coffin Recline Emote
Perfect for lying back in your comfy sarcophagus after a long night at sea.
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Coin Toss Emote
With the flip of a coin, decide the fate of your foes... or who gets the last banana.

Earn 500 Favour during Jewels of the Deep.


Deliver 50 Kegs of Ancient Black Powder as a Pirate Legend.


Deliver 50 Chalices of Ancient Fortune as a Pirate Legend.


Deliver 50 Skulls of Ancient Fortune as a Pirate Legend.


Deliver 50 Crates of Legendary Voyages as a Pirate Legend.

Figurehead Barrel Bombardier 799
Collector's Barrel Bombardier Figurehead
Erupting with explosive force, you can practically hear the earth-shattering kaboom of this fiery figurehead.
Sails Barrel Bombardier 799
Collector's Barrel Bombardier Sails
These glowing sails capture that fleeting moment of calm before a Stronghold Keg blows you to kingdom come.
Figurehead Beachcomber's Bounty 799
Collector's Beachcomber's Bounty Figurehead
Be careful of taking a deep breath around this overgrown figurehead with its twisting vines and mysterious spores.
season Renown Level 80 in Season Seven
Sails Beachcomber's Bounty 799
Collector's Beachcomber's Bounty Sails
It's a marvel how a lone beachcomber managed to weave these sails out of nothing but some twigs, palm fronds and flower petals.
season Renown Level 100 in Season Seven
Figurehead Bear & Bird 499
Collector's Bear & Bird Figurehead
The otherworldly animal legends live on, still determined to defend against witches.
Sails Bear & Bird 499
Collector's Bear & Bird Sails
Let the spirit of the bear and bird keep your ship soaring across the waves.
Figurehead Bleakheart Banshee 799
Collector's Bleakheart Banshee Figurehead
Inspired by a sinister sailors' tale, the revenant on this figurehead still carries a light to guide their lost beloved home.
Sails Bleakheart Banshee 799
Collector's Bleakheart Banshee Sails
You can embrace the tale of doomed love that inspired these sails, or tell your own and hope the spirits don't take offence...
Figurehead Blighted 799
Collector's Blighted Figurehead
Should you wind up in the lost valley blighted by these undead, try to hold on until daybreak.
Sails Blighted 799
Collector's Blighted Sails
These fearsome sails might make pirates take the potential doomsday threat of the undead seriously.
Figurehead Boreal Aurora 799
Collector's Boreal Aurora Figurehead
Said to be inspired by the Bonechiller's loyal steed, selfish pirates better watch out if they see these glowing antlers on the horizon.
season Renown Level 80 in Season Five
Sails Boreal Aurora 799
Collector's Boreal Aurora Sails
Often raised for the Festival of Giving, the sight of these multicoloured sails is a signal to start wrapping presents.
season Renown Level 90 in Season Five
Figurehead Checkmate 799
Collector's Checkmate Figurehead
A mighty figurehead that sends a clear message: surrender or face the Queen's wrath.
Sails Checkmate 799
Collector's Checkmate Sails
Those who bear the Queen's visage have earned the right to do so, for a Queen's fury is nothing to be scoffed at.
Figurehead Cursed Ferryman 799
Collector's Cursed Ferryman Figurehead
Wood and bone entwine to create a figurehead of a devouring maw. Who will be next on the menu?
Sails Cursed Ferryman 799
Collector's Cursed Ferryman Sails
Has your ship risen from under the waves? It would explain these seaweed-coated sails.
Figurehead Cutthroat 499
Collector's Cutthroat Figurehead
Ultimate rendering of a war machine ready to execute missions with breathtaking efficiency.
Sails Cutthroat 499
Collector's Cutthroat Sails
Such foreboding sails surely belong to a crew of marauders with a killer reputation.
Figurehead Dark Warsmith 799
Collector's Dark Warsmith Figurehead
This special figurehead comes complete with its own tiny prisoner. Well, what's left of them.
Sails Dark Warsmith 799
Collector's Dark Warsmith Sails
Don't look too closely at the intricate design of these sails. The devil is in the details.
Figurehead Elemental Power 499
Collector's Elemental Power Figurehead
A figurehead so striking, you could imagine it taking life as the shapeshifting heroine of legend.
Sails Elemental Power 499
Collector's Elemental Power Sails
Tales are told of an exotic royal family who lived in a beautiful realm, as vivid as these sails.
Figurehead Eternal Freedom 799
Collector's Eternal Freedom Figurehead
This remarkable figurehead produces an eerie mist, adding a sense of mystery and foreboding to any adventure.
Sails Eternal Freedom 799
Collector's Eternal Freedom Sails
Ragged sails that have travelled to so many cursed locations, they themselves are slightly ethereal.
Figurehead Fightin' Frogs 499
Collector's Fightin' Frogs Figurehead
Leap into battle with a figurehead that's sure to put the fear of frogs into any evil monarchs.
Sails Fightin' Frogs 499
Collector's Fightin' Frogs Sails
These sails announce your amphibious appreciation to the sea, the sky, the stars and beyond!
Figurehead Frozen Horizon 799
Collector's Frozen Horizon Figurehead
A solid spike of ice forms the prow of your ship and makes for an unforgettable figurehead.
Sails Frozen Horizon 799
Collector's Frozen Horizon Sails
Everyone will know winter is coming when they spy these glorious sails on the horizon.
Figurehead Graveyard Gladiator 799
Collector's Graveyard Gladiator Figurehead
Race across the waves in the wake of a sturdy chariot, a dauntless stallion and a little artistic licence.
Sails Graveyard Gladiator 799
Collector's Graveyard Gladiator Sails
The gates of the fighters' entrance to the amphitheatre are forever raised for you now. Unending battle awaits!
Figurehead Huntress 499
Collector's Huntress Figurehead
This is the perfect way to honour the dark deeds of the Huntress, a pirate without equal.
Sails Huntress 499
Collector's Huntress Sails
This crosshair motif will inspire your crew to practise their aim - hopefully on other crews.
Figurehead Islehopper Outlaw 799
Collector's Islehopper Outlaw Figurehead
Bursting into spectral flame as the sun sets, this morbid figurehead will have enemies fearing its deathly glow.
Sails Islehopper Outlaw 799
Collector's Islehopper Outlaw Sails
Crews sporting these sails with a spiked skull and barbed hook design want you to know how mean and tough they are.
Figurehead Lionfish 499
Collector's Lionfish Figurehead
If you listen closely, you can hear the relaxing sound of this gold-trimmed figurehead: blupblupblupblupblupblup.
Sails Lionfish 499
Collector's Lionfish Sails
Adorned with the golden visage of a lionfish, the approach of these sails should hurry you to roll out the red carpet.
Figurehead Lodestar 799
Collector's Lodestar Figurehead
Heavenly bodies swirl within the purple haze of this cosmic figurehead. It’s almost impossible to look away…
Sails Lodestar 799
Collector's Lodestar Sails
A patchwork of shining moons and twinkling stars, these sparkling sails capture the beauty of the night sky.
Figurehead Lunar Festival 799
Collector's Lunar Festival Dragon Figurehead
Nothing in the Year of the Dragon is going to slow you down with this golden guardian leading the way.
Sails Lunar Festival 799
Collector's Lunar Festival Dragon Sails
Powerful and majestic, these special Lunar Festival sails herald the Year of the Dragon.
Figurehead Lunar Festival 499
Collector's Lunar Festival Ox Figurehead
Sail into the Year of the Ox with this handsomely horned figurehead leading the way.
Sails Lunar Festival 499
Collector's Lunar Festival Sails
Strong, noble and reliable, these special Lunar Festival sails herald the Year of the Ox.
Figurehead Mandrake 799
Collector's Mandrake Figurehead
This variant of the mandrake mutates in unexpected ways. Those jaws will look truly fearsome at the bow of your ship.
Sails Mandrake 799
Collector's Mandrake Sails
These sails depict the predatory power of the mandrake in full bloom, terrifying other crews even in the dead of night.
Figurehead Night Wulf 799
Collector's Night Wulf Figurehead
A figurehead fit for an apex predator - bright, ferocious and hungry for battle!
season Renown Level 80 in Season One
Sails Night Wulf 799
Collector's Night Wulf Sails
If you see these claw marks on a tree or rock, do not go into the jungle after dark...
Figurehead Paradise Garden 499
Collector's Paradise Garden Figurehead
Bring the creatures of legend to life with this marvellous multi-species figurehead!
Sails Paradise Garden 499
Collector's Paradise Garden Sails
These bright colours pay homage to the mythical Paradise Garden, where it's always party time!
Figurehead Prehistoric Plunderer 799
Collector's Prehistoric Plunderer Figurehead
The primal behemoth depicted on this figurehead is said to be the Megalodon's gargantuan ancestor. Thank your stars it's long extinct.
Sails Prehistoric Plunderer 799
Collector's Prehistoric Plunderer Sails
Frayed and tattered, these sails looks like they've barely survived an encounter with a monstrous creature from eons ago.
Figurehead Rogue Tinkerer 499
Collector's Rogue Tinkerer Figurehead
A golden, masterful mechanism that spins with a life of its own. Poetry in motion!
Sails Rogue Tinkerer 499
Collector's Rogue Tinkerer Sails
Sails befitting a crew who truly take pride in the craftmanship of all that they improve.
Figurehead Royal Revenge 799
Collector's Royal Revenge Figurehead
An infernal energy shines forth from this skeletal figurehead, sowing dread in all who spy its glow on the horizon.
Sails Royal Revenge 799
Collector's Royal Revenge Sails
These sails have been restored to their former glory and now gleam as you sail. Try to avoid being lashed to the mast.
Figurehead Royal Sea Squirrel 499
Collector's Royal Sea Squirrel Figurehead
When your tankard runs over with foaming grog, you, sir, are a king among squirrels and men.
Sails Royal Sea Squirrel 499
Collector's Royal Sea Squirrel Sails
Legend says that the story of a squirrel becoming king all took place on one very bad day.
Figurehead Ruby Splashtail 499
Collector's Ruby Splashtail Figurehead
The figurehead of a natural angler with a love of fish, fishing and even this regal Ruby nuisance.
Sails Ruby Splashtail 499
Collector's Ruby Splashtail Sails
Go the extra mile for the Splashtail, since they go the extra mile to end up on your stove.
Figurehead Sea of Sands 499
Collector's Sea of Sands Figurehead
Tell your crew that rubbing this lamp will grant their wishes - then it'll never go unpolished.
Sails Sea of Sands 499
Collector's Sea of Sands Sails
Sails glowing with the power of the fabled genie, but the only wish they grant is to look amazing.
Figurehead Shining Pegasus 499
Collector's Shining Pegasus Figurehead
Favourable winds are sure to follow any ship that sports this golden figurehead, dedicated to a mythical winged horse.
Sails Shining Pegasus 499
Collector's Shining Pegasus Sails
Passers-by are bound to take a shine to these glinting sails adorned with florious pegasus motif.
Figurehead Shrouded Ghost Hunter 799
Collector's Shrouded Ghost Hunter Figurehead
Three spears stained with Shrouded Ghost blood - truly for a crew of merciless and peerless hunters!
Sails Shrouded Ghost Hunter 799
Collector's Shrouded Ghost Hunter Sails
A starkly-coloured set of sails that will terrify any foe, let alone that elusive megalodon.
Figurehead Soulflame 799
Collector's Soulflame Figurehead
The Ferryman himself would be proud to sport this damned Figurehead on the Ferry's prow.
Sails Soulflame 799
Collector's Soulflame Sails
The mask of a Soulflame Captain glowers balefully down from these scary sails.
Figurehead Spring Blossom 799
Collector's Spring Blossom Figurehead
Legend has it that the golden blossom of this ancient arboreal figurehead turns to actual gold in the light of the full moon.
season Renown Level 80 in Season Six
Sails Spring Blossom 799
Collector's Spring Blossom Sails
Bearing the golden sigil of an eastern emperor, this royal regalia should impress even the haughtiest of helmsmen.
season Renown Level 100 in Season Six
Figurehead Sting Tide 799
Collector's Sting Tide Figurehead
Like the creature that inspired it, this figurehead's ethereal beauty hides the true danger it poses.
season Renown Level 80 in Season Nine
Sails Sting Tide 799
Collector's Sting Tide Sails
These shimmering sails often trick sailors into believing they're a mirage when they appear on the horizon.
season Renown Level 100 in Season Nine
Figurehead Stone Islehopper Outlaw 799
Collector's Stone Islehopper Outlaw Figurehead
Bursting into spectral flame as the sun sets, this morbit figurehead will have enemies fearing its deathly glow.
Sails Stone Islehopper Outlaw 799
Collector's Stone Islehopper Outlaw Sails
Crews sporting these sails with a spiked skull and barbed hook design want you to know how mean and tough they are.
Figurehead Thunderous Fury 799
Collector's Thunderous Fury Figurehead
Bring the thunder to your next naval engagement with this fulminous figurehead.
Sails Thunderous Fury 799
Collector's Thunderous Fury Sails
While it makes for a striking sail design, under no circumstances should you try to grasp a thunderbolt.
Figurehead Wrecker Wrangler 799
Collector's Wrecker Wrangler Figurehead
The most cherished creation of an unlikely fan club formed around the toothiest fish in the seas.
Sails Wrecker Wrangler 799
Collector's Wrecker Wrangler Sails
Sails that evoke only the most exciting deep sea diving sessions: those where you nearly get a leg bitten off at the knee.
Tattoo General Cosmetics 2,450
Combat Tattoo Set
Are these all the weapons you own, or all the weapons that have killed you?
Hair General Cosmetics 150
Combed Over Hair
An effective way of hiding the fact your scalp is starting to look as shiny as a cannonball.
Emote Standalone Cosmetics 149
Come Here Emote
You. Yes, you. Get over here.

Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the ninth time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the twelfth time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the sixth time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the tenth time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the second time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the eleventh time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the seventh time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the fifth time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the eighth time.


Represent the Merchant Alliance in the Commander Tier at the closure of an Emissary Ledger for the third time.


Reach Renown Level 81 of Season Three.

listing 100 / 7003 items
wiki data last imported at 2024-07-01 16:50:54 UTC (7 days ago) viewer profiles own 6393/6434 (99.36%) items (show missing) 1 item prop(osal)
Item data powered by Sea of Thieves Wiki, data licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Image data inofficially powered by Sea of Thieves Official Website, licensed under ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Gamers License)
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